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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 10 KB, 320x288, singing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9613356 No.9613356 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder what this bitch is singing anyways...

>> No.9613362

More like I wanna get a closer look at the villain from that game.

She looked pretty rude if you ask me.

>> No.9613361

That song about turning your swag on.

>> No.9613377
File: 196 KB, 623x1024, 0040f56607938023eefbb40ed5957c18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my gosh >___< >__<>__< >___< I absolutely LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE <3<3<3<3 Nayru! :3

>> No.9613391

pls go

>> No.9613401

I never got to finish zelda seasons, I got stuck somewhere in that forest, I think. Also, the red head girl was my first 2D crush.

>> No.9613432
File: 218 KB, 500x233, lv10ap707W1qft5jdo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the oracle games are so overrated

i've tried a dozen times in the last ten years to play them and each time i get bored after five minutes

>> No.9613452
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 41yqpH51kSL._AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The dinosaur pets and dialog.

>> No.9613474

They're not overrated. Handheld Zelda at its best.

>> No.9618820


>> No.9618822

well, what i meant to say was that the oracle games were the best in the series.

>> No.9618825

All I know about the Oracle games is that I bought some "choose your own adventure" books based on them back when I was younger. But I don't know where they are now.

>> No.9618827

Link's Awakening is still better.

>> No.9618835

Alright, I will admit that Links Awakening is better. Just for the whole ending and plot twist in it. Closest that the series has gotten to actually having something resembling a story.

>> No.9618832

I enjoyed all the Zelda games. (Even Zelda II)
I think the Oracle games are my favorite though. They certainly had charm.

>> No.9618834
File: 26 KB, 620x382, Links Awakening - The Wind Fish-620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that one because Zelda is the bad guy there

>> No.9618837

I've always loved the music that plays in the Face Shrine with that Wind Fish mural. So haunting, even on crappy gameboy speakers.

>> No.9618841

If there is one overrated zelda, it's ocarina of time. Even more, I thought the oracles were pretty much underrated.


>> No.9618886

The retarded Goron dance killed my will to play it.

>> No.9618895

Southern Shrine, or Face Shrine?

>> No.9618935

I had both of these but I was too stupid to figure out what to do so I never finished either. I should pick them up again, if just to see Vera and Din again.

>> No.9619359
File: 204 KB, 480x270, 1345064142958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not overrated if i can play ocarina of time by myself everyday nonstop for years until beating ganon gets boring so i spend the time making up storylines and conversations between link and the npcs in my head

>> No.9619401
File: 513 KB, 1510x1094, 6855489517_8f28b26439_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veran is lewd as hell.

Also, all the 3D Zeldas are bad. I know people will whine because they grew up with Ocarina of Time or whatever, but the series seriously didn't transition to 3D well. I'd rather they make a "2.5D" game even if it's a shameless NES/SNES clone like those new Mario games.

>> No.9619423


You are now aware that the melody for that music was a remix of the Ballad of the Wind Fish.


They had their moments. I'd say they suffer from the inability to make legitimate maze-like dungeons, though, which the handhelds were really good at.

>> No.9619481

>I'd rather they make a "2.5D" game

DS Zelda games do this. They kind of sucked.

>> No.9619503
File: 255 KB, 464x489, Link jovial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started getting into playing my LoZ games again and getting 100% in them because I never use to complete them fully. I would just go and get the minimum required items and jars and beat the game and never try to complete everything.

It will probably be the first time I attempt to be a completionist in any game.

And holy shit.

Different incarnations of Link.

It makes so much sense. Why dint I think of it before. There does not need to be a specific blood line between them at all. It's so brilliant. I feel like a huge load off of my mind when I found out about all of that (not just Link).

>> No.9619511

Are you 12?

>> No.9619514

turning 22 in a couple of days

>> No.9619520


>> No.9619521

But was this because of the 2.5D aspect?

>> No.9619527


>> No.9619543

The first time I played a Zelda game was when I played the first one on a sort of arcade machine in a mall or wherever. It was what made me want to get a NES, but my dad wouldn't get me one, since I already had a C64. Later I'd get a SNES after playing SMW.

>> No.9619568

I think my first nintendo game was the first super mario bros. It was on an arcade at some hotel or motel.

I remember this shitty daycare center I used to go to that smelled like old oatmeal and vomit all the time had SMW on it and it probably helped me get into games. (That and always watching my dad play Blake Stone and Doom and 2d platform Duke Nukem etc)

>> No.9620605

The Oracle titles combined are better than Link's Awakening. Link's Awakening might have a superior theme, script (written by Yoshiaki Koizumi), story, which I find to be one of the very few good stories in games, and score, but mechanically it's devoid of much of the crazy stuff both Oracle titles accomplished, and also features pretty sterile, boring locales compared to the Oracles.

The Oracles are the peak of 2D Zelda, and that Nintendo have not taken another serious stab at it since Minish Cap is disappointing; especially considering Minish Cap is not anywhere near the quality of the Oracles.

>> No.9621125 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 988x659, mydick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - /v/General

>> No.9621134

Really? Minish Cap was quite good, especially since it was the one who brought me into Zelda in the first place.

Also, this is /v/, isn't it?

>> No.9621144 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 988x659, mydick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is entirely a /v/ thread.

>> No.9621149

Topic overlap is acceptable in moderation.

>> No.9621166

can you fuck the girl
I mean the the blond one

>> No.9621162 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 988x659, 1345706551372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9621222

It's completely off-topic. You can't just claim shit is fine if there's not a lot of it.

>> No.9621257

Take it easy, mr. aspie. Hide the thread if you don't like it. As you mentioned, it's not a /jp/ topic, so it would naturally die down pretty fast. There's no problem if some posters discuss the games in the meantime. You're the only one keeping this thing alive.

>> No.9621361

> it's not a /jp/ topic, so it would naturally die down pretty fast

That's never stopped off-topic threads from getting 300+ posts before.

>> No.9621372

I'm sure it would get deleted, in that case.

>> No.9624900 [DELETED] 

I wonder.

>> No.9625919


Oh god I know what you are talking about and still have mine.

>> No.9632058
File: 94 KB, 600x450, ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it was because of shit-tier dungeon design(hey there dungeon you explore again evry time you get a new item) and complete lack of world map. Wind Waker did that well, Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass didn't.

Minish Cap was the last good Zelda in 2D (and it was fucking amazing)

>> No.9632080

I really liked Majora's Mask, haven't played LttP yet, that's on my to-do list after Deus Ex.

>> No.9635003


Best boss

>> No.9635011

Wow, that's a pretty creative boss. Wish he didn't tell you how to kill him, though.

>> No.9637811

What is he talking about????????????????????????????

>> No.9637836

I smoke on the mic like smoking Joe Frazier
The hell raiser, raising hell with the flavor
Terrorize the jam like troops in Pakistan
Swinging through your town like your neighborhood Spiderman

>> No.9637836,1 [INTERNAL] 

suck my cock warosubitch
