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9604795 No.9604795 [Reply] [Original]

Who's your favorite Type Moon?

>> No.9604802

Type Sun

>> No.9604850

Please don't shitpost in my thread.

>> No.9604859

Are you implying the Sun and Moon are opposites?

What are you, a fucking Neanderthal?

>> No.9604870
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>> No.9604873

Purple one with worms

/r/ the lewd pic with the worms

>> No.9604876
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it depends, Archetype Earth and Gil are both so regal, Saber is so honorable, both Emiyas are really manly, Alter Saber is sexy, Extra Saber is lewd, Arcueid is very cute, Ryougi Shiki is cute but mostly because you don't expect it, Godot is amazing, Ado Edem sounds like he would be amazing too
I really wish Notes would get expanded on
Rin and Akiha are cute when they're in dere mode, Sakura is cute when she's not in Heaven's Feel route
they're all pretty nice in one way or another

>> No.9604888

I like maids.

>> No.9604900
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>> No.9604902

You are a good T-M fan. People need to stop bitching so much and enjoy the franchise.

>> No.9604929


>> No.9604966


>> No.9605149
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Azaka , Arc or Medusa

>> No.9605912

I dropped the manga a while back but I know her parents are in it albeit often away it seems. So... will douchebag Kerry shoot her in the face again?

>> No.9605947

Illya can kill Gilgamesh so I don't think Kerry would stand much of a chance.

>> No.9605999

It's much easier to kill someone when they're not expecting it or have their guard down. Heck, that's how Gil dies most of the time.
Ilya is relaxing in the bath... Oh, hi daddy!... remember that daddy loves you... I love you t-BANG!... HURR I saved the world by destroying all overpowered monsters... or something. Douchebag gonna douchebag.

>> No.9606016
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>> No.9606050
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キャス子 and キャス狐

>> No.9606063

Between Arc or Ilya
Miyako and Rin are honorable mentions

>> No.9606077


>> No.9606073

the maids!

>> No.9606086
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>> No.9606101
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>> No.9606109

waver best girl

>> No.9606111

Tohsaka's anus.

>> No.9606122


>> No.9606135

Either Ilya or Tamamo, I can't decide.
