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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 316 KB, 661x800, cute pair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9668953 No.9668953[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just woke up from the best dream of my life /jp/.

You ask me what this perfect dream was about?
My waifu?
I dreamed about my middle school crush.
She was the perfect loli, the perfect girl. I haven't seen her since 2 years ago but I can guarantee you she still looks exactly the same.
In my dream we were traveling together with a few friends and we had to share a bed at an Hotel. When it was time to go to bed she timidly lay down and timidly ask me, 'Aren't you going to lay down with me?'
And so I did. We embraced and kissed each other after she confessed her love for me and I for her.
She taught me how to kiss properly, how to cuddle and how to feel.
It looked so real it sounded so real.
I even said to myself. This can't be a dream this is just too perfect to be a dream.
Sadly like every dream the time to wake up came. And then I woke up in floods of tears.
I can still feel her lips /jp/. I can still feel her breath.
I don't care if it was just a dream.
For me this is enough proof that there is still hope in 3D. That 3D can be cute too.
Don't give up /jp/.
Follow your heart.

>> No.9668978

please respond

>> No.9668985

>She was the perfect loli
How old is she?

>> No.9668993

Contact her on Facebook™. Watch how much niggers she interacts with.

>> No.9669009

I know that feel

>> No.9669013

I think you might be a pedophile.

>> No.9669012

But it was a dream, bro.

I recommend putting yourself in a coma so you can live there forever.

>> No.9669014
File: 202 KB, 750x700, 1324986256241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still hope in 3D

Nice joke. Did you find that on a Popsicle stick?

And watch your heart sink again

>> No.9669017

Loving a 3D girl is like loving your parents. They're not going to be perfect. You might be at each other's throats all the time and you'll probably have little in common to talk about. If you're lucky she'll be aesthetically attractive and at least will provide physical comfort, but that's all that can be expected from a 3D girl.

Men and women are too different to truly connect with one another. 3D girls cannot replace 2D.

>> No.9669041


>> No.9669048

Honestly, those who advocate 2D over 3D are often just bitter men who are frustrated that they could never score with their high school crush. It's pretty silly. If they ever find a chance to get with a 3D, they'll jump on the chance. Hypocrites.
Romance is only trouble, and it clutters your mind -- regardless of the dimension.

>> No.9669063

Fuck off back to /r9k/, 'please'.

>> No.9669074
File: 33 KB, 250x233, 1343668998595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too old.

OP, you just had a perfectly normal dream. I don't know what are you doing on /jp/.

>> No.9669081

What does madoka have to do with it?

>> No.9669083

While this is true for most /jp/ers (bitter normalshits who ended up using Japanese media as a mean of escapism), I've met quite a few asexual people on the Internet who never liked 3D and ended up developing some kind of special affection to 2D.

Namely, wrongplanet.

Fuck off, neurotypical faggots.

>> No.9669085

Projecting, much?

>> No.9669091

How old was she in your dream?

>> No.9669094


Actually I had plenty of girls after my dick in High school but only 1 flat out confession in public. She was pretty cute looking I guess, had soulless eyes that were nice to stare into. I just don't see the point in all of it.

>> No.9669095


>> No.9669105

No, I'm honestly presenting the natural conclusion reached from reading many years' worth of posts on the subject. What, are you getting defensive?

I don't know about /jp/. I was referring more to /a/, a board whose immaturity and ignorance never fail to piss the fuck out of me.

>> No.9669106
File: 8 KB, 363x360, 1330590090108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I dreamed about my middle school crush.
Just wait another 2-3 years and then try to meet her again. You'll love it, trust me, tehehehehe.

>> No.9669115

Could you please fuck off back to /a/? Your unnecessary presence might be appreciated there, but not so much here.

