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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 64 KB, 492x500, 1915936[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9675327 No.9675327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I noticed that /jp/ is the only board that can take it easy, why is that?

>> No.9675331

i didnt know depression was taking it easy

>> No.9675332

It depends what you call "taking it easy".

>> No.9675333

Apparently you like to ignore the threads that get derailed into 300 posts of inane meta arguments.

>> No.9675334

That girl looks possibly underage, please get that pedo shit out of here.

>> No.9675347

Sounds like he's taking it easy.

>> No.9675368

that's the best part of /jp/

>> No.9675372

You sound angry, why aren't you taking it easy?

>> No.9675501

There's nothing angry about my post.

>> No.9675546

Please explain to me the recent actions that have caused a surge in posts like this. I really didn't notice.

>> No.9680861

came here to post this

i don't know if you guys know this, but every other board on 4chan almost unanimously agrees that you guys are the saddest board

i'm not even trying to be mean or troll or anything, just saying

>> No.9680869

Oh boy, we got the high score.

>> No.9680877

Most boards don't give two shits about /jp/ dude.

>> No.9680870

Who even cares? I don't see any of them taking it easy.

>> No.9680892
File: 10 KB, 342x224, le sleepy girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9680889

/e/ is the board that takes it the most easy by far

>> No.9680890

You guys should really take it easy.

>> No.9680895

Motherfucker what did you jsut say to to me

>> No.9680896


>> No.9680905

What in the Hell of Blazing Fires did you just shoot at me, you little fairy?

>> No.9680906


You do know he's just joking right, or just pretending to be one of those people.

>> No.9680901

Everyone in this thread is taking it easy.

>> No.9680903
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, 1342371665018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are never sad, /jp/ is more like the happiest board because we do what we enjoy every single day.

>> No.9680910

Hi Mediator

>> No.9680914


I'm taking the GED tomorrow and the next day.

I can't take it easy moe-tron 2.

>> No.9680991

I guess on the internet having given up on life means you're taking it easy.

>> No.9681002


What are you worried about?

>> No.9681012

/jp/ ain't got shit on Tohno-chan's ronry board. Even the most depressed people on /jp/ have years before they'll reach the pure, distilled sadness that is prevalent on that board.

>> No.9681026

Odd, this is the only board that makes me laugh. In fact, I dislike the rest of 4chan but the textboards immensely.

>> No.9681084


Failing it, obviously.

I've been told it's easy, but I dropped out at the end of 9th grade, and haven't even been in education for years. My skills are really rusty, and I haven't studied at all. (I mean literally nothing)

My mom still says I'll pass it because of how smart I am, and I'm also going to wear my lucky madoka magica shirt. Maybe I shouldn't be so worried.

>> No.9681089
File: 30 KB, 160x160, 134424101489s.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can they be depressed if no one posts there? Can people who don't exist be depressed?

>> No.9681119

The part of "it's like /jp/, but even smaller!" is cool, but not the part where it's just everybody stating what is wrong with their lifes.

>and I'm also going to wear my lucky madoka magica shirt.

I like you.

>> No.9681153

Good luck. Don't be a faggot with the madoka shirt. if you were a hipster like me it would be a hidasketch shirt from before hidamari was popular

>> No.9681167

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681179

Mod said it was okay. Stop spamming and fuck off you child.

>> No.9681190

Please don't abuse spoilers.

>> No.9681213

Please don't abuse sage.

>> No.9681221

Please don't abuse the autist.

>> No.9681223


>> No.9681239

Keep up the crusade, you crazy man you.

>> No.9681246

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681252

Please stop shitting up /jp/ with your autistic crusade.

>> No.9681261

All people need to do is stop misusing spoilers.

>> No.9681268
File: 9 KB, 1004x105, mod on spoilers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an idiot. That means something totally different than what you think it does.

I'd be better just to get you banned for spamming and flooding.

>> No.9681276

All you need to do is stop posting. "Sanae a slut" and "flanshit worst 2hu" posts would go away if people simply stopped making Sanae and Flandre threads, but it would be much better if the shitheads who harassed them fucked off instead.

>> No.9681288

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681295

Please follow the rules.

>> No.9681292

Am I really going to have to drag this shit to /q/ to get you to fuck off?

>> No.9681293

I think you need to take it easy

>> No.9681298

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681308

Please follow global rules #10 - `No spamming or flooding of any kind.' and #3 = `Do not post the following outside of /b/: [...] uncalled for catchphrases'.

>> No.9681306

Please don't harass spoiler guy. He's had a hard life.

>> No.9681313

Thank you for not misusing spoilers, but you need to realize a flood of blacked out text is just as bad as a single phrase repeated over and over.

>> No.9681311

Stop posting, you piece of shit. You are no better than the people who start making making shitty threads whenever something they don't like happens in /jp/.

>> No.9681316

Are you frustrated?

>> No.9681319

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681322

No it's not, you idiot. What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you on a phone or some shit? It's already been said by the staff that it's okay and your just being an annoying faggot trying to force your meme by spamming it.

>> No.9681325

Spoilers used for the purpose of anything other than concealing plot points personally irritates him, so he's going to spam /jp/ until it stops.

>> No.9681326

Please stop misusing spoilers already.

>> No.9681329

At the end of the highly obscure book "Into the Woods" the main character, Charles, walks into the woods and asks "Are you frustrated?"

>> No.9681333

Not /jp/ related, just another misuse of spoilers. Please stop.

>> No.9681334

It's never going to stop, and he will be spamming until he (and all the proxies he uses to evade the flood detection) are banned.

>> No.9681338

Fuck off and die, you piece of shit.

>> No.9681344

Respond to me, you subhuman piece of spamming trash.

>> No.9681339

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681341 [DELETED] 

suck my greasy penis.

>> No.9681342
File: 142 KB, 815x629, 1342573499602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually very simple. People on /jp/ can take it easy because they don't care.

Caring is the root of all stresses and emotional problems in life. If you care then you can become depressed, anxious, sad, angry, and all sorts of things. This post is a good example of this: >>9680861

The rest of the boards see /jp/ as very sad or pathetic because their lives are still based around caring. Their egos, their pride, their social status, the way people perceive them. All of these things matter to them, they think it's very important, and they really care about it, but because they care about it this also opens them up to all of the negative emotions and that's why they can't take it easy.

If you want to take it easy then you just have to stop giving a shit about everything.

>> No.9681347

Have you read that Touhou doujin where Reimu asks Marisa at the climax of the story "Are you frustrated?" That was the pivotal point in the doujin.

