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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.9703967

Sneaksie get off /jp/

>> No.9703968


>> No.9703969

Damn that nigga was true yolo

>> No.9703973

Natural selection at its finest.

>> No.9703975

#based #swag #YOLO

>> No.9703980

don't you mix based god in with this shit you bitch

>> No.9703989


>> No.9703995
File: 122 KB, 960x741, shittygeneration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9703993


>> No.9704000


I agree. This human definitely deserved to die thanks to a cocktail of bad circumstance with the ingredients of shit parenting, a dangerous environment, addictive anti-inhibitive liquids, and a culture which encourages dangerous activities. Or ones which border on the edge of appropriateness - a lot like your post.

On that note: edgy post, bro.

>> No.9704004


#TOLD #iceburn

>> No.9704008 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 500x500, 1343006447821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9704012

Interesting assumptions. Fascinating ideas. Solid counterargument.

>> No.9704009


>> No.9704013

No he just deserved to die because he was black.

>> No.9704016

ebin as fuggg trips, brosama

>> No.9704014
File: 78 KB, 781x779, 1343573652293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9704015

What's so bad about the thing with the "hubby"? That isn't nearly as ridiculous as some of the other things on that image.

>> No.9704017

Saying shit like this only proves your ignorance. 'Natural selection' no longer applies when well over 95% of your species survives past reproductive maturity.

As for the accident, I feel sorry for his friends, but I honestly cannot say the same about the driver. Driving recklessly when drunk has a huge risk of killing someone else in an accident due to your stupidity. Personally, I feel that drunken driving is almost on par with attempted manslaughter, and should be severely punished with at the very least a huge fine, suspension of the driver's license for several months and some minor jailtime.

>> No.9704018


>cautious Detece

>> No.9704020


I don't think this generation is particularly worse, it's just that media has allowed them to show off their terribleness better than previous generations could.

>> No.9704025

They're much much worse. America has infected the world with the virus known as "My life is so le hard".

>> No.9704026

epic captcha /b/ro

>> No.9704024

> 'Natural selection' no longer applies when well over 95% of your species survives past reproductive maturity.
[citation required]

>> No.9704031


#o.o #xD #ftw

>> No.9704035


I don't know, people have been saying every generation but their own/the current generation is unbearable since the dawn of time.

I highly doubt this time it's actually correct.

>> No.9704039

Does anyone have the "Children these days are inclined to tyranny" pasta from that Greek/Roman philosopher

>> No.9704044

>"Children these days are inclined to tyranny"
>roman philosopher


>> No.9704048

>This human definitely deserved to die thanks to a cocktail of bad circumstance with the ingredients of shit parenting, a dangerous environment, addictive anti-inhibitive liquids, and a culture which encourages dangerous activities.
I like your style man, upvoted, subscribed #NOpersonalResponsibility

>> No.9704051

His friends were just as idiotic to get in the car with a known drunk at the wheel.

>> No.9704056

they got in the fucking car didn't they? they were probably encouraging him to do it.

>> No.9704060


Rather than blaming the human, first we have to blame the parents, the environment, the alcohol, and the culture.

>> No.9704070

Why can 4chan not simply write properly without gimmicks?

"Ironic" shitposting is a gimmick, too.

>> No.9704073

Uh, start with 'On the Origin of Species' by Charles Darwin, that should refute your claim. If you're still having problems with the basis of natural selection, there's a wide array of other books written on it.

>> No.9704074

Don't you mean ``ironic" shitposting?

>> No.9704076

Because that's the kind of site this is.


>> No.9704078

You grow in and out of it, it's like a sine wave.
At any given point, 50% of /jp/ is making up for their lack of wit with "le lulz face tahts teh epic ftw bro xDDD".

I think it's a self-esteem thing, though I'm definitely projecting.

>> No.9704082


There isn't any personal responsibility. We made it up.

>> No.9704086

Isn't any black out there doing something intelligent for a change? Geez. I feel ashamed.

>> No.9704090

I'm sure there are some, just very few.

>> No.9704093

Well at least they didn't kill any innocent people.

>> No.9704095


Barack Obama is doing a good job spreading peace in brown person lands, that's one at least.

>> No.9704098
File: 23 KB, 231x347, Neil-deGrasse-Tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neil deGrasse Tyson? I guess he's attracted a Carl Sagan-like cult of personality primarily made up of Redditors and wannabe nerds, but he's still a cool dude.

>> No.9704100


They will never learn.

>> No.9704106

He killed Pluto.
He's not a cool "Person-of-Color" in my book.

>> No.9704103

*Nigger Americans

>> No.9704104

RIP, bros.

>> No.9704112

Scientists were way too hasty in identifying Pluto as a regular planet. Go back to your T-shirt slogans, kid.

>> No.9704109


He actually has very bad PR skills. He acts like an autist in interviews.

If he wasn't black, I doubt anyone would give a fuck about him.