>> No.9669125

>>tfw I've had the same dreams in the past and i've had girls i liked and girls who kinda liked me in middle school

makes you reconsider 2d sometimes....;_; i wish i never found this website and i wish i never went to a all boys high school. maybe i wouldn't even be on /jp/ 6-7 years later but i'd be a normal person

>> No.9669133
File: 13 KB, 262x349, so let me get this straight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dreamed I was in an 80s future orbital colony. Screw your dream.

>> No.9669139

Am I still on /jp/? This thread reads awfully.

>> No.9669145

>natural conclusion
Oh boy. There's no /jp/ hivemind. It's crazy right? Like we're all different people or something.

>> No.9669141

Eventhough you asked nicely, I'll have to decline.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts though! You were very polite, even going as far as saying please.

>> No.9669144
File: 18 KB, 450x253, kodomo-no-jikan-rin-wants-hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I take back everyhing I said. I sincerely hope that you'll benefit your vivid imagination and have lots of similar dreams like the one you had. (I never remember my dreams ;_;)
Welcome home!

>> No.9669147

I don't think a lot of the people here necessarily "hate" anything 3 dimensional.

It seems to me like we're just a very cynical bunch that's really bitter because we've lost a lot of hope in reality.

>> No.9669154

I was just warning you. But all right, if you insist.

>> No.9669171

>those who advocate 2D over 3D are often just bitter men who are frustrated that they could never score with their high school crush.
Yes, a natural conclusion which various pieces of accumulated evidence and trends point toward. I also said I'm talking more about /a/. /jp/ more frequently scorns the entire 2D vs 3D rivalry, seeing it for the bullshit it is.
Just shut the fuck up if you don't have anything to say. I've been having far too many moronic "debates" recently, and I'm sick of it.

>> No.9669175

My middle school crush just got married a month ago. I don't really care, it was so long ago.

>> No.9669179
File: 148 KB, 500x500, getoutofjp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dreamed about my middle school crush.
She was the perfect loli, the perfect girl. I haven't seen her since 2 years ago but I can guarantee you she still looks exactly the same.
>middle school
>2 years ago

>> No.9669181
File: 53 KB, 811x422, 541163_3896296327367_308725248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first middle school crush....

She was a major weeb, not that attractive and came to school in traditional Japanese uniform. A coincidence, her cousin was good friends with my brother. I liked her to the point she was an inspiration for me drawing (kind of still is). And well, has a nigger boyfriend now.

>> No.9669188

That isn't her, is it...?

>> No.9669189

I've been observing the vocal minority in offtopic r9k blogshit threads on an anonymous image board.

Please take me seriously!

>> No.9669196

Why didn't you write your inane post in greentext?I had thought it was standard procedure to do so.

>> No.9669192


yes it is indeed her

>> No.9669193

How could you lose to a nigger? Are you black too?

>> No.9669205

You say she was not that attractive, but I think she's pretty. I say this with no sexual undertones, by the way.

>> No.9669199

I am the truest NEET I never went to middle school.

>> No.9669204

/jp/ers just have high, Japanified standards of how women should act, coupled with mostly living in countries whose cultures make it impossible for their hopes to be fulfilled. That, and for some reason a lot of otaku are ugly misfits. I don't really like them. It's like they just ended up in the subculture because it provided somewhere where they felt they fit in.

I wonder how everyone would fare in Japan. While still often bitches, girls are more feminine and act somewhat more 2D and less slutty than back home. I've achieved a semblance of peace with the opposite gender here anyway.

>> No.9669226

ugly misfits who are bitter about being unpopular with girls*

>> No.9669234

She's like a 9 by Asian standards, probably.

>> No.9669236

She graduated from university but I have no idea what she's doing. She doesn't update her Facebook anymore, but I don't think she has or has ever had a boyfriend.

But then, I had a lot of other crushes before, because I'm a slut.

Even though I grew older all of them stayed the same age.

>> No.9669238
File: 41 KB, 720x266, 422537_3184081682446_865241130_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




I don't mean nigger by being black but the same faggot who I wanted to beat the shit out of for messing with me everyday. I don't think shes still in a relationship with him, I don't have an account.