>> No.9681348

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681349

Stop derailing threads.

>> No.9681356

Please understand that                                                                            


>> No.9681352

Please understand that you're all abusing spoilers.

>> No.9681354

Tell me King Faggot, is it misuse of spoilers if I use them to >do this? and then this? Well?

>> No.9681360

I told you to respond, you fucking autistic shit. Do I really have to resort to stupid shit like this to get you to stop acting like a spambot?

>Thank you for not misusing spoilers, but you need to realize a flood of blacked out text is just as bad as a single phrase repeated over and over.
It's not even close.

>> No.9681362

Please stop misusing spoilers. It is incredibly distruptive.

>> No.9681363
File: 159 KB, 500x750, 24939483_p11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take it easy with all this petty bickering!

>> No.9681367

Did you know at the end of Cowboy Beebop that SPIKE DIES

>> No.9681366

You being a spammer is incredibly disruptive.

>> No.9681372


Please don't abuse spoilers.

>> No.9681375 [DELETED] 

Respond, ``kudasai.'' Please respond. I'll even put every hallmark of a shitty post together for you besides the image XD. Just talk to me, you fucking cunt.

>Please respond.
Please respond.
PlEaSe ReSpOnD.
>>>/p/ >>>/l/ >>>/e/ >>>/a/ >>>/s/ >>>/e/ >>>/r/ >>>/e/ >>>/s/ >>>/p/ >>>/o/ >>>/n/ >>>/d/

And with a post that actually responds to content, not the same fucking canned reply.

>> No.9681376

Why are you guys so insistent on using spoilers incorrectly? /jp/ likes to follow the rules; if you want immature shenanigans or "fun" or whatever, please go to /v/ or /a/. No one gets angry there if you misuse spoilers...

>> No.9681377
File: 93 KB, 500x500, 1314592241998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like we're all dead set on proving the OP wrong.

>> No.9681383

No, not /jp/. /jp/ does not give a shit; we've been over this. It's just you and a couple other shitheads who've decided that you want to bend the board to your will through the use of spam.

>> No.9681384

The only one who gets angry is you, you idiot. Don't you realize that the only one complaining is you?

>> No.9681381

>No one gets angry there
People are getting angry here? I thought this was the board that took it easy.

>> No.9681386

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681387
File: 73 KB, 640x480, 1338259806401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never see /l/ ever again...

>> No.9681391
File: 8 KB, 414x248, YO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we don't bully!!

>> No.9681392

A figure of speech. I should say, no one reprimands you there.

Yes, /jp/ does. Why would it have acted so hostile back in the day if it didn't give a shit? Stop picking sides irrationally.

No, I don't.

>> No.9681393

>And with a post that actually responds to content, not the same fucking canned reply.
Actually read my post, you fucking cunt.

I legitimately get angry at shitposters masquerading as board police.

>> No.9681397

Oh sorry, my I immediately disregard the body of posts with spoilers in them that look like they're used improperly.

>> No.9681396

>Why would it have acted so hostile back in the day if it didn't give a shit?
It didn't "act so hostile" back in the day over the silly use of spoiler tags. This is a recent development. I had this discussion with you or another poster the previous incarnation of this little clusterfuck.

>> No.9681398

You haven't been to many other boards have you op?
/jp/ is very bad at taking it easy
But when some of them get angry or whatever the others say they're crossboarders or are being ironic

>> No.9681399 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 826x1169, 26514761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about spoiler images?

>> No.9681404

You disregarded all of my other posts as well. You're full of shit.

>> No.9681405

Please stop.

>> No.9681406

Maybe not spoilers particularly, but the spirit of the act was in the same manner.
And no, it was not me you were speaking to.

>> No.9681412 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 566x486, 28542495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the government created spoilers on purpose

>> No.9681411

Which other posts were yours? If you're the guy who I asked to stop being so vulgar and rude, that might have something to do with it. I'm obviously not going to pay much attention to someone who just insults me.

>> No.9681413

It most certainly was.

>> No.9681414

/jp/ has always told people to fuck off for a wide variety of shit, but spoiler tags was not one of these things until recently.

>> No.9681417

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681420

>If you're the guy who I asked to stop being so vulgar and rude
You didn't say anything to me, and my posts got progressively ruder as you decided to ignore all posts with actual content in favor of responding and posting to even more spam.

>> No.9681423

I didn't refute that.

>> No.9681424

It's not /jp/ doing it. It's just one idiot.

bait goes here.

>> No.9681431

You're so immature. I pity you.

>> No.9681432

Please stop.

>> No.9681433

Please don't misuse my anus.

>> No.9681437


>> No.9681440

Spamming catchphrases because you don't like a certain style of posting is the height of maturity.

>> No.9681436

Please don't abuse spoilers.

>> No.9681444
File: 30 KB, 300x420, tatsuhiko-takimoto-welcome-to-the-nhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the Welcome to the NHK novel, the main character gets a part time job

>> No.9681447

>I didn't refute that.
So then we've returned to my original statement, was that, "/jp/ does not give a shit [about spoiler tags]" as said the >>9681383 post.


The sentiment is almost certainly mutual.

>> No.9681449

Please don't abuse my anus.

>> No.9681451

I didn't spam anything. Sarcasm won't help you with that. You're not bumping the thread as well, are you?

>> No.9681452

This is a good example of what actual spoiler abuse looks like.

>> No.9681453

Shit bro, how was I suppose to know that was a legitimate spoiler unless you put a lead-in in front?

>> No.9681454

I'm surprised that Spammer-kun didn't kill himself in rage when moot spoilered the entire site for the SOPA protest.

>> No.9681459

>I didn't spam anything.
Posting `Fuck off with your spoilers' ten thousand times over the course of several months is very much spam.

>> No.9681460

That's the other guy, who doesn't like the abuse of spoiler tags but isn't a spamming shithead.

>> No.9681462

You're accusing the wrong person.

>> No.9681463

No, you misunderstand. I did not refute that the issue of spoiler abuse was a recent development. I did however say
>Maybe not spoilers particularly, but the spirit of the act was in the same manner.
meaning that while the matter popped up not too long ago, it is nevertheless still a problem.

How do the time period and urgency of issue correlate with each other, anyway?

>> No.9681477

It's not a problem except for smartphone scum and the metathread idiots who have a constant need to complain. Which are you?

>> No.9681478
File: 161 KB, 1100x900, bcbb0b30e96fabafa996f34bd3defc9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. Spammer-kun treat won't it as such because he's just trolling everyone, myself included.

