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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9687185 No.9687185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you could send a letter to yourself aged 15, what would you write in it? (no stock and lotto numbers

Letter - Greetings to a 15 Year Old

>Dear you,
>Who’s reading this letter
>Where are you and what are you doing now?

>For me who’s 15 years old
>There are seeds of worries I can’t tell anyone

>If it’s a letter addressed to my future self,
>Surely I can confide truly to myself

>Now, it seems that I’m about to be defeated and cry
>For someone who’s seemingly about to disappear
>Whose words should I believe in?
>This one-and-only heart has been broken so many times
>In the midst of this pain, I live the present

>Dear you,
>Thank you
>I have something to tell the 15-year-old you

>If you continue asking what and where you should be going
>You’ll be able to see the answer

>The rough seas of youth may be tough
>But row your boat of dreams on
>Towards the shores of tomorrow

>> No.9687194

-End of message.

>> No.9687190

this new youtube embed feature is pretty neat

>> No.9687197

I would write "get on /jp/"

>> No.9687200

Find and destroy the IBN5100

>> No.9687205

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.9687210
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Dear me,


Truly yours,


>> No.9687209

Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.9687216
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I was already playing Visual Novels and eroges by then, so all is already lost. I was even on 4chan.

I'd tell myself that in one year, /jp/ will be created and your social life will disappear. It's too late to stop it.

>> No.9687219

i 14 :D

>> No.9687224

"Forget about normative shit, stop bending to every direction and start programming seriously already. You'll thank me later."

>> No.9687226

Don't play World of Warcraft.

>> No.9687240

That means the oldest you could be is around 21, or 22.

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.9687252

Lmao nice glasses, nerd.

>> No.9687253

Dear me,
You could have gotten laid before you were 19.

Me from the future.

>> No.9687257

how is the future

>> No.9687259

Dear me of 15 years,
I know this is a very awful period of your life,
If it can be of any consolation, I can tell you that this is the worst you'll ever feel, at least until the point I am in now.
I won't tell you to cheer up, because... well that's pretty stupid.

I know about all the many things that are worrying you, and maybe you're wondering if I can tell you whether your worries about the future are justified or not.
Well... for the most part... they are... but once you're inside it it's not as bad as you may think...
At the very least don't worry about your studies, you'll finish high school without having to repeat a year or anything, you'll just hate every single day of it... and you'll keep dreaming about your high school days for years to come, usually about you not being prepared for an exam or an interrogation...

Your university days will suck for a different reason. You'll have even less friends than you have now. They'll be the most lonely years of your life. You'll fall in love so much it'll destroy your mind, you'll literally become crazy for her, but you'll just make a fool of yourself. In the end she'll tell you that she's already taken, but you'll still suffer hell for the whole next year.

After that you'll become a NEET, you don't even know what that means yet, basically you'll just spend your days in front of a PC all day. It'll still be better than everything you'll have experienced until then, trust me.
At least don't worry about getting a job, your parents won't make a fuss about it, and they've got a lot of savings, it's fine.

You're probably thinking you want to kill yourself now, but I know you don't have the balls to actually try it, so it's all right.

Farewell, until you become me.

>> No.9687260

"Just do whatever you want"

>> No.9687262

Start an English version of 2chan using a slightly modified version of Wakaba.

>> No.9687267

Dear >>9687253,

Go on le reddit when you are 19 and tell them you got le laid


>> No.9687273

> Your university days will suck for a different reason. You'll have even less friends than you have now. They'll be the most lonely years of your life.
Holy fuck, you're one hell of a massive faggot. I've only had like 5 friends in my entire fucking life and I never complained about it. I feel even better when I'm alone because I'd rather be "lonely :(" than have to deal with neurotypical retards

just fuck off back to youtube comments already

>> No.9687275

Why does every Japanese song these days contain English?

>> No.9687274

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.9687278


>> No.9687279

you mean for the past 50 years or so?

>> No.9687286

Dear Me,

Pride will be the death of you, kid.
Stay a NEET.

With Love,

>> No.9687293


I admit it did suck out a lot of my time, like every year that passed by spending holidays in game felt like I just did the holiday event like yesterday. But I had some nice laughs playing WoW, no regrets.

>> No.9687305

Dear me of 15 years,
Buy as many APPLE stock that you can and you would be able to NEET4lyfe. Stay tru and dont let those cumwhores tempt you.

>> No.9687313

I'd just tell myself not to bother with a psychology degree and get something fucking useful, like a two-year A+ certification instead.

>> No.9687315
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Learn to program.
Learn to draw better.
Learn Japanese.
Buy Rhapsody.
Buy Makai Kingdom.
Stop acting like [pic related] and at least reject girls instead of letting them fantasize about raping you or whatever it is they do at night.
You can put your dick in between titties so big boobs are not pointless.
The 2000s suck.
You sister will be fat. Make her think being fat is disgusting as soon as she understands words.

>> No.9687327

I'm actually over 1000 years old giga fag

[Puts on a XD face]

>> No.9687333

Dear Me,

ur a faget

Love, Me.

>> No.9687335

Dear you,

Get off your ass and learn Japanese instead of procrastinating about doing it next week for 10 years.


