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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9632994 No.9632994 [Reply] [Original]

I'm fed up of seeing all of these half-baked Japanese Language threads at various stages of development littered about the board.

'Official Japanese Language Thread' is go.

Helpful links:
Popular youtube series:




This is the thread to talk about anything in regards to the Japanese Language.
Discuses learning methods, help each other out, share links, etc.
Lets try and keep this all to one thread.

Oh, and as a final note; this thread is full acceptable in regards to the rules and does not belong on /lang/.
So lets enjoy the thread and a less cluttered board.

>> No.9632997

Good job, anon!

>> No.9633001


>> No.9633006

I just started learning. I'm excited but a little scared as well. Thank you for the helpful links.

>> No.9633007 [DELETED] 


>> No.9633009

I liked these threads better when they were on /a/ and we could just redirect those retards whereever we wanted

>> No.9633012

As far as I know /a/ has or had these threads regularly so I'd recommend you going there. This is most certainly the wrong place for these threads. /lang/ is also a good bet.

>> No.9633015

most people don't even know of the text boards
I'm pretty sure they are not even listed on the front page by default

>> No.9633016

This thread is fine in any weeaboo board as long as it's not shitty, really.

>> No.9633019

This is hardly for you alone to decide.

That's what redirects are for. You really don't need images for these kinds of threads and >>>/lang/ is basically THE board for this topic.

>> No.9633020

You can learn and practice Japanese just by using Rikaichan. At no point have I found it necessary to ask questions on the internet.

>> No.9633022

Yeah bro! Let's all go to the board that averages 1 post per hour!

Stop trying so hard to fit in newfag

>> No.9633024
File: 27 KB, 670x655, 1345834683824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more helpful links from the other thread that you might want to include in future threads.




General memorisation:

>> No.9633026

>I'm fed up of seeing all of these half-baked Japanese Language threads
That's because they belong on >>>/lang/, you dolt.

>> No.9633030

Kill yourself you retard.

>> No.9633034 [DELETED] 

lel e/b/in spoilers "bro" ;)

>> No.9633035

How proficient you guys are right now, and for how long have you been studying Japanese?

Just ignore the bad posts.

>> No.9633039 [DELETED] 

u mad bro?

>> No.9633041

>Let's all go to the board that averages 1 post per hour!
You ask a question and you receive an answer. There is no need to constantly be in touch with people when learning a language.

>> No.9633043 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 500x636, a1f25be47fd3b60f8c64ff202bf353c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets discuss GUST girls instead.

>> No.9633044

It's kind of painful to see, actually.
It was about a month ago that the mods said that one Japanese Language thread can be present at any time on /jp/. I'll give you all the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't visit /jp/ for that week.

This thread is a fucking god send and I for one am happy to see that there might be an end to the hundreds of learning Japanese threads scattered about /jp/.

One thread is better than 10, no?
So just endorse this thread and we'll see an end to the countless hundreds of learning threads.

>> No.9633045

Go blog about your life somewhere else.

>> No.9633046


>> No.9633048

I've been doing it for about a month now and I've pretty much got the kana and grammar down. My vocabulary is a little sketchy, but that's what I'm working on now. Once I get a little more proficient at it, I'll move onto the Kanji.

>> No.9633050
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>> No.9633051

It's a good thing, yes. But you will still have nerds people bitching and yelling in these threads as you can see.

>> No.9633052

stob it u fuckgn idiot

>> No.9633056

So I kinda wanna learn it just so I can finally read all the doujinshi I always wanted to without having to wait for a translation but at the same time it kinda seems like a lot of work, so I dunno...

Anyway, how am I supposed to learn kanji?
Yea but it's just like the other ones.
It asks me to type the kanji in and then it can look it up.
This is kind of pointless because I don't know any, that's why I'm trying to learn them in the first place.

>> No.9633059 [DELETED] 

Sweet! I was waiting for this kind of thread. I'm calling my /a/ buddies so we can learn this language together ;)

>> No.9633062

Stop being elitist aspies. The more people speaking/reading Japanese here, the better it will be for the general quality of the board.

