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9612298 No.9612298 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.9612301 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9612306

haha. well sorry...but i dont think this is the thread for me!!!

>> No.9612321

Reading: Everything on Baka-Tsuki

Looking forward to: Anything thats obscure like my little sister turned into a dragon

>> No.9612331

>You know the drill.
why didnt you post a picture of neito

>> No.9612408 [DELETED] 
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Waga ou.

>> No.9612725
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Currently reading やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている②.

Too busy catching up on existing things to look forward to anything in particular.

Finally got around to the gnawing through the other half of 桜色の春をこえて (sakura-iro no haru wo koete) last weekend. It reminded me of what little shoujo manga I have read, but thankfully not overbearingly so. Unfortunately, though it was a pleasant enough read and I always enjoy stories about strong friendship to some degree, I found it to be pretty bland overall. I think the biggest problem was that the characters never really came to life for me - I could never really say "ah, how characteristic of x" or felt like I could predict what they would do next (not that constant predictability is a good thing, but some level of it does indicate consistency). I didn't hate it, and parts of it were pretty well done, but I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.9613017

Well, I'm reading chrome shelled regios and marimite. 7th and 34th volumes respectively.

Reading made up fantasy/sci-fi words in japanese is still a hassle for me but otherwise it's a nice read (regios).

Marimite needs no introduction. Though, I didn't know the author was middle aged (well, she wasn't at the beginning of the series).

Is it only me who finds Nana quite irritating? Noriko was so cool, and Touko was a miracle of the universe. Well, now that I think about it the Foetida family was not that great to begin with.

>> No.9613096
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bored waiting for autism bux to place an amazon jp order.

out of the order i'm most looking forward to hitsugime no chaika the most cause i want to lick her eyebrows and the story is entertaining.

>> No.9618768

How is Chrome Shelled Regios?

>> No.9619103

I'm quite bad giving summaries but in a very little sentence, it's fun.

The MC is not a total wuss, quite strong actually. The cast is interesting, they have some personality at least, and while there are some stereotypical elements involved, it has been tastefully utilised in my opinion.

Fighting scenes flows well, not boring for a change. The worldbuilding is not bad but some japanese centric stuff creeps in, and depending on your suspension of disbelief tolerance, it can be a little or too jarring. Kouhai/senpai/bentou stuff and katana, naginata, etc on a non oriental and quite western world, ugh.
