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9703867 No.9703867 [Reply] [Original]

So how does /jp/ keep itself awake and have energy? I try drinking a coffee or two and I still feel tired. I also forget which day it is and don't sleep much.

>> No.9703870

i sleep 12 hours a day so i have enough energy to sit at my computer for the other 12 hours

>> No.9703884
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Very disrespectful portrayal of Sakuya.
Even if it is "cute"

Also coffee is a lewd drink.
Tea for the pure.

I sometimes lose track of time too OP, that's why I adopted a tripcode, so I can look through the archives and get a grasp on when what happened.

>> No.9703895

I just fall asleep in front of my computer when I get tired. I usually have the energy to continue shitposting once I wake up. I spend about 3/4ths of the day asleep.

>> No.9703922

I keep a regular sleep schedule, always making sure I got at least 7 hours of sleep and no more than 9 hours. Also some minor exercises.

>> No.9703929

I hate the effects of coffee. I stopped drinking it 2 years ago, and I feel much better since. It gives you that feeling in your gut and your eyes become dry/hard to move. Best way to get energy is to get a good nights rest and do some exercise like running/swimming/etc.

>> No.9703947
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I exercise rigorously.

>> No.9703961

I used to feel sleepy all the time, no matter how much sleep I got, when I slept during the day. I think that the light coming into my room while I was sleeping must have interfered with the quality of my sleep somehow. I have a dynamic sleep schedule now, but I've noticed I have more energy and focus on the days that I sleep through night time hours.

>> No.9704002

Anyone try with caffiene? For some reason it doesn't do anything to me...

>> No.9704006


>> No.9704030

energy shots and samba energy juice. good shit.

>> No.9704036

When I was still being NEET I would stay up until 8 or 9am so I could drink a coffee, get a smoke, and drive around in the overcast dawn. It was really nice. I can't do it anymore though because I have to go to college now, but I really liked that schedule.

>> No.9704045

I drank so many energy drinks in high school that caffeine does nothing for me anymore.

My blood can probably be turned into an energy drink at this point.

>> No.9704064

Caffeine friends, go a week without the energy drinks or coffee. Even if you live a happy NEET lifestyle, you have no idea how much better you will feel. You will be tired at first, then around day four or five you will feel motivated and great. Just challenge yourself.

>> No.9704470

I don't drink anything other than water, get ten hours of sleep, am generally healthy on a basic level (not overweight or anything, can complete exercises fine.) I still feel like shit and can't motivate myself to do anything. Help.

>> No.9705931
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Catchouli thread is dead so I'll post this here, next to Dog Sakuya.

300 yens for your personal Catchouli!

>> No.9705936


Drugs, specifically stimulants. You'll probably become addicted, but stimulants have the possibility to change your life for the better, if used correctly.

I'm going to sleep, so don't expect any responses from me until tomorrow.

>> No.9705944

Would you rather give Tokiko a fellation or a handjob? I'd go with the fellation.

>> No.9705981

I fast

>> No.9705991
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Adderall XR 20mg X2

>> No.9706015

D-Amphetamine salt com XR 20MG

>> No.9706016

I don't have trouble staying awake. Some days I wake up feeling a tad sleepy still, but most of the time I bounce right out of bed feeling the same as I did right before I went to sleep. I keep myself on a pretty regular sleep schedule with at least 8 hours of sleep everynight.

I do prepare some tea for myself when I wake up, however. Some days that means making a cup for myself, some days it means just pouring myself a glass from the fridge.

>> No.9706020

Dexedrine 10mg IR X2

Dexedrine does wonders for my depression, and joint pain for four hours a day.

I'm tired, so goodnight /jp/

>> No.9708512

I don't want to be awake. The only time of the day I'm not suffering from boredom and anxiety is when I'm asleep.

Last night I had a dream where I had built a small amateur radio tower on a rusty caravan trailer. I played my guitar on my private pirate radio most of the day, and also radio-chatted with other radio amateurs, trying to solve this programming puzzle with them that had mystically been delivered to us...

But no such nice aesthetic things in my waking life. Just self loathing and masturbation... I want to go to sleep and newer wake up.

>> No.9708527

So where do you get Adderall? I doubt I'd be able to get a perscription so do you just go to a college and hang around until some dude walks up to you in a trench coat and offers you the 'goods'?

>> No.9708535

I find that tea works better at keeping me awake than coffee does. Drinking atleast two cups of coffee makes me feel queasy.

>> No.9708538

I'm afraid of sleeping. My dreams are the fucking craziest shit I have ever experienced. In one dream I fucked a cat with a sharks' fin and then killed it, but then this other cat walked up to me and it looked at me like "what the fuck man?" and it was weird.