I'm sorry, but statute of limitations and all, the novel's been out for a few years.

>> No.9681475

I said "/jp/ does not give a shit" (about spoiler tags, that being the obvious implication. You said "Yes, /jp/ does."

>meaning that while the matter popped up not too long ago, it is nevertheless still a problem.
Which is the problem? The gratuitous use of spoiler tags, or the response spam?

>> No.9681479

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681483

Respond to me, you fucking whore. No, not this post, it's rude and you don't reply to rude posts. The other ones. You fucking shit.

>> No.9681490

You know what another new problem is that wasn't recognized before? Bullying. I'm going to dedicate 6 hours everyday to spamming /jp/ with `pleas no bully!' until it stops.

>> No.9681491
File: 158 KB, 600x800, 292945064aeed61d6676b8993fd69314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spammer-kun, why wasn't my previous post abusive? It spoiled the ending to a book without warning, in a thread unrelated to the book. By all accounts it fits the definition of abuse perfectly.

>> No.9681495

I still think you misunderstand, but it is not a big deal. Never mind that. More importantly...

I guess both are problems. But the difference is, one is caused by the other. If spoiler tags weren't abused, there would be no response spam. If you think about it that way, the spoiler abuser(s) is at fault.

I'm just someone who wishes things would be used properly, so that we don't end up uncivilized like /a/, /v/, etc. /jp/ doesn't have much going for it nowadays, but at least it doesn't abuse board functions. Let's not lose that.

>> No.9681496

pleas no bully spamer-kun!

>> No.9681497

Common sense tells a person that the spoilers would relate to the attached image, in this case a light novel.

>> No.9681499
File: 204 KB, 446x600, 6526294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it'll be the same as always?

>> No.9681502

>If spoiler tags weren't abused, there would be no response spam
And if moot had just given Kimmo a free ad banner, the Anontalk spam would have stopped. It's really moot's fault for being so stubborn.

>> No.9681504

>If spoiler tags weren't abused, there would be no response spam. If you think about it that way, the spoiler abuser(s) is at fault.
That's like saying people who post Flandre threads are to blame for "flan a shit" posts. You have to demonstrate that the use of spoiler tags for things other than concealing plot information is actually problem.

>/jp/ doesn't have much going for it nowadays, but at least it doesn't abuse board functions. Let's not lose that.
/jp/ has abused the spoiler function in well-received threads lasting multiple days containing many posters and nobody flipped a shit about it.

>> No.9681515

Please stop patronizing me. Your analogy is clearly flawed, as Kimmo initiated the issue to begin with. It's like saying it's the anti-spoiler-abuse side's fault for being so stubborn, which is the opposite of what I said.

>> No.9681510

No. I can out-autistism the shitposters and Spammer-kun! I'll have 90 pages in the archive by next week!

>> No.9681512


>> No.9681516
File: 129 KB, 339x826, 0b84fb67ffa15f3aca9cc2e41f19dbaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I've been spamming Touhou pictures with spoilers, no one thinks those are Touhou spoilers.

>> No.9681517

They probably have at least three hundred pages of pure shit in the archive by now.

>> No.9681519

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681522

Please stop abusing spoilers.

>> No.9681524

It's etiquette! How does improper greentexting hurt anyone? But it's frowned upon, because it's vapid, mindless and improper. Same with spoiler abuse. It's just a stupid, gimmicky way to be "funny." Leave that for other boards. Goodness.

>/jp/ has abused the spoiler function in well-received threads lasting multiple days containing many posters
The fact of the matter is, it's much more prominent nowadays.

>> No.9681528
File: 986 KB, 850x1020, 22fb7ad1cbf7e66ce4879634dc407506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you luck anon. Be the best autist you can be.

>> No.9681530

Don't use that archive.

>> No.9681531

>Your analogy is clearly flawed, as Kimmo initiated the issue to begin with.
Actually, everything was going fine until some asshole showed up and started spamming `Fuck off with your spoilers.'.

>It's like saying it's the anti-spoiler-abuse side's fault for being so stubborn
It is. It's a spoiler. You can ignore them, but Spammer-kun has to derail a thread by inviting people to `troll' him, and then we end up with a 100+ post argument just like we have now.

>> No.9681532

>That's like saying people who post Flandre threads are to blame for "flan a shit" posts.
Also, I wish you guys would stop making flawed analogies. It's a waste of my time to correct them.

When there are TWO problems, and one is instigated by another, then the priority of urgency is given to the problem which causes the other. Flandre threads are not a problem. If spoiler abuse is a problem, and response spam is a problem, then my point stands. See?

>> No.9681535

>It's etiquette!
Etiquette is based off norms that are agreed on by a community, not two people who compose an astonishingly small proportion of that community.

>Same with spoiler abuse. It's just a stupid, gimmicky way to be "funny." Leave that for other boards. Goodness.
People use spoiler tags for things other stupid gimmicks.

>The fact of the matter is, it's much more prominent nowadays.
So if I make a whole lot of Touhou threads, it'll become a problem that has to be wiped off the board? Because there are posters who spam that shit hoping that this will come to pass.

>> No.9681536

Don't use that sentence.

>> No.9681546

Oh wow, you must be that guy who tries to police /v/ that always gets posted about here.

>> No.9681538

Just because no one says anything about it doesn't mean it isn't a problem. Everything goes fine in /v/ with offtopic threads, so is it someone's fault if they tell the boarders to stop it?

>> No.9681541

Nobody in this thread has spammed "Fuck off with your spoilers," in this thread. If the first person who was requested to stop misusing them, this thread wouldn't have turned to shit.

>> No.9681543

>Also, I wish you guys would stop making flawed analogies. It's a waste of my time to correct them.
Oh fuck off, you shithead. Talking to you two autistic cunts is a huge fucking waste of time but I'm still here.

>If spoiler abuse is a problem, and response spam is a problem, then my point stands. See?
That's fucking fantastic! Maybe if you'd just read the very fucking next sentence in the post, you'd see that I already conceded that point and invited you to elaborate, you vapid illiterate cunt!

>> No.9681545

>If spoiler abuse is a problem, and response spam is a problem, then my point stands. See?
(If (X AND Y) then Z). Spoilers are not a problem, thus your point is garbage.

>> No.9681551

Second sentence should be, "If the first person who was requested to stop misusing them would have stopped, this thread wouldn't have turned to shit."

>> No.9681552

If the person hadn't made a needless request the thread wouldn't have turned to shit.

