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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 300x427, kokuhaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9636218 No.9636218 [Reply] [Original]

So I just watched Kokuhaku (Confessions) a while ago, and I was completely blown away. The surreal presentation, the recurring themes, and the jigsaw puzzle narrative impressed me to no end.

Has anyone else here seen this awesome movie?

>> No.9636241

I loved it, one of my favorite films.

>> No.9636258

it doesn't look like this movie is all that popular in these parts. does that go with all Japanese (non-anime) movies in general, I wonder?


Mine too. If I could only find another Japanese movie that could portray the depravity of human nature as elegantly this one...

>> No.9636275
File: 46 KB, 500x496, 告白 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have not seen the film yet but my favorite band boris contributed a fair amount of the soundtrack

it really is worth it, huh? are there english subtitles at all for it or am i going to have to stop being a disgrace and learn japanese?

>> No.9636291

yep. totally worth it for a nice glimpse into the human condition. it's subbed too... otherwise I wouldn't be able to watch it myself.

>> No.9636311

Shitty adaptation of Crime and Punishment.

That little girl was cute though.

>> No.9636339

Was it? I'd say it was something else entirely.

For one thing, the difference in setting by itself tells a different story. In fact, I'd say the whole thing is a critique of Japanese society in general.

>> No.9636352

It was amazing.

>> No.9636357

Look here, guy. It's fucking fantastic. Now go watch it.

>> No.9636358

Saw it a year ago. Great film. Would watch again.

>> No.9636368


if you say so! i am interested to hear how boris's music is used. especially "にじむ残像"/"... And, I Want".

hokay off to look for it

>> No.9636372
File: 155 KB, 1166x778, CONFESSIONS 2010 KOKUHAKU AI HASHIMOTO .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9636402
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Why is she so perfect?

>> No.9636441

I saw some semi-nude pictures of her before. What the fuck? She's only 15 or 16. Don't tell me that in Japan it's normal to prostitute and sexualize children like that?

>> No.9636437
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Does Japan produce worthwhile media not centered around school environments/children anymore? It is done to death and tiresome.

The only nip drama I enjoyed was Tokyo Story (1953)

>> No.9636451



>> No.9636465

I'm gyunyu phobic now thanks to this film, I might get AIDS by drinking some...

>> No.9636482

Best film of 2010, you're late as fuck OP

>> No.9636486

My favorite film evah, the Boris soundtrack is fantastic. The ending is perfect, farewell is an amazing song.
I also like others works by Tetsuya Nakashima like the surprising Memories of Matsuko. I have to watch Paco and the magical book, i hope that it's good.

>> No.9636505



>> No.9636517

Aichan is so beautiful T T

>> No.9636656


ALL THE BORIS is an amazing song

i am lazy as fuck about finding this movie. guess i'll keep lookin'~

>> No.9636702


Memories of Matsuko was so stupid

>> No.9636722

For a second i thought this was that movie audition or whatever. And I was wondering why people liked it so much.

>> No.9636738

If you guys haven't seen All About Lily Chou Chou yet I would strongly recommend it. It's probs the most touching, beautiful piece of /jp/ cinema I've ever seen.

>> No.9636739

so is this movie better than your average korean masterpiece? because japanese movies don't tend to be that good usually.

>> No.9636871

Yes, it might be the best movie of 2010. I don't remember what else came out tho.

Watch Memories of Matusko. Same director, better movie.

>> No.9640843

Just saw it ...

Time to legitimately kill myself

>> No.9640870


>> No.9640872


Make an account first. It's worth it. Everything else is either in bad quality or has too little seeders.

>> No.9640898

+1 it feacured boris

>> No.9640975 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 450x300, 555622_409922729066650_2009838104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Musume。@ Charity Party Play for Japan


>> No.9640994

I will be seconding this. Fans of Confessions should definitely check it out.

>> No.9641022

So is the entire score of this film done by Boris?

>> No.9641048


no. the soundtrack release has six boris songs on it, one of which is previously unreleased: "断片 -Bit-". they are all good. the rest of the soundtrack is for the most part good too!

>> No.9641058

I only watch 2D.

>> No.9641067

Thanks for the recommendation, OP. This looks really, really good. Downloading it now.

>> No.9641125

Boris didn't play Farewell when I saw them. They only played it on the last show of their tour. It hurt me pretty bad but still the best live show I've seen.

>> No.9641158
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x2560, 2541981747_5672c18f4f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean the last US tour I actually got them to play it at another show how jealous are you

>> No.9641256 [DELETED] 


where did you get that pictuuuuuure


dl'd, but can't get english subtitles working. what do?

>> No.9641263


where did you get that pictuuuuure

>> No.9642622

Australian tour. But yes, pretty jealous.