>> No.9633063

OP here and this guy (>>9633044) more or less has it down.

I made this thread because I can't fucking stand hundreds of shitty threads and spamming >>>/lang/ obviously doesn't work, so why not compromise and just aim to keep it to one thread?

Regardless, it's fully within (and endorsed by) the rules and as such, your spam really wont change anything, I will continue to make these threads in an effort to have a more concise forum.

Started some point last year and have since then given up after making a dent into the Kanji. I know enough to keep me going though, and despite not making an effort to do so, I am still learning by personal translation projects etc.

>> No.9633068

>Regardless, it's fully within (and endorsed by) the rules
Please link me that post.

>> No.9633069

I'd be happy for this advice too, to be honest. I've learned what I know so far through youtube but I would much rather a somewhat coherent list of site application.

>> No.9633075

Jesus Christ has /jp/ developed an elitist complex over the passed years or what? When I learned I was thankful as fuck for the language threads.

One thing I would say to the OP is keep at making these threads. They are inherently good things and regardless of what people say, they help the quality of the board, provided they're kept in one place.

As long as you stick at making them, the shit posters trying too hard to fit into a sub-culture will soon dither out and these threads will become a staple.

>> No.9633078 [DELETED] 

btw I'm not the OP

>> No.9633084

Looks like the shitty janitor is emptying the report queues on this thread. Enjoy your influx of /a/b/v/-tards that will come for these threads and then stay on /jp/ forever.

>> No.9633087

Goo on you OP.

To Retards: If you don't like the thread, don't respond, report and I'm sure a mod will come along and ignore it for you.

>> No.9633089 [DELETED] 

btw I'm not the OP

>> No.9633090

Unfortunately, I couldn't do so. I can however tell you that it was posted in the fairly recent sticky that regarded what is and isn't /jp/.

The same thread mentioned that anime was for /a/ and that English-original VNs are meant for /vg/. Hope that jogs your memory some; hopefully someone else will be able to provide a screenshot on my behalf.

>> No.9633094

If you like an integrated approach you should check out Assimil Japanese With Ease (2 volumes).

>> No.9633096

>It was about a month ago that the mods said that one Japanese Language thread can be present at any time on /jp/.

You know 4chan is going through rough times when the mods know less about the chan than it's users. /lang/ has always been around, people have always been redirected there with no issues and another mod, in a sticky made in /jp/, said /jp/ isn't anyone's translation service. So if you want to play mods = word of god, then it can go both ways.

>> No.9633102

I'm pretty sure that sticky only said that /jp/ was not your personal translator.

>> No.9633107


Go back to /a/ you moron, if you're too impatient to wait for replies on another board then maybe you should give up on /jp/ and go back to /a/ or /b/ or whatever tardhole you're used to.


>> No.9633109

Remember when /jp/ didn't bitch at everything and everyone?


>> No.9633110

Fuck this.

It's too hard, I give up.

>> No.9633113

I think that's a common misconception. The quality of the posters doesn't improve because they learn Japanese. It's just people who tend to learn Japanese already were good posters.

>> No.9633114
File: 5 KB, 512x78, notjapan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was because /jp/ was about Japan back then you mongoloid.

>> No.9633117

This is otaku culture; discussion of niche otaku topics.

If you can't understand Japanese then this isn't the place for you. We have a >>>/lang/ board which is active and there are threads like this constantly on /a/, not to mention it isn't hard to use google and find everything you need.

>> No.9633129

The quality of POSTS improve. They'll be able to read untranslated VNs, start projects, etc.

>> No.9633127

This thread isn't about justifying a translation service of /jp/, in fact, this thread is to try to stop threads like that. You say that /lang/ has always been around for redirection,that, although a valid fact, has evidently not worked as I can count at least three Japanese Language threads besides this present on the board.

As has been said before, a more fluent board is inherently a good thing and containing a magnitude of awful 'help me /jp/' threads in one is, as far as I am concerned, also a step in the right direction.

I must be an awful quick typer if both the post before and after yours were my own.

On a side note, all of this redirecting is particularly reminiscent of /a/s 'boku no pico' meme. Funny that, isn't it?

