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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9683512 No.9683512 [Reply] [Original]

Which card games does /jp/ play?

>> No.9683514

your mom (笑)

>> No.9683520

I play MTG but being a friendless NEET I never get to play with anyone.

>> No.9683528

I played MTG in the past

I stopped after the Ravnica block

>> No.9683560

I thought about playing Magic the Gathering. I don't have any friends to play it with, though, so I'd just end up making decks to compete against the nonexistent.

>> No.9683568

My little brothers have been playing this game nonestop. Is it fun? It doesn't look fun.

>> No.9683595


It's fun and very addictive

>> No.9683608

It's fun but also incredibly expensive. I've spent thousands of dollars over the years playing it.

>> No.9683649

It can be played online for free, but it's not the same.

>> No.9683661


>> No.9683868

MTG!!!!!! Oh and koi-koi

>> No.9684165
File: 26 KB, 223x310, Silver Myr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing Magic: the Gathering in middle/high school (combined as 6-year school in my country) around the release of Mirrodin (2003), then quit around the release of Time Spiral (2006) because other people stopped playing. Then I became a student, joined a student association and found people to play with again in 2009. Nowadays I play MTG for several hours straight one evening every week, no exceptions. My number of decks also greatly expanded in that time span (I used to have 1-3 decks at any time, had one complete deck left when I restarted, now have ~15 decks), and I've started following MTG releases actively again (currently reading the Return to Ravnica spoilers every day).

It's only as expensive as you make it. I play casual multiplayer with people who have decks containing original dual lands and other ridiculous cards, but my decks are always between $15 and $25. Sticking with casual play and having good deckbuilding skills can save you a lot of money.

Magic is pretty much the best game ever made, the only big weakness is that you unfortunately need to know people who play it in order to play it.

>> No.9684221

eh, I don't like that magic revolves too much about rushing the shit out of the other deck.

when decks can more or less consistently ruin your shit in turn 3 or 4, then it's just boring.

>> No.9684231

In the heavy competitive scene, yeah, it's really fast.
They key is to ruin their shit right back. Few super-awesome turn four win plans actually work in practice.

>> No.9684245


Remember the affinity deck?

That was crazy

>> No.9684257

I used to go to a club in London to play MTG since I had no friends (or at least no friends autistic enough) to play with me seriously, but going to such a place filled with dorky 30-40 year old men felt embarrassing so I ended up quitting. Kind of similar to why I never stuck with things like Warhammer and gave up on D&D in between buying the rule books and finding an offline group.

>> No.9684264
File: 39 KB, 312x437, ArcboundRavager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In all fairness to affinity, it wouldn't have been half as broken without this guy.

>> No.9684271

YGO (not in real life anymore)
Pokemon (though not since last year)
Weiss Schawrz (still mostly new to it)
Munchkin (only played twice)
Dominion and clones
traditional card games

>> No.9684284

I thought /jp/ didn't have any friends, who do you play cards with? Your tulpa?

>> No.9684306


The Arcbound Ravanger is banned ''now''?

>> No.9684334
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>> No.9684344

Would anybody be interested in an IRC room to discuss MtG and other TCG-type stuff? I think there are already a few out there but I don't think there's one that 4chan or /tg/ tends to use.

>> No.9684348



>> No.9684372

I made one anyway, #jptg on Rizon. If nobody joins I'll probably forget about it within the day.

>> No.9684445

Shaman. Druid powers. Skinshifter?

Magic sounds pretty gay d00d.

>> No.9685363

Yu-gi-oh, like any self respecting otaku.

>> No.9685424
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I have spent more on card sleeves than actual cards.

>> No.9685493
File: 1.17 MB, 1281x797, my sleeves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Sorry for the blurry picture, I don't have a camera.)

Sleeves are generally 700 yen per set, tops (often cheaper, sometimes dirt cheap - my Daru sleeves were less than 200 yen), so even with all budget decks I spend more on the actual cards than the sleeves.

>> No.9685506

(By the way, I used to have 3 more sets (also a Kyousuke (LB!), Faeris (S;G) and Celty & whatshisname (Durarara)), but one sleeve of each set broke recently. I'm not sure what caused it, it may have been the heat (34 degrees celsius for several days straight). Really a pity because the Kyousuke sleeves were among my favorites.)

>> No.9685563

Where do you get your sleeves?

>> No.9685600

having a cheap deck is okay until your friends get tired of losing and dump all kinds of money into singles and rape you.
that shit ruins the fun.

>> No.9685676
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Anon at >>9685493 here. I get my sleeves from Amiami.

