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9659945 No.9659945[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you change her poopy diapers?

>> No.9659957

2D girls don't poop.

>> No.9659965

then why is that 2d girl wearing a diaper

>> No.9659969

big fatty fat flan belly a slap slap slap

>> No.9659988

Because Moe.

It's like asking why deaf girls wear glasses.

>> No.9660003


>> No.9660057
File: 14 KB, 819x460, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fact. A 2D organism's digestive tract would split it into two pieces, as there is simply not enough space in a 2D plane for separate orifices for food intake and waste expulsion. (pic related).

2D lifeforms can only exist with a simple opening that performs both functions, thus, 2D girls shit through their mouths.

>> No.9660071

Look at that big ole belly.

>> No.9660129

Incorrect because incorrect.

>> No.9660145

Look, you need to just face the fact that your favorite Touhou shits through her mouth.

>> No.9660191

That's not necessarily true. You could have a series of gates that open and close when they come into contact with food, so that at long as the entire digestive tract wasn't full there would be at least two connections between the halves.

>> No.9660318

I'd take them off and put her stupid fucking face in it.

>> No.9660324

Jokes on you, I don't have a favorite Touhou.

>> No.9660336

Only if she says ruba dub dub thanks for the grub and slaps her belly constantly during the changing.
