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9630490 No.9630490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking tonight, /jp/?

>> No.9630502

Yamazaki is so overpriced, everything isn't better due to being Japanese you know.

>> No.9630505

fuck off normalfag


>> No.9630512
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Nothing, I'm broke until Monday.

But when Monday rolls around It'll be bourbon, vodka and rum.

>> No.9630518
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Rum and beer

Also, I've got the fucking hiccups what the fuck? Please make it stop /jp/!

>> No.9630522


>> No.9630525

Why would you drink beer?

It has such low alcohol content.

>> No.9630529

Has it ever crossed your mind that someone might like how it tastes?

>> No.9630531



Alcoholism is a time honored /jp/ tradition.

>> No.9630536
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Refreshing and easy on the stomach.

Though, I understand where you're coming from. Getting drunk off of beer takes a while, but, in my experience, it's the nicest way to get drunk, since it's so gradual and relaxing, opposed to suddenly being trashed.

>> No.9630540

Had some Kirin earlier today because it was on sale. I normally drink some nice Glenlivet or black label

>> No.9630547
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>> No.9630558

Pendleton Whiskey & Twilight Summer Ale

>> No.9630659


More expensive in the long run though, sure, you get more liquid for the price, but not more alcohol. At least that's how it is where I live.

>> No.9630663

Water. Always.

Besides, I don't know how to drink alcohol.

>> No.9630678
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It's my barsuday in 3 days and I have no money for alcohol.

I hate everything.

>> No.9630680
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>Besides, I don't know how to drink alcohol.

You swallow it until you get dizzy and happy.

>> No.9630685

I wish I had some absinth again. It inspires me to write prophetical texts that seem like they were written by H.P lovecraft himself.

>> No.9630687

But people are always going on about how it's a fine art. Like, you're supposed to sip it a certain way or something. I would be too lost.

>> No.9630688

Grape juice.

>> No.9630694

Those people are the worst hypocrites this planet holds.

>> No.9630703
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Aw, Op, those people are massive faggots.

Alcohol tastes like absolute shit, and the only people that enjoy it are those have imbibed so much that their tastebuds have been reprogrammed to imagine those horrid tastes as pleasant because of the resulting relaxing effect. Beer tastes okay, but liquor is a horrid poison only good in large amounts. '

The only people that genuinely enjoy the taste of alcoholic drinks are alcoholics. Ethanol is a drug, so enjoy it as you will.

Now, watch as a bunch of pretentious dumbasses try to tell me my palette is mistaken, and that alcohol actually tastes incredible because of it's ability to create a multitude of subtle tastes when mixed with other shit.

>> No.9630705
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Alcohol is a waste of time.

Grip n' sip

>> No.9630708

You drink it down however the fuck you want and take it easy.
Alcohol isn't an artform it's a friend that lends you strength.

>> No.9630713

Are you guys Irish?

>> No.9630722
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Ahh, now that you mention, I do have some Irish in my blood. But mostly Scottish.

Fuck your pretentious bullshit either way, nigger. Alcohol is for getting fucked up, not sipping and pretending to enjoy it amongst other stupid asshats.

>> No.9630725

Enjoying alcohol is a matter of preference, I've liked bourbon since the first time I tasted it, yet I dislike beer despite being an alcoholic myself. Alcoholism isn't productive in any way when you look at it from a normal point of view, but to me, alcohol has got to be one of the best things ever created. Mostly for reasons like >>9630708.

Am I bias? Probably. But you are probably just as biased as well for some reason.

I'm Australian.

>> No.9630732

Iced Jasmine tea.

>> No.9630746

Finishing up a bottle of American Ozeki sake before taking a trip to the international supermarket tomorrow.

>> No.9630763

The only thing I can think of that would take practice is mixing drinks. But I usually just bullshit that anyway and end up throwing together extremely rough mixtures in a Taco Bell cup or something.

>> No.9630772
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Only dumbfucks think it's some sort of esoteric, classy hobby.

Boozing is for getting relaxed and for getting wrecked. It might taste different in different forms, but it's the same shit-a relaxing oral-shot of nasty-juice worth it.

If someone tells you about their scotch, disregard them-get some of the cheapest shit and down that garbage. There's little difference beyond an intense prejudice and the price. Just about any form of juice taste better than any form of booze.

>> No.9630774

Water. Alcohol is for normals.

>> No.9630778
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Tea, might get some lemonade soon though.

>> No.9630782


Then what is it I hear about aged wine tasting better or something?

>> No.9630789
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Stupid pretentious cunts giving a shit about what rotted juice tastes like. Wine is just fermented fruit. It gives off some rare tastes as it ages-that's it. It's hardly ever more pleasant. A bit smoother? Sure. Worth the price or hype? Not a fucking chance.

They should alcohol in syringes.

>> No.9630790
File: 173 KB, 500x500, sakuya (59).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine is pretty much fancy grape juice.

>> No.9630792

whoa only 14 here O_o if my mom caught me drinking id be is SOO MUCH TROUBLE she prob take my computer... LOL

>> No.9630797

I injected whisky as teen. Good times.

>> No.9630798
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if you aren't drinking mouthwash then you don't know shit about #YOLO #SWAG #HOBOLIFE

>> No.9630813

>Only dumbfucks think it's some sort of esoteric, classy hobby.

Or people who recently turned legal drinking age.

I remember going through that stage too.

>> No.9630821

So now you are only old alcoholic who is ashamed of his hobby and needs to find justification for it, hmmh?

>> No.9630869
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So, you're saying you've gone through that obnoxious, pretentious stage and come to realize alcohol is nothing but a socially-acceptable drug-or have you failed to write a coherent sentence where you argue otherwise? Because I can't tell, and it's not a failing of me or my drunkenness, but your inability to write decently.

>> No.9630871

Alcohol isn't all the same thing though.
Alcohol for normals would be stuff like Jim Beam and Coke, Bud, Shit like Jagermeister or whatever and Fruit flavored Vodkas.

>> No.9630879


Alcoholism varies severely.

It's a pretty regular hobby for shut-ins and such. Those that are truly boozers won't give a shit what they're drink so long as it's alcohol. Don't be confuse don't be confused by the normals that talk about how much they enjoy their shitty scotch.

>> No.9630880
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alcohol isn't just a drug because it's used as one.

>> No.9630881

You are so full of shit. You are just a fucking flaming normal. Deal with it.

>> No.9630886
File: 177 KB, 1280x800, konatapointsout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>alcohol isn't just a drug

Wrong, assfuck. That's all it is. Whether you decide to erect other things around it isn't important. It's nothing BUT a drug.

>> No.9630892

I think the abnormal qualities of my lifestyle and tastes far outweigh the normal ones, but fair enough.

>> No.9630899

typical retard jaypsie who can't cook anything but ramen noodles in the microwave. you're wrong, but continue to think otherwise.

>> No.9630936 [DELETED] 

Fine by me honestly. Whatever helps me cope with life. Call me pathetic all you like, we are on /jp/ for fucks sake.

At least I'm not a 420 #YOLO #SWAG XD stoner faggot, I'm just a pisstank that likes to take it easy. I can understand if you hate alcohol due to some form of past trauma, but don't you think you are being too harsh without any real provocation?

>> No.9630938

Actually you are drunk and/or dumb as fuck. The person above you knew what I meant.

Drunken /a/ filenames-kun isn't ours.

>> No.9630945

Blue Raspberry Jolly Rancher soda

>> No.9630961

A Lagunitas Pilsner. Not a big fan of the style but needed a break from always drinking dark beer.