>> No.9708540

Try mixing alcohol and energy drinks. Assuming you don't have anywhere important to be other than your home.

>> No.9708539


dat crippling depression

>> No.9708586

I had a really nice dream last night. A little girl from the past was found in a block of ice and brought back to life, but nobody liked her (myself included). After a while though, I realized she was really cute, and so I started talking to her, and eventually we became friends and made some silly movies together. It was fun, having a little girl as a friend to act goofy with. The last thing I remember about the dream before waking up was playing with her hair while she was resting her head on my lap.

She gave me the impression that I could have used her body for pleasure and she wouldn't have really cared.

>> No.9708603


I went to my doctor and asked for it. Simple as that. He warned me that I might get addicted, but I didn't care at the time. He was right, but I still don't care. Drugs give me something to live for.

I live in the U.S., but I don't think Adderall is available in most countries.

>> No.9708602

That's nice.

>> No.9708606

5hr energy, full stop.

Now give me that catboy

>> No.9708612

sounds too easy. I always thought you have to have some sort of 'illness' to get a prescription for that

>> No.9708614

I'm NEET and live in the south with my parents. Being the Strong murrican Christians they are they would kick me out if I got a perscription. ;-; I'm thinking about just straight up asking students at my local university to tell me who sells Adderall.

>> No.9708633

Prescription from the doctor

>> No.9708635


If you don't want to visit a shady doctor just to get high, then study attention deficit disorder and make sure they don't diagnose you with depression.

>> No.9708670


Just go to the doctor by yourself and pick up the drugs at your local pharmacy. All you need is identification and health insurance or money. Make sure to hide the drugs from them.

Free health insurance does exist in the U.S., but you have to be disabled. If you're on /jp/, I imagine you're insane like most people here. Visit a psychiatrist or local mental ward and get diagnosed with some kind of crippling mental disorder.

I'm on SSI, so I automatically get medicaid.

>> No.9708677
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I look at cute pictures of tohos. I like the artist who drew ops picture

>> No.9708684
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>> No.9708688


Being dead serious here, the only thing you need to do to get a neurotoxic drug like amphetamines. Is to go into a psychiatrist's office, and complain about how you have an inattentive personality.

In the Us, they literally throw that shit at children at the slightest sign of them getting bad grades, or being inattentive.

>> No.9708698

I don't really have to do anything special. I just sleep 6-9 hours, eat three meals a day, drink lots of water, and if I can't think of anything to do, I'll play with a sledgehammer while listening to a video or something.

I drink lots of coffee, but not for the caffeine. I love the taste of coffee, and so I drink that when I'm bored of water. Even if I drink coffee at 3 in the morning, I'll still be tired at 4, and wake up between 10AM and 1PM.

>> No.9708715

I usually feel best if I've slept 8 hours, but my body refuses to let me do this. Either I end up sleeping way longer and feel really drowsy for the rest of the day, or I wake up way too early and get tired after a few hours and generally feel like shit.

Why does this happen? I could understand chronic oversleeping, and I'm sure there's some methods to solve waking up too early, but experiencing both is a little harsh.

>> No.9708734

I wanted amphetamines.
How do I get it, /jp/ ?

>> No.9708745


What do you want them for? To study or for euphoria? I won't judge you.

>> No.9708755

Due to not being able to get them at a doctor for certain reasons I'm trying to find someone who sells them illegally. Where do Adderall sellers hang out?

>> No.9708771


Euphoria! Euphoria!
I could study too, but that's already easy.

>> No.9708772


Middle schools, high schools, and college's.

Almost always it's just one of the thousands upon thousands of children/people that got amphetamines shoved down their throat at a young age, because they got bad grades or didn't pay attention in school, and now just sell them for extra money.

>> No.9708782

I'm afraid of asking someone where to buy Adderall and them reporting me to the police or something. How well do you think it would go if I just asked some uni student where to get Adderall?

>> No.9708789


Make it so they can't prove you asked. Ask it verbally so he doesn't have any records.
If anything, say "I asked to see if you would tell me so I could report you to police" and pretend you were in disguise all along

>> No.9708804


Dexedrine for euphoria (it's also easier on the body) and Adderall for studying. Get them from a doctor or buy them from someone who sells them for less than 5 bucks per pill. Stay away from XR if you want to get high. You can still get high from the XR version, but it won't be as good as the IR version in my opinion.

>> No.9708799
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If coffee doesn't wake you drink more coffee and if it makes you feel like shit drink booze, that is my rule of thumb for a happy life, dead serious here, you just have to find the right amount of everything for your body.

Gimme two.

