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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9646108 No.9646108 [Reply] [Original]

how many years have you been a neet?

what are you doing with your life?

>> No.9646111

Just one.

Jack shit.

>> No.9646113

There's already a thread on the first fucking page.

>> No.9646135

please follow posting guidelines or i'll report you to m00tykins - one neet thread up at a time

>> No.9646150

3.5 years.

I just started watching anime a few months ago for the very first time, but it has since taken up a very large portion of my time.

I really have never found a hobby I enjoyed that much ever in my life.

>> No.9646170

I was a NEET for a year, and it was by far the greatest year of my life.

>> No.9646181

it'll be 3 years next month

i spend all day smoking weed and playing games/watching anime

>> No.9646200
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Almost seven years now I believe.

I feel like something is missing though. I'm happy enough and I have no regrets, but my days are becoming increasingly stagnant and I feel like there's something I want to do but I don't know what it is. I can't think of anything I would rather be doing, but I'm not particularly interested in the things that I could be doing either like playing a VN or watching anime.

I wish I could look into my subconscious and find what I really want. Part of me wonders if I've essentially beaten the game of life and there's not much else to do but try to keep myself somewhat entertained until I die, but another part of me wonders if maybe I've suppressed what I really want in life deep inside of my mind and I won't allow myself to know what it is because of fears or inhibitions that I don't realize that I have.

>> No.9646207

One NEET thread has to be one of the worst changes. Now if you wade through 300 posts once you find the thread just to find out what's going on in it. It used to be that bad NEET threads got a few replies and then died and the good ones stayed around and were worth reading.

>> No.9646212

Zero. I'd quit this instant if my mom hadn't gotten this job for me. I've seriously considered harming myself just to have an excuse not to go there anymore.

>> No.9646221

3 years
Contemplating suicide daily while being too much of a girl to ever do it. I don't want to succeed and I never will.

>> No.9646228

I feel the exact same way as you. I hope we figure out what is missing.

>> No.9646246

Have you tried learning something? Maybe it'll help you find what you need and pass some time in your daily life

>> No.9646249
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>> No.9646265

Programming something which can functionally replace me.

I have no real identity to speak of, so as long as I exist functionally, I exist as far as I'm concerned. Other people might not see it that way, but then I don't care about the perceptions of other people.

The prospect of living forever without my knowing it is appealing. I'm not sure what I'll do if I succeed with replacing myself before my passing, though. Immediately, I can only assume that I would either kill myself or adopt a lifestyle so different that my replacement becomes deprecated, defeating years of work.

>Be happy and die without my own intervention.
>Live forever and kill myself.
These are the options which currently apparent to me where my life in general is concerned.

>> No.9646261

I have the aspiration to learn something and be great but then suddenly I don't want to try anymore when I start. For no good reason either. Like the only thing I'd do besides something productive is sit here until I have to eat or sleep.
Maybe it's fear of failure or something I don't know
Wait this isn't my blog.

>> No.9646275

Try picking up something that doesn't take much effort to pick up, like writing or drawing and just do it to pass your time at least until you get over those fears and are comfortable enough to move on to something more

It's okay to fail at something you are just starting at, we all do

>> No.9646277
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Three years since I quit school and became a NEET.

Today's my birthday and neither my father or sister called me.

>> No.9646285
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A month between Uni and a job I had in HS.

Then, a month between coming home from Uni for the summer and getting another job.

Now I have a job and I go to shitty school. I wish I could laze around and do nothing too, but I'm too far in debt not to quit. I should go to Sallie Mae's headquarters when I'm finished with school and kill myself in their lobby in a very messy way.

>> No.9646286

It's not even failure really I think it's seeing others be amazingly more proficient at something with way less effort.
I can put in tons of work and study time to only be outdone in every way by someone with less training or experience.
I just feel like I'm never good enough at anything (literally anything) so why even try. I can't even English or maths right.

