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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9703623 No.9703623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever wish that you were Japanese, /jp/?

Please don't lie to me. Just tell me the truth. I won't judge you if the answer is yes.

>> No.9703629

I wish I was a native american

>> No.9703632 [DELETED] 

No, would be scarry

>> No.9703633
File: 37 KB, 253x130, 1321120799141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I'm not saying "2D" as in "hurr 3DPD!," BUT there's a huge difference between characters depicted in drawn media as opposed to real human beings.

>> No.9703645

If you mean genetically, the answer is no. If you mean a citizen, I plan to move to Japan eventually. I am Canadian with strong French ancestry so my genes are fine by my standard.

>> No.9703636


>> No.9703640

I don't think I ever have wished that.
Nordic, yes, but not Japanese or any Asiatic.

>> No.9703652


>> No.9703655

No. I could never live with the pressure.

>> No.9703662

No I just wish I was a pretty girl.

>> No.9703669

Like I've said. I've always wanted to be Brazilian.

>> No.9703674

I wish I was an anime girl, but 'fuck no' to Japanese. Japanese people have it so much harder than people where I live.

>> No.9703679

i want to be a pretty japanese girl

>> No.9703684

I'm already half. I think half is enough.

>> No.9703688

That makes you worse than a Gaijin.

>> No.9703689
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pick one FAgg0T who im quote

>> No.9703690
File: 154 KB, 500x281, meehhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but only if i can still be half jewish. but i'd probably be one fugly child if so.

>> No.9703691


I sometimes fantasize I learned Japanese as a kid and went to Japan in high school as a transfer student, though.

The closest I came to wishing I was Japanese was that the setting of one of my elaborate daydreaming fantasies was that I died and woke up in a body of a braindead Japanese little girl, and went on to live her life pretending I have lost my memory.

Does it count?

>> No.9703693

Please do not misuse the meem arrow function.

>> No.9703696

No. I learned english just so I could read what's happening in videogames, having become fluent at age seven. I am also now learning japanese for pretty much the same purposes. If I was born japanese, I would've had direct access to the source of my entertainment and, instead of being a loser who looks incredibly smart for knowing five languages, I'd just be a loser.

>> No.9703699

I don't know at all. I think I would like to be a descendant from japanese people and be born on somewhere else. That way I would be able to become a weeaboo and still go to Japan without people being racist at me.

>> No.9703709

yeah that would be cool

>> No.9703719

In Japan it's common for employees to have heart attacks and die, even at young ages, from the stress that they go through at work.

They literally work themselves to death

>> No.9703716

He's not though

>> No.9703724

Who said anything about working?

>> No.9703734

thats why id be a true hikikomori instead a fake one

>> No.9703738

If it were anything like my Japanese animes, then yeah.

>> No.9703745

Why would I have a shitty office job?

>> No.9703757

since the economy is bad there youd probably just be bouncing through incredibly shitty temp jobs, much like in the us now

>> No.9703775
File: 336 KB, 845x1200, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i was a cute half japanese tsundere little ojousama with blonde drill hair
picture somewhat related

>> No.9703811

no im not a fukken weeaboo f*aget like u

>> No.9703821

im a huge weeaboo faggot (literally) and i dont give a fuck

>> No.9704400


In reality, being Japanese would be a boring, miserable existence. I'd rather be a big, strrong, big-dicked American any day

>> No.9704449

Yes. Anything beats being a slav in America. And I would love knowing Japanese without having to have had (too many 'haves', what) to spend years of effort teaching myself to a half-assed level. In addition, all the access to every event and hard copy of every doujin product ever released (if I still were to live there) would be wonderful.

>> No.9704463


>> No.9704471

it would be too scary

and i don't think it would be that great

but i'd like to life in tokyo for maybe 1-2 weeks... maybe... if i would actually go outside

>> No.9704476

No being black isn't that bad actually.

>> No.9704494

Being _____ isn't that bad.

Anyone with even a shred of self-esteem will think like that. Whatever their race. Heck, I don't want to switch position with any "successful" person in this fucking world.

>> No.9704736

>Do you ever wish that you were Japanese, /jp/?