>> No.9708802

Is there a way to know if someone uses or sells adderall? I don't want to waste my time asking 80 people where to get drugs.

>> No.9708808

People openly sell weed in dorms. Your average college student isn't a rule-abiding stickler.

>> No.9708810


Anyway to get the same effect by plants or something? I wouldn't like going to a doctor... Even though I can, as a last resort

>> No.9708824


Go to a college campus and look for the guy compulsively tapping his feet or grinding his teeth, wearing sweaters or some other warm clothing on a hot day, and talking really fast. He's probably on speed.

>> No.9708839


I don't know, sorry.

>> No.9708835


Just crush up the beads with two spoons and it's literally the same exact thing as IR.


No, there isn't.

the closest thing I could think of is khat, which I tried before and liked. Very popular with muslims, Isreal jews, and africans.

>> No.9708838

I'm not experienced at talking to people... Do I just walk up to him and casually ask him "Hey man where do you get Adderall?" or "Do you sell Adderall man?". Won't he think I'm an undercover cop or something?

>> No.9708841


Oh yeah, he will probably be holding a water bottle with him at all times too. That's an easy way to spot them.

You can spot a tweaker from a mile away. They all have the same mannerisms.

>> No.9708848


It would probably work. Might make him nervous if you directly ask him if he's selling, so just ask him if he knows anyone who can hook you up with some adderall. That's how it works with weed and adderall is even easier to get so it should probably work.

>> No.9708856

I tried to eat caffeine pills, no effect at all. I also never felt any effect from coffee or energy drinks.

>> No.9708857

How much does a months' worth cost at street price?

>> No.9708860

Doesn't do anything to me either. Most people on /jp/ have what you would call 'special' brains.

>> No.9708863


And what's that?

>> No.9708872

Some type of mental disorder. We're not exactly 'normal' if you know what I mean. We're better than normal muthafucka.

>> No.9708874


fuk off with ur spoilurs

>> No.9708875

It's a nice way of saying "stupid and lazy"

>> No.9708877 [DELETED] 

What's your mental disorder?

>> No.9708879


Being smarter than u

>> No.9708880
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Coffee gives me stomach aches so I drink tea most of the time.

As for staying awake, try exercising.

>> No.9708883


I don't have one

>> No.9708884

This is good question. I would like know this too please.

>> No.9708888


Around 180-240 dollars for enough to be able to take two pills each day for a month. One instant release pill is only going to last 6 hours at the most, realistically you'll most likely stop feeling it 4 hours in, so it's a good idea to have enough to take two doses a day.

Even without insurance it's a fraction of that price to buy it with a prescription. Way too overpriced to buy it from people.

>> No.9708893

I usually am tired for the first half of the day and then get more awake around midnight

Does anybody have a good guide to learning mahjong please

>> No.9708912

I guess I'll go look for a job then.

>> No.9708920

Fucking amphetamines.
I live in Mexico, they are easily obtainable but expensive as HELL, and you never know what the fuck they put in them.

>> No.9708927


Are you looking for euphoria or do you just want it to give you extra energy, lift your mood, and give you some motivation?

You can take it daily and still feel energized, cheerful, and motivated without needing to worry about tolerance building up, but if you want euphoria then tolerance will build up and you have to compensate by taking break days.

If you just want to get high then you can probably cut that price in half. A dosing schedule for getting high would probably look like this

Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday adderall times.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday break days.

So that cuts out a lot of pills that you would have needed to buy. You might even need another break day to keep tolerance at bay.

>> No.9708965
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I wish I could be in an adderall mood all the time.

When the pills are working I feel like DMX at the start of that "where the hood at" music video where he's jumping around and yelling. I feel like I could beat a bear to death with my hands and dance on his body.

When it wears off then I feel suddenly feel sad and depressed. I don't like that feeling. The mood change is so sudden.

>> No.9708971

I'm looking for extra energy, mood lift, and motivation. I do about nothing right now. I'd really like to work at Japanese more.

>> No.9708990

What about all those spooky stories about Adderall /jp/? Don't you fear them?

>> No.9709007

Fear-mongering Christian scum are the ones who push those horror stories'of 'Adderall gone wrong'.

>> No.9709017


Can you just get a prescription? It's really easy to get one.

Most dealers are just selling to people who need a quick high or the occasional study aid before an exam so these people don't mind buying adderall that's 3-4x as much as it should be since they're just buying it maybe once or twice a month.

If you can just get a prescription then the prices will be much more reasonable.

There's other drugs that you can grow too though. Not stimulants, but in my experience the insight I get from taking psychedelics (you can grow an unlimited supply of mushrooms for about 50 dollars) from time to time is a lot like therapy and has lifted my depression much more than taking stims has.

