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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9616118 No.9616118[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We don't need a babysitter, go away. You want /jp/ to fail don't you?
I bet you're from /a/ or /v/ and really hate /jp/. Why do you hate /jp/ that much? How can you despise a board like you do? What did we do to you?Why are you doing this to us? Why are you doing this? Why us? Why? WHY?
/jp/ has the potential to be the best board on the WHOLE internet. Why are you holding us back? Just let /jp/ go. Let /jp/ sail freely. We don't need you anymore. We don't want you. We're tired of these mindless image dumps and stale general threads. The people that keep forcing Touhou on /jp/ are those that have never seen the true /jp/. They are the /bun/tards and /poopshlmers/ that believe /jp/ is their perfect 2hu paradise. FUCK OFF. /jp/ is not your personal dumping ground for Touhou. /jp/ is MUCH MORE THAN THAT! Look. Just let the board go. Let /jp/ go back to its roots. It's the best for /jp/.
/jp/ is not a place you can hold back like this. You can't hold back this much potential. /jp/ is /jp/.
You can't define /jp/.
You can't explain /jp/.
/jp/ is lulz.
/jp/ is legion.
/jp/ is Chuch Norris.
/jp/ is Tohno Shiki.
/jp/ is ZUN!bar.
/jp/ is shitposters.
/jp/ is board police.
/jp/ is Flanfly.
/jp/ is WHATAFUCK.
/jp/ is over 9000.
/jp/ is /jp/.
You can't hold back something with the potential /jp/. You can't hold back this much potential. You can't.
We want you to get out.
/jp/ wants you to get the FUCK out.
Get out.

G.E.T. T.H.E. F.U.C.K. O.U.T.

>> No.9616119

*gives u an epic brofist*

>> No.9616119,1 [INTERNAL] 

Then stop shitposting and start posting something else. It's not the legitimate posters fault the board is covered mostly by Touhou. Make an effort and start a good thread.

>> No.9616119,2 [INTERNAL] 

There's too many of them to contend with. That shit needs to go.

>> No.9616119,3 [INTERNAL] 

Then go tell moot that.

>> No.9616119,4 [INTERNAL] 

That's the plan.

>> No.9616119,5 [INTERNAL] 

Originally, /jp/ was maybe 20% shit, 20% Touhou, and 60% interesting discussion about a variety of topics.

Then some people decided that ironic shitposting was the next big thing, and it turned to 70% shit, 20% Touhou, and 10% interesting discussion about a variety of other topics. Note that only the Touhoufags were autistic enough to continue posting in a trash board instead of just leaving.

And post-crackdown, we're left with the same 10% interesting variety stuff, 10% leftover shit, and 80% Touhou discussion.

Stop crying to moot. You shit in your bed, now lie in it.

>> No.9616119,6 [INTERNAL] 


I'm glad that I'm not autistic and left a year ago. I won't even waste an ounce of energy acknowledging the existence of all those horrible people that destroyed the board the last two years.

They all deserve unique places in hell, just as Dante had prescribed.

Touhou is always will be for dysfunctional man children with severe mental disabilities and warped sensibilities.

Part of me wished that they had gotten their own board so they could of fucking festered off into your rotting basement cave while /jp/ could of returned to /jp/ - general and become an interesting 4chan cultural interloper.

But with the minimal attention the moderation gave to the board, the shit fest that is now, is no sweat off anyone's back

>> No.9616119,7 [INTERNAL] 

Wow, shitposters sure are getting desperate.
Good work, meido.

>> No.9616119,8 [INTERNAL] 

Trying to decide whether this post is ironic or not is fucking destroying me.

>> No.9616119,9 [INTERNAL] 

There has been complaints of the board being nothing but touhou since day one, I don't know why you newfriends think this is recent in any sort of way.

>> No.9616119,10 [INTERNAL] 

It's a parody of the post he responded to.

I think he's trying to ridicule the author by presenting an exaggerated caricature of his opinions.

>> No.9616119,11 [INTERNAL] 

Why would it be ironic?

>> No.9616119,12 [INTERNAL] 

Underated post.

>> No.9616119,13 [INTERNAL] 

Delete this board

>> No.9616119,14 [INTERNAL] 

How do you go about making a good thread when the moderator has bad taste?
Serious question, please respond.

>> No.9616119,15 [INTERNAL] 

Hey wbuddy, you're responding to a comment from 2012!