Fuck no, I love being white and speaking my mind when the mood strikes.

>> No.9704743

kill yourself

>> No.9704747

>talking to people
You don't belong here.

>> No.9704760

Maybe he just yells at the television.

>> No.9704771

only if i'm filthy rich

>> No.9704783

The best part is that I'm not even half white so I just look like a person of questionable ethnicity.

>> No.9704791


Let me clarify if I may.
For a very long time I never consciously aware of it, but over the last couple of years I've grown more and more annoyed by repressed emotions in otaku entertainment, especially when love in concerned.
Far too often I see character having an internal dialog for things they should be articulating vocally in an equally eloquent manner. It's really a breath of fresh air when a character is able to man the fuck up and say what needs to be said rather than saying something generic like ".... oh nevermind." and then finishing the conversation to him or herself.

Fuck that....... SAY IT, you spineless assholes. It gives me a possibly false impression that Japanese are just like that.

>> No.9704824

No, I'm happy with staying as I am.

>> No.9704836

Same here

>> No.9704833
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>half japanese

mah nigga

>> No.9704844

If you're half korean please kill yourself.

>> No.9704850
File: 62 KB, 487x640, back when america was good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off gooklovers

>> No.9704857

I'm kinda glad that her father is Japanese.

>> No.9704871

Even worse, it's mexican.

>> No.9704877
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>> No.9704882

Please tell me your mother is Mexican.

>> No.9704891
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>> No.9704894


>> No.9704901

Ha, nope!

>> No.9704904

No I'm Jewish aka a member of the chosen people. I would never want to be a slanty-eyed shitskin.

>> No.9704909
File: 492 KB, 2157x1213, 1331181392788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks man i like my cock the size it is

>> No.9704913

Well, I live in a complete shithole on the right asscheek of Europe called Bulgaria, so yeah, I've wished I was born elsewhere numerous times.
Japan always seemed so nice and clean to me.

>> No.9704930

Yema? Is that you?

>> No.9704929


My other half is puerto rican. Please
Insult me.

>> No.9704942
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, white_pride_world_wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I wake up every single day and thank Jesus Christ that I was born with white skin and a white soul

>> No.9704957


Sorry, but no.

>> No.9704959
File: 448 KB, 752x548, 1344001267731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9704967

whats going on in this picture

>> No.9704968

White is a very broad term. What ancestry?

>> No.9704978


>> No.9705003

Not so much as become one but I want to know about their culture and all of their injokes and their language and everything that is japanese. I want to brows the original(and supirior) japanese image boards and text board and get all of their jokes and overal become one of them but still be the person who I am.

I want to watch their shows and understand them. I want to make a japanese person laugh by telling them jokes that I would be confident in telling because I know what would make them laugh. I want a japanese friend that would love me and understand me.

I wish to hug a japanese and smell them. I want to know what they smell like. I just want to know everything a typical japanese knows so I can become closer to them.

>> No.9705030

Half white half japanese
Agnostic atheist
American citizen
Somewhat proud

>> No.9705045
File: 423 KB, 600x820, mitsudomoe_miyashita_e9eb22e029a66fc7411f31dc5ef187fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is just a place and as much as Japan looks like an appealing place from all their anime, it isn't that good of a place to live in.
I wouldn't want to be born there but I wouldn't mind visiting it for a few months or living in it for a year or two.

>> No.9705047 [DELETED] 

You're proud to be a mongrel? Your Japanese ancestors would be ashamed of you and angry at your parents for destroying their glorious bloodline.

>> No.9705066

No my japanese grandparents approved of my japanese mom marrying a white man, I shit you not. They were uncomfortable at first but they grew to like him

>> No.9705090

Maybe I haven't wished do be Japanese specifically, but I do often wonder how my life could have turned out differently if I had been born in different circumstances.

>> No.9705106 [DELETED] 


>Half white half japanese

Holy shit, that's disgusting.

>> No.9705108

Does anyone understand how I feel?

>> No.9705127

I can't say that I do. I enjoy their various media but I don't really care about them that much.

>> No.9705125

i understand how ur a f***ing weeb

>> No.9705151


That's weird. I live in a hick town and everyone here accepts half-blacks and half-hispanics but half-asians are always treated like foreigners.