>> No.9681549

This thread was shit from post one. If it hadn't been derailed this way it would have been a bunch of /jp/ers circlejerking about how they're better than all those other shitty boards.

>> No.9681550 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1000x1000, sanae01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread

>> No.9681556

"Please don't misuse spoilers" and such can be seen constantly on /jp/. Do you really think it's just us two who are making those posts? I'll speak for myself: no, it isn't. I don't know about him, but I'd be impressed by his superhuman dedication.

What else is misusing spoilers used for than funny, tryhard, gimmicky shenanigans?

No, no, no. It's not a problem because Touhou threads are meant to be here.

>> No.9681557

It's about as much reflective of real etiquette as those old netiquette posters that you say on your 3rd grade computer room wall.

>The fact of the matter is, it's much more prominent nowadays.
No, it's not. You are creating a problem in your head because you have nothing better to do and want to see a refuge in the pasts. Nothing has change, and this spam will do nothing but get Spammer-kun banned.

>> No.9681559

This is also probably true. I hadn't thought about that.

>> No.9681561

I'm sorry if I've angered you, but I already talked about etiquette and how it is a problem not out of practical purposes, but for civility.

>> No.9681563

>Nobody in this thread has spammed "Fuck off with your spoilers,
That's what he originally wrote when he started. You are being purposefully obtuse.

> If the first person who was requested to stop misusing them
But then we would be letting shitheads like you dictate what the rules are.

>> No.9681564

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.9681565

>I don't know about him, but I'd be impressed by his superhuman dedication.
He's pretty fucking dedicated! Just look around you!

>What else is misusing spoilers used for than funny, tryhard, gimmicky shenanigans?
Interesting threads that are enjoyed by many people, none of whom assessed it as tryhard, gimmicky stupid shit. I guess their senses of humor just aren't as developed as yours. I can currently recall one in the last two weeks (that one was sort of stupid, I will concede) and a well-received Touhou thread revolving around the total abuse of spoiler tags from December 2010, where zero people complained about how the thread was worthless gimmick shit.

>> No.9681568

Seconded. There is absolutely no value in quoting text in a fashion that reflects low intelligence. It seems to be a common occurance on boards with low poster ages- something I don't want /jp/ to be associated with. I'm not a retarded ape that has to have trivial thoughts simplyfied and highlighted for me. There's no need for actions that are justified only because they are required for one to fit in. Individuals that mindlessly follow the majority don't belong on the internet. They don't even deserve to live. Worthless sheeple that don't know how to think for themselves. Fuck the people that abuse the spoiler and quote funtions on this website. Fuck them to hell.

>> No.9681569

>What else is misusing spoilers used for than funny, tryhard, gimmicky shenanigans?
That's a nice way of saying: "I don't like you doing things that I don't like!". Get fucked.

>> No.9681571

>But then we would be letting shitheads like you dictate what the rules are.

Look, guy, I'm not going to have a conversation of any sort if you're just going to insult me. I'm pretty sure you're the same guy I keep telling this to in this thread. It'd be nice if you would stop. It's incredibly rude to make fun of and harrass someone you don't know.

>> No.9681572

The problem to begin with was never a matter of stupidity, but vapidity. You are changing the subject. Make an actual response or don't respond at all.

>> No.9681573
File: 255 KB, 1242x1680, d04d76b5b9788ba966e34e74c63a2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be reporting all these posts for rule violations. If they are, they'll be deleted. Maybe the whole thread will be. If they're not, you'll be banned for abusing the reporting system.

>> No.9681574

You can't be real.

>> No.9681576

You should try writing in a different style if you want to appear to be a different person when you agree with yourself.

>> No.9681578

Just like last night, moderation is absent at this time.

>> No.9681581

No, I'm the one who's been insulting you. I've called you every name under the sun. I believe that is the first instance of the poster actually delivering a straight-up insult because he got fed up with your shit.

And I haven't been "just insulting you," all my posts have had content. You have ignored all of it. Of my polite posts, angry posts, and spoiler-abusing posts, the only ones you consistently fail to respond to are the first.

>> No.9681582

YOU FUCKING FAGGOT RETARD. I made one of those posts and neither of the others. Stop pretending you are a mod, or actually know shit about anything. You are such a fucking idiot. I love it when stupid faggot little dipshits with tiny dinks like you do those "Same person" line-ups and are totally wrong. Suck my big hairy cock you pathetic know-nothing little queer bait. I'll make you wear a fucking dress. What a stupid fag you are. hard to believe. Fag.

>> No.9681587

No, I'm just asking how spoiler abuse can be used for something else than what I mentioned. People do it to create a dumb "twist" to their post, or make a lowbrow joke or whatever.

Um, I'm not him. I think he's being sarcastic, and actually hates me.

>> No.9681589

That's probably a fifth person stirring up for shits and giggles.

>> No.9681590

pls no bully

>> No.9681598

I am definately a different individual than the poster that I agreed with. What am I supposed to do, shitpost. Fur ur likng? Lel ;)

>> No.9681592

>He's pretty fucking dedicated! Just look around you!
Being dedicated in this thread is one thing, but constantly being up to scold spoiler abusers is another.

>> No.9681595

His "fuck off with ur spoilers" posts have already been deleted multiple times, so he's probably treading on thin ice here.

>> No.9681597


>> No.9681600

So you are reporting all these "spoiler abuse" posts? There's gotta be 50 or so in this thread alone. Such a large number of reports from one person would certainly see some sort of action, no matter what. There's no way a mod would ignore 50+ reports.

>> No.9681602

I just told you. People use it to conceal jokes or answers to puzzles, the same way that that books do them by hiding them on other pages, magazines do it by hiding them in upside-down text at the bottom of the page, or that old websites used to do with a big block of whitespace and newer websites do with a button you click to reveal the answer. Other than that I referenced a very specific Touhou thread from 12/10 which nobody thought was "vapid gimmick shit."

>> No.9681604

Like I said, probably because of the use of spoilers. Too bad, maybe next time you'll post in a manner that will get your posts taken seriously.

>> No.9681609
File: 438 KB, 640x934, 1704633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture. There's no point in posting if I don't have a picture!

>> No.9681616

Actually read my post. Here, I'll break it down for you:

>You have ignored all of it. Of my polite posts, angry posts, and spoiler-abusing posts, the only ones you consistently fail to respond to are the first.
See, there are three kinds of posts here, and while I didn't explicitly state it, I'll make it real clear for you.