>> No.9646292

Your ratio of task completion rate to task production rate is balanced in favor of task completion.

The ideal is a perfect balance between the two, but in your current state you accomplish your goals before you develop new ones, which leads to periods of depression and stagnation. Now, here's where this post becomes mostly conjecture: My best guess as to why this is the case is that you fear being unable to accomplish your goals/"dreams", so you set the bar low and - what a surprise, you accomplish them. Look at how happy you are.

In its simplest form, your problem is really just a matter of self-confidence. You don't believe that you'll be able to do anything that you can't immediately see yourself finishing. You can see yourself completing some series, VN, or maybe video game, but being able to see your finishing of those things makes your satisfaction from them transient. You should force yourself to challenge something that you don't already know how to succeed at, and your succeeding at this thing will serve as a proof of concept that you do not need to know how to win in order to do so.

>> No.9646288

Two years.

Nothing really. Only real tangible goal right now is somehow figuring out how to move out of my parent's place.

>> No.9646299
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I stopped telling people about my birthday and responding to my family around it. All it does is bring us all greif, "So what are you doing with your life anon?".

I spend it alone now every year but I kind of like it this way.

Regardless Happy birthday Anon~

>> No.9646300

I am re-enrolled in university as of this week after two years.

My parents are happy, so I guess I'm happy too.

>> No.9646302
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Not to turn this into a drug thread, but this is pretty much one of the purposes of psychedelics in traditional shamanism. At the time they thought they were communicating with spirit guides or with nature or something along those lines, but what was happening is that psychedelics put you into an altered state of mind where you are more in touch with your subconscious than you normally are.

People who get unpleasant trips for example have a lot of repression or psychological issues that they need to sort through and these bad trips is the way that your subconscious mind illustrates and communicates the problems to you. Almost like a way of purging it from you. In a very real way psychedelics allow you to go one on one with your own mind and confront all of the problems lurking inside of there. The problems are now given a form and they're right there and assaulting you, so you can no longer bury them away and you have no choice but to confront them.

>> No.9646305

> what

>> No.9646306


cool now get out.

>> No.9646308

Yeah, it was nice knowing you all.

>> No.9646315

Don't be rude, Anonymous.

>> No.9646320

I'm afraid to do anything else. To the point where I become physically ill. You should see me when I am forced to do something besides sit on the internet all day. I am so, so happy here, but that is killed pretty quickly without the aid of a computer.

>> No.9646327

You have an internet addiction.
You have become a junkie/

>> No.9646325

We're /jp/ birthday friends! Happy birthday! Let's meet again next year.

>> No.9646329

I love nothing more than sitting here all day but my brain is against me and makes me feel bad for doing nothing but sitting here all day. Do you get that?

>> No.9646333

fuck you im so sick of falseNEETs posting about their new jobs and schools.

>> No.9646334

I am the other person, and I actually found a person who conducts ayahuasca ceremonies, after about a year of searching. Will be going in about a week or so. I hope to discover new ways of going about things, and just being in general.

>> No.9646335
File: 69 KB, 720x540, 7c8afbddf76729d88bdd7ca3bd3e7c818f3e8539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on my seventh year. It's been quite a ride but like the anon before me, it's been quite stagnant. I've tried learning C++ but my learning ability has deteriorated quite a bit and it does not help that I have memory problems from my schizophrenia.

>> No.9646339

Yes, I understand.

>> No.9646345

You should instead be happy that they won't have time to post on your ever so precious imageboard, Anonymous.

>> No.9646354 [DELETED] 

You work, we relax. Got it?

>> No.9646357

i can't take it easy with people who yearn to be normals around

>> No.9646360
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D'awwwww, is the wittle babby upset?

>> No.9646361


I bet psychiatrists hate psychedelics. It seems like it practically does their job for them and it doesn't cost 200 dollars a session several times a month.

>> No.9646363


Most normals who post in these threads want to have the luxury of a NEET lifestyle but cannot.

