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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9651767 No.9651767[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9651773

I'm not in school

>> No.9651772

What classes?

>> No.9651782


>> No.9651785

But I have shit on multiple girls.

>> No.9651789

Because I finished my schooling five years ago.

I graduated with a major in reporting.

>> No.9651792

Have not been in school since 1998..

Will have to try on the ones at the factory. But most of them are not very cute...

>> No.9651793

bcus im a girl too lol not lesbo

>> No.9651796


>> No.9651797

Last time I took classes this one girl who reminded me of Kikuchi Makoto would always talk to me during breaks and ask me stupid things like my age and my favorite color, closest crossroads to my house, food places around the school, ect. It was pretty annoying since I just wanted to study.

>> No.9651807
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You know what to do

>> No.9651819
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>> No.9651827

>implying I haven't already fucked all the girls in my classes

>> No.9651829


I guess I am quoting OP's gall to post something so off topic to /jp/.

Its okay Op, I bet you didn't even know. Just delete the thread.

Though rejection is a hikikomori/NEET related topic.

>> No.9651831

Not my type/ugly chicks. I hit on a cashier at food lion but then as I went to put the bags in my cart I saw her mole by her left cheek, a bit far back.
Grossed the fuck out I just took my stuff and left. I bet she felt pretty awkward lol

>> No.9651835

I like dicks.

>> No.9651836

there was a girl that hit on me on valentine's day back in high school once

she gave me a bunch of homemade cookies that i considered throwing away when i got home, but then i tried one and they were really good

>> No.9651842

Everytime I did this it ended in disaster, and me being embarassingly firend-zoned.

Since I swore off 3DPD I have never been happier.

>> No.9651844

Because I have 2D standards that can't be applied to the 3D world.

>> No.9651849

Just a question: is any of this supposed to bug people?

Just go post naruto threads on /a/ if you want to see people pop arteries on the internet.

>> No.9651851

My standards for a 3d woman are sky fucking high.
All girls that fulfill this standard either already have boyfriends or/and are sluts that lost their virginity at 14-16

>> No.9651857

I wish people who made these threads could at least make them funny, so I didn't feel like I just wasted 10 seconds reading this unfunny trash. But since they are /a/v/ browsing trash being funny is impossible for them.

>> No.9651859

same for me. I don't have problems with girls who are homely or anything like that, but when you take into account what a relationship entails and all those headaches, I wouldn't get into one unless she's 2.1D

Just too much effort I have to put in, and hardly any from their part. Just from the bit of experience I had anyways.

>> No.9651860

>sluts that lost their virginity at 14-16

Those don't sound like high standards to me, anon.

>> No.9651862
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>> No.9651867

I've never really had to hit on anyone. My looks are more than decent so girls will approach me more often than I get the chance to approach them.

>> No.9651888

That wording may have been confusing.
What I meant to say is the only girls that lived up to my high standards of looks have already been fucked and thus no longer appeal to me.

So what I'm trying to say is the ideal girl I am looking for in this 3D world is one that I will never find.

>> No.9651891


>> No.9651925

Marry me!

>> No.9651974

I have them added to my hit list if you know what I mean

>> No.9651990

Sounds like a mighty autistic thing to do. If you lack subtly and tact when the party of interest is not heavily inebriated you will swiftly alienate yourself. You run the risk of becoming a classroom meme, of sorts.

>> No.9652008

I had to drop out of school at a young age due to dehydration by constant diarrhea from my social anxiety.

>> No.9652016
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>so many epic green text threads near me
>my feel when my face in 2012 walking the dinosaurs

>> No.9652075

btw i'm a girl