>> No.9705174


That's because Latins are Western and black pop culture is pretty much same as white pop culture.

Asians are from another planet.

>> No.9705177
File: 36 KB, 278x278, cirnoreplies2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-please stop bullying me /jp/...

>> No.9705192


In the South, most fathers wouldn't give a shit if their daughter brought home a Black guy but they'd flip their shit if she brought home an East Asian.

>> No.9705201

No, I love my big dick and manly features.

>> No.9705208

Really? I would think it is the opposite. I thought the south hated blacks even more.

>> No.9705254

It is worth noting that blacks are mostly concentrated in the south

>> No.9705291

Well there's a lot of blacks in the US south traditionally. I imagine that apart from some, most have learned to live with eachother.

>> No.9705314

The problem is if i was Japanese I'd be wishing I were something else.

>> No.9705324

Just cut to the chase and say American instead of "something else"

>> No.9705325

The grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.9705356

What about a half asian?

>> No.9705392

Yes, only because being born in Japan is a much better alternative to this shithole.

>> No.9705398


Asian genes are genetically dominant so you're considered a ching chong if you have more than 1/32 Asian ancestry.

>> No.9705419

>Asian genes are genetically dominant
Oh shit

All this time I thought white genes were the master gene that took priority over any other

>> No.9705420

Not really. People who want to be reborn Japanese are usually just weaboos who treat Japan as "uguu animeland ^^" when it's as much as social shithole as other western(ized) countries are.
Or they live in 3rd world countries and pretty much anything is an improvement over their current area.

Also agree with >>9703696
Get off your lazy asses you fat hikkis

>> No.9705458

White genes are the least dominant

>> No.9705459

No. I just flew in from Tokyo about 2 days ago and there wasn't a single time where I wished I was Japanese. I got to photograph quite aggressively (/p/hag here) without getting THAT much shit from the locals. Though I might be Asian, I just gotta whip out the Eigo and suddenly most people stop bothering you in confrontations.

>> No.9705467

Why is this? What beef do southern fathers have with Asians?

>> No.9705472

Kind of. It would be a good excuse to enjoy otaku culture and out of all other Asian nationalities, Japanese is probably the best.

>> No.9705477

Bitter WWII veteran fathers probably.

>> No.9705483

Yes to some parts. I definitely want to know as much about their culture as I can, and possibly move and live there and attempt to integrate as much as is possible. I also really like the Japanese speaking internet and its culture. I don't automatically assume it's superior or that Japan is the best place on Earth to live, but I have this odd fascination, so why not.

I don't really care about my genetics or looks other than the fact that being a gaijin makes living in Japan much harder, and although it makes for nice fantasy, I don't particularly long to have been born there and suffer through their school system and probably work life as well.

I think there are lots of people like you on /jp/, it's just not very cool to talk about it for fear of looking like the worst of the weeaboos.

>> No.9705484

Wouldn't they be grandfathers at this point?

>> No.9705495
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Agnostic atheist
>mfw lesser people on my /jp/

>> No.9705503


Tokyo is shit, though, as is Osaka. Living somewhere like Kyoto would be cool. I'm a workaholic for the most part, so the Japanese work culture wouldn't bother me one bit.

One thing that gets me, though, is how fucking physically frail some of the guys over there are. I bumped a guy by accident when I was on the Yamanote during rush hour, and his entire body just felt like it crumpled. Bros over there need to fuckin' exercise and eat some god damn protein. Definitely don't wanna be like that. But that's Tokyo, where almost everyone is unhealthy and falling apart.

>> No.9705508

Sorry but all you finns just shit post which does not make you any better than a nigger or a BR.

>> No.9705515

>>9705030 here and I like Finns

>> No.9705516

>Agnostic atheist
lel okay maybe something neat will happen after you die

>> No.9705519

Enjoy your anteater dick

>> No.9705532

I love the fuck out of Tokyo for it's photography scene. Always stuff to shoot on the streets and the photographers I've met are amazing. I used to be a part of the herpderp ANIME IS BEST AND SO IS GRORIOUS NIPPON, but that's all worn off on me now. The otaku over there are greasy as fuck and as you have described, the people seem to spill spaghetti every time. I regularly ride the Yamonote line from Shinagawa station and I entirely understand what you're talking about.