>> No.9669240

Probably more like a high 8. That image reeks of Photoshop filtering.

>> No.9669270


Either way, as long as shes happy I don't really care.

>> No.9669271

Now I've seen this >>9669240 I believe you're right.

>> No.9669282
File: 254 KB, 600x849, 1311311228912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greentext is only used for ironic shitposting. Learn the difference; it might save your life!

>> No.9669285


Of course it is. Shes not that good looking. Last time I seen her she had bumps on her cheek and forehead. Her hair was jet black too and only tampers with it for parties and stuff.

>> No.9669286

What are you so sad about? If she'd dating a nigger she probably doesn't have a great personality.

You probably just had a crush on her because of her looks. But there are plenty of Asian girls who look like that.

>> No.9669293

Actually, she's more like a 7 or a low, low 8 judging from that image. Sorry for saying this to the anon who posted her, but judgments should be accurate and impartial.

>> No.9669294


yellow fever

>> No.9669296

Stop replying to the offboarders. It's unsightly.

>> No.9669302

At least we're saging. Separates /jp/ from the other boards.

>> No.9669314

That's the stupidest thing I've read today.
Well, no. Probably like the 3rd or 4th stupidest, but I say the stupidest for emphasis.

>> No.9669315

Yes sorry. You are right.

>> No.9669323

Please don't apologize...

>> No.9669338

You could post in an on-topic thread instead.

I guess /jp/ isn't different in that regard!

>> No.9669351
File: 172 KB, 480x640, 1343953101640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I'm going to put this as simply as I can. The main reason you had such a cute dream and say
>For me this is enough proof that there is still hope in 3D. That 3D can be cute too.
Is because you are reflecting what you have seen in cutesy 2D shows. I'm really not trying to bring you down or anything, but that's most likely the case.

Then again I'm probably just bitter because i had a disheartening dream about the current girl I've been going after. Involving no one caring about her birthday, not even her own mother. I was going to pour my heart out but woke up before i could.

>> No.9669354


Look who's talking.

>> No.9669360

Concerning rating of girls: I hardly see these fabled 9 and 10s in Japan. People just seem to be in the categories of ugly, plain and cute. There are more cute ones than back home but I never see anyone who I think looks intimidatingly attractive.

This rating system is so depressing anyway.

>> No.9669367

Read the post you're quoting. Does it look like I'm giving a fucking dissertation on the duality of the Higgs particle? It's okay to say stupidest casually. You're stupid for pulling the semantics card in this context.

>> No.9669393

I agree. There's nothing wrong with acting like an idiot xD

>> No.9669394

Yes, attractiveness is too large a factor in judging other humans. It's not like you choose your genes.
That aside, what do you expect? 9/10s are extremely rare. In essence a "10" is perfection incarnate. A "9" nearly so. Concerning intelligence, do you see Fischers or Goethes everyday? Of course not. Similar principle.

>> No.9669403

You're a fucking moron. I'm now convinced you suffer from a mental disorder.
Actually, I'm sorry for bullying you. It's not your fault you're retarded. Go piss in your diaper or something.

>> No.9669453

Look, you can't expect to be taken seriously after admiting you're from /a/ and take interest in r9k threads.
I apologize for the rudeness of my fellow posters.
Now fuck off.

>> No.9669472

If you couldn't tell from my over-the-top flamboyance, I wasn't being completely serious.
I don't really want to continue this discussion, but let me defend myself a little here: 1) I *used* to browse /a/ along with /jp/ for a good while and 2) I take an interest in /r9k/-tier threads only for the sake of study. I never participate in them, unless I have a question to ask.
You are making hasty generalizations. Don't. It's a bad habit to form.

>> No.9669482

Hating 3D and only loving 2D is an /a/ thing, there are lots of idol, AV and model fans here. The irony is that /a/ are bigger normalfags than /jp/, they're just having their phase. Anyone who has been on the internet for over a decade will have seen these type of people many times in many different manifestations of culture or interest.

