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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9697894 No.9697894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you let Cirno step on you?

>> No.9697900

Yes. Yes I would.

>> No.9697929

Why are AMERICAN soldiers walking through the streets of a Japanese city with loaded assault rifles?


>> No.9697934

Because Japan is an occupied state.
Deal with it.

>> No.9697936

Of course I would, what a stupid question.

>> No.9697948
File: 172 KB, 1171x742, 1344818341088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we beat your jap ass in the war so we have every right to use your country as our toilet

>> No.9697949

That Cirno can do everything to me

>> No.9697951
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We are equals in all ways.

>> No.9697958
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>> No.9697961

Yeah, equals in nuclear fire. Also Vietnam beat your ass with million martyrs. While you assholes bombarded it and chewed bubblegum.

>> No.9697965

As long as she was 2D.

>> No.9697966

our only asians allies are the koreans

>> No.9697969

South Korea is an ally to the U.S.
Japan is our bitch.

There is a difference here. Allies has armies and are actual independent countries. Bitches have no armies, require our protection, and do whatever we want whenever we want.

For example, it is legal in Okinawa for any American soldier to select any Japanese woman off the street and just fuck her. Doesn't matter if she consents or not, this is the rewards of the conqueror.

>> No.9697970

But they hate the American military more than Japan....

>> No.9697972

no all koreans are evil commies
just like all other asian countires

>> No.9697978


>> No.9697981

And this is how you repay all the effort Europe gave for you. Like a spoiled son. Subtle rape of women in a conquered country. Just wonderful. No wonder why everyone hates you.

>> No.9697985

the losers always hate the top dog

>> No.9697988

> it is legal in Okinawa for any American soldier to select any Japanese woman off the street and just fuck her. Doesn't matter if she consents or not
It's not legal.

>> No.9697990
File: 44 KB, 359x450, american-eagle-and-flag-ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> all the effort Europe gave for you.

Europe didn't do fuckshit for us.

Hitler was your problem, he wasn't a threat to us at all. We gave you some soldiers out of pity, but the focus was always in the pacific theater.

The pacific was our war and we took care of those Japs without any help from you fuckers.

>> No.9697992

Or just the son we gave everything for and he becomes a total dick and bane of this world.

>> No.9697993
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>> No.9697994

Can I smell her feet?

>> No.9697995

Just because USSR killed most of the nazis for you, allowing you to steal the honour when it was most profitable? No new news...

>> No.9697998


Trolled hard

>> No.9698000

Every major war that America has fought in has only been as a gesture of friendship to Europeans. WW1 was your problem. WW2 was your problem.

America was built because of Europeans who were so sick of your shitty countries that they came running over to a country where they could have actual freedom. Irish immigrants, German immigrants, English immigrants, French immigrants, etc, etc.

>> No.9698001

I still don't get why the fuck the retards from /pol/ come here

Get the fuck out and die in a hole

>> No.9698002
File: 309 KB, 1600x1200, 1277896150231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you cosplay as a US soldier?

>> No.9698003

>implying I go to that shithole
>implying I'm not from /new/

>> No.9698005


Who gives a shit about the nazis? We decimated Japan with nukes.

The nazis were no threat to us whatsoever. Hitler never would have crossed the Atlantic. We only cared about taking down the Japs. Helping pull your asses out of the fire in western europe was just an afterthought.

>> No.9698008


Who are you quoting?

Ge the fuck out

>> No.9698011

oldfag here, fought in WW2 and I can say that without a doubt all the Europeans were pussy ass bitches

>> No.9698013

Yeah, I guess all those American trade ships that the German subs "accidentally" sunk were no big deal.

>> No.9698015

Do you even lift?

>> No.9698018

Why are they carrying glowsticks? Are they at war with the raid scene?

>> No.9698020

Do you even lift

>> No.9698025

It's funny because the Amerifag in here thinks that America won the war in Europe.

Thanks for confirming all those perceptions about Americans not knowing SHIT about history.

