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9708683 No.9708683 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like ice cream /jp/?

>> No.9708685

nah man that shit makes you fat im not really about that

>> No.9708689

I love ice cream. What happens now?

>> No.9708690

I actually do, specially the one that has fruit flavors, like pineapple. Thanks for asking, OP.

>> No.9708695

Yup. I love me some mint chocolate chip.

>> No.9708699

I love it, but my favorite type, Haagen-Dazs Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, has been hard to find in my area this year.

>> No.9708700
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You tell us what your favorite flavor is.

I'm partial to mint chocolate chip and peanut butter cup.

>> No.9708702


>> No.9708704

>so much chips

Shit, people, they barely ever have chips. You have to actually scavenge for that shit to find it, and they don't even taste that good.

>> No.9708706

/jp/ - Fat Culture

>> No.9708716
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You can eat anything as long as its done in moderation, which has to be the case for /jp/ and ice cream since its expensive.

>> No.9708713
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My favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip.

>> No.9708714
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I haven't had ice cream in months and I forgot all the names of the flavors. I liked chocolate based ones and rum raisin I guess. I'm not really an ice cream connoisseur.

>> No.9708720

My favorite is also mint chocolate chip.

>> No.9708722

Yes, I like vanilla on the girls.

>> No.9708724

Why do erotic pictures of girls eating ice cream always involve them spilling it on themselves like retards

>> No.9708723

My niggas

>> No.9708730


fuk off with ur spoilurs

>> No.9708744

coffee ice cream master race reporting in

>> No.9708737

Ice cream is semen.

>> No.9708738
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because melted vanilla ice cream is supposed to make you think of semen splattered across their bodies.

>> No.9708742

Because they can't discern situations of sexual abuse as easy as people without retardation. That is what the fetish is all about. To not be able to eat ice cream properly obviously points out that the depicted characters fit the retarded criteria.

>> No.9708750
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who LUM LAISIN here?

>> No.9708752

Ice cream is delicious, but I'm lactose intolerant. It is truly the worst sort of intolerance.

Why can't I be a cute, lactose-tolerant youkai girl? I would have ice cream and accidentally drip it over myself on a regular basis.

>> No.9708759

who SPUMONI here??

>> No.9708760

Would you let strangers fug you? Could I fug you if you turned into a lactose-tolerant cute youkai girl?

>> No.9708765

Ice Creambros, where are you from?
Vote here: http://poll.pollcode.com/jAu

>> No.9708766

Only if you provided ice cream, obviously.

>> No.9708767
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So anybody who brings you ice cream has full access to all your fugways?

That's lewd! What kind of youkai does that?

>> No.9708769


That's TOO lewd. My loving youkai onee-sama would never approve.

>> No.9708783

I wish I was a cute youkai girl.

>> No.9708786

Don't be silly. Ice cream only buys access to the anus. Have to keep that vaginal virginity to be pure.

>> No.9708793

What if I buy you two ice cream?

>> No.9708811

You get to use the anus twice. Don't be retarded!

>> No.9708815
File: 35 KB, 852x480, 1334669745817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I want to fug your anus! Please!! I'll bring two big tubs of your favorite ice cr- oh that's right you're not a cute youkai girl yet.

Please be a cute youkai girl soon.

>> No.9708817

Yessssss, Autumn is finally here. I am looking forward to pumpkin ice cream.

>> No.9708819

>>9708767 That's lewd! What kind of youkai does that?

We're two different anons. That other person must have been corrupted by all the perversion on /jp/!


S-stop that, anon! Don't you have any shame? What kind of proper lady of Gensokyo whores herself out to faceless men? They just want to sexually violate you until you ahegao over and over again and become addicted to their cocks. You shouldn't even think about such things.

>> No.9708827

But what if these faceless men turned into faceless girls?

>> No.9708843
File: 115 KB, 769x478, 1343598507294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ what the hell happened in here you are all GAY as FUCK

>> No.9708869

Shut up before we suck your dick.

>> No.9708876

Come at me homo, I would love nothing more than an opportunity to teach you first hand the good God's hatred of fags

>> No.9708878

I'll come at you so hard that you're going to need a change of clothes and a shower.

>> No.9708882
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Should not have looked, now I'm hungry.

>> No.9708891

Wow, she is offering me toothpaste. Reminds me when I used to regularly eat toothpaste during my youth.

>> No.9708890

I like breasts, a lot.

>> No.9708895

Why are they all giving me weird stuff?

>> No.9708899

Sorry if you step within 100 feet of me with a noticeable erection or your dick outside of your pants in any fashion I will cleanly and excruciatingly painfully separate it from your body before you can say “It gets better.” fucking homonaught. Obviously without touching it, that shit is gross just die already

>> No.9708902

You will not be able to defeat me with such a weak power.

Two dicks will grow back for every dick of mine that you cut off. Nobody bests the hydra!

>> No.9708908

How do you deal with your daily urge to touch breasts, anon?

>> No.9708921

You don't want to be offered those things by a Touhou?

>> No.9708923

well I have an urge to eat but im not a giant lardass, so the same way I suppose.

just.. don't

>> No.9708924
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>> No.9708926

Maybe the milk if I'm thirsty. But I wouldn't want to be given tooth paste like I'm supposed to just eat it out the tube like gogurt or something.

>> No.9708937

You're in for a convenient surprise then you worthless queerboy. Guess what? I fucking taught Hercules in grade school. That's right, that fucker's entire book of tricks is a single chapter out of my hardbound epic that I'm going to use to crush your hormonally imbalanced skull in. Do you think you're ready to take on this pillar of man? I stared Medusa in the eyes as she gave me the best head of my life. I crushed Sisyphus' boulder in my bare fucking fist. The minotaur? That was me in a bull suit you piece of shit. I will rain divine fury all over your gay pride parade and release your sins as blooding flowing into the gutters, just try me kid

>> No.9708978

>The minotaur? That was me in a bull suit

Furry scum pls go.

>> No.9708999
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You may talk the talk but can you walk the walk?

>> No.9709046

I will walk all over your well-used ass until my boots reach the ground through the pulp of your guts and bones you gender confused cocksleeve. I will tie your hands to a pulpit bind your feet to a rope leading out of the church attach it to my holy chariot and ride away until you're convinced you've been straightened out or until you split in two like your rectum when you were raped as a child. Don't waste my fucking time asspirate

>> No.9709057

Cookie dough/rocky road.