1. Polite posts that do not contain spoiler abuse.
2. Rude as fuck posts that do not contain spoiler abuse.
3. Rude as fuck posts that do contain spoiler abuse.

You did not respond to any in category one, a few in category, and all of category three. I'll even repost this for you without insults if that'll get you to respond! Here, let me cut them all out.

>> No.9681618

Don't pretend to be me you sperglord.

>> No.9681620

Same could be said for the person complaining about the spam. Why aren't those posts deleted?

There's just no moderation at the moment.

>> No.9681622

Please don't derail our retarded conversation with these accusations.

>> No.9681623

I've been reporting Spammer-kun. Maybe I'll get somewhere with that.

>> No.9681624

Last response I made to the person who I suspect is you was >>9681411

>> No.9681625

>I just told you
I wanted some specific examples as you just provided.

Don't get me wrong, if someone used spoilers differently than intended but it still fulfilled a legitimate purpose (e.g. concealing answers, because how else can you do that? spoilers are a good way), I wouldn't report them. But unnecessarily putting whatever junk in your post in spoilers, I don't really get and actually discourage. I do discriminate, you know.

>> No.9681640

Because of the way people read, spoilers aren't needed to hide the punchline of a joke, or much anything else that comes at the end of a post. It will always be at the and and will always be read last.

>> No.9681641

>I wanted some specific examples as you just provided.
You are moving the goal. Besides that, as spoilers have always been accepted, the burden of evidence lies with you and Spammer-kun.

>I do discriminate, you know.
Then ignore them, and get Spammer-kun to stop spamming and derailing shit.

>> No.9681637

They do get deleted.

>> No.9681646

That one post wasn't by me. I stated as such in >>9681581 and am referring to the posts you completely ignored, very early on in the thread, in favor of posting the same canned response over and over thread.

Posts are shown by the number of people who reported them. Reporting every thread on the board won't do anything because nobody looks at the posts with just one report.

>> No.9681649
File: 764 KB, 722x1000, 6908823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assumed no one was reporting Spammer-kun, I know I haven't. I didn't think most people cared, but >>9681623 has proved me wrong.

>> No.9681657

I'm not "moving the goal." Please don't resort to namedropping fallacies. Although I'm a little worn out at this point in the argument, I'm still capable of answering your points.

Always having been accepted or not, I'm certain it is more prominent nowadays. Maybe as a result of more complaining, I don't know, but for sure, it pops up more frequently.

>> No.9681653

I think you're misunderstanding my post.

There is no moderation right now.

No posts have been deleted yet.

Yes, I know they will eventually be deleted.

>> No.9681656

>It will always be at the and and will always be read last.
It doesn't work that way. When you are skimming through a page or a thread, your eye jumps around for keywords that interest you.

Anyway, I've come to realize that your problem isn't with spoilers (which is different from Spammer-kun), but with shitty content. Content being shitty is independent from spoilers and you shouldn't group them together. That's being like the governments that ban cough medicine because it could be used to make meth.

>> No.9681665

>I do discriminate, you know.
Oh, fantastic. Then we don't even disagree. Medals all around for achieving agreement.

Except that no, not everybody reads like that, because there's a reason why people put space between a question and answer when they want people to pause inbetween. If people really read like you say they do, spoiler tags wouldn't be necessary at all in "at the end of Romeo and Juliet, both of them die," because people would hit "at the end of Romeo and Juliet" and just stop reading. Except that's not how it works.

>> No.9681660

What the hell happened to this thread?

>> No.9681664

Once again, you're mixing up conversations with two people.

>> No.9681666
File: 355 KB, 670x1000, 1281753809101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? I know I've been banned for abusing the report function. Just me. Though, that was a long ass time ago.

>> No.9681667
File: 42 KB, 960x720, jaypoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+ 193 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

You guys are mentally retarded? You know that?

>> No.9681668

Maybe this is one of those rare times when "autism" is actually the answer.

>> No.9681671

I have been very recently.

>> No.9681672

Fa/tg/uy here, I dispute this. /r9k/ is by far sadder. /jp/ is relatively ok with their situation. /r9k/ want to be normalfags but can't.

I'm supposed to sage for regular posts, right?

>> No.9681673

>I'm not "moving the goal." Please don't resort to namedropping fallacies.
You are. You wanted examples from him, he provided them, then you said that those weren't good enough and that you wanted specifics.

Well, you'll get that sometimes in a retarded, anonymous internet argument.

>> No.9681675

I like to think I'm making intelligent posts.

>> No.9681678

I guess that's too bad I didn't reply to your posts then. Complaining and insulting me won't make me do anything now.

>> No.9681679

>You wanted examples from him, he provided them, then you said that those weren't good enough and that you wanted specifics.
No, I believe we've reached an agreement here. "I wanted some specific examples as you just provided" implies satisfaction.

No, you can bump all the regular posts you like (or not, to your taste), but you should sage discussion in shitty off-topic threads for sure.

>> No.9681687

He mentioned threads in passing, not specifically what and how those threads handled the so-called "spoiler abuse." I can't be familiar with every example out there.

>Interesting threads that are enjoyed by many people, none of whom assessed it as tryhard, gimmicky stupid shit.
>one in the last two weeks (that one was sort of stupid, I will concede)
>a well-received Touhou thread revolving around the total abuse of spoiler tags from December 2010

That doesn't say much. When he mentioned things like puzzle answers, I was satisfied because that's a concrete example, even though it's only one.

>> No.9681688

>Except that no, not everybody reads like that
Literature that you are dedicated to is different than skimming text to find things that interest you and catch your attention. When reading Shakespeare, your attention is already held and you read linearly.

Do you read every word of the Google search results page, or do you just glance and find keywords that look interesting?

>> No.9681691

There wasn't a need for the question mark in the first sentance. Why question a fact?

>> No.9681703

The recent one was the (really shitty) Touhou jokes thread full of awful puns and the like. I'll categorize it in the shit bin for you because it was shit even if it was somewhat funny.

"A well-received Touhou thread revolving around the total abuse of spoiler tags from December 2010" is pretty concrete, since there was only one. Dialogue was chain-spoiled. I'm not going to link it for you if you don't remember it.

>> No.9681697

I guess the problem of people reading posts backwards can be attributed to the crossboard population, who are likely used to reading posts that aren't really meant to be much more than a few facts or opinions stated in the least amount of words possible.

>> No.9681699

It would have been better if you had replied 'Please stop abusing question marks.' It's too bad. Now no one can do it without looking bad.

>> No.9681720

Another reason why we should combat and remedy their illiteracy and ignorance by not resorting to spoilers.