If I could finish with some sort of educated conclusion in regards to this thread, a compromise, if you will. I am aware that Japanese Language threads are not /jp/, and yet here we are, a board full of them. I come along and offer one thread, a thread that will help contain all of the others. Now, if you're against my thread, and others like it, then I suggest you take a minute to think and eventually reach the conclusion that you have done nothing to stop the influx of said threads and that the best solution to the issue regarding these threads is to keep them to as few as possible. At which point, you will realise that this thread is in fact the answer to the problem and that the very same thread is more effective than your petty redirection.

>> No.9633132

Japan Culture is better than Otaku Culture

>> No.9633134

You're acting as if 90% of the threads are about learning Japanese. I know there is/(was) another one up but other than that I can't find even a single other one on the catalog.

>> No.9633137

Go be a weeb somewhere else.

>> No.9633138


So what? We're not here to accommodate those people and spoonfeed them so they can be 'one of us'.

People who have the will and determination to learn the language off their own back are the better posters. They show initiative instead of 'TEACH ME TO READ VISUAL NOVELS'.

This isn't /a/, we're not some cult who wants to recruit and train people to post here, if you're stupid and have nothing to contribute then don't post.

This has nothing to do with otaku culture, therefore it does not deserve to be here. Go to /a/ if you want 'daily japanese' threads or whatever; we don't need them on every Japan-related board on 4chan.

>> No.9633140

>As has been said before, a more fluent board is inherently a good thing and containing a magnitude of awful 'help me /jp/' threads in one is, as far as I am concerned, also a step in the right direction.

How do you reckon those kind of threads will stop popping up if there's a language thread in /jp/? There already are threads about the same subject on /a/ and there already is /lang/. If everyone managed to obliviously pass by all that, how can that not be the case when they come to /jp/? The only thing that will change is, instead of a /lang/ redirection, a redirection to your thread. And people won't learn japanese, since it wasn't their purpose in the first place (people usually ask for the translation of a sentence or a tattoo or whatever). Your thread will merely become a "translate it weeaboos!" general.

>> No.9633147

nnnnnnOOOOOOOO we cnat hav this thread we need mor threads about wch 2hu u wld take a shit with xDDDDD

truNEET culture 4 life

>> No.9633148

So, you're just another elitist aspie. Keep holding the board back, I'm sure it's just what we need. Now, would you mind starting another wich 2hu thread?

>> No.9633149
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, dalian-shocked-horror-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume everyone on this board knows how to fend for themselves by now. Just leave it on /a/ where it belongs. Also, this link (and the archive) is all they really need to start from for about 6 months or so: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N866RLJq6ZOW2UZniSN1bwf47gcOugFpnMZzjgLKHDg/edit?pli=1

>> No.9633154


It's got nothing to do with elitism you stupid /a/tard. There is a board for this shit already, take it there instead.


>> No.9633151

You're right, we need more threads to get ourselves some more /a/b/v/ retards.

>> No.9633158

>elitist aspie

I really don't know what's up with people hating elitism, but your continuous use of the word "aspie" makes me wonder about your origins.

>> No.9633169

/a/ is for anime/manga, and they still have threads for Japanese language. That just goes to show how it's fine here too.

Calm down. Getting angry over internet exchanges is not good for you, nor it is for the board.

>> No.9633167


It's /a/ faggots who think they fit in on /jp/ trying to run this place like they run their shithole.

I will not let /jp/ turn into another /a/, this thread is unnecessary, it makes as much sense as starting a thread in /y/ /u/ or /c/ etc.

>> No.9633172

>/a/ is for anime/manga, and they still have threads for Japanese language. That just goes to show how it's fine here too.
But /a/ is not /jp/ in case you didn't notice and people are trying their best to not let it become that way. This retarded j/a/nitor apparently doesn't think that way.

>> No.9633175

If there's anything tangentially-related to this board, it's a fucking Japanese language thread.

And these broken records need to hurry up and fall in the trash.

>> No.9633176

They have feels threads, rampant greentexting and spoiler misuse. Does that mean those things are fine in /jp/ as well, since they're fine on /a/ too?