Adderall isn't really the perfect fix. It's a great drug to lift your mood and get you locked onto projects, but it doesn't help you confront any of the underlining issues which are causing the depression and fatigue in the first place. It just makes them go away for a few hours and then when you're coming down they return with a vengeance.

>> No.9709019

I eat chocolate.

>> No.9709027


I had a seizure on them before, mainly due to other health issues from other drugs, but that was what pulled the final straw and triggered it.

I never used to be afraid of speed, I could use them and have a BPM constantly around 100/110, be sweating like crazy, but I wouldn't be in the least bit scared.

Now the thought of using them freaks me out, I feel like I'd probably have an aneurysm if I used them now.


"Amphetamines are perfectly harmless,, and non-addictive, anyone saying otherwise is fear-mongering christian scum."

Who clinically retarded here?

>> No.9709026


What spooky stories have you heard?

The only spooky thing that happened to me was when I decided not to go to sleep and just kept taking adderall for a few days. Started seeing and hearing shit, but that had more to do with sleep deprivation than adderall.

There's an increased heart rate and sometimes dry mouth, but that's not really spooky.

>> No.9709028

Are mushrooms difficult to grow? I'd like to try dmt, lsd, amt, etc. But I just don't have the money. I'm considering just getting a mcjob so that I can have some money.

>> No.9709030

And sweet little-girls say the are cool!
Thank you /jp/! Tomorrow I'll buy some to make my day happy!

>> No.9709039

Addiction and well... The usual: hallucinations, diarrhea, vomit, psychotic rampages and now>>9709027
But addiction is what I fear the most.

>> No.9709042


>Are mushrooms difficult to grow?

Follow the TEK exactly for the first time, no skipping procedures, or using makeshift materials.

Alot of people think they can do it all willy nilly and end up with cakes covered in 10 different types of mold.

>> No.9709073


Nah, it's very easy. Probably the easiest and cheapest drug to grow unless you live some place where you can grow weed outside.

You can legally buy a syringe of spores off the internet for about 15 dollars. Head over to walmart or some place like that and buy some small jars, brown rice flour, vermiculite, perlite, and one or two plastic containers. Then follow this guide


Really simple stuff. Try to be careful so you don't get any contaminants and have to throw out moldy jars, but in my experience it's pretty hard to mess up. The first time I grew them I made a couple mistakes, didn't use the inoculation box, and none of them were contaminated so you don't have to do it perfectly to be able to have a successful grow.

>> No.9709110


>But addiction is what I fear the most.

Personally I've found that it's pretty hard to get addicted to them. It's easy to get addicted/dependent on small doses, but my doctor gives me too much and I don't even feel tempted to take extra.

Low doses are easy on your body. It lifts your mood but you're not euphoric, but there's very little or no comedown at all. The comedowns I've had from high doses made me feel like shit. I would feel so sick of adderall the day after that I wouldn't touch it for weeks. Heart palpitations, my fingers and toes would go numb, sweating, chills so bad I had to dress like an eskimo, and that was when I was high. The comedowns had terrible depression, incapable of enjoying anything, and insomnia.

I don't really know how people can get addicted to stimulant highs. The euphoria is nice, but I felt like I had a fever the entire time. I prefer low doses so I don't have to deal with any of that unpleasantness.

>> No.9709122

I started a biphasic sleep schedule, I sleep for a total of 4.5 hours every 24 hours. I feel better than when I got 8 hours of sleep every day to be honest, not sure how that works. I sleep from 6PPM to 7:30PM and from 5AM to 8AM, I actually highly suggest this. The first 20 minutes or so of being awake is pretty awful but then I wake right up and don't feel tired in the slightest.

>> No.9709126


Does it decrease your lifespan? Is it harmful to your health?

I've heard about it before, just never looked into it or tried it.

>> No.9709130

I don't know about decreasing lifespan, there are other cultures in the world where they have a nap in the evening and they seem ok. I don't get as much sleep as I believe they do though. Harmful to my health? I feel alright, if you're sick you should always rest and go back to a monophasic sleep schedule.

>> No.9709132

Well, I'll do some research on doses and take a high one to respect that thing.
Thank you anon.

>> No.9709157
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The worst part about adderall is that it makes me want to improve my life whenever I take it and I feel motivated to exercise, but you can't really exercise on adderall since it's already stressing your heart and constricting bloodflow.

I tried to ride a stationary bike on adderall once and when I got off 30 minutes later my heart was pounding and my penis had gone numb. I poked it and I couldn't feel a thing. I could feel the blood flow back in a few seconds later and it fixed itself, but it was creepy.
