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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9676953 No.9676953[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>→ News Post: "Better Moderation" ←

>> No.9676958

I was expecting a 'Wow look how awesome /q/ is an how much it's changed moderation and the boards!'
Luckily it's not like that.

>> No.9676955

You just woke up?

What country you in m8?

>> No.9676963
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RPFL upboatded ><DXD

>> No.9676968

Who is this hot slut?

>> No.9676970 [DELETED] 

You know whose fault is that? The jews.

>> No.9676971


I'll delete /cgl/ whores instantly

>> No.9676972
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>> No.9676975
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Rustlebros, get the fuck in here!

>> No.9676977

le milk-chan

>> No.9676978


omg, is there an exposed vagina in that picture?

>> No.9676985


The milk of a million men pour from within her moldy meat drapes.

>> No.9676986

If I could become a janitor, I'd commit suicide by never sleeping. Just stay up 24 hours every day deleting shitty posts until I died of exhaustion or lapsed into a coma. /jp/ would be permanently reduced to 5 pages.

>> No.9677010


I think it would be nice at first but then I'd realize I'm dedicating my time to maintain a site that's not even mine.

>> No.9677012
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>> No.9677064

I can't fucking wait for more janitors. I'll break them down like all the others with my shitpost, they have no idea who they'll be fucking with.

>> No.9677066

Everyone on /jp/ will try to become a janitor in order to improve the board, and odds are any of them will get endless tides of bitching about what a shitty job they are doing.

>> No.9677068

upboat 4 bane, teh fire rises brotha

>> No.9677080


So you admit to be a shitposter eh? hmmm....

>> No.9677082

No, wait! I was only kidding! Please don't tell on me!

>> No.9677095

>I think it would be nice at first but then I'd realize I'm dedicating my time to maintain a site that's not even mine.
If /jp/ falls, I have no where else to go. I'll have to give up on the internet entirely and go outside or something.

>> No.9677102

The only people who will become janitors will be the tripfagging shitposters anyway.

>> No.9677105

I'm not going to. Seriously, fuck you guys.

>> No.9677107


Delete your post if you are serious, I already did.

>> No.9677108

I liked 4chan better when it was more of an anything goes type atmosphere and mods banned people for fun instead of doing it to act like a douchebag.

>> No.9677113

Too many children everywhere for us to have fun now.

>> No.9677115
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the truth

>> No.9677120

Like this guy?

>> No.9677137
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Just trying to make my future job more easier.

>> No.9677166

I hope someone who thinks "more easier" is correct doesn't become a janitor. It's like cleaning a toilet with puke.

>> No.9677169


2005 is really the golden year in my mind.

>> No.9677176

The problem with 4chan is that for some reason, people now thing unfunny shitposting should be tolerated. Put some fucking effort into your lazy ass posts people, I'm really tired of the same cookie cutter shitposts disguised as "highlarious memes", and you all shitting your pants in anger when your worthless posts are deleted. Be informative, entertaining, or at least funny with your posts, otherwise you're just making the board more of a chore to browse.

>> No.9677177

I think it's better post-chanology, because it's more populated.

>> No.9677179

You were not here before that, were you?

>> No.9677185

I came from digg.com to join 4chan in the fight against the cult. Those days were fun. It's a pity that it's all DDoSing bullshit now. I met some great people in the RL protest.

>> No.9677189

Whatever happened to that site? I have not heard that name in a little while.

>> No.9677193

Don't you feel that acting like a total moron is a little played out yet? Pretending to be retarded got old in 09, but you're still here, 3 years later, trying the same boring tactics.

>> No.9677196

All the users went to Reddit.

>> No.9677197

You're not very nice.

>> No.9677202

I'm pretty sure it was sold for like 50 grand or something recently.

>> No.9677213

It's what happens when you have years and years of seeing the same jokes played over and over, and then see some guy come along and play the same fucking joke you've seen a thousand times as if it's some funny new creation they invented.
It's stale.
So much so that I don't really feel anything because of posts like that, I just go into 'humour critique' mode and say it's not funny.

>> No.9677215

It's a shame almost no one really remembers the GNAA hilarity. Now those were some fun, spammy days.


More populated doesn't necessarily equal better. In fact, to use the city metaphor, the bad almost always outnumbers the good.

>> No.9677220

The GNAA is still around, albeit in a limited form. They recently released a spoof linux distro "Linux for Niggers". I laughed.

>> No.9677223

But I loved personalized and silly/retarded ban messages. This sucks.

>> No.9677230

So they just re-released Ubuntu? Heyo!

It probably was a reskinned Ubuntu, though.

>> No.9677236
File: 97 KB, 512x444, 1262748654172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to stop posting and go back to /b/. This place is just too mean.

>> No.9677238

Typical /q/-tier kid raging because he is unable to use catalog.neet.tv.

>> No.9677240

The worst part is the whole "standardised ban length" shit. All bans should be permanent, and operate on a 3 strikes policy or some shit. Fuck around too much, and you get range banned. It won't stop all the shitposting, but most people aren't going to bother finding a new proxy every time they want to post.

>> No.9677245

It was a reskinned ubuntu. Well actually, it hasn't been released at all, it's just a web page.

>> No.9677247

Except for when you get bullshit bans. I, for one, have not had legitimate bans.

>> No.9677246

That's stupid and you are stupid. It's a good thing that you will never run this website.

>> No.9677248

Yeah man, it's not like shitty posting appears in practically every thread now or anything.

>> No.9677256

>range banned.
Stupidest idea ever. All of everywhere will be banned in days.