Just because the people of a board don't know where shit belongs, doesn't mean everyone else is allowed to not know.

>> No.9633178

>If there's anything tangentially-related to this board, it's a fucking Japanese language thread.
That would be if there wasn't an entire fucking board for that. Textboard or not, a thread like this doesn't need images, nor does it need 10 replies per minute.

>> No.9633185

>they still have threads for Japanese language. That just goes to show how it's fine here too.

So it's fine to have the same thread on two different boards? This isn't /a/. What's acceptable there doesn't mean it's fine here.

>> No.9633181

If you aren't from /a/, you're too new to talk about how things should work here.

>> No.9633189

>Just because the people of a board don't know where shit belongs, doesn't mean everyone else is allowed to not know.

The worst thing is that people are pretty much rewarded for not knowing. /vg/ was pretty much created because /v/ didn't care about the text boards.

>> No.9633192

I'm not sure how the fuck you even came to that conclusion. Just because I used to browse /a/, doesn't mean I still do. You apparently think everyone on this board should browse /a/, too.

>> No.9633194

Can we come to a conclusion that one thread is better than 5? Regardless of your opinions on the thread itself, that much should be absolute and that much should be something you can all jump behind.

>> No.9633196

Why don't you go there then? Better yet why don't you create your own image board and invite all your friends. Fuck you. Fuck all those who agree with you.

>> No.9633197

See >>9633140

>> No.9633200

There are never so many threads up about this at any time. This most recent one about Kana was the first thread in weeks that got more than 10 replies. All the other threads are just translation requests.

>> No.9633203

>Come on guys, one shit thread is fine. just one. One can't hurt right?

Man, Remember when we had that sticky and shit was enforced for all of like two days?
Good times.

>> No.9633212

Think about all the poor souls who didn't learn Japanese back on /a/ and no longer browse it. Don't be so greedy and let them learn too.

Besides that, if people just stopped whining then this thread would have.. what? Eight posts.

The moral of the story: Everyone should shut the fuck up.

>> No.9633217

Oh jesus christ /jp/ what's wrong with you.
With all these shitty threads around, you bitch about one silly japanese thread?
Don't you like japanese? Did you really learn it JUST to read powerpoint porn?
Do you not enjoy discussing about the language?

Meanwhile, a thread about "lol i'm NEET we NEET now guyz? how NEET are you? lol" gets 300 replies.
This is pathetic.

>> No.9633218

OP here.
My opinion in regards to this is that it would provide something a little more substantial to redirect to. /lang/, despite what you might think is not a community and, regardless of your opinion on it, a community is what a lot of people sought after when learning.

That is why I feel that this is a better solution than a continued redirection, not to mention the fact that redirection does not work and as such, it only makes sense that a second approach is made.

As for the point you made in regards to translation; yes, that is a valid point, and yet I never claimed that the thread would be a saving grace, just a step in the right direction.

>> No.9633222

>Think about all the poor souls who didn't learn Japanese back on /a/ and no longer browse it. Don't be so greedy and let them learn too.
You don't need to "browse a board" to learn this or any language.

And one thread a week about this is better than a constant "general" thread that will only attract retards from boards you don't want to have people here from.

Just make it on /a/. They've had those exact same threads for weeks (and maybe they still do?) and no one will complain there.

>> No.9633228

I find all of this redirecting bullshit hilarious.
>>>/vg/ for NV generals please.
>>>/a/ for anime please.
>>>/toy/ for figma and dolls please.
>>>/trv/ for trains please.
>>>/v/ for touhou doujinsofts please.
>>>/cgl/ for kigurumi please.
>>>/e/ for any lewd posts please.

>> No.9633229

>They've had those exact same threads for weeks

Try months. They're pretty successful thanks to people actually being helpful. I think the OP has gone through maybe ~1K kanji out of his kanji backlog

>> No.9633231

God forbid people post things on the appropriate boards.

>> No.9633236

It's tripfags circlejerking about their progress and a couple anons occasionally joining in. What are you even talking about?