Okay. As for the '10 thread, I probably just missed it. Can't browse everyday sometimes.

>> No.9681712

I can't wait for somebody to call me out on my abuse of exclamation points and profanity.

Although I guess people already do the "pls no bully" thing.

>> No.9681719

>I guess the problem of people reading posts backwards can be attributed to the crossboard population
Not very subtle with that accusation. Do you really read every post, including the `suck my cock dude' or old copypasta before you decide that it is obviously shit and that you don't need to read it? Are you are being dumb on purpose.

>> No.9681727

>I'll categorize it in the shit bin for you because it was shit
You can't just wave your hand and dismiss everything that goes against your argument.

>> No.9681739

Spoiler abuse getting worse over time, like everything on 4chan.

>> No.9681735

Please explain, I don't understand.

>> No.9681742

I read posts in threads that I am interested in, from top to bottom. If I can tell from the first few words that it's spam or a meme, I skip to the next post. A giant block of black text is like a red flag to me, and I always pass over those posts containing such content.

>> No.9681743

Never mind. You are either trolling or stupid. Spammer-kun will keep spamming and you will keep supporting him. Whatever, I'll just keep reporting him and hating him.

>> No.9681746
File: 149 KB, 700x595, 6541362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna post pics until I feel like stopping.

>> No.9681747


>> No.9681753

And not everybody reads like you. If they did, spoiler tags wouldn't be necessary in the first place, since you could just preface all spoilers with "at the end of Romeo and Juliet" and nobody would accidentally read the next three words.

>A giant block of black text is like a red flag to me, and I always pass over those posts containing such content.
So reading short and concise posts is something that only crossboarding scum do, but you skip over big blocks of text? What do you read?

>> No.9681760

I think this is just another case of someone using greentext to make up for their lack of ability to write a post in a normal manner to explain what they mean.

Sadly, this actually happens when a person uses greentext a lot. It's the same effect texting has on kids. It's okay if you can't explain it. I understand and will not make fun of you because of the fact.

>> No.9681762
File: 147 KB, 770x775, 6183f4183142a85cfce40fcf0dcbbdc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9681765

>Never mind. You are either trolling or stupid. Spammer-kun will keep spamming and you will keep supporting him. Whatever, I'll just keep reporting him and hating him.
Fuck off, you retarded piece of shit. I have not supported the person you call spammer-kun a single time in this thread. Rather, I've been calling him a fucking retard and reporting his posts. But it seems like you're are a total fuckwit who can't even keep track of who agrees with you. The post you objected to >>9681727 contained a concession of my own point. You are the one who misunderstood. You may not be as autistic as the spamming fucker but you sure are a cunt.

>> No.9681768

Can someone explain to me why this discussion is even happening? Can someone please explain to me why doing this is a problem at all? Why it would even be considered bad "etiquette"? And I want a better answer than "It's abusing the spoiler function." Tell me, how? And then explain why that is a problem.

>> No.9681772

It's a problem because he personally does not like it.

>> No.9681774
File: 303 KB, 600x773, 5094262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? People use greentext to be cool and funny, even if it isn't. It's more comparable to smoking than texting.

>> No.9681776

In the particular example that is your post, it wastes time and doesn't add anything to the post.

>> No.9681778

Why would typing >mfw be considered bad etiquette? Why is it a problem at all?

>> No.9681782

Reaction posts are largely worthless.

>> No.9681784

Smoking is much, much cooler than greentexting.

>> No.9681785

That alone isn't a problem.

>> No.9681786

Calling it out in also wastes time and doesn't add anything to the thread. Actually, it derails many on topic threads.

>> No.9681788
File: 448 KB, 864x872, 17668987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just got his knickers in a twist because they're not actually spoilers. Just shitty jokes wrapped in spoiler tags. But that's not what "abuse" of the spoiler tags means.

>> No.9681790
File: 71 KB, 400x457, 1241572423939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9681782 how dare you

>> No.9681795

/jp/ can't take it easy

>> No.9681797

I don't even have a problem with it, I was just explaining why some people care. This particular thread is worthless anyway. There was nothing to derail.

Like, maybe you use the page up and down buttons to nagivate 4chan, and having to move the mouse would force you stop taking it easy for an extra half second.

>> No.9681802

Yes, it is.

In a similar vein, I can say using spoilers unnecessarily is largely worthless.

I mean, read posts like "What's the matter, too much fun for you?", tell me it isn't utterly trite.

>> No.9681804

It isn't.

>> No.9681805

Hmm... It looks like I did mistake who I was replying to. Sorry Anon.

>> No.9681808


>> No.9681810

That post would be worthless whether or not it contained a spoiler or not.

>> No.9681812


>> No.9681813

Using vulgar language for the first time tonight, fuck you.

>> No.9681821
File: 580 KB, 546x800, 7473810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll agree with you, but people still do it just to look cool, not for any other reason. When people start greentexting on school papers or resumes, then we have a problem.

>> No.9681824

Now you've gone and undercut me, just after I got all worked up. Look what your apology has done.

>> No.9681832

That's like saying >mfw isn't a big deal because mfw alone is stupid. Please, that's not the point.
Incorrectly used spoilers catalyze the phenomenon of shitposting, because it fits their need. Trends are important. We've got to stop...

>> No.9681837
File: 158 KB, 475x360, 1346468557393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+ 249 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

You guys are super fucking retarded.

>> No.9681841



>> No.9681849

Thanks for telling me.

>> No.9681851

>Incorrectly used spoilers catalyze the phenomenon of shitposting, because it fits their need. Trends are important. We've got to stop.
Shitposters like for replies, and complaining about spoiler misuse is going to make them use it, not the other way around.

When you get elected Dictator of /jp/, then maybe you can stop it, just like disapproval and deletion has stopped shitposting.

>> No.9681853

>That's like saying >mfw isn't a big deal because mfw alone is stupid. Please, that's not the point.
So what is the point? Shitty posts are shitty, >mfw or no >mfw, spoilers or no spoilers.

>> No.9681871

I disagree, but that matter is situational, so I won't argue about it.

Yes, shitty posts are shitty. That is first and foremost the issue to be combated.
But if someone uses spoilers incorrectly and unnecessarily, that is a shitpost to me. So I will call it out.

>> No.9681879

Great, so you'll shitpost to criticize "shitposts".


