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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 256x256, www26.atwiki.jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9660608 No.9660608 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys.

Just let you know that I had a new website posting some excerpts from 2ch and translated into English so you guys could read it.

I'm a Japanese and I'd love to keep you guys touch with recent Japanese Otaku Culture so if you guys are interested, plz come visit.


>> No.9660613
File: 24 KB, 384x384, ozoi1149435561726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9660617

I like it, but you'll have to update very often to get readers.

>> No.9660620

I'll bookmark it.

>> No.9660631

I normally read matome blogs in Japanese, but this might be a good learning tool for me, since some people's posts are hard to understand.

>> No.9660639
File: 51 KB, 1100x683, 1285273691107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too much web 2.0

>> No.9660648

If you could bring エロゲ news I might browse it everyday.

>> No.9660662
File: 169 KB, 500x250, Joys of Summer Cut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bookmarked, my Japanese friend!

>> No.9660670

Cool idea, however the site layout is kinda jarring. It would be a lot easier to use if you just styled it more like a blog or something or moved that horizontal thing to the right side in a vertical list fashion. Just my 2 cents on that though.

>> No.9660678

>not mentioning the Kokoro Connect fiasco

You don't really plan to keep your site up to date, eh?

>> No.9660679

I don't know about eroge. I might post the news if something crazy happenes in Akiba about the eroge though.

I'll try my best to keep the post. Although, I can't really post 3, 4 a day like other Matome cuz I need to translate them which is god damn harsh work

>> No.9660684

sugoi idea (´・ω・`)


>> No.9660702


>> No.9660732

I'm going to check it right away

>> No.9660739

Good luck with your project, OP. Sounds really interesting. The layour is a little confusing, but it is probably because you have few stories in your site. I am assuming the top row are the most important stories and then the row after that shows the most recent stories.

>> No.9660750
File: 980 KB, 864x486, BLATANT HANDBALL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested--have you posted any translations of Japanese reactions to the Women's olympic final? I felt there was a lot of favouritism shown to the U. S. team...

>> No.9660819

< `∀´>

>> No.9660917

well, I really don't want to get too deep into international concern you know. I don't want people callin for their nationalism in my website. Although, woman's final was accepted to most of Japanese positively. What didn't was.... well, it's not a concern here.

>> No.9660958


>> No.9660962


>> No.9660967


>> No.9660969

>I'm a Japanese
Really? Are you guys actually mad at silver link for doing that bullying? Japanese made fun of people all the time. All your variety shows are just celebrity reaction/laughing face toward some poor dude.

>> No.9661122

If you think 2channelers have solid statement about what they do and say, you better step away from them man....

I don't watch Kokoro Connect so it's not my concern but yes, most of 2channellers are pretty mad to silver link.

>> No.9661140

I don't follow anime. What's the deal with Silver Link/Kokoro Connect? People keep mentioning it.

>> No.9661153

There's also some Jp sites that translate 4chan, right?

>> No.9661160

They play a prank on some VA. Made him audition for some imaginary role that doesnt exist. It happened way back in June but word got out recently so everyone is mad. Their media made fun of otakus all the time on their variety shows, I dont see anyone getting mad at them. This just show how much double standard exist there.

>> No.9661162

Why would nips take interest in us?

>> No.9661171

They like to visit the zoo, to watch gaijins screech and fling poo?

>> No.9661197


Doesn't look like it's been updated in a while, though.

>> No.9661219


A couple.

>> No.9661230

what are those shitbook and twitfag like buttons doing on your site OP

>> No.9661233

Theyre for people who them

>> No.9661263
File: 40 KB, 495x393, 1323783054104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9661299


Too much /a/ shit.

>> No.9661300

Hey op, Try to style your blog after this master website craftsman.

>> No.9661317

Christ this looks like something a schizophrenic would make.

>> No.9661344


dang that's a masterpiece right there

>> No.9661372


That's the very epitome of what's called tl;dr

>> No.9661437
File: 188 KB, 752x1214, 2chan 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when 4chan and 2chan comes together. It's like a magical occurrence like the planets alining that both sides just seem to know one another.

I wish that happened more often and I yearn to know about my japanese counter parts of the internet.

>> No.9661474

Oddly enough, he doesn't use <font> tags like every mentally ill other Geocities level web designed. It's all (albeit shitty) CSS with the html used only fro formatting.

>> No.9661501

I dont really believe you are japanese but your site seems interesting enough. There is not a whole lot on there it seems. I just checked the anime section.

I assume this is a recent website?

>> No.9661510

Why did they translate HNNNNNGH as 萌え?

>> No.9661518

Poor localization of a 4chan(and-sites-in-our-sphere-of-influence) specific meme?