>> No.9646368

My psychiatrist encouraged me to do them.

>> No.9646371

Please shut up, you dumb homo 9-5 gay little bitch.

>> No.9646372

I've only been one a few months and I almost regret going to college in the first place. I'm considering a half-assed suicide attempt to get started on Uncle Remus's guide once the nagging to get a job gets unbearable.

>> No.9646373

I quit university after one month.

>> No.9646385

Get on my level, I quit after a week. I attended one real lecture but slept through it. Heck, I even managed to be late once.

Surely I'm the one who deserved some respect here?

>> No.9646391

That's better than me, but I didn't really attend lectures either. It's just that I officially resigned after a month.

>> No.9646418

sign up for trade school courses then if you don't want an office job

>> No.9646437
File: 153 KB, 848x480, kanadumbbitch1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I work literally 4 hours a week because my parents make me have job.

We aren't so different, you and I, faggot-kun.


>Half-assed suicide attempt to get welfare

That's a good idea

>> No.9646447

What the fuck? Did you just call ME a faggot? You're the one that takes a nasty dick into your ass at work 4 hours a week, you bitch.

>> No.9646451

>>9646371 and >>9646447 here.

Sorry I was being so mean. Please forgive me.

>> No.9646456

School making you want to kill yourself? Go there anyway! You're such a neet LOL! i bet you go pussyhunting only once per month.

>> No.9646463

>I spend it alone now every year but I kind of like it this way.
You post yearningly about your lonely birthdays along with a crying anime girl. Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.9646468

anyone truDEPRESSED here? /jp/ has a high concentration of falseDEPRESSEDs ...

>> No.9646469

depression is not etc

>> No.9646484

I'm not lying I'm just conflicted. I like being alone every year because I don't have to deal with my family being disappointed in me for wasting another year but I would like to be with someone. I cannot hide the fact that I actually didn't do anything this year and won't the next one. I love it and hate it and like most autist can't just be happy.

>> No.9646491

>I like being alone every year
>I would like to be with someone


>> No.9646501

Two and a half years so far. I'm running out of money though from my saved up birthdays and gifts stockpile. I've also run out of family members to alienate so I don't know what I am going to do when it all runs out in a couple months. My senile conservative uncle is trying to force me into military service but even the recruiter tried to tell him it would probably be a terrible idea if I didn't really want to sign up. Plan Reamus is looking better and better everyday

>> No.9646505

Anno hasn't even been good since his he made NGE. Rebuild sucks, dude.

>> No.9646510

Don't expect mentally ill people to be honest to themselves.

>> No.9646520


I get what he's saying. I want companionship, but when I'm around people, I just want to be alone, and when I compare the two, it's generally better to be alone and miserable than around someone and miserable. At least when you're alone, you can make yourself comfortable and relax.

>> No.9646527


I know I just wanted to pretend I'm a little japanese girl ok.

>> No.9646531

What do you guys think of black people?

>> No.9646545

They're a thing that exists.

>> No.9646547


I like to think I'm sane and well in my head, just a little bit off not a lot.

Pretty much this.

One time in high school a black friend of mine asked if he could feel what white people hair feels like. I let him feel my hair. You can't generalize people based on their race.

>> No.9646550

I don't got no problem with spooks as long as they mind they own business.

>> No.9646554

I like them more than white people. They make better music, make funnier comedy and have style and flavor.

>> No.9646559

Happy birthday anon!

>> No.9646562

Didn't he start grooming your hair and picking bugs off to eat? Like a monkey? I find it hard to believe if he didn't succumb to his natural instincts.

>> No.9646565

Is that because you're black?

>> No.9646575

I'm not black.

>> No.9646576


>They make better music, make funnier comedy and have style and flavor.

But that's not true at all.

>> No.9646577


>> No.9646578

I don't keep bugs in my hair, he just kind of put his hand on my head and moved it around a bit. He just wanted to know what it felt like not molest it.