>> No.9681881

>But if someone uses spoilers incorrectly and unnecessarily, that is a shitpost to me. So I will call it out.
Your plan is to actively bait shitposters into making more posts and doing it more frequently just to piss you off? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.9681887

>But if someone uses spoilers incorrectly and unnecessarily, that is a shitpost to me. So I will call it out.
If you're going to call out a post for being shitty, then do it, but don't target one inconsequential feature of the shitty post.

And if you followed around everybody who posted XDDDDDDDDs with requests for them to stop you'd get a whole lot more, not less.

>> No.9681896

I'll just tell him to please use spoilers correctly. What, do I have to type in variations each time?

I understand that, but what else am I supposed to do? This is like some cruel catch-22 where I can't tell someone to stop, but I obviously can't just observe quietly either.

>> No.9681923

>I understand that, but what else am I supposed to do?
Shut your mouth and ignore it. Don't feed the trolls, god damn this is entry-level wikipedia knowledge. Do you really think that anyone has ever gotten out of /jp/ because someone told them too? Did /b/ ever get scared because we posted "Reported" over and over? No, it just got announcing "Reported" banned. You are sticking your dick in a hornet's nest here.

>I obviously can't just observe quietly either.
Yes, you can, I believe in you. Don't be responsible for the next big shitposting fad Anon.

>> No.9681948

You can't compare >mfw or "XD" to "misuse" of spoiler tags. You want to know why? Because the first one is "post content". In other words it is what the post is saying. >mfw is shitty writing used to convey thoughts in simplistic terms. The difference between that and spoiler tags is that spoiler tags are not "post content" instead it is "post presentation" which means that it is *how* the post is presented not *what* is presented. It is exactly like font type or size, it is another way to show the post. Just like you might underline a word or use italics for emphasis, or use all caps to denote "yelling", spoiler tags are used to provide context not content. If we look at the very first post that started this "debate" (>>9681153) you would see that the spoiler tags were used to create an irony. In other words there is suppose to be a duality in the post. One part is calling out the previous poster for wearing a Madoka t-shirt and we assume that this is because wearing an anime t-shirt in public should be a bad thing. Yet the spoiler text shows the other side of the post. That the poster himself would wear an anime t-shirt and this is what caused the irony through the context of the use of spoiler tags. What I'm trying to say is that the people who compare >mfw to spoiler abuse are doing so in an unfair way to prove their argument. (I ran out of room)

>> No.9681949

What the fuck? Then how is it /jp/ hasn't been plagued with greentexting bullshit so far? Someone might do it a little more because you tell them not to, but in the long run, it helps a whole lot.

>> No.9681958

"Who are you quoting?" is bannable if a mod finds it. People stopped replying to such obvious shit and they stopped using it, moving on to posting dicks and avataring because they stopped getting attention.

>> No.9681959



>> No.9681966

Fuck you.

>> No.9681980 [DELETED] 

People are told to fuck off in no uncertain terms with their shitty posts and sometimes they even do, but shitposting sure as fuck go away because people spammed "who are you quoting" everywhere. That just generated its own "wch 2hu quot" garbage. It also eventually pushed shitposting in a direction where any given post passes all the automatic tests (no greentext, no emoticons, not reaction images) but is composed of pure retardation. Huge fucking improvement, there.

Telling people to fuck off and go away might (and might not) work on actual outsiders if you make them feel unwelcome, but people have been abusing spoilers in /jp/ for years on end. They're not going to quietly leave /jp/ just because somebody decided that this shit had to end today.

>> No.9681984

Not otaku culture, fuck you.

Fuck you

>> No.9681985

People are told to fuck off in no uncertain terms with their shitty posts and sometimes they even do, but shitposting sure as fuck didn't go away because people spammed "who are you quoting" everywhere. That just generated its own "wch 2hu quot" garbage. It also eventually pushed shitposting in a direction where any given post passes all the automatic tests (no greentext, no emoticons, not reaction images) but is composed of pure retardation. Huge fucking improvement, there.

Telling people to fuck off and go away might (and might not) work on actual outsiders if you make them feel unwelcome, but people have been abusing spoilers in /jp/ for years on end. They're not going to quietly leave /jp/ just because somebody decided that this practice had to end today.

>> No.9681992


>> No.9681995

Um... I get what you're saying, but if people had told the people over at /v/ not to type >implying every other sentence, don't you think they would have stopped after a while? Turning your back on something is encouragement in some cases. Just an example.

I don't think people use greentext to garner attention. They do it because they are idiots who can't convey their thoughts normally. Stuff like that, I think should be frowned upon.

You're being too objective. You can tell from trends that those who abuse spoilers nowadays are often crossboarders who don't care about foreign board etiquette. And also, >mfw can be used in conjunction, not just alone, with other "content," turning its usage into "post presentation" as well. Not an unfair argument.

>> No.9681997

Fuck you.

>> No.9681998


>> No.9682001

>Turning your back on something is encouragement in some cases.
Not for shitposters. If you don't reply, then they will change their content until you do. They only way to win is not to play.

>> No.9682008

Go back to >>>/jp/ you autist.

>> No.9682012

>I get what you're saying, but if people had told the people over at /v/ not to type >implying every other sentence, don't you think they would have stopped after a while?
People in /v/ do this all the fucking time. There are dozens of people in /v/ and /sp/ obsessed with trying to fix their shitheaps, you can hear them crying in /q/. It completely and absolutely does not work not in the slightest how you can even believe this is beyond me.

>I don't think people use greentext to garner attention. They do it because they are idiots who can't convey their thoughts normally.
Nobody is truly too dumb to speak in complete sentences, not even IRL twelve year old girls who *kyaa~~~~* in Gaia roleplaying forums. People greentext either because due to convention or because they're just trolling.

>And also, >mfw can be used in conjunction, not just alone, with other "content," turning its usage into "post presentation" as well.
It is usually accompanied by a bullet point and a reaction image. The resulting post gets an F for content.

>> No.9682014

It's not like I'm telling them to fuck off. I'm just telling them to please use spoilers 1) as intended and 2) if not, at least in a legitimately necessary way e.g. puzzle answers. Shitposting to combat shitposting seldom works. I understand that.

Okay. I get it.

But my point was that shitposting isn't always trolling. Sometimes, it's board culture. If /jp/ ever reaches that state, I will flip shit. You better not stop me then.

>> No.9682037

>People in /v/ do this all the fucking time.
Here's the key to the difference between what I said and your point: I meant the problem should have been nipped in the bud. It's FAR too late to do anything about it now. It was said, don't reply to shitposters, let them be, but if >implying wasn't allowed from the beginning, what would have happened? Who knows.