>> No.9704115


Complaining about the planetary status of Pluto is the quickest way one can present themself as a so-called "wannabe nerd".

>> No.9704113

Thanks for the help, mate.

>> No.9704121

> If he wasn't black, I doubt anyone would give a fuck about him.

I'd say that's kind of a given, but he has made real contributions, both to astrophysics and to popular science/advocacy.

Wouldn't surprise me if he got a boost because of his skin color, though. Similarly, I hear Stephen Hawking had a few leg-ups because of his illness. But if it isn't race or disability, it's wealth or nepotism, so who gives a damn.

>> No.9704119

It's funny because these Negroes had a car, dressed better, and probably got laid while nerds on here walk everywhere, look like shit and they're all hover handing virgins.

>> No.9704124

Just as I was listening to this:

Good riddance, I say.
And does anybody else feel like they look more like 40 years old in the picture? I mean, how can you be so shit at 21? Compared to the picture I look like a baby.

>> No.9704125

At least he didn't kill anyone else because of his stupidity. Read an news article where a drunk driver killed everyone except for the mother. Luckily the son wasn't with them, while the father and two other family member died.

Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.9704126

back in my day pluto was a planet

when i was ur age we caught pokemon not stds

upvotes if u remember the 90s! :D #swag

>> No.9704129
File: 50 KB, 250x177, kids_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9704134


Humans don't choose anything - a choice is a decision based on the sum of a human's experiences, and a bad choice reflects bad experiences. If you feed shit through a sausage machine, it won't make sausages, it will make ground shit, and it won't be its fault.

And with this, an idiot is stupid because of their environment, so I won't blame you. You need to start thinking critically. Nobody needs to be blamed. Everyone needs to be helped.

>> No.9704131

This thread is pretty #RedditQuality

>> No.9704145


Not sure what you're talking about. They look pretty good. Blacks do mature earlier than white people but Blacks age better because the melanin protects their skin and covers imperfections but white people tend to look like shit after they turn 25.

>> No.9704147
File: 802 KB, 281x190, nigger_shuffle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be alone than have shitty friends like them.

>> No.9704152


>> No.9704159

The "idea" you're trying to push is effectively an extremely warped version of fatalism. Even you wouldn't buy the shit you're trying to sell.

>> No.9704156

No human being looks good after 25.

No human being looks good after 14.

>> No.9704158

And what you do with shit, is you flush it down the toilet. You don't try to make sausages out of it. Similarly, shit humans can be dumped into a sewer. Everybody wins.

>> No.9704165

Isn't there a version of this where they are all run over by a truck seconds later?

>> No.9704163

>Humans don't choose anything
>bad choice reflects bad experiences
>it won't be its fault
Free will doesn't exist? You didn't choose to reply to me? You didn't choose to be on /jp/ today? It just happened because of a collection of your experiences?

>Everyone needs to be helped

>> No.9704171

I think this is a dumb way of thinking. I personally believe in determinism, but I don't think we should use experiences or environment as an excuse. Most murderers are probably mentally ill and suffered some sort of abuse or trauma, or perhaps they were just born a certain way. They don't have control over that. But that's sure as hell not going to make me feel sympathetic towards murderers.

>> No.9704167


The entirety of the universe was decided during the first Planck time of the big bang.

No one can possibly be responsible for anything.

>> No.9704172


Yeah. I know it's weird to get used to, like realizing Santa isn't really the one who brings you the presents. That Christmas was weird for me too.

>> No.9704173

I hope so.

>> No.9704174

That's what people really thought until quantum mechanics came along.

>> No.9704178

Hey determinists, if we're really living in a "clockwork universe", then how come certain physical properties have been proven to be random?

>> No.9704182

lol serves that nigger right. I say dont make texting and driving illegal. Let the idiots do it as much as they want. That way evolution can sift though the idiots.

>> No.9704192
File: 16 KB, 263x425, 134027263552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I noticed blacks look younger than they look too. Denzel is in his late 50's but the bro looks like he's in his early 30's.

Also remember that Amber Lamp incident, everyone thought that black guy was in his early 20's but he was almost as old as that bearded white guy who was like 60.

>> No.9704195

It's illegal because they could run over people who have nothing to do with their stupidity.

>> No.9704186

Saying that murders happen randomly excuses people from blame about as much as saying they happen deterministically.

>> No.9704191


I don't think we have the right to assume we are capable enough to truly determine if a mechanism is random, or simply too complex for us to understand.

>> No.9704196

What is randomness, anyway? No determinist would believe in such a thing to begin with.

>> No.9704198

Aw man. When I found out Santa was fucking my mom, I tried to killing him but Santa said that it wasn't my fault I wanted to kill him.

It was just a sum of bad experiences. And that's why I haven't gone to jail for killing Santa. The jury let me off.