They'll grow up and get a partner with 2.5 children anyway, most of them are school kids who lie about their age, that much is obvious just from listening to them speak. Even immature adults on /jp/ are more in touch with reality than they are.

>> No.9669491

Thinking everyone on the board has the same preferences is an /a/ thing.

Good job.

>> No.9669504

>Even immature adults on /jp/ are more in touch with reality than they are.
Noooo. Please don't say such rude things. I'm really trying my best here~

>> No.9669506


Maybe so in unrelated cases, but it's true for this example.

>> No.9669522

>Not having dreams where you manipulate what you perceive to be the reality around you.
>Not controlling the flow of time in your dreams.

Lucid dreaming is such a beautiful thing, I wonder if anyone else here is skilled in it?

>> No.9669527

I essentially said the same thing up there, but people didn't like it for some reason and we got into an argument. Better watch out.
I've said this before on instances, but the concept of waifus is utter folly. How on earth a joke becomes bastardized to a point where not accepting it leads to communal ostracization is beyond me. The worst thing is, they refuse to listen to logic. They'll just call you a normalfag or something, while they carry on selfrighteously.

>> No.9669535

Yeah, it's true when you want it to be. I know.

>> No.9669537

There are a lot of 2D-exclusives running around /jp/, but they're not quite so loud and militant as the ones in /a/, I think.

>I've said this before on instances, but the concept of waifus is utter folly.
There are probably a lot of people who before, on instances, though you were a retard.

>> No.9669549


It's just /a/tards they're extremists of the worst kind. They're no different from the 'oppressed atheist' emo and goths from 2006. They're such mindless sheep that the irony is that they would have been witch-hunting evangelists in the 1700s

>> No.9669568

People didn't reply to you because they didn't like or agree with your argument but because you were being a retard about it.

>> No.9669574

You guys are so full of shit if you think there aren't people here who exclusively "use" 2D.

It's not like this is new or exclusive to 4chan, so I don't know why people have been so strongly crusading against it as of late. Are you that hung up on trying to separate yourself from /a/?

>> No.9669580

>You guys are so full of shit if you think there aren't people here who exclusively "use" 2D

Nobody in the thread said this, just because they didn't add a disclaimer to their post does not give you an excuse to stop using your common sense.

>> No.9669591

You seem to be awefully stuck-up about fitting people in boxes that correspond well with your world view.

>> No.9669592

No, I really wasn't. What the hell is your standard of retardation? I refuted every single "point" the peanut gallery tossed at me. I'm thinking you're just frustrated I called YOU a retard earlier.
Are you two the same person? Both of your posts have a small but prominent mistake which makes it difficult to grasp your point (though that's not really evidence).
Look, I don't really want to fling shit anymore. I'm gonna give this a rest.

Witch-hunting evangelists... Hm, never thought of it like that before.

>> No.9669599

Common sense does not extend to assuming that people on the internet didn't really mean what they said (usually a blanket statement) because that would be stupid. Sometimes people on the internet are stupid and making this assumption would be wrong.

>> No.9669607


Doesn't give you any excuse to drag people down with your ignorant blanket statements.

>> No.9669609

Anybody who insists that they've repeatedly routed their opponents in the same argument since time immemorial is usually a stubborn retard. You could have a go at the whole waifus-being-retarded argument again here, if you wanted. I'm sure you'd find takers.

I'm sure if you worked really hard to think about it, you would realize that I dropped a 't' at the end of "though."

>> No.9669613


Can I have that in English please? Also way to bump the thread, turbonerd.

>> No.9669617

Sorry for using the wrong term, I mean being a complete a dickhead.

>> No.9669624

If you're going to keep a shit thread alive with discussion then you shouldn't be surprised when it gets bumped.

>> No.9669634

I don't understand. Please explain. I don't recall making any blanket statements in this thread so far.

Can't be helped.