>People greentext either because due to convention
But it's not convention here, in /jp/. Why? I feel that our hostility toward such things did help.

>It is usually accompanied by a bullet point and a reaction image.
That's a little conveniently generalized, if you ask me. In the same way I can say spoiler abuse is usually gimmicky and stupid.

>> No.9682044

> If /jp/ ever reaches that state, I will flip shit.
Long since happened. We can still have actual discussions, but keep them bumped or they will fall off the board will all the blogging, metathreads*, and cocks going on.

*Ever notice that shitposting is at a standstill when there is a huge metathread on slot 1?

>> No.9682068

But the biggest difference between /jp/ and other shitty boards is that /jp/ actually recognizes those things as bad. The janitor tries to clean all that up, and people report and sage those threads about cocks, blogging, whatever. If /jp/ ever fully embraces shitposting culture, I will go apeshit. That's what I mean.

>*Ever notice that shitposting is at a standstill when there is a huge metathread on slot 1?
No, I never noticed. I'll have to pay attention to that next time.

>> No.9682073

>Who knows.
Remember QC and Suigin's group? If anything they made it a hundred times worse by being good targets.

>But it's not convention here, in /jp/.
Same reason why /b/ never raids us with nukes anymore. It got old to them and they stopped caring.

>> No.9682087

>I feel that our hostility toward such things did help.
It helps in some ways and hurts in others. We did a somewhat decent job of keeping out actual stupid visitors and a somewhat decent job attracting "/jp/-original" shitposters who thought that provoking angry autists with dick pictures was fucking hilarious.

And /jp/ now and then was pretty unanimous on greentext being shit, telling people to fuck off with their shitty greentext wasn't a thing a few posters had to force. Right now there's not even a consensus on spoilers being bad.

>That's a little conveniently generalized, if you ask me.
The entire point of a >mfw post is that you write >mfw something happened (this something, say a boss character appeared, being the bullet point content) and attach the picture of your face when it happened or a representation thereof (the reaction image). That's how >mfw posts are constructed. Well, ometimes people will change it up and write shit like >mfw i have no face or >mfw an americlap clapped after eating one million hamburgers but that shit is even worse. Spoilers are significantly more versatile.

>*Ever notice that shitposting is at a standstill when there is a huge metathread on slot 1?
It used to be that the presence of a huge metathread on page one made people make even more shit threads to laugh at the posters in them.

>> No.9682088

I meant to say that WE stopped caring (as in, we just did something else and waited the raid out instead of telling them that we didn't care).

>> No.9682095
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>+ 280 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click here to view.


>> No.9682101



>> No.9682115


>> No.9682110

9 more posts to bump limit! if we can do it then the maid dies! posts your autism faggots, keep going, kleep going!

>> No.9682128
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>> No.9682138
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>> No.9682139
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>> No.9682143 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9682156

Regarding >mfw, not always. In another way, it can also be called post presentation as it's a method for expressing emotion. Rather than saying "I felt bewildered upon encountering this creature," one can say ">see final boss >mfw"
God, this is such a stupid topic to discuss, I think I'll stop here with that.

Improper greentext... I wonder what separates it from spoiler abuse. If you think about it, objectively, greentext misuse isn't that big of a deal. Honestly speaking, I think its biggest stigma lies in that it's associated with /v/. If it were, I don't know, a /3/ thing, no one would give a shit. I associate spoiler misuse with /a/ and /v/. That's probably the biggest reason I frown upon it, because with people like that come other, bigger problems.

>> No.9682148

Please stop abusing spoilers.

>> No.9682160
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>> No.9682162
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Is meido dead yet?

>> No.9682164

Yes, she went quietly in her sleep.

>> No.9682169

yes, that was post 300, you killed her. good job anon, the buttranger would be proud

>> No.9682176


>> No.9682177

>And also, >mfw can be used in conjunction, not just alone, with other "content," turning its usage into "post presentation" as well. Not an unfair argument.
I was going to type out a post saying how spoiler tags can be used in conjunction with any post without changing the actual content of the post but then I realized you could start any post with >mfw. Then I was thinking about how starting a post like that radically changes the context of the post but that was exactly what I was going to argue about spoiler tags. So instead I'm going to argue something different. Using >mfw only serves one purpose, and that is to make a post a reactionary one, often with little insight and less content. It's the same with "greentext" in general. It is used only for the purpose of simplifying a post to it's most basic ideas, often resulting in shitposting and a lot of times, blogging. A spoiler tag can serve many purposes that often don't involve shitposting, but some of the times can such as "I had a lot of fun". Now if you think that use of spoiler tags when not hiding spoilers constitutes shitposting then I will have to argue a different thing but unfortunately I am tired so I will not continue. I wonder, however, how you would feel if the spoiler tag was called "hidden" instead of "spoiler".

>> No.9682178

Well that was a fucking given, because she was always asleep.

>> No.9682190

P-Please respond spoiler guy! I've never gotten a reply from you!

>> No.9682195

Fuck me with your spoilers.

>> No.9682218
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>> No.9682223

Fuck off Alice. Saging because I hate you.

>> No.9682231

Fuck you then. Alice didn't want your reply anyways.

>> No.9682233

It's fine. I too am exhausted from this debate. Perhaps we should give it a rest. I'll answer some points though:

>Now if you think that use of spoiler tags when not hiding spoilers constitutes shitposting
Usually, but not necessarily. It's situational, rather than black and white.

>how you would feel if the spoiler tag was called "hidden" instead of "spoiler".
Well... To give a simple reply, I'd say I wouldn't mind it as much. If there was a catch-all "hidden text" feature, I'd wonder sometimes why it existed, but I wouldn't really question it anymore. The human mind is awfully strange sometimes.

>> No.9682237

Y-you too.

>> No.9682273

/jp/ is like the fucking UN over the most pointless bullshit.

>> No.9682273,1 [INTERNAL] 

>You have been banned from /jp/ for the following reason: The quality of posts is extremely important to the community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.9682273,2 [INTERNAL] 

Ironic shituposutu is still shituposutu.

>> No.9682273,3 [INTERNAL] 

But I really wanted him to respond.

>> No.9682273,4 [INTERNAL] 

You really wanted him to respond IRONICALY

>> No.9682273,5 [INTERNAL] 

I'm the person who was telling people to stop misusing spoilers and nothing has happened to me.

>> No.9682273,6 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have real autism?

>> No.9682273,7 [INTERNAL] 

They are taking pity on you because of your brain tumor that's eating away at your higher level cognation skills.