>> No.9677258

I think there should be a registration system. You don't have to post with the name, but it would be a fuckload easier to deal with shitposters even if you couldn't see the name of the person you were blocking. I've email moot about this numerous times, but he has never responded (as usual).

>> No.9677265

Permanent bans don't really do much. If it's permanent, you're basically asking the guy to use a proxy, or reset their router, or something.
Although for some people, bans really do hurt since they can't change their IP. So if you assume that everyone can reset their IP then you're just hurting some of your userbase.
Short bans have the exact same effect as long bans on the people who will never learn from the bans, but long bans on people who will learn just remove these people from 4chan. So you're actively removing people who'll follow the rules from 4chan.


>> No.9677266

It has always been like that. Stop pretending that things were better in the past. 4chan is not, and will never be, the place for stictly serious discussion.

>> No.9677275

It can be. Not in a nazi-forum way though.

>> No.9677279

Suck my cock, dude.

You can have serious discussion inbetween jokes.

>> No.9677280

Except the non-serious posts used to be funny. Now for every decent shitpost there's a million lol watch me being ironic/shitty regurgitated meme/reaction face spam/dull fakepost kind of shitpost. And the boards don't see the one decent shitpost, they see the other million and think it's perfectly acceptable to be a moron hopping on the bandwagon of boredom.

>> No.9677282

It won't be, unless mods are recruited from SA and standard forum mod techniques are used, at which point it stops being 4chan and fades into obscurity with only you, moot, the mods, and MrVacBob circlejerking.

>> No.9677283

They weren't funny then, you just got tired of them. It was the same shit, just on a different day.

>> No.9677288

Jokes stop being funny when they're told for the fiftieth time, this is a thing that happens.

>> No.9677301

I'd like to bring up a point:
Sometimes the line between joke and genuine idiocy can get blurred quite heavily. Now, I lurk /tv/ fairly often (yes I know, crossboarding scum), and there's been a recent outbreak of making threads that clearly show a misunderstanding of a story's plot, imagery, or show some kind of ingnorance over what is going on.
I'll give a brief example:
In one show, there's a person who kills someone, but when explaining why he feels bad he says that he killed a dog. Because obviously it's less illegal to kill dogs, and it's a way of sharing feelings. It's a minor plot point.
So a common thread is 'why did jesse kill the dog' or some other implication of this character killing a dog.
similar shit happens with other TV shows and movies, but it's become more and more subtle, the jests start becoming aimed at very subtle plot points- missing fairly subtle and nuanced things. This overlaps with actual idiots who just don't understand what's going on, to the point where there's no fucking difference anymore.
And it's fucking everywhere. I've started to see every damn question about the plot of anything to be someone pretending to be stupid.
Anyway, to make it /jp/ related, this kind of behaviour can be applied to anything. One notable example is the guy who posts the same penis every day with 'wud u suck please' or something. the line between obvious joke and pathetic idiocy has been crossed and I'm not sure if it's on purpose.

>> No.9677305

The result is that it's just not funny, and is detrimental to the board as a whole, due to the whole 'community that pretends to be idiots' thing.
Linking it into that, the line needs to be clear for it to be a worthwhile post.

>> No.9677306

Why does it take moot ages to do anything?

>> No.9677307

I'm pretty sure that 99.9% of stupid BrBa threads and posts are trolling. There is no way that people can be that stupid. Even AMC's forums aren't that bad.

>> No.9677309
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is this rape

>> No.9677314

I thought that he had hit a dog when I first watched it and didn't care about Gale at all. I really hated Jesse for a while, but then I figured out that he was speaking metaphorically. All on my own. Please don't blame me for making stupid threads.

>> No.9677316

Nah, that's just a joke. Sure it's overdone, but at least it's obvious that it's at least an attempt to be funny.

I can't tell if you're joking or not.

>> No.9677330

Do you people finally see the harm that meth has done to our young people? We need to put a stop to this dangerous drug before it destroys another mind.

>> No.9677334

"Everything I say is totally true and not bullshit because I'm expressing my opinions with confidence" - students from the university of internet culture, 1998-2012

>> No.9677340

I like how you imply that everything I said was bullshit without actually producing a single counter-point.
Did you read the script too?

>> No.9677341

Not if she cums

>> No.9677363

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.9677712


Doesn't moot realize that overmoderation kills a community?

Not like there is much of one left here anyway.

>> No.9677783

I wonder when moot is going to delete /jp/

>> No.9677801

And having cock threads on the front page for hours is any better?

>> No.9677805

But everyone has to see them! Acknowledge me, oh world.

>> No.9677813

I'll make a thread about it on /q/ right now.

>> No.9677817


>> No.9677821

>delete /jp/
i wouldn't know where to go

how horrifying a thought

>> No.9677825

I don't understand why you did this.
It's pretty obvious you understand that /jp/ is never going to get deleted (It's like /b/, it contains shit so it doesn't spew everywhere else).
And what you're doing isn't funny
It isn't annoying due to reason 1

I just don't know why you'd do that
to confuse people?

>> No.9677828

It's hilarious.

>> No.9677831

Is it? Maybe I'm just too autistic to understand why it would be.

>> No.9677835

Because people repsond to me.

>> No.9677885
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1342371664992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 5 /jp/ threads on the front page of /q/ right now, I think you guys are gonna make the mods mad. Unless that is your goal of course..

>> No.9677896

I only made one which is this >>9677817

>> No.9677897

why haven't you killed yourself yet queerbait?

>> No.9677900

moot is a Jew

>> No.9677917

I miss our autistic delete to page 5 everyday janitor

>> No.9677961


yeah, the only useful one is unban zunnybar.