>> No.9642721

I cried like 10 minutes in already.

>> No.9642757
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>> No.9642762

Tried downloading the torrent on Isohunt and the subs won't work. Why is life so hard?

>> No.9642797

was a very interesting movie , just the ending wasn't what I did expect to see.

>> No.9642806

Are you using VLC?

>> No.9642818

No, I'm using Media Player Classic from the cccp.

>> No.9642820
File: 163 KB, 616x346, milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After seeing this thread I went and downloaded it and just got done watching it.

I gotta say, this is the best revenge movie I've ever seen. It's kind of jarring how weirdly critical the reviews are from western critics but I guess this kind of movie isn't for everyone. It sort of reminds me of shitposters saying LOL SO EDGY and the like.

Anyway, great dynamic between that little psycho and the pissed off teacher. It's clear that she never put the bomb in his mom's office and it didn't explode since she already admitted to disarming it, right? That's the impression I got and it coincides with her constant lying for psychological effect.

The theme of human cruelty, though not an uncommon theme in Japanese thrillers and horror films, really got to me. There was something beautiful even in the most monstrous people, and certainly something monstrous in all of the normal people.

>> No.9642855

Fuck every time the drone kicks in the soundtrack it's awesome.

>> No.9642873

Its one of my favourite films. Really great though towards the end it felt bit too drawn out perhaps. The pacing wasnt so good in the last half of the movie. But goddamn I liked it alot and I really recommend it everyone.

>> No.9642914
File: 63 KB, 400x300, ALOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9642917

I haven't seen that posted awhile.

>> No.9643115

Just finished watching it now. Thanks /jp/.

Fuck Farewell is awesome for the ending.

Great movie.

>> No.9643434

You were told to follow >>9640872's instructions. Listen more attentively in the future, you might miss life.

>> No.9643446

While we're talking about movies has anyone ever seen Boys on the Run? That's a good one and it's on Netflix if you want to watch it.

Aside from that the only /jp/ cinema I'm familiar with is the Samurai Trilogy which I bought recently. It is strictly alright. As an adaptation of Musashi it is quite poor and if you've never read the book you'd have no idea what's going on in the second and third parts.

>> No.9643485

If we are talking Japanese cinema generally, does anyone know if some group is working on a fansub for Gyakuten Saiban?

>> No.9644162

Is there a place to get this film that isn't from a Russian tracker that requires registration?

>> No.9644170

I got it off thepiratebay fine. Had to Google for subs since the ones they had didn't work.

>> No.9644174

I don't like normally using thepiratebay, but I guess I'll try using that, thanks.

>> No.9644195

Those subs worked for me apart from syntax errors in 5 or 6 lines.

>> No.9644205

From the pirate bay torrent, I mean.

>> No.9644409

This movie has serious problems with being overdramatic.

>> No.9644490

Doubt anyone cares by now, but I think this movie is trash. It's nothing more than a constant rewriting of the characters' motives. I killed her, but wait I didn't really! I hate them, but wait I don't really! I'm evil, but wait I'm not really all evil! But there's no meaning to any of it. It's shallow.

>> No.9644508

>I gotta say, this is the best revenge movie I've ever seen

Have you seen Korean movies? They make the best revenge films as a whole.

>> No.9646051

Oh fuck yeah. Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr./Lady Vengeance, I saw the devil. Woop woop!

>> No.9646869

I just got done with the movie
I wouldn't say that. Nothing happens that felt like it came out of nowhere. I think that's something the movie did well. It doesn't feel like it cheats you. One of the biggest twist that the Boy B knew the girl was alive before he threw her into the pool was a pretty big twist. Of course it seems to hit you out of nowhere, but the movie doesn't make it seem illogical.

When the teacher says "Just kidding" I'm not really sure what she's referring to, and I think they keep that ambiguous on purpose.

>> No.9646932

It carried out the plot fairly naturally but the plot was lacking. Anyone can write a story where the idea is to fake moral ambiguity and surprise. Create a character and after the audience becomes accustomed just add some irrelevant shocking backstory or scenes...It's quite obvious what the intention of the movie was. Keep the viewer interested with pointless things.

>> No.9646990

I suppose. I'm not saying the movie was a particularly deep insight into the human condition. Maybe it was and I'm missing something. I just felt that it was an enjoyable movie and did well as a mystery/drama film.

>> No.9647001

It definitely wasn't, that's probably why I think it's bad. I really don't know why people keep consuming shallow movies tirelessly.

>> No.9647021

Well I watch anime so I don't have an aversion to "shallow" things. I don't even think that "shallow" is a measurement of quality, it's a measurement of something else. I still thought it was an okay movie, and there is something to take away from it. There is wisdom in everything, you just have to find it, even if it's something the creator didn't intend.

