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File: 27 KB, 400x300, orz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9660905 No.9660905 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to write a letter of apology to my professor. How is this?





>> No.9660909

Just send him that image with "orz"

>> No.9660918

Translate it, weeaboos.

>> No.9660935
File: 36 KB, 278x278, 1343101734556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9660936

Does your country have death penalty for missing a class or something?

>> No.9660945

You mean you can understand it? Well, that's a relief...

>> No.9660949
File: 684 KB, 905x1032, autism_yukarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop blogging, homonerd.

>> No.9660956

Even ignoring some mistakes here and there, it sounds like the last step before committing sudoku, you know?

>> No.9660973

What sort of mistakes?

>> No.9660976


> Sorry for the lateness of my previous. Though I love the Japanese
, There is a hard and heavy this week. You for the first week I was tired of the university
I put away from sleeping. By the time that happens, I was fully four three in the afternoon. And I say
There is no reason. I will not give you the shame and far from now.

> Best regards

>> No.9660982

Your Google translate skills are impressive.

>> No.9660988

Japanese people don't talk like that dude. Your prose is awkward as HELL. I don't even have any suggestions, just try rewriting it and make it sound normal this time.

>> No.9660998

>and make it sound normal this time.
But this is a letter to a professor. It's not suppose to sound normal. It's suppose to be formal.

>> No.9661008
File: 17 KB, 309x313, 1288551558001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just post him your "orz"-picture. Japanese scholars will fully understand.

>> No.9661044

Eh, for some reason my trolling detector isn't working right.

There's casual, there's teacher-formal, and then there's "I MADE AN UNFORGIVABLE MISTAKE. YOU CAN HAVE MY LIFE IN RETURN, LORD"-formal.

>> No.9661141
File: 22 KB, 400x299, 1341888294272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, is it that formal? That's exactly what I was going for. I wonder if it will impress my professor since this is only beginner's Japanese and our class only just finished hiragana.

>> No.9661152

Why would you write a letter about being late? You should have just said sorry at the time you came to class and not made a habit of it after that.

>> No.9661164

See >>9661141
He wants to impress the HELL out of his professor.

>> No.9661175

Maybe his professor is some hot milf

>> No.9661180

>since this is only beginner's Japanese and our class only just finished hiragana.
Your professor might think you are arrogant.

>> No.9661194

I think she already thinks that whenever I finish the quizzes in less than a minute and get all 100s.

>> No.9661202

Why are you even wasting your time in such a low level class

>> No.9661212

Is it possible to just challenge the final exam? I don't see the point in wasting time/money attending such a class when you're already above beginners unless you honest use it only as a GPA boost.

>> No.9661226

I'm not at an intermediate level yet. I want to take the full course to improve my speech and vocabulary.
Plus it's easy credithours.

>> No.9661228

Dear weaboo student,

Translate it.

>> No.9661245

Dear (so and so)

I was inexcusable for my lateness of before. Even though I really like Japanese, this week has been massive and difficult. Because the first week of college has gotten me tired, I accidentally slept. In the time that I woke up, it was three forty pm. And so, it's inexcusable. From now on, I will firmly not give you my doing of embarrassment.


>> No.9661248

I don't think your professor gives that much of a shit.

>> No.9661278

I don't think you are supposed to use kanji for that or it will end up meaning something completely different (to finish, put an end to x, do x completely etc.) while you probably want the "I accidentaly did this" type of "shimatta".

>> No.9661293

Yup, double checked Tae Kim's Grammar Guide.
>5.3.3 Another meaning of 「しまう」
>If you look up 「しまう」, the edict dictionary will say: 仕舞う【しまう】(v5u) (uk) to finish; to close; to do something completely; to put away; to put an end to;
>You may want to consider this a totally separate verb from the 「しまう」we have covered so far.
(the "shimatta" type of "shimau")
>Occasionally but not usually, 「しまう」will have this meaning rather than the unintended action.

>(1) 宿題をやってしまいなさい。
>- Finish your homework completely.

>> No.9661296

Delete the second sentence, it'll flag you as a weeaboo.

>> No.9661297

If I was your professor I would fail you for being such an arrogant faggot acting like I give a fuck about your existence.

>> No.9661298 [DELETED] 

I already sent it.

>> No.9661309


>Even though I really like Japanese

Brown-nosing faggot

>this week has been massive and difficult.

What? Massive? As in the size of the cocks you suck?

>Because the first week of college has gotten me tired

He knows you didn't do shit and you're just a lazy fuck who spent the day posting on /jp/

>From now on, I will firmly not give you my doing of embarrassment.

Only through death

>> No.9661314

Wait is OP writing a Japanese letter to a Japanese instructor in a country outside Japan?

>> No.9661355

I hope your classmates kick your ass for being such a nerd.