Future You

>> No.9687340

The things I'd say to my 15 year-old self are things said self already knew, just couldn't be bothered to do. I'd tell him to program. I wanted to program back then, too, I just never did, not even now.

So lazy.

>> No.9687341

Dear Self,
Hey. I don't remember you much, even though it's only been five years. Your memory problems don't happen for another couple years I think, but it's no big deal. Not remembering stuff is a lot more relaxing than you'd think.
I think you realized you're bi at this point, so lemme just say that you should let yourself move away from the romantic notions you're always on about. By this time I'm a pretty "transgressive" person. Mainly just don't be afraid to fuck tradition in the ass and find your own interests. Maybe if I'd worked on that earlier I'd have a better station in life.
Oh, by the way. JT is lieing to you, and has been for years. You're "internet friends" so it's not -really- a big deal. Everything he told you about himself is a lie, but his personality probably wasn't fake. Guy was too much of a narcissist to fake that. But he's an asshole, just do what I did and generally don't listen to him or follow his advice.
Take some goddamn meds. Like for depression. Maybe that will get rid of those memory problems and you'll grow to be a totally different person than me. Wouldn't that be neat? Here's hoping it doesn't just leave you full of regret.
Oh, and, don't sweat high school. A GED is a fine replacement; what job you get is really about who you know and experience over any diplomas.
Be you later.

>> No.9687353

Kill yourself and get it over with.

>> No.9687358

Get accutane

Oh and look up touhou and get good, you can be popular

>> No.9687375

I like it.

>> No.9687383

>If you could send a letter to yourself aged 15, what would you write in it? (no stock and lotto numbers
Tell him to invest in gold.

>> No.9687395

Dear me,

Stop trying so hard. You might not realize it but you're overworking yourself.
Don't take high school so seriously. You'll do just fine.
You have learning disabilities. See someone about it before you ruin yourself like I did.

You're also gay. I thought it might help to know.


Look up Touhou, it's cool. It'll only be another year before future you got into it, but it's a lot better than all the stupid shit you like atm.

>> No.9687403

Fuck you /jp/ for making me think of all my regrets in the last 7 years. I've been writing this 'letter' for the better part of half an hour now.

>> No.9687413

It was nothing but warnings and investments anyway.

A very long list though, mind you.

>> No.9687419

I wrote one before when we had one of those threads, can't be arsed looking for it or writing it again since it's too depressing.

>> No.9687427

It's not worth worrying about the past. All of us are here now whether we like it or not and we have to deal with it and move forward.

Nice song though, OP

>> No.9687434

Dear fifteen-year-old me,

... there's not much I want to tell you that you're not already telling yourself. But you should actually take it seriously, very seriously, you worthless fuck. Get your shit together. Right now you are everything bad in the world.

Best regards.

>> No.9687479

Dear me at age 15,
Stop being such a stuck-up faggot that hates everything and start learning more foreign languages. Don't let Latin slip away, and be sure to definitely get started on Japanese and maybe also some other languages like Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Russian, Spanish, French, German, and Korean. Also, get started on ASL and also JSL when you get the hang of Japanese. You'll thank me later.
Yours truely,
Me of the future

>> No.9687511

Why are you guys such faggots?

>> No.9687516
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Dear faggot:

I would literally beat the fucking shit out of you if I could. You know what, kill yourself why you still can.

Love; Your pal Eric.

>> No.9687527

How is this Otaku Culture?

Dear dude,

...No, I can't do this, guys. There's nothing to say.
Try to socialize more? People are disgusting, even the young adults I see now.
Get away from Japanese things and don't look back? What the fuck would I have done instead?
Nah, this problem has no solution.

>> No.9687534


>> No.9687537

I'd write ``Good luck dork.''

>> No.9687539

You know, I don't really have much advice to give.

By the time I was 15 most of the damage was done, and nothing save for the flow of time would heal it.

There is some advice I could give, but rather than being "do this" it's more like "if you want to do it, do it like this" walls of text.

If there's a single thing I could say...

Maybe: try to think of others as people instead of just characters for you to interact with, and stop living your life without considering anyone's point of view but your own?

But I don't think that little fat piece of shit that was me at 15 would heed any advice anyway.

>> No.9687541

Why are you people giving to your past selves advises that they most probably wouldn't listen to?

>> No.9687542

>Dear you
>this touhou thing you kept hearing about, go play it right now.. don't wait till touhou 12 is out
>also learn japanese
>and when you get to college, it's ok to quit school.. it worked alright in the end
>P.S. remember the vhs tape of the 12 years old neighborhood girl you filmed when she was going around naked? Put it somewhere safe, I can't find it for some reason.

>> No.9687553

"Yo dude, you from the future here, learn english, you'll be able to play a lot more games, watch some pretty fun anime and discover visual novels."
I should have wrote this letter in french.

>> No.9687554

Dear myself,

Looks thick. Solid. Tight. Keep me posted on your progress with additional pics and vid clips. Wanna see how freakin huge, solid, thick and tight you can get.

Dearest regard

>> No.9687558

"Don't buy diablo 3"