>> No.9661528

What's a better translation? I'd say "moe" is pretty on the spot.

>> No.9661532

wasnt there a kanji or something similar for "death by moe". I am sure I have seen that used before. It probably would have been more appropriate.

>> No.9661553

It sprouts!

>> No.9661565

Oh god I just read the thread talking about the amount of single men who never had a date.

I am really worried about japan. I dont want them to become extinct. I wish I could tell them to just donate their sperm to a sperm bank or something.

Anything just to keep their populace around.

>> No.9661569
File: 11 KB, 200x194, ガイ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to japan.

Find your wife.

Do it for the good of the nation.

>> No.9661571

You know whose fault this is, right? The Jews.

>> No.9661577

Thanks OP


>15% of the Japanese male within age of 40~50 never had a girlfriend


I really want to show this to >>>/v/ and >>>/r9k/ might lift their spirits or something.

>> No.9661578

Sadly, as much as I would love to, I can't.

It needs to be japanese with japanese so we can have pure japanese people grow and populate.

>> No.9661582

No, not all Japanese men, just single Japanese men.

>> No.9661587

After you make a thread, please stay there and don't come back.

>> No.9661586

Japan is not the only one with the problem. There are a lot of old people in germany and all the young folks dont want kids or get married either.

And it is beginning to happen elsewhere as well.

>> No.9661597

Based on an internet survey of 1000 men.

Maybe it's the selection bias, maybe it's the small sample size, maybe it's the fact that it was posted on 2ch, but I just don't see this as reflective of the country as a whole.

Well aren't you just the noble guardian of Old /jp/ purity! Good job on that post! keep up the good work!

>> No.9661601


No i'll stick around my little jpsy I can't shitpost those boards, can't shitpost the shitposters as the saying goes.

>> No.9661603

>reflective of the country as a whole.
Isnt it well known that the overall population in japan is dwindling though?

>> No.9661645

A declining birthrate could be caused by many factors, the most suspicious of which it seems to me is having only one child.

This seems just as scientific as a poll on Gaia asking about retirement accounts set up, then concluding that 99% of the US had no idea what a bank account was.

>> No.9661665


I thought only China was like that and that's by law, doesn't the average Japanese family have at least 2 children

>> No.9661714

Two children is only enough to maintain the population (in a perfect world with no infant deaths lowering it, and without longevity to raise it). If a quarter have 3 children, half have two, and the last quarter have one, the average is 2 children, but that is still only 6 births to replace 6 parents, meaning no growth.

>> No.9661745


I see...

>> No.9661801

>2chan trans


>> No.9661809

2channel, not futuba, you stupid little shitspray.

>> No.9661843

>15% of the Japanese male within age of 40~50 never had a girlfriend

I wouldn't think that's abnormal anywhere. Girls only pursue a few guys that all other girls want while guys have certain standards no matter how desperate they are.

>> No.9661868
File: 40 KB, 457x459, 1340578425527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I b-bookmarked it

>> No.9661897


Trans for translate b-baka!

>> No.9661976

>3D to 2D to 3D

>> No.9661991
File: 125 KB, 791x722, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9661996


>> No.9662641

>dafaq his he? The only concern for him is the “I” ? Is he a kindergartner? So only these kinda people are in this business.

>They are tryin there best here.

Brilliant site OP. 10/10 would read again.

>> No.9663335
File: 163 KB, 624x800, No Aiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We've been cross-pollinating for a long time.

>> No.9663344

OP's just trying to trick you guys into making him ad revenue. But none of you seem to care because OMG A REAL JAP MUST SUCK COCK!

>> No.9663356

I need a picture of his face before my mouth goes anywhere near his pOnOs

>> No.9665036


Can you translate some more VIP threads for us? The only place I see them now is Sankaku, but I can't stand the rest of their articles.

>> No.9665135

>ad revenue
my adblock makes sure he doesn't make anything.

>> No.9665283

Who gives a shit? It's not like the money is coming out of your pocket.

>> No.9668063


Should I take it as a praise for me? Well, I'm Japanese who used to live in C.A for 7 years, that's why I speak and write English better than most of Japanese.

It was kinda funny that many of you got into the topic where Japanese male doesn't hav gf. It's cuz most of Japanese girls hate Otaku by the way. And of course this result is very biassed. Although, you won't find any non-biassed article in 2ch anyway.

Well, It was something for me that many of you think that this website could be useful for you guys. That'll give some energy to keep on update.

>> No.9668079

>I'm a Japanese


>> No.9668111


>> No.9668382

Nice site, it seems pretty interesting. I really appreciate 2ch translations because Sankaku is shit and >>9660819 is barely updated.

>> No.9670565