>> No.9661359

>A/the Dear sir

>My tardiness of before I am sorry about that. It is heavy difficult this week, even though I like Japanese very much and existed. Because No. 1 week of the university was tired going to bed it closed it. It was three o'clock 40 minutes in the afternoon when it occurs. And I am sorry about that. Doing shame with far and away from now I do not present it.

>Sincerely yours

>> No.9661819
File: 60 KB, 482x347, 1342160207169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more sengoku jidai flavour.




For bonus points include a death poem with ketchup stains.

>> No.9661829


Oh shit I fucked up but you get the idea.

>> No.9661851

Your writing style is pretty bad, too many Kanji and some mistakes in Keigo usage. Aside from that, it sounds plain retarded.
You may think you can impress your teacher with writing a letter like that, but in reality you'll look back in a year or so and realize how this is a badly written piece of shit.

>> No.9662012

Ahah oh shit.

>> No.9662282

You should replace it with the following. He'll get the idea and forgive you.


>> No.9662363
File: 601 KB, 724x596, auo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set that mongrel professor straight.


>> No.9662390
File: 872 KB, 640x1080, my_sengoku_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662401
File: 53 KB, 197x190, ohsogood copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662405

I'd give you an A+.

>> No.9662486

I never realized this could be such a significant affront to a person.

I showed up "unforgivably" late every single day to my morning class throughout the latter half of high school. My physics teacher responded to this by constructing test question which featured me in an array of classical mechanics problems struggling to arrive to the class. Had her again the following year and at that point she just sort of quietly accepted it I suppose.

It wasn't explicitly arrogance or deliberate subversion, I was just really sleepy most of the time. Though I didn't really have to do work or study responsibly to pass that class as it amounting to putting numbers into equations and pushing buttons, so classroom schedules weren't the only pedagogic conventions I was openly flouting. I couldn't have been too disruptive.

>> No.9662531
File: 49 KB, 840x720, laughing aesthete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9662598

Profs vary in their style.

I've had some that don't give a fuck as long as you actually do the work. I showed up to literally five Econ classes one term (first and second days, midterm, the day the midterm was returned, and the final day), still got an A, and the prof didn't care because I was getting great grades on the weekly online tests.

On the other hand, I had an Asian Studies prof who took attendance literally every day and gave anyone who missed more than five classes without valid excuses an automatic fail. Which was the only reason I attended class, because I could've passed that asleep.

But those are the two extremes - most courses I have taken didn't have explicit attendance policies but had enough content to the classes that you really didn't want to miss them, which is how I think things should work. If I can learn shit straight from a textbook, just charge me for the book and a $50 exam fee or something. Don't force me to come to class or pay for lectures that are worthless. Make the lectures worthwhile. I missed precisely two of my Introductory Japanese classes, and both for reasons beyond my control (basement flooded, and the fucking worthless graduation services could only slot me in DURING a class). And boy, my marks on the tests related to those two classes really did reflect my absence.

>> No.9662599

That's kind of cool.

>> No.9662662

How about going to sleep earlier?

>> No.9663563

Teacher wanted to fuck.

>> No.9663643

Teacher wanted to duck.

>> No.9663697

Teacher wanted to luck

>> No.9663700

Is this the birth of a new epic meme?

>> No.9666237

How did it work out, OP? I'm curious.

>> No.9666246

Teacher wanted to choose Muk

>> No.9666258




>> No.9666261


Chill, man. No-sensei isn't that strict.

>> No.9666383

Holy fuck, suck his/her dick harder OP.

>> No.9666416


>> No.9666443
File: 80 KB, 538x500, 1345811381526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9666471

In HS? Damn that must've been nice. I thought all high schools by this point had gone like mine had to an automated attendance system that had to be submitted by the teacher immediately after school started. A few late or no-shows and you were getting in big trouble. Maybe my HS was just nazi.

>> No.9666602

Epic reaction image. Saved.

>> No.9666628

Here's what you do:
Do not write a letter of apology; do not apologise at all.

Provided you aren't the only one in the class and his pay is not performance weighted, your professor could not give a fuck that you didn't turn up.
Your education career will be less stressful after you realise that no one cares about you.

>> No.9666631


I got a 'Most consistently late' award at graduation. I wasn't there to accept it though.

>> No.9670146




>> No.9670264

You should also apologize for Hiroshima (but not Nagasaki, they deserved it).

>> No.9670288

If they do care, you can always say that you were involved in sports or something. That's a pretty good catch-all excuse somehow, and it's gotten me out of quizzes and shit in the humanities and languages classes. (Never worked past Calculus in science though).

>> No.9670304

OP here. She hasn't responded. I was kinda hypersomnic that day, and now I regret sending her that email...
Good thing it's Labor Day weekend, though.

>> No.9671705

Commit sudoku.

>> No.9671891


>> No.9671891,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

This thread is the best thread ever.