You were only there because Churchill was TERRIFIED of Stalin's Red Army pushing all the way to the English channel.

>> No.9698023

I lifted your mother right onto my dick.

>> No.9698027
File: 613 KB, 2048x1536, 1346817109806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really ugly and fat, can't get gf at all
>go to Japan
>bitches wanna fuck 24/7 cant get enough of my american penis literally throw themselves at me

I sure love being an American god

>> No.9698026


>American trade ships

How is this a big deal?

By the time we got over there England was being bombed to pieces. You were all completely fucked.

The Russians would have finished Hitler with or without our help, but you would have been slaughtered by the time they were done with him if it hadn't been for us coming in and saving you.

>> No.9698028

>murrica is still butt sore over pearl harbor
It's like that time I used my dildo without lube.

>> No.9698043

My great grandfather died fighting in European land because you assmasters were so terrible at fighting that Hitler had pushed you against the wall.

He wouldn't have had to died in the country his grand parents were desperate to leave if you weren't so fucking pathetic.

>> No.9698049

>Hitler was your problem, he wasn't a threat to us at all.
Neither was Japan.

>> No.9698048


>> No.9698053


Tell that to the 6 million that died in pearl harbor

>> No.9698051

My grandpa died in WWII too. He fell off a guard tower. RIP in peace, Gramps. ;___;

>> No.9698054

Because trade is largely the only way the country was able to sustain itself? And there aren't many other places for the US to trade with besides Europe? Which we needed to send ships to?

US citizens didn't want to get involved in what they perceived as "Europe's war", after WWI. However, the economy was in the shitter, and losing trade to the only people we were able to trade with wasn't helping. Citizens don't care about trade ships, but Pearl Harbor was a great motivator, as shown by the fact that the US was the only country to emerge from the war richer than it was going in. The US wanted to get involved in WWII, but its citizens didn't.

>> No.9698059

The US pretty much forced Japan to kamikaze Pearl Harbor when they got pissy about the China affair and stopped selling them oil.

Why come you idiot cunt americans are allowed to start wars over oil but Japan isn't? Fuck you all.

>> No.9698057

My grandfather served in Japan and got off because he was so malnourished he couldn't walk. Then he got bone cancer from working in a US factory.

>> No.9698061


But since you got some sweet modern culture it's all right...

>> No.9698064

Pick one.

>> No.9698069

those guys aren't actual soldiers
the other soldiers would have kicked their ass just for seeing the right sleeve flag patch backwards. they make reversed flag patches solely for this reason and it's kind of drilled into your brain that the flag goes forward

>> No.9698071


The internet
Pretty much all modern entertainment from video games to movies

Just because you guys have a bunch of old castles doesn't mean that anybody gives a shit about it.

The only part of Japanese culture that I care about is their visual novels and games. The samurai can go fuck themselves.

>> No.9698072

None of you people contributed to, took part in or even observed from afar WW2, so just shut the fuck up. Any sense of superiority derived from wars fought seventy years ago is utterly ridiculous and pointless, and it just makes you look pathetic for having to drag that shit up to give you a sense of self worth.

>> No.9698075
File: 41 KB, 526x350, 1237343362342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Europe!

Posted from my Computer onto ARPANET's successor in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

>> No.9698076

Japan's culture is basically a copy of America's.

>> No.9698081

BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH America is not western!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys know nothing beyond your island.

>> No.9698087

Ahem, internet was invention by UK.

>> No.9698091

Dear God, yes.

>> No.9698088


'Murica wasn't ruthless enough in Vietnam, if they had gone all the way they could've won quite easily. The public backlash would've been horrendous though, it was bad enough already.

>> No.9698096


Western culture = America

You just copied us. Rampant consumerism is the defining feature of western culture and originated in America.

>> No.9698097

Fuck you and Berners-Lee, the internet is not the World Wide Web.