I'm >>9684165. I play with people who will Force of Will my combo pieces. You just need to be able to make decks with cards that play well enough together to make up for the huge power difference of the individual cards (assuming you're playing casual, if the decks are made to win as fast as possible it's extremely difficult). Salvaging Station, Clock of Omens and Pyrite Spellbomb are all cheap cards, but together they can deal massive damage. And then I'm not even talking about combining sick shit like Salvaging Station + Clock of Omens + Flayer Husk + sac outlets + mana-generating artifacts...etc, etc. Depending on the metagame, you can also just build decks that take advantage of your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. For example, I have a thievery deck that pretty much does nothing more than stealing and cloning other player's cards - which in the group I play with is very dangerous.

>> No.9685765

I play Weiss Schwarz, but I don't really have anyone to play with, so I end up making decks just so I can have a deck of mai waifu beating up the other animes.

I'm also kinda working on a card game framework that will allow people to play card games online, sort of like the old yugioh site, but I'm trying to add rule enforcement in. Currently, we're slating to fix up a simple framework and first use it for Tanto Cuore, but in theory, it should be extensible to other games as well.

>> No.9685803

I bought the Madoka and Fate/Zero Weiss Schwarz decks that came out in English over the summer.

Then I managed to find the Disgaea deck in a local store.

I play the PSP game to get the deckbuilding aspect since there aren't any English boosters and I wouldn't have anybody to play with the Japanese cards anyway...

Tanto Cuore is kind of fun. The base set is starting to get a little boring, though. How's the expansion?

>> No.9685816
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I play magic but this is the only person I have to play with nowadays.

>> No.9685820

Oh, and I play Magic too at prerelease events. I suck pretty badly, but I somehow manage to open good cards.

>> No.9685821
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Sounds about like me. I played the heck out of it in high school, then quit when I graduated because I lost touch with everyone. Every once in a while I get the urge to pick it back up, but then I remember I have no one to play with (unless I get a console version or something). In my case, I quit around the time 5th Edition was released.

I was fond of White Weenie and Thallid (Fallen Empires) decks, back in the day.

>> No.9685843

Sadly enough, I actually bought the expansion, but its sitting on my shelf since I have no one to play with.

I bought a box of the english Fate/Zero trial decks because I didn't realize how they worked... Now I have like 6 trial decks sitting around unopened and I'm too lazy to try to sell them for like $15.
I also have the english Disgaea deck, and I've bought tons of Japanese booster boxes as well. If you have a Japanese deck and like an hour of time, you can just print out cutouts for the cards and slip them into the sleeves. I do this for most of my decks. Even all my english decks are spruced up with booster cards to augment them.

I've got 5 decks with enough cards to make 2 more if I had the time/energy to.

1 Railgun Mikoto-centric deck
1 Railgun Accelerator deck
1 Railgun Index deck
1 Disgaea deck
1 Fate/Stay Night/Extra/HA Rider/Saber deck.
2 boxes of Guilty Crown cards that I haven't gone through and made decks with.

>> No.9685844

Thallids made quite a comeback sorta recently in Time Spiral.
They got lots of new toys, and Thelon himself finally got a card.

>> No.9685847

>Force of Will
Get new friends. That is not a fair card in the slightest.

>> No.9685851

Hitting yourself with a two-for-one is only favorable when the countered card was super unfair to begin with.

>> No.9685862
File: 12 KB, 208x229, 1Kunkka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kowai oningyou desu ne

>> No.9685859
File: 35 KB, 223x310, Spirit Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Akroma was released well after 5th edition (it was released the same year as 8th edition).

(Unfortunately Spirit Link has errata these days turning its ability into a triggered one, and losing the game now happens immediately, so Akroma could still kill me even with Spirit Link if my life temporarily drops to 0...but Akroma alone can't harm me beyond the first hit with it. I guess I'll just arrest it on turn 3.)

>> No.9685870

FoW in casual tends to be used to stop game-winning cards, such as final combo pieces...and it's not that bad, really. Forbid in a deck with lots of card draw, that's closer to unfair.
But despite the regular appearance of $30+ cards, it all works out pretty well.

>> No.9685876

Baccarat, Some Whist and some Contract Bridge as well as the many varieties of Poker.

Bit of a old traditionalist at heart.

>> No.9685901

Oh, if we're going to play like that, I'll add Poker (5-card draw poker and Texas Hold 'Em (not too much of a fan of the latter)), Mau Mau, President, Hearts, Black Jack, Cheat, a variant of 31, a game where you flip cards until you flip two with the same/number letter and respond to that (not sure of the real name), another reflex game where you have a very limited amount of cards (generally 4 per player, all sets) and hit the table when you have a complete set, and several other games of which I don't know the actual names.

>> No.9685905
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>But Akroma was released well after 5th edition

That was an image I got from /tg/, actually. I kinda like seeing how the cards have evolved, though a lot of new abilities get a bit confusing. I was also surprised to hear they did away with manaburn damage.

>> No.9685996

I've always wanted to make a Krark's Thumb deck.