>> No.9633240

You're ignoring the fundamental point that almost every thread on /jp/ could be redirected somewhere else. /jp/ is a board with no specific purpose or discussion point but more so a vague bracket of acceptable content what was once a good community to drive it.

>> No.9633245

You can make a thread about anything on /jp/ if you do it right.
When we redirect we pretty much say that we hate you and don't want you here

>> No.9633246


...that sounds successful to me. There are more anons than tripfags in them, but the tripfags are usually more advanced and help with syntax and translation work.

>> No.9633247

OP again here, I'm still missing the fundamental complaint here.

If you're against Japanese Language threads then endorse this, redirect to it and simply block 'Official Japanese Language Thread', which I'll be sure to title by each time.

A compromise that makes everyone happy.

>> No.9633249


Delete your thread and remake it

>> No.9633252

Closing your eyes doesn't make the problem go away. The thread is not bad per se but the people that will come here because of them.

Just make them on /a/ where they have been accepted for months.

>> No.9633255

Why did suddenly everyone took it upon their hands to try and "save" /jp/?

>> No.9633256

It's just like two people complaining about the thread for this whole time.

>> No.9633259

My fundamental complaint is that you are here

>> No.9633262

>the people that will come here because of them.
It's funny because that shit is why /jp/ is as bad as it is now. "Hurr let's ironically shitpost in threads we don't like that will really keep /jp/ from becoming shit." It didn't work when /jp/ popped up and it doesn't work now. Fuck off.

>> No.9633263

The timing with which this thread decided to show up is amazing. Did OP get the idea that /jp/ needs major improvements from browsing /q/ while looking for the "let's save /v/" thread?

>> No.9633272

But as I have already argued, /a/ is not /jp/ and is different fundamentally. I would be encouraged to disregard your claim that it would attract less-wanted boards attention because frankly, this thread will never be a front page attraction and the lure of /a/ will always pull that kind of person in rather than the relatively community focused board of /jp/.

No, I didn't. As I've said, I made this thread because I witnessed more than one thread degrade into a Language thread in just one day and the fact that there have been multiple threads recently in regards to the language which I quite frankly, loath.

>> No.9633269


Nice bump /a/tard.

This thread is stupid, if you want to discuss Japanese language so badly you'd be in /lang/ or one of the /a/ threads right now. The fact people are trying to push it here just shows that for some reason they feel they can't learn the language without holding /jp/'s hand.

Just go and fucking learn it or look in the archive, every aspect of this topic has been covered and it's not even /jp/ related, therefore it does not belong here.

>> No.9633273

/jp/ has been notably worse than usual for the last few months. It's not impossible that he just got fed up.

>> No.9633274

>/jp/ is a board with no specific purpose or discussion point

Tell that to moot

>> No.9633276

I'm sorry, are you actually arguing that /jp/ covers something that couldn't be covered by another board?

>> No.9633279

>As I've said, I made this thread because I witnessed more than one thread degrade into a Language thread in just one day and the fact that there have been multiple threads recently in regards to the language

Have you prehaps considered the fact that, maybe (just maybe) those threads will be less frequent once summer ends?

>> No.9633280


/jp/ was designed for VN discussion and touhou. Not Japanese, end of.

>> No.9633284

Just make them on /a/ and everyone will be happy.

>> No.9633286


What about Kimoi otaku threads?

>> No.9633300

That doesn't actually have anything to do with what he said.

>> No.9633302

I thought "do your reps" threads were pretty good as far as language learning oriented threads go.

>> No.9633303

To those who think this thread is acceptable here:

What's wrong with going to >>>/lang/ (You know, the board intended for language discussion) or /a/ where they have regular threads for this sort of thing at the approval of the moderator? I present the latter choice to you if you wish to use images with your text.

Nobody has answered this.

>> No.9633311

See >>9633218, that's OP's argument. He did answer it, even though I disagree with him.

>> No.9633305

Not exactly what I was asking, but assuming you're presenting VN and touhou as the answer to my leer; both of which could easily be redirected to /vg/ and /v/.
The fact that a thread in regards to a 22 yearold woman who wanted a lolicon boyfriend got less slating than this goes to show that it's not quality of a board that you're after but more so the approval of a fw of the louder members of the board.