>> No.9698113

Yeah, tell you what. It was seek and destroy mission. You lost it. In profit. I guess you could have thrown more in. But that would have left you more vulnerable for other things... At the time. So to say, you couldn't throw everything in that. Which is wise. Therefore you couldn't do it. And all that killing, what sense of humanity would you be left with?

>> No.9698120

Even so. what are you but sock puppets?

>> No.9698117


Stop it. Don't act like you had anything to do with the creation of consumerism. You're just an insignificant, minuscule part of a massive collective that did it many years ago.

And that applies to everyone in this thread. For fucks sake, have you nothing to show for yourselves? Do you really have to leech off of the accomplishments of others based on nothing else than the fact that you have the same nationality?

>> No.9698127


>Don't act like you had anything to do with the creation of consumerism.

My veins are filled with the blood of the PROUD AMERICAN HEROES which created modern consumerism.

>> No.9698133
File: 75 KB, 613x461, 1321603299431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one in this thread has ever served in active combat.

>> No.9698138
File: 166 KB, 1594x1196, Bald_Eagle_Head_and_American_Flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then conquer we must when our cause it is just

And this be our motto:


>> No.9698148

Cute picture, but this thread is bonkers.
Those aren't soldiers, Cirno is wearing the wrong shoes, and the censoring is ridiculous.

>> No.9698153

Serving is for faggots.

>> No.9698156

Your a faggot.

>> No.9698167

>And that applies to everyone in this thread. For fucks sake, have you nothing to show for yourselves?
Some dude once said that the state of a state can be best determined by inspecting its inhabitants.

>> No.9698174

So what? I'm sick and tired of the entitlement of vets. The get the best equipment money can buy. They get top quality training in a variety of skills that has many applications outside of the military. They get TWO fucking holidays in their honor. They get free education. They get generous benefits. They get a free first class ticket whenever a seat is available on a plane. They get the adoration and respect of the entire country. They have impressive networking that's developed from meeting people all around the world. They get to travel all around the world.

Cry me a fucking river for the poor soldiers and their cornucopia of benefits and lifelong stories.

>> No.9698176


>It was seek and destroy mission

Indeed, if the mission was to recolonize Vietnam by any means necessary it would've been much easier. It would not be humane, it would be absolutely ruthless. But it would be efficient, and would've saved a lot of american lives. Simply apply a 'my way or the highway policy' (quite literary). e.g. for every dead american, kill ten vietnamese that do not directly or indirectly collaborate with you. Ruthless conquest has worked in the past, 'peaceful' conquest like the 'murican way simply doesn't work, look at afghanistan and iraq, absolutely disastrous.

>> No.9698183

Memorial Day is for the ones that died, Veteran's Day is for the ones that didn't.

>> No.9698200


>> No.9698196

I don't care if you've served or not, but I'm sure as hell going to give someone who has shrapnel in his chest more credit when he talks about "how great" his country is than I am people that talk about the best ways to avoid the draft when WWIII hits. At least they have a reason for being so brainwashed.

>> No.9698230

Partisanship would continue even with a 'ruthless conquest'. Nationalism and easy access to weaponizable products mean even the most brutal occupation (see Japan occupying China) would still face stiff resistance.

>> No.9698251

The military is russian roulette. Most soldiers, believe it or not, don't have shrapnel in their chest. Most sit around base all day. War is 99% waiting around and 1% fighting.

>> No.9698255

Nowhere else in the west are soldiers glorified as much. The appreciation also materializes. You're free to make your own deductions of it.

>> No.9698268

I meant if you're going to showboat your country, you'd better be able back your talk up with action. No one in this thread would even consider serving their country. I wouldn't.

>> No.9698296

You can thank Bush for that. His policies of making all journalism go through the military and making journalists live with soldiers out in the field caused the media and the news about the military to be very positive and easily swayed the loyalties of journalists. Sure news people can attempt to make news about the military without going through the embedded journalists thing but they won't get nearly the rich info that embedded ones get.

It's one of W's achievements that most probably won't realize.