>> No.9704201


Why wouldn't you feel sympathetic toward them? Sure, they killed people. That's bad. It wasn't something they had agency over.

The murderer has killed two people or whatever. If you don't help the murderer, you've lost three people in all. If you do, you've possibly only lost two.

Why not help them? Why stay with this animalistic concept of "revenge?"

>> No.9704202 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying that, I'm saying we should still blame the people even they're just following a chain of events that moulded them to be who they are.
>an idiot is stupid because of their environment, so I won't blame you.
Choosing not to blame someone "because of their environment" is dumb, because everything results from environmental factors. That's kind of the point.

>> No.9704204


>white people tend to look like shit after they turn 25.

Women, yes.

Men? Men below 25 aren't exactly the majority in being presented as 'desirable' by the media.

>> No.9704206


>And that's why I haven't gone to jail for killing Santa. The jury let me off.

I hope this hilarious nugget of stupidity isn't supposed to be a refutation of my argument, Sir Strawman.

>> No.9704208

serves that nigger right. I say dont make texting and driving illegal. Let the idiots do it as much as they want. That way evolution can sift though the idiots.

>> No.9704217

I thought the argument was over the moment you put a blindfold over your eyes and refused to read what I typed.

>> No.9704211

>It wasn't something they had agency over.
This is a retarded argument. The person you're talking to obviously doesn't have agency over whether or not he believes in the death penalty. This entire conversation was predetermined in the stars long ago.

>If you don't help the murderer, you've lost three people in all. If you do, you've possibly only lost two.
Yes, but the third one is a murderer and worthless.

>Why not help them?
Because they don't deserve help.

>> No.9704212

lol serves that nigger right. I say dont make texting and driving illegal. Let the idiots do it as much as they want. That way evolution can sift though the idiots.

>> No.9704215

Randomness is a teenage term. An example would be 「lol im so randumb ;p」.

>> No.9704216

over 50 replies in less than an hour.

guess you know what the people want now huh, meido?

>> No.9704219


Please stop comparing my view with determinism. They are entirely different things.

I don't deny our location in the fourth dimension, for one thing.

>> No.9704220

It's probably more rigorously defined by someone smarter than me, but I'd say randomness is when the same thing with the same variables gives different results. So pretty much the opposite of determinism, in a way.

Obviously things like computers generate "random" numbers based on a seed and prime numbers and whatnot, but I think some types of particle decay at what is currently accepted as a "random" period of time. Of course, a hidden variable could be discovered and then we'll all look silly.

>> No.9704222

lol serves that nigger right. I say dont make texting and driving illegal. Let the idiots do it as much as they want. That way evolution can sift though the idiots.

tyrtec and

>> No.9704224

Hidden variables were effectively disproved by Bell's Theorem.

>> No.9704228


ur mothres inhibition toward her cock-hunger was disproved by last night

>> No.9704226

Reimu, being a shrine maiden of considerable power I would guess she possesses some intrinsic purity in regards to most things, likely that her anus is clean and lacks of hair judging from the rest of the body.

Marisa, a tough case, she's known for taking baths while reading though I can't remember this source specifically. However if one assumes Marisa has a diet that consists primarily of mushrooms then she has very good fiber intake which would make sure her poops and subsequent wipes are in the lighter side. So relatively clean I would guess. Ass hair presence however is a mystery. If one considers her rivalry with Reimu then Marisa might have a habit of shaving her body just to keep up, but verifying this is impossible.

Rumia, somewhat similar to a roaming hungry beast, she most likely eats a lot and she can't see very well due to her ever present darkness that only goes away on red moons. Most likely never wipes or not well enough due to not being able to see in the dark. Entire butt most likely covered in fecal matter.

Daiyousei and Cirno, being fairies which lack most biological needs they probably need not ever poop or sweat nor have any of the more disgusting biological functions of a regular human body. So it is very likely they have neat and tidy anuses.

Hong Meiling, stands outside of a gate most of the day so she only has the opportunity to poop and wash in the mornings or night. If she does both daily then it would be wisest to poop first and take a bath afterwards. Assuming most days it isn't very hot due to the heat mitigating nature of the Misty Lake and that Meiling sleeps most of the time, she quite possibly won't get very hot or sweaty as well. So most of the time it is likely she has a clean anus.

>> No.9704229

Obviously if you see an off-topic thread the only intelligent thing to do is to try and make it as shitty as you possibly can.

>> No.9704230

I always thought "YOLO" was a variation on a hollering sound or something.

>> No.9704232

Because killing someone isn't an ephemeral thing. It's not like things return to the status quo. The person is still dead.

I sort of agree with what you're saying though, and it's why I think people need help before something happens. It's why pursuing pedophiles instead of child molesters is bullshit.