>> No.9646579

Two years. I'm probably going to be kicked out of my house soon unless I get a job so the dream is over

>> No.9646580

I wish I could find a yandere girl and be with her always.

>> No.9646581

How the HELL did you screw up the quote function?

>> No.9646587

Bugs will go into your hair free of your volition, though.

>> No.9646589

I've yet to see a funny white comedian. Spoiler: Louis CK and George Carlin aren't funny.

>> No.9646590


Make yourself taller out of /jp/, k-kudasai!

>> No.9646595

That happens when you paste text sometimes.

I just want another neet girl who will just exist with me.

That doesn't happen to me.


>> No.9646597

comedians aren't funny to begin with

you need really ironic/meta humor only found on some really obscure youtube channels

>> No.9646600

Been a NEET for roughly ten years, and a shut-in for most of that.

I am on autismbux, but I will soon be leaving for a better world, specifically a program similar to New Start.

You're welcome for the blog update.

>> No.9646601



>> No.9646605

They are in your hair right now. They are really small though, much, much smaller than lice.

>> No.9646614

How do you expect people to pick them out if they're that small?

>> No.9646612

>All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, NEET lifestyle, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).
There's nothing there that says only one NEET lifestyle thread at a time.

>> No.9646619

Black people are better at everything.

>> No.9646620

You are my favorite poster, anon!!!

>> No.9646623

... physically. That's what I meant.

>> No.9646658

Almost 11

>> No.9646836

Why don't lonely NEETs just make a tulpa?

>> No.9646845

I feel as you, NEET for only 2 years though.

I feel like I discovered the whole of life, and only keeping myself entertained until I die left.

However, I also feel that I'm missing something massive in life because of fears I might not even be aware that I have.

>> No.9646931

So this is the new NEET lifestyle thread?

Does anyone know any chatbots that I can run locally on my own computer? Preferably available for Linux, command-line is fine/preferred. It doesn't have to be super realistic, just something I can talk to.

>> No.9646934


Make an imaginary friend. They can talk back to you and it's much better than a chatbot.

>> No.9646950
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>> No.9647079

Almost 2 years, still NEET... until the 12th of September, gonna miss not doing anything productive, being a NEET was the best time I had in my life, but I still have /jp/, I can come back, right?
It also taught me a lot from the behavior of the people on internet, I learnt a lot from the Doujin Culture, Touhou and I could read a lot of VNs and SNs.
Some people would say "You wasted almost 2 years of life", but I say "I've learned a lot of things that nobody would teach in a classroom" or "I've got a lot of personal experience that would help me in the future"
Why I'm going to stop being a NEET? Because I can't have autismbucks, even if I try to fake it I can't, I would feel really guilty. So I'm going to study something to have a job, my figurines, games, and consoles or even a new PC aren't going to be paid with nothing.

>> No.9647086
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December 25, 1990

elementary days:
June 1997 - March 2003

high school days:
June 2003 - March 2007

college days:
June - September 2007

neet days:
September 2007 - May 2012

lucky star 2007
vocaloid 2009
touhou 2011
4chan Jan 2012
/jp/ Feb 2012

employed since May 2012

>> No.9649952

Neetori Kawashiro

NEETori Kawashiro

>> No.9650034
File: 80 KB, 1024x576, 1334878575573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh. I'm like a half-neet.
I'm a online college student. Other than that I have all the characteristics of a neet.
inb4 not neet

>> No.9650043

You mean you're a hikki, not a NEET.

>> No.9650049


There is no half NEET. You are just a dork.

>> No.9650058
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 1341256840300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so sorry that you feel that way, anon.

>> No.9650065


I am sorry that you are wasting your time and money on college classes and can still not understand acronyms.