>> No.9669640


So you're basically saying that it's alright to bump a thread because you're retarded and it's alright to inflict your stupidity onto /jp/? I'm sorry but nobody else on /jp/ seems to have a problem with using the sage function.

There's every chance you've just bumped a decent yet slow thread off the final page, are you willing to take responsibility for that?

>> No.9669648

You're a fucking moron. Moving a thread from page three to page one cannot bump a thread off the last page. Acting like /jp/ police does not give you license to act like a retard.

>> No.9669649


>You guys are so full of shit if you think there aren't people here who exclusively "use" 2D

Nobody even said this in the thread, you're just pulling bitter paranoia out of your ass, grow up and stop acting like a teenager.

>> No.9669651

Did I say I didn't realize it? I noticed instantly. If you had read my post more closely, you would have understood that I did not mean the mistake was hard to find (I even said it was prominent), but that the grammatical function of the word in which the mistake could be found was unfortunately one where a small error could make a large difference in meaning.
In other words, I mean "fuck you."

Yes, maybe that's more accurate.

>> No.9669667

Go check this threads position.
It's people like you that make me never use nokosage.

>> No.9669688

Nokosage is now defunct, as a recent change has been implemented attributing noko to all posts.
If you would like to use it for psychological purposes however, then I understand. Why someone would though, I don't.

>> No.9669690


Yes it can. Think about it.

>> No.9669694

It was stated in >>9669482 (I can't figure out who wrote it at this point) that "hating 3D and only loving 2D is an /a/ thing," which carries a strong implication that nobody in /jp/ does so, or that the people who do are unwanted immigrants.

This is the part where I'll belatedly point out that just because two posts contain grammatical or typographical errors does not mean they shared an author.

>> No.9669695

Would "not interested in 3D" have made you happier?

>> No.9669699

No, that's stupi. All bumping a thread from page two to zero does is shuffle the arrangement of the first three pages. The last eight will be untouched entirely.

>> No.9669706

Not him, but logically that cannot happen as a direct consequence from the bump. The process can be catalyzed slightly, but not really.

This is the part where I point out in defense that's why I said "though that's not really evidence."

>> No.9669712

>strong implication

Maybe to you, but it's pretty obvious that he's not talking about EVERY SINGLE PERSON. You'd have to be incredibly retarded to believe in something like that, and not internet-argument retarded, but unable to make an observational post such as the one this line was featured in.

In other words, use common sense please. People shouldn't have to scrutinize every small detail just to satisfy your ignorance and to stop you from jumping to conclusions.

I miss old /jp/ where kids didn't make pointless posts like these, I think you're maybe unaware of how young and immature you come across as right now.

>> No.9669740


Well I am 17, but age means nothing. I see myself as much more mature than my peers.

>> No.9669763

Idiot. Don't ever admit to being underage. Even I didn't do that, haughty as I am.

>> No.9669774


That explains everything, please come back when you are old enough to post here.

>> No.9669789

It was obvious enough without him telling us.

>> No.9669808


>You guys are so full of shit
>Well, I am 17

Wow, thanks for your contribution to this thread, Master know-it-all.

>> No.9669815

Perhaps, but to outright state you're underage and clear away all doubt? On 4chan, that's suicide for ethos. No one is going to take you seriously after that.

>> No.9669824


Teenagers actually believe the whole 'I might be a teenager, but I'm intelligent really!!' thing, it's painful to hear and one of the reasons I avoid forums where this sort of shit is acceptable.

>> No.9669844

Well, there was also >>9669453.

>> No.9669845

Being in love with 2D = you are projecting your own personality on a character that doesn't exist, from your imagination = you are in love with yourself

>> No.9669860

Thanks Freud, but most characters have their own personalities.

>> No.9669861

Even if they *are* indeed intelligent for their age, the practice of tact is necessary. When you have the wonderful tool of anonymity at your disposal, why not use it?
Actually, because of that, being foolish enough to reveal your underage status is only proof that you were never all that intelligent to begin with.