>> No.9705536

>otaku over there are greasy as fuck and as you have described, the people seem to spill spaghetti every time
Can we get some stories?

>> No.9705540

Are you perhaps completely blind?

White + any other ethnicity couple's kids don't look at all white.

>> No.9705541

I am black and I wouldn't really want to be any other race.

>> No.9705544 [DELETED] 


Genetically speaking, I'm 100% Japanese.

But for some dumb reason my great grandparents were deceived by the Portuguese to come to Brazil.

Now, I'm considered to be a Jap by Brazilians and culturally a Baka Gaijin by Japs.


>> No.9705545

I'd probably kill myself had I been born black or at least spend my days wallowing in self-hate

>> No.9705549


>>9705030 here and it really just depends. Keep in mind everyone I'm mentioning here is 1/2 white 1/2 japanese. One of my cousins looks full japanese, I look half japanese, and my brother hardly looks japanese at all

>> No.9705552

When I was born I actually had very, very pale white skin. It wasn't until I was about seven or eight years old that I became darker.

>> No.9705553

>The otaku over there are greasy as fuck
That's what you call OG, nigga.

>> No.9705558

Went to go meet up with some friends at Akihabara a week ago, coincidentally there was an AKB48 event going on that day. You know those manga that show otaku as a bunch of sweaty/smelly fatasses who tuck in their shirts with socially awkward designs on them? They really do exist, surprisingly.

I also watched a nervous salary man repeatedly bow, apologize and try to piece together a woman's shoe after accidentally stepping on it. He ended up messing it up the shoe even worse somehow and it lead to more bowing and apologizing. It was one of the most embarassing things I've seen in a while.

>> No.9705566


You're right to be proud of yourself but nobody wants to be black, man.
Look at all their hardship...

Maybe your god laughed at you saying "eehhh~~ EasyModo?" when you were choosing White before you were born.

>> No.9705582

hey wapanases, are you Japanese enough to tell me a few keywords to search for borderline porn with teenager girls in nicovideo? I already know "u15" but I would appreciate some tag that would led me to more rubbing and interaction.

>> No.9705611

try "ガチホモ"

>> No.9705643

ha-ha, you are so funny.
Rejoice with your stupid joke.

>> No.9705646


>> No.9705674

N-no sankyuu. I'm already a Finn so why the HELL would I want that?

>> No.9705692

Yeah, with a big (by their standards) dick though, so I could fuck JAV sluts.

>> No.9705737


Half brazilian half japanese here.

>> No.9705745


Deceived by the portuguese? More like deceived by the brazilian government at the time.

>> No.9705781

>deceived by the Portuguese
>to come to Brazil.


>> No.9705873

I'm half french half arab.
Please kill me.

>> No.9705885

I'm half Russian half Moroccan I don't even give a fuck.

>> No.9706014

Well, I generally wish that I was in a secular country that ignores the opinions of feminists and soccer mom types and has a decent economy.

Then again Japan signed in support of ACTA so I guess I don't wanna be Japanese.

>> No.9706031

There's more acceptance of NEETism from parents, there, right?

>> No.9706032
File: 21 KB, 277x262, Onoda-young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many disgusting mixed mongrels in this thread. All those millions that died protecting their people and homeland, all those lives have been made void because your parents were weak minded liberal fools who couldn't control their sexual urges.
What a shame.

>> No.9706047

Depends, can I still live by


>> No.9706051


What's up Sean?

>> No.9706064

Not even close.

>> No.9706074


Not Religious.

>> No.9706088

I'm perfectly happy being a caucasian Australian of Scottish/German decent, wouldn't trade my birthplace for the world, would never have met the people I know now.
Sure, there are lot's of things I like that I cannot understand, only knowing English, but I can and am starting to learn.

>> No.9706089

ha, no. They just don't have the balls to throw you out.

>> No.9706119

I'm half Fipino and Sri lankan. It doesn't get worse than this. Nevertheless, I wouldn't want to be japanese nor live in glorious nippon.