>> No.9704234

Koakuma, a minor demon, the fecal specifics of demonic beings are not that known I would fathom. Finding information on this is also rather difficult as any attempts at investigating just brings up the shit demon from Dogma. However demons aren't very known for decent anything so there's a decent chance that Koakuma isn't very decent at the wiping thing, however her summoner, Patchouli, probably made her start doing it once she summoned her and bound her to her service. How well she does it now depends on how long she's been in service now and has been acclimated to more proper habits. So anus cleanliness is a function of how long she's been in Patchouli's service.

Patchouli, if one assumes she skips out on eating then it's also likely she doesn't poop that much either. Patchouli also has mentions of waterproofing books and reading them in the bath as well so it's known she bathes. Thinking about it, Marisa most likely gets her bath reading books from Patchouli. Skinny anemic Patchouli would most likely have a clean anus, but she probably wouldn't put any effort towards shaving it so there's a good chance of it being hairy.

Sakuya, she has all the time in the world and she uses it. Her personal hygiene is most likely perfect befitting her status as a perfect maid. She probably even shaves her anus using her own knives.

>> No.9704235

This thread went from niggers dying while driving drunk to determinism and whether humans are really in control of their actions.

Are you fucking kidding me? Take this shit back to Facebook or whatever.

>> No.9704240


Are you allergic to threads which aren't lists of Pixiv images accompanied by insipid comments?

>> No.9704241

Yeah, conversations whose topics drift is obviously a Facebook thing. They could never occur anywhere else.

>> No.9704242

Remilia, a vampire which has a diet consisting mostly of blood and cake, blood contains many elements that can't go through the urinary tract and no fiber, cake also lacks fiber. Remilia most likely has very thin waterish poops similar to diarrhea. Waterish diarrhea however is also one of the easiest poops to clean after. There's also a chance that Sakuya helps wipe Remilia however even Remilia would have too much pride for that, but considering the fact that Sakuya can freeze time, Sakuya might just wipe and shave Remilia's anus for the hell of it.

Flandre, has the same diet as Remilia so the same applies, however she spends her time entirely in the basement. Does it have a bathroom down there and does she know how to wipe? If they lock her up there and the only time Sakuya comes down is to bring food then there's a good chance Flandre is self reliant for hygienical matters. However Flandre has the advantage of being able to duplicate herself. This could possibly result in a situation where she splits into four and stands around in a circle where each Flandre wipes another Flandre's butt, even shave possibly. Anus cleanliness depends on Flandre's concerns on the matter personally.

>> No.9704243

>Amber Lamp incident
Oh man. How long has it been?

>> No.9704245

I thought it was like YOSPOS.

>> No.9704247

It is precisely because of this that we need to punish people for their mistakes. The experience of punishment will influence later decisions for the better. The primary purpose of punishment is not to 'get even' as many idiots seem to believe. Punishment is mostly a corrective action, letting someone associate certain actions with unpleasant consequences. People need to be blamed even if they couldn't help it. It's unfair, but it's for the best.

Because our science is wrong and a wild estimate at best. Only 70 years ago did a certain country eradicate millions of people due to the mistaken belief that negative personality traits can be inherited. Science said so, so it must be true. Until science later found out that was barely true. In 200 years we'll be looking down on our current knowledge of physics in the same way we now look down on Jungian psychology.

>> No.9704251

Letty Whiterock, something one would have to factor in considerably is the fact she manages to hibernate throughout seasons spring through fall and only awakens in the summer. This would mean she would have the metabolic abilities of a bear and be able to develop a fetal plug for the entirety she is sleeping. She would however have to poop this fetal plug out every winter once she wakes up. I can imagine Cirno visiting every time Letty wakes up while Letty is having her yearly super shit. might be why she finds Cirno annoying. I imagine Letty would have bodily functions and abilities similar to that of a black bear. During the period before hibernation, bears stop eating for those few days and lose activity until they eventually decide to start hibernating. Bears are pretty amazing for being able to stay in a period of doing absolutely nothing for so long without dying. Letty even more so for doing it about 3 times as long. So during a good portion of the year Letty is perfectly free of most of the biological functions the body performs normally. So during non winter seasons her anus is probably pretty clean from lack of pooping and sweating as she sleeps if she washes up well before entering hibernation. However we don't know how well she washes up during winter. I searched up bear hygiene habits, but could not find anything regarding them so I am at a loss for Letty's hygienic habits. For anus hairiness, hair growth is faster in summer and slower in winter, since Letty is entirely inactive during every season but winter, her anus hair most likely grows unchecked so it's probably quite hairy.

>> No.9704252

Of course not. I demand that all the images be either from Danbooru or 4chan reposts, and comments aren't necessary.

>> No.9704257

>it's why I think people need help before something happens.

>It's why pursuing pedophiles instead of child molesters is bullshit.

So you must agree that the current justice system is really, really counter-intuitive to personal rehabilitation?