>> No.9647041

I can agree that bad and shallow don't necessarily equate, but watching shallow forever can be a problem. The problem with there being wisdom in everything is that if you never get anything better it'll always be the same kind of wisdom. Though I suppose people don't need to want more.

>> No.9647082

I agree. I believe that a person should have a broad understanding of things and shouldn't endlessly consume only one type of thing. I don't think someone should limit themselves to only a certain spectrum of art and entertainment.

But some people don't watch movies for a profound and meaningful interpretation of the human condition. They simply want a form of entertainment. I think all movies give their own interpretation, some better than others, and I think that a thoughtful viewer can always take something away from any movie. Some people just want to be passive viewers to the experience and let something take them away for an hour and a half. But the fact that we're on a discussion board means that there is at least some attempt to, even rudimentarily, analyze the merit of the film and become active viewers to the experience.

>> No.9647093

I suppose the real problem is that the movie simply didn't work for me. The entire time I was annoyed at how obvious and unintelligent the writing was. It's more than it just being shallow, I felt it had no charm to make up for the lack of good writing. Tastes I suppose.

>> No.9647125

That makes sense. I definitely wouldn't rate this a 10/10 based on a solely entertainment value. I have recently seen a more enjoyable Japanese film. I still got some enjoyment out of this film and I thought the acting was strong when you consider they are just child actors. I felt that the characters were a bit forgettable. The movie sets it up in a "case study" kind of way, but it's all too slightly predictable with their characters. They seem to fit the mold too well in terms of previous character "archetypes". I don't see this as a major flaw with the movie, but it definitely isn't one of it's strengths. Of course, you're not suppose to watch this film for it's characters, but for it's plot instead. You want to see just how bad things can get, and the climax of the movie shows everything blowing apart (literally).

I can see how you didn't enjoy the film. I'd give it around a 7 to 8 out of 10. I guess it kind of caught me by surprise because most live action acting I've seen in Japanese movies have been bad, but this one was okay.

>> No.9647164

Yeah actually the acting wasn't bad at all. If the camera wasn't always slowing down and changing the perspective just for pretentiousness, it might have been decent. I also thought things didn't escalate as much as they should have. There were a lot of dry events but it didn't evoke a sense real emotional pain. Except for the Lunacy girl, but she didn't get enough depth put into her. The bomb guy needed more, his development got cut off after the video which was kind of disappointing. The teacher especially needed more screen time, removing her for 3/5 the movie just so you could do a big reveal isn't enjoyable at all.

I guess I really didn't like this movie.

>> No.9647213

I agree that the teacher needed more screen time. I'd say that she was my favorite character, since she at least appeared to be multifaceted with inner conflict. All other characters can be summed up in about one sentence without losing any details. I think that isn't too bad for the bomb boy, since he was suppose to be narrow minded in his views and motives, but even he was kind of forgettable. They played up the same back-story that I've seen one hundred times before.

I even thought that the new teacher was an enjoyable background character, in his own way. He seemed genuine, if a bit naive, but still seemed like a nice person. Too bad I didn't really care for anyone else, except for the original teacher. But again, I don't think that the characters were a strong point in this film, and I think the other Japanese film I recently saw did a better job with its characters.

>> No.9647249

Strangely I felt that the Lunacy girl was the one who could've made the movie good. She was the only one who seemed to genuinely have something to say about everything that happened. Right when her emotions were at a peak they had to ruin everything.

>> No.9647292

I think they could have done a much better with her character. Her death was simply to shock the audience and didn't have much meaning beyond that. Seeing as how she was the Lunacy girl, and Boy A was angry at the events she caused since it drowned out his accomplishments, I would've liked to see them explore that a bit, but they ultimately didn't, and the fact that she was the Lunacy girl just seemed tacked on for no apparent reason.

Wait, I just read a bit of the Wikipedia plot summary and it makes it seem like the girl isn't actually the Lunacy girl who committed the murders, but that she just identifies with her. So is she the murderer or not? Because that kind of negates my previous paragraph.

>> No.9647301

I will agree with you here.

I found the movie enjoyable as a whole though.

Does anyone know if the novel has been translated? I would imagine it would be more fleshed out.

>> No.9647315

From the subs I have it sounded like it was her, but when I think about it it's a bit out of character for a murderer to be asking if people's lives have meaning.

About her death, I think they were trying to answer her question. Her life wasn't really valuable considering how easily it went. Though it's still cheap, there's no doubt in my mind the writers were people who didn't really know what they were talking about and figured making her die here would say something.

>> No.9647333

I was under the impression that she just admired Lunacy.

