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9608986 No.9608986 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ eat for breakfast?

>> No.9608993
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>> No.9609003

I had a pig steak fried in habanero peppers and soy sauce...

>> No.9609001

A slice of bread with water.
Some butter on the bread when I'm feeling fancy.

>> No.9609011

That looks kind of good, OP.

I'm usually not awake early enough to eat breakfast. When I am though, I usually have some rice with soy sauce, eggs and miso soup. Bread or cereal aren't really my types of food.

>> No.9609025

Oatmeal or Cereal. Because I'm Western like that. (It's oatmeal today)

>> No.9609038 [DELETED] 

I don't lel

>> No.9609047
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If I'm up for breakfast, something like this. I haven't been awake for breakfast in a very long time.

>> No.9609057

I just ate a hamburger.

>> No.9609060

Had cup ramen with some orange juice.
Not even halfway through this instant noodles box and I'm already sick of its fake chicken flavor.

>> No.9609063

Whatever is in the fridge that looks good.

>> No.9609067

just some water

>> No.9609070

I'd rather be sleeping than eating breakfast, I always wake up last minute for work.

>> No.9609081

Coffee and cigarettes.

>> No.9609089

what a fugging weeb

>> No.9609092

in one bite?

>> No.9609113
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I wake up at around lunch hour. It's rare for me to "wake" up for breakfast. Speaking of which, it's fucking morning now. I need to get to sleep. Sweet dreams, /jp/.

>> No.9609128


>> No.9609211 [DELETED] 

I'm not usually up for breakfast so what ever my mother cooks for me turns out being breakfast for me.

How nice of you.

>> No.9609216

I'm not usually up for breakfast so what ever my mother cooks for dinner turns out being breakfast for me.

How nice of you.

>> No.9609219

A nice cup of tea, eggs, Chinese sausages, and rice.

>> No.9609234

Tuna and yogurt.

>> No.9609248 [DELETED] 

Just coffee.

>> No.9609261 [DELETED] 

ur mums pussy P:

>> No.9609274

Toast with butter, sunny side up eggs, and breakfast tea.

>> No.9609333

Avocado and coffee.

>> No.9609335

a boiled egg or two and some müsli

>> No.9609340

a healthy glass of onii-chan's dick milk

>> No.9609352

i'm too hip to eat at all

>> No.9609357

I don't eat breakfast. It makes my stomach feel icky eating in the morning. I like a nice cup o' joe, though.

>> No.9609366

Wouldn't having a designated breakfast time also mean you have a sleep schedule that you adhere to?

In any case when I wake up I can't stomach much at all, maybe an hour or two after waking up I'll have a croissant or two with strawberry jam.

>> No.9609455

2 weetabix with a tiny bit of sugar, and a glass of milk to take my meds with. I cant drink tea in the morning as it makes me feel sick.

>> No.9609518

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Please watch after your health.

>> No.9609530


>> No.9609538


Or cereal. Eggs on sundays.

>> No.9609539

No you fucking tryhard shitsack, breakfast is whenever you eat after waking up. Break fast. Use your brain for once in your fucking life

>> No.9609564

What about morgenmad or aamiainen?

>> No.9609568

I just had a Kit-Kat and some ridge-cut crisps/chips. (?)
It's 4.55pm and this is my breakfast.

> For dinner I'll possibly eat the carpet and wash that down with some motor oil.

>> No.9609581

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9609600



>> No.9609603

Usually bread or rice, whichever is that week's ration.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner all in one.

>> No.9609606

Cereal or ramen

>> No.9609613

Which post, if I may ask?

>> No.9609633

Oatmeal usually

>> No.9609645

Woah man, this is an English-only board. I will report your freedom-hating ass if I see you spilling this commie gibberish shit again

>> No.9609654

Plain oatmeal with a lot of honey. Sometimes I throw random fruits in.

>> No.9609700

My breakfast is almost always just bananas.

They require no cooking/prep, they're cheap, healthy, and you can easily get enough calories/nutrients in you fast, so you can get on with what you're doing.

>> No.9609715

corndog for breakfast

corndog for lunch

corndog for dinner

being poor doesn't have variety

>> No.9609723
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>> No.9609744

Oats are cheap as shit

>> No.9609759

>Liberty Easy Cook Rice 5Kg £3.50 @ Tesco
>Starts: 30/07/2012 Expires: 02/09/2012

>> No.9609799
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mom's spaghetti

>> No.9609874

A bagel with cream cheese, every morning.
I should really try eating something else.