>> No.9633308

No we need the Official® Japanese Language General® thread so show everyone that we welcome them warmly to learn Japanese with us.

>> No.9633315


It has to be "Official" so they can feel like they are important on 4chan.

>> No.9633318

>The fact that a thread in regards to a 22 yearold woman who wanted a lolicon boyfriend got less slating than this goes to show that it's not quality of a board that you're after but more so the approval of a fw of the louder members of the board.

What the hell are you talking about? The thread lasted like five minutes and pretty much all the posts were slandering the OP or plain shitposting.

>> No.9633319

As of now, despite still standing strong on my opinion, I wont as I feel that the discussion is worthwhile thus far. Although there is clearly a divide I am willing to see the other side of the coin, despite the fact that I might not fully appreciate it.

>> No.9633322


The problem with that is that the people who use /lang/ are mainly /jp/ers anyway, if you want epic memes and reaction images to help you learn then go somewhere else, people who are studying don't need a community, stop being a sheep and learn on your own.

>> No.9633326

And you don't need a community to play Touhou. 4chan has never been about anything other than a community in which to enjoy things with.

>> No.9633329

Oh, god. I think I know who you are. You're the guy who was calling the shots on /q/, that spoke with so much inherent authority that I actually thought it was a mod or janitor! Your posts can't hide how full of yourself you are.

>> No.9633331

That's everyone on /q/ though.

>> No.9633333

Sorry, but that's not me. As I've said before I haven't been browsing /q/.

>> No.9633334

And that community was neatly divided through various boards that fit various different kinds of interests. Like /lang/!

>> No.9633338

I think the very discussion going on in this thread is a point in itself.

Nobody is talking about Japanese and nobody wants to learn it.

The /jp/ community doesn't need a Japanese learning thread.

>> No.9633339

Well, you sound just like him, but then again >>9633331 might have a point.

>> No.9633340


Yes but you already have two other boards to discuss your topic in, there is no need to drag it to a 3rd.

>> No.9633351

I still don't get it why you don't want to make it on /a/ - you know - the place where people accept it and would be happy about it as opposed to /jp/ where people throw 100 reply bitch fits about it.
You'll have your thread and we won't have the influx of weebs here who want to learn glorious 日本語.
/jp/ maybe has a Japanese thread once a week and it barely gets more than 10 replies. The "do your reps" threads are enough.

>> No.9633355


>> No.9633360


This, basically.

>> No.9633372

Honestly, I appreciate the weight of the anti-thread argument and as such, bowing down to the number of opponents, I will take your word that this is not a 'solution' and will instead take a back seat and watch the threads stop plaguing /jp/ via your own methods.

With that said, I'll delete the thread in the next 20 minutes and refrain from posting until then. Should I fail to see any change in the shit scattering of help threads that have become acceptable I will again assume my self-entitled dick of a position and try to categorise the shit into a single thread.

>> No.9633377

I like your approach at things and I feel a little bit sorry for you for trying to help /jp/ but this is not the thread the board needs.

>> No.9633384

And just to add onto this point, although somewhat pointless now. I didn't want to make it on /a/ because /a/ is shit and making it on /a/ would not stop the problem we have here on /jp/.

That said though, my previous point was not a 'sulk' I honestly appreciate the arguments against me, despite not fully endorsing them.

>> No.9633419


People need to stop hiding from the fact your board is shit, go and fix it yourself and demand better rather than trying to hide in other boards and shit up another in the process.

>> No.9633420

>Should I fail to see any change in the shit scattering of help threads that have become acceptable

As far as I'm aware, they haven't become acceptable and are either met with hostility or shitposting.

>> No.9633420,1 [INTERNAL] 

Did the OP delete the thread?

>> No.9633420,2 [INTERNAL] 

Anon who tried to start these threads, are you still around?

>> No.9633420,3 [INTERNAL] 


Someone should start it up again since the year just started.

>> No.9633420,4 [INTERNAL] 