>> No.9704259

Nazrin, a rat youkai, I ended up reading some rat dietary information pages for this. Apparently most rats are lactose intolerant and cheese gives them runny stool. They are also incapable of burping or vomiting. If one assumes Nazrin favors cheese then there's a good chance it gives her the runs a lot. This makes it so she probably has to go to the bathroom more than normal. Doing more research and rat cleaning habits and it turns out they're very habitual groomers. Apparently in groups if a rat doesn't groom itself properly, other rats will pin that rat down and do the grooming themselves. Apparently this high importance on grooming is a show of dominance and since Nazrin appears to be the leader of her rats one should assume she places high importance on the act herself. She shows herself as a responsible person as well even being more professional than her superior, Shou. Anus cleanliness is probably fairly high despite the fact she probably gets the runs more often than not due to a like for cheese.

>> No.9704260

Stop trying to defend this shitty thread.

>> No.9704261

Reminder: these kinds of people have girlfriends and reproduce, while you do not

>> No.9704269

Nobody looks down on classical mechanics the way they look down on Jungian psychology, and that shit is three centuries old. Experiment has proved that either locality or determinism has to be discarded as a theory.

>> No.9704263

> The primary purpose of punishment is not to 'get even' as many idiots seem to believe. Punishment is mostly a corrective action, letting someone associate certain actions with unpleasant consequences.

Isn't there some huge debate about this with prisons? Like whether they're supposed to be punishment for the sake of punishment (and thus a deterrent), or rehabilitation (to help people in case they do something wrong)? Because from what I can tell, prisons are primarily the former. You can't really condition someone if they're stuck in a box for the rest of their life.

>> No.9704264


Dying doesn't allow you to make later decisions, genius.

PS: there is more than one type of behavioral reinforcement.

>> No.9704266

Kogasa, an umbrella youkai, yeah, I can't really figure out the pooping habits of an umbrella so all I have to go on is Kogasa's personality and the fact her umbrella is based off eggplants. Eggplants are high in fiber content, but just because it's her umbrella color doesn't mean Kogasa eats it all the time however. Might even creep her out possibly. So we have no real idea about her diet. However if we consider the fact she's an item that goes without an owner we can possibly assume she does not receive maintenance or cleaning. Meaning her anus is relatively unkempt. She also likes surprising people and farting can be a very surprising act. However she's not very good at surprising people so she may not know this. Overall anus is probably uncleaned and unshaven. If somebody takes good care of the umbrella portion though then the human portion might change to reflect that. So if you're of the belief that Sanae has taken Kogasa as her own umbrella and takes proper care of it then there's a good chance Kogasa's anus is clean now. Battered too, if you're also of the belief Sanae is a sadist.

>> No.9704270


Thank god.

>> No.9704272


/jp/ - anime/random

>> No.9704274

But he is dead so what does that matter?

>> No.9704276

>PS: there is more than one type of behavioral reinforcement.

So what, positive reinforcement? Give people a cookie every day they don't murder someone?

>> No.9704279

I'm wasn't defending this thread. It's shit. What I was actually trying to get at is that your post is shit, and so are you.

>> No.9704281

Ichirin, pretty damn human in appearance and ability it looks like really, I also can't understand her connection to her legend that well either other than being a messenger who uses clouds. Her ability is use of Unzan so I take that as meaning she just uses Unzan for a lot of shit. Including cleaning her shit quite possibly. Since Unzan is a cloud with amorphous form that means he can get every last bit and even function as an enema quite possibly. Ichirin's anus is quite clean if she's willing to use Unzan for that purpose.

Unzan, he is a cloud, he doesn't even have an anus.

Murasa, the ghost of a drowned ship captain. As a ghost she probably gets a free pass to this pooping thing, however for this analysis we will assume she does so anyways. Murasa likes scooping water and flinging it so if she were to poop, there is a good chance of her splashing water onto her anus like a bidet. Anus is likely higher than average in cleanliness if she does poop. However she might do this anyways even without pooping so spotless anus if she doesn't poop.

>> No.9704288

Shou, a tiger youkai that worships Bishamonten, a difficult analysis, but it seems tigers groom well and poop in water when they get the chance. Her worship of Bishamonten provides no insight into her pooping habits sadly. If we were to assume Nazrin as the dominant one in their relationship, there is a good chance Nazrin would clean Shou by force if Shou slacks on such matters. Reading up Shou's backstory however it seems after Byakuren was sealed that Shou maintained a facade as a human for a very long time as a disciple of Bishamonten. That means she's used to the way of human pooping and cleaning. However taking into account her loss of her most prized and important possession she's also considered clumsy and forgetful, but that's what Nazrin is there for. So she likely keeps good care of her anus and in the event she forgets, Nazrin does so for her.

Byakuren, a Bhuddist monk, there's really not much to theorize. One would assume normal human pooping habits and cleaning with the regularity and discipline of a monk. Since she was one to keep up pretenses there's a chance she didn't even fart in public and avoided rude behavior in general.