>> No.9647347

Yeah, I should've said that her death had no meaning on purpose, to show what little meaning life has. Although, I had forgotten her little questioning on life.

The movie doesn't really do much digging about the value of life. The girl has her questions and then she dies in a way to answer it. The teacher brings it up a but in the beginning but not much comes from it. I guess with how easy the characters kill one another that you could say the movie is saying that life has no value since it's so easily thrown away, but then that obviously isn't the intention. The climax of the film plays up an emotional aspect without addressing any sort of intellectual one in a satisfying way. I guess that's why I'd agree with you in the fact that the movie is a bit "shallow" but it's still enjoyable. Of course it didn't make me rethink the value of life, but it did make me think about it.

Yeah, that makes more sense.

>> No.9647354

I liked the movie because my mom's a teacher and hates kids so I felt very immersed and could empathize greatly for the teacher. Also I know a teacher just like Werther and found the humor surrounding him to be very funny. And in the end all the kids were just acting like kids. Impulsive, immature, short-sighted, and ignorant. Even the "smart" kid could only say kid things in eloquent ways. He was never any more powerful or important than any random punk in schools, his intelligence only gave him a false appearance as something more, when in the end he was just a dumb kid passing off his childish motives as deep and maniacal.

I really didn't see how the reveals or developments of the characters contradicted anything brought up earlier. To me, they flowed pretty believably with their past actions. Kid A wanted attention, he did his things for attention. Kid B did things because he was impulsive and sensitive (and as Hemingway said "like all sensitive men he was cruel"). Teacher was just acting out of revenge. And Lunacy imitator? Well, she's a bit of an oddball and save for her pretty face she was pretty much just a plot device to tie confessions together and bring out exposition for Kid A and the teacher.

My main complaint was the explosion scene at the end being way too drawn out, and the random butterfly shifting emotion camera shots that seemed really really pretentious and superfluous.

>> No.9647377

>And Lunacy imitator? Well, she's a bit of an oddball and save for her pretty face she was pretty much just a plot device to tie confessions together and bring out exposition for Kid A and the teacher.
When I think about it, she really didn't serve any purpose in the movie, did she? They could have completely cut her out and reworked the story a little bit, and everything would have remained pretty much the same, wouldn't it?

>> No.9647392

That's assuming that a story is just the stringing together of events. She was one of the few who were going beyond plot and developing an idea, the other being the teacher at the start.

>> No.9647412

>She was one of the few who were going beyond plot and developing an idea, the other being the teacher at the start.
I'd say you could've given all the "idea development" to the teacher, cut out the girl, and give the teacher more screen time. The only bad thing about that is you wouldn't have anyone to be opposite the teacher and Boy A in the scenes that the girl was in.

>> No.9647459

The "just kidding" at the end might have been referring to what she said about redemption. She might not believe at all that he could be redeemed and just did it for causing him pain.

>> No.9647469

That's kind of what I thought too. Though, it's still ambiguous.

>> No.9647473

Me and some friends always sit in one of our parents basements, watch Japanese movies, and continue to do more otaku/hikiki things........

We always talk about this movie, but it always seems to elude us or escape our realm of thought to watch.

Need to watch this movie OP.

I'm probably the biggest Japanese movie Otaku on /jp/ as well as some other weeboo things.

>> No.9648440
File: 238 KB, 694x1024, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how long till she goes deaf.

>> No.9648489

>orange cabs

>> No.9648512

What is your point?

>> No.9648525 [DELETED] 

who are you aquoting?

>> No.9648526

He's quoting you beating that meme into the ground and constantly misusing it.

>> No.9648534

But it's not a meme, i'm just wondering who he may be quoting.

>> No.9648543

This isn't necessary or funny in any way.

>> No.9648634

I'm not trying to be funny, i'm just asking who may he be quoting.
Are you stupid?

>> No.9650360

Just got done watching this.

Holy shit. That was fucking amazing.

>> No.9650428

how about you shut the fuck up bitch

>> No.9652757
File: 30 KB, 499x491, mt_cherish_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect?

>> No.9654485

Why did his nose bleed?

>> No.9655406

Extreme stress I'd imagine.

>> No.9657338
File: 203 KB, 330x248, 340x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the reviews from netflix:
This is a masterpiece in the true sense of the term.
An excellent piece of cinema.
Loved this movie!
Just saw today- beautifully done.
but--- it's not available on netflix! "Availability date unknown"
WTF? Do people watch a movie then go to netflix to review it? Or does netflix steal reviews from other sites?

>> No.9658084
File: 100 KB, 478x300, 984847979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm probably the biggest Japanese movie Otaku on /jp/
You aren't the only one...

Would be nice if a J drama/movie general thread could ever exist here though...