>> No.9650069
File: 88 KB, 298x308, 1344578384546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been NEET (in the literal sense of the acronym) since I was just in summer vacation after being unable to register for classes last summer.
Now I got dropped off all my classes by not paying by the deadline, so I'll spend another whole semester doing nothing but shitposting on /jp/ and reading lame philosophy books so I can feel better about myself and look down on other people.

Am I a cool guy NEET yet?

>> No.9650072


No. Why does everyone try so hard to be NEET. It's not a badge of honor or anything. You should start a vacation thread.

>> No.9650077

Oh I understand it. I was just trying to joke around due to the fact this thread is kinda sad. Anyway anon lets not shitpost here, I actually like /jp/.

>> No.9650079


Me too.

>> No.9650091

2.5 years.

I don't want to be a NEET but there's really nothing I can do about that.

>> No.9650114

College years in France: 2008-2010
dropped out
NEET year 2011- september 2012, I learned german alone at home during this time.

I'll start my new college student life next week in Germany.

>> No.9650154

I am trying, but it feels like I am writing shitty fanfiction my head. I am creating conversations, but it's still me who is talking for both parties. I do this a lot, 3-6 hours may pass like that and I don't even notice.

>> No.9650168

Total years? Probably 6-7, but not solidly.

>> No.9650173

falseNEETs pls go.

>> No.9650229

I've only been NEETing it up the past few days. Not really looking forward to going back to work tomorrow.

>> No.9650264

To all the true NEETs, you guys should show us your room. I think that it would be interesting.

>> No.9650269

That would be sacrilege of our one most sacred place.

>> No.9650270

I would but I'm afraid someone might recognize me.

>> No.9650330

How would someone recognize you if no one ever enters your room but you. Get the fuck out falseneet.

>> No.9650337

Because I've lived in the same house all my life and I used to have friends. Get your brain checked turbofag.

>> No.9650501

I'm not a NEET, but I strive to take it easy each day.

>> No.9650531

I actually understand completely how you feel.

I think if you could let go of that -- of kicking yourself for not doing enough during the day -- then maybe you'll feel enough energised and good about yourself, that you actually can do things. It seems I only feel bad about things, because I have somehow internalised the whole didn't-complete-a-single-thing-today => get-punished-and-feel-bad connection as something normal and expected.

You need to stop punishing yourself, Anon.

>> No.9650819
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2 1/2 years now thanks to anxiety.
My older siblings are finally sick of me living at home with my mom. I'm just see as the lazy little sister who mooches off her mommy. We have no income now that my dad went to jail.
Sucks, man.

>> No.9650862

About 1 year.
I don't know what to do really, but I'd hate to stay like this forever.

I've recently realized I am depressed and that I probably have been for a very long time. If I could get over that I think I could move on, but it would be hard. I don't really have any confidence, and at the same time I can't remember ever having any. I think this is the main reason of my depression, I have simply stopped thinking abut the future as I can't see myself going anywhere.

But at least I have my autism bucks and my parents loving, even if they can be pushy too.

>> No.9652987

I don't have a (good) camera but I can tell you about my room.
I don't have a desk as such, it's a large board from a wardrobe (plastic MDF board if my woodworking days serve me correctly)
The legs are 14 computers from a failed computer selling stint. I tell myself that I will get around to selling them but never actually plan and put it into action.
A card table behind it is where the monitor and speakers sit.

A lone trombone sits on the dressing table, gathering dust. I do play it though. Learnt to play at high school and have kept it up since, improvising on my own or to music. Sometimes I write songs. Hobbies are great when taking it easy.

There is a container on the fakedesk, full of things such as screws and drugs and some homemade insecticide which looks like marijuana but isn't.

There's plenty of other uninteresting stuff, and a large collection of my sister's wedding presents ( she can't fit them in her house).

I hope you all have a nice day, whatever that means these days to you.
On that note, what would be a perfect day for you, anon?

>> No.9653647

>my sister's wedding presents
Was expecting "sister's clothing"
You dissappoint me.