Nue, the poop of the Nue is unknown. Her anus is as well. It could appear positively spotless to some and absolutely disgusting to others. One might not even realize Nue's poop is poop.

>> No.9704284


Epic situational cherrypicking, dude. You are truly a Komedy King.

>> No.9704287
File: 63 KB, 630x311, 1349375531021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9704297

Chen, a nekomata in shikigami service. Chen hates water, but is a cat. Cats are normally clean enough to poop where it's better for them to poop like litterboxes so she probably goes to the toilet. However, she hates water, not only as a cat, but as a shikigami as well. This means she probably showers or bathes not all that much. Wiping works well enough to get rid of the shit on your anus, but not even the most thorough of wiping will make sure to get rid of all the shit on your anus after a poop. It takes water and soap to make sure that not a trace of shit remains. Chen's anus is probably wiped regularly after poops, but still not all that clean due to the fact Chen rarely bathes or showers. Not only her anus will not be that clean, but her entire body as well. Unless Ran makes sure Chen washes up then Chen's probably very smelly.

Alice, a magician who resides in the Forest of Magic. Alice most likely holds herself up to standards based on her peers. Patchouli shouldn't be too hard to be more clean than as Patchouli is perfectly fine smelling of patchouli. However if Marisa holds herself to standards of being as clean as Reimu at least then Alice will most likely be at those standards as well to not fall behind Marisa in terms of cleanliness. It'd be pretty shameful to lose out to a human in both magic and hygiene so as long as Marisa keeps herself clean then Alice will likely keep herself clean as well. However even if Marisa were a filthy girl, Alice would probably clean well anyways to not be grouped in with that "magic hobo who lives in the forest". So Alice would probably have a clean anus. If Alice likes the smooth form of her dolls' bodies, there's also a good chance she shaves down there as well.

>> No.9704292

Calm down, it was just a silly joke. I think you made a good point.

>> No.9704293

> Waterish diarrhea however is also one of the easiest poops to clean after
I want to kill the retard who wrote this pasta. Waterish diarrhea makes you waste an entire fucking roll of TP.

>> No.9704295


Coloured people trying to be racist.

How quaint.

>> No.9704296

I've got to read more philosophy so I can flaunt around my knowledge of -isms and actively challenge others in a pseudo-intellectual manner.

No, seriously. I feel like I'm missing out on a valuable facet of 4chan culture.

>> No.9704305

The Prismrivers, poltergeist musicians. As ghosts, they get a free pass on this. And honestly, I know so little about them relevant to this subject I couldn't make an analysis even if I tried.

Youmu, half-ghost swordsman. Her human half is most definitely biological to some degree. So her pooping and cleaning habits should be somewhat normal. However, her ghost half can make things more interesting. It has been shown to be able to function as a spectral duplicate of herself. This means that Youmu's ghost half is somewhat amorphous and able to take on other shapes. It would be able to help her wipe in its duplicate form, but in amorphous forms in general it would be capable of doing anything Unzan can do. Which can include anal scraping and enemas. Thinking about it, another possibility would be swallowing it and then letting it clean your intestines as it goes through your body. I should've thought about the possibilities more when I was still on Ichirin. Thinking about it, unlike Unzan, Myon wouldn't even need to be swallowed as it's a ghost and can simply go spectral through Youmu's body. This can be incredibly helpful if Youmu's suffering some constipation and needs help pushing it out. Depending on Youmu's use of her ghost half, her anus and intestines in general can be very clean. Also if Youmu enjoys her work as a gardener there's a good chance she trims away whatever hair grows down below.

Yuyuko, a hungry ghost, eating so much that if she did poop then there would be no toilet that could possibly survive. The food she eats seems to go into the void however. As a ghost she eats needlessly. So wasteful. Good chance she doesn't poop at all. However if she does then her anus is most likely wrecked from her number 2 sessions.

>> No.9704299

Nobody has said anything so far that you need to have read any philosophy to understand.

>> No.9704300

hey, you never emailed me back!
Please do.

>> No.9704306


You're not meant to learn about things before arguing over them.

>> No.9704307

there's something I've always wondered.

Do girls have anus hair?

>> No.9704308

Simple English Wikipedia. Not even joking:

>> No.9704313

Ran, a fox youkai and a shikigami. Specifically a kitsune meaning she has 9 tails. This is the crux of the matter. This would make sitting on a toilet near impossible the normal way. Meaning she would have to sit in reverse on toilets. As a shikigami, she would also be averse to washing with water as well. Wiping would also be pretty difficult as her tails in the way. This would make cleaning up nightmarish for Ran. As well as expensive considering all the tail fur she would need to wash. Thinking about it, she would possibly be even less hygienic than Chen. Unwiped anus, tail closest to ass somewhat stained, doesn't bathe or shower. Thinking about it logically, she would be quite filthy. Especially her anus. And even if hair didn't grow on her anus, it would still most likely be covered in fallen off tail fur most of the time.