>> No.9609922

1: Chocolate milk. Bread w/ jam or cookies.
Keeping it simple.

>> No.9609936
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For like six months I had Twining's Breakfast Tea with cookies for breakfast, now I have some Oatiflakes stuff.

>> No.9609971

Four eggs between two slices of bread and a protein shake.

>> No.9609983

Chicken strips.

>> No.9609996
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I only eat dinner

>> No.9610060

made some chinese teriyak,but don't got any sake so i used a bit of bleach


>> No.9610957


>> No.9610970

A hot dog. Every day. Going on for 3 months now.

>> No.9610982

Whatever I had for dinner is usually what I have for breakfast. Being poor is suffering.

Help me not be poor /jp/.

>> No.9611002


How do you have your eggs?

>> No.9610998

Either oatmeal, eggs, bananas, peanut butter sandwiches, or cereal(rarely)

I drink water, milk, or a protein shake.

>> No.9611009


>> No.9611017
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>> No.9611027

>spray pam on cooking thingy that sits on top of the fire from the stove
>crack 4 eggs on to the cooking thingy
>cut them up to make scrambled eggs
>stop when I feel I've cooked them long enough

Cooking is one of my many weaknesses

>> No.9611031

Do you run out of buns and have to use sliced bread?

Fucking buns come in packs of 8 while my wieners come in packs of 10

Fucking bullshit, man

>> No.9611042
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Heh, /jp/ can't even cook eggs right I bet those loli's you lust after can cook better than ya'll why don't you guys just kill yourself?

>> No.9611043

is being a weenie another one?

>> No.9611045

No one cares, stop tripfagging, who are you quoting.

>> No.9611056 [DELETED] 

WE /JP/ NAO!!!!

Thank you /jp/ for finally excepting me as one of your own. I knew you'd come around some time.

>> No.9611070

Breakfast ? What breakfast ?

I'm not made of money... I can only have one meal per day.

>> No.9611072

>No one cares

>How do you have your eggs?

>> No.9611073


>> No.9611110


>> No.9611117

You are so fucking annoying. Please get the fuck out.

>> No.9611122

>pressing the enter button twice


>> No.9611123

I don't eat any meals as such, I just eat when I'm hungry.
Sometimes I go a couple of days without eating.

>> No.9611135
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I...I don't know /jp/

I feel like I've lost myself.

>> No.9611138


>>>/ck/ fag also >>>/fit/

>> No.9611140


>> No.9611146

Stop fucking posting!

>> No.9611164

I do not eat breakfast. Please do not ask me any questions about
what I will do breakfast. Please just do not bring it up.

>> No.9611166

Every sugary shit mom bought the previous day.
Rest of the day I eat healthier.

>> No.9611167
File: 60 KB, 447x335, 1319681224040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, I don't even

Well why, phaggot?

>> No.9611168

Don't worry, you'll fit in soon enough. Can you feel the corruption in you? Its seed is already in there.
Now all you have to do, is take it easy.

>> No.9611185

Because you're treating /jp/ as one and you're an annoying low quality tripfag.

>> No.9611189 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 190x266, 1345508195022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O...Ok anon.

>low quality

Some would say

>high quality

>> No.9611195


>> No.9611200

you just won a filter.

>> No.9611202
File: 126 KB, 290x315, Niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


gb2 >>>/g/

Also sage.

>> No.9611207

get out fag

>> No.9611213 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 333x500, 1344978795381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till I tell my bros at /sp/ about this

>> No.9611225


>> No.9611232
File: 42 KB, 477x500, 1345066956790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You actually admit to going to /sp/? Wow you are a true nigger.

>> No.9611238

Ian pls go

>> No.9611251
File: 128 KB, 800x593, WEABOO SNACKS YAMMY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White master race

>true scholar and gentlemen

>get called a nigger

Nigga pwease! Here have some weeaboo snacks to calm your nerdy ass down.

>> No.9611267
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, hayatemaid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat ur moms pussy

but everyone has already said that, im sure.

So I'll be honest:

ur mom AND ur sisters pussies lol at once LOL

>> No.9611303

That feel when your omurice turns into scrambled eggs with rice on the side.

>> No.9611644

can't take it easy