Yukari, gap youkai that controls boundaries. Taking her powers to the logical extreme, she would be able to simply gap out her shit into the void. However, assuming she likes the act of squeezing through gaps, she might shit for the hell of it just to feel her shit squezing out her anus and asscheeks. For wiping, she could manipulate the boundary of clean and not clean or the boundary between shit and her asscheeks. There's a lot of ways she could do it really. Her entire physical form is modifiable by this power if you word it to use the word boundary. Yukari's anus would be as clean and smooth as she wills it.

>> No.9704317

Your understanding would reach only to the extent of what was posted. To legitimately participate in a discussion, I believe one should... you know, be well-versed on the topic.

>> No.9704316


3D ones do.

>> No.9704318

They do and it is so delicious to rim their stinky poopy anuses.

>> No.9704323


You don't need to read books to understand philosophy, doofus.

>> No.9704319

How is this Otaku culture?

>> No.9704321

Suika, an oni with the stereotypical alcohol indulgence. Alcohol can have quite a few effects on the intestines and pooping due to being a toxin, but Suika is an oni so it should be assumed her intestines would have no problem with it. The thing to examine is Suika's manipulation of Density. By manipulating density, it would be possible to condense all her shit into one supershit. This could quite possibly allow her to not poop for even centuries or perhaps forever depending on how well she can condense her shit. It could also be a measure of her strength with the determiner being how heavy this superdense supershit gets before Suika is incapable of moving her ass normally. If Suika also keeps the supershit solid enough so that it is perfectly solid and manage to push it out with her supernatural strength, then it is possible for herself to give dry shits through use of her density manipulation and oni strength. Depending on how long Suika's density manipulation lasts, the poop might also be entirely odorless if not allowed to part itself in anyway. Suika's anus is quite possibly shitfree and not even remotely smelling of shit no matter when her last shit was. Other things to consider are Suika's mini-duplicates and mistform. Suika can disperse the entirety of herself into mist, clothes and all. She could quite possibly disperse herself into mist, leave out any shit mist particles and reform in shit free form. If she's willing to large form herself and create mini-duplicates, she could create an anal spelunker team to head into her own ass. For what purpose, I don't know, as her anus should be pretty clean from the other methods already.

>> No.9704324

I'm not racist, but blacks are ugly even when they are young. Dem snub noses and protruding mouths man. Albino blacks look like gorillas too.

>> No.9704327

It's obviously not.

>> No.9704328

Sir, if I may ask, what are you trying to reach by spamming obtrusive copypasta in a bad thread? I understand you don't like this thread, but what do you expect to obtain by lowering its quality even further? Wouldn't it be a better idea to either leave the thread alone or try to change the thread for the better? Obtrusive spamming will only turn off the people interested in serious discussion, while the people who only intend to annoy other users ('shitposters') will remain in the thread, reveling in the low quality of the thread. By further reducing its quality, you are encouraging the 'shitposters' to further make low-quality posts in this thread, and most of them will bump the thread to the front page. If the thread is absolutely irredeemable, would it not be a better choice to leave it alone and hope it quietly sinks away into the later pages of the board?

>> No.9704329

As Plato once said, you're a fucking moron. Please shut up.

>> No.9704330

Oh god, thank god I never got to see one.

I thought it was a boys' thing only. Mine is like the Amazonian rainforest.

>> No.9704332

Wriggle, searching for nightbug pooping habits and diets bring up nothing relevant, just articles on Wriggle and bats. Incapable of determining pooping habits or anus cleanliness sadly.

Mystia, a night sparrow youkai. Night sparrow does not seem to be any actual species of sparrow as far as I can tell. So I can't find information to specific, however sparrows in general bathe. Using dust and snow even when water is unavailable. A sparrow's diet mostly consists of seeds, but Mystia probably has grilled eel as a part of her diet as well. If she keeps seeds as a large enough part of her diet then she should have decent fiber intake, but since she's human sized now, she's probably a bit deficient and eats mostly grilled eel for her diet. Sparrows are social bathers as well apparently bathing in up to groups of 100, they also preen together and sing together after baths apparently. A hot spring with a 100 sparrow youkai like Mystia bathing, cleaning, and singing together would be quite the sight. Due to being a bird youkai, it has to be wondered if she possesses a cloaca or a vagina and anus. Assuming a vagina and anus, then Mystia should have a fairly kept well anus as she seems very civilized for a beast youkai. Even having her own stand for selling grilled eel. If she is capable of setting up a stand, procuring tools for grilling eel, and eel itself, then wiping shouldn't be that much harder. However if we assume cloaca, then that would mean she has no control whatsoever over when she poops as a cloaca lacks any ability to hold it in, which is one of the reasons birds poop everywhere. So she would need a diaper her crotch area would quite possibly be shitty most of the time. However at that point we can't say if her anus is clean or not since she doesn't have one.

>> No.9704335

Not to defend it outright, but you guys probably don't even know the specifics of Jungian psychology.

>> No.9704337

He wants to make it shitty enough that either people stop posting in it or people start reporting it, either or is fine with him.

But at least use a less shitty copypasta.

>> No.9704339

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.9704340

Anal hair is not a bad thing. Its even on 2D characters and it is so nice to maturbate to.

>> No.9704343

I don't, but I do know that nobody looks down on Newtonian mechanics. If Jungian psychology is still in vogue then that's even more evidence against the person I was talking to.

>> No.9704344


I don't know the inspecifics of Jungian psychology

Isn't that the one Tolkien based his world on?

>> No.9704348

See >>9704327

>> No.9704352

Keine, a school teacher and were-hakutaku. As a school teacher, and a strict one at that she would probably keep her anus in very good condition. Whether she keeps a literal stick up her butt is something her student may wonder about however. However, on full moons, Keine turns into a hakutaku and hangs out in the woods. The closest thing the hakutaku can be compared to is the cow which will be used as the basis for this analysis. Cows do not clean themselves at all. They also slightly poop into their own vaginas without a care apparently as well. If we go by common assumption that Ex-Keine is more bestial in nature, she might not bother to wipe entirely if she's in this state. She possibly wouldn't even care if some of it got on her legs or feet as well. She would probably wipe and shower once she returned to normal, but for the small time every full moon between the period she poops and the full moon ends her ass is most likely entirely unwiped and covered in shit. Anus is most likely clean for all periods besides that however. Anus is shockingly dirty during the aforementioned period however. She might not poop at all during full moons however as when you poop isn't set in stone. She might have even obtained a habit of pooping beforehand and not eating if this actually does happen to reduce the chance of herself pooping during that time. I imagine when Keine first contracted lycanthropy, she must've been absolutely ashamed when this first happened, coming back to her normal sense while having a shit covered ass and legs. However, if we consider a Keine proud of her other side, then she might not be that entirely repulsed by her own shit. How she views shit after that first time would determine her anus cleanliness of today. She could've even possibly have erased the history of it. However it most likely did happen.

>> No.9704359

Tewi, a rabbit youkai. Rabbits generally toilet train themselves to reduce attacks from predators by pooping in only one spot so they become less easy to track. However they are also willing to use their poop for territory marking as well and will do it a lot without the presence of predators. They also don't seem to be quite that skilled at holding it in either. A single rabbit will usually stick to pooping in a litter box most of the time with the occasional poop here or there, but multiple rabbits will start poop wars. Eientei very likely has rabbit shit everywhere. Rabbits clean themselves, but dislike water. They can go into shock if directly immersed into it. Rabbits also have a scent gland, where a stinky discharge accrues and needs to be cleaned away every so often. It is locate right besides the anus. Now for the poop itself. A rabbit has two types of poop, the regular waste kind and cecotropes. Cecotropes are specially made by a rabbit's organs and very nutritious. That is why rabbits eat them immediately after pooping them out. They will apparently die of malnutrition without them. They also like giving caretakers a kiss after consuming them as well. It is also not unknown for a rabbit to eat the regular waste kind as well, but it's not a common occurrence. So not only is Tewi's anus very likely to have some dry shit on it and be quite stinky, she has eaten her own poop quite a lot. Even the waste kind most likely due to how long she has lived.

>> No.9704368

Then why do people keep talking about it? This has nothing to do with the interest of the board.

>> No.9704372

Because there are posters around who occasionally find themselves interested in discussions that have nothing to do with the topic of the board.

>> No.9704378

>nothing to do with the interest of the board
But it has gained many replies and in little time.
At this point however, thanks to you, this thread is dead.

>> No.9704385

Wouldn't that just reinforce the point? Jungian psychology is still relatively popular (otherwise you wouldn't immediately know what I mean when I say 'Jungian psychology'), but it's seen as very flawed. Similarly, we understand why classic mechanics are so popular, and it's roughly correct, but we also now know that many of the things people were certain about regarding classical mechanics back in the day are wrong.

>> No.9704383
File: 18 KB, 293x397, napoleon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That lil mofo is ugly."

>> No.9704387 [SPOILER] 
File: 792 KB, 952x758, anus party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a girl with a hairy anus?

Please, oh please give me your phone number. I will lick your ass for hours.

>> No.9704390

Silly anon. If I were a girl, I wouldn't be asking that.

I know all men have hairy anuses because mine is hairy.

>> No.9704391

Classical mechanics is now considered an approximation which is accurate when you're not considering very very small things, very very big things, or very very fast things. People still consider the work solid.

>> No.9704393

I think I saw that video. A camera was shoved up her anus and you could see her delicious poop just on the inside of it.

Needless to say I cam pretty hard to that.

>> No.9704437

>less shitty
I giggled.
