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9601415 No.9601415 [Reply] [Original]

Does ZUN masturbate to touhous?

>> No.9601418

ZUN masturbates to his wife.

>> No.9601425

dunno lel

>> No.9601430

Married men still masturbate. Sex isn't constantly available just because you're married.

>> No.9601435

That's why I said he masturbates to his wife and not he doesn't masturbate at all.

>> No.9601446

What kind of idiot nigger would masturbate to his wife?

>> No.9601448

Then what's the point of marriage?

I'm serious here. Surely the point of marriage is to secure a reliable mate as long as she isn't sick or whatever? Isn't this why marriage exists? And, all patriarchal, heteronormative privilege aside, surely this is just being polite?

>> No.9601454

>Then what's the point of marriage? I'm serious here.
No, you can't be serious unless you're a real deal sperg.

>> No.9601465

Maybe I just need to spend more time outside.

>> No.9601494

No, marriage is just a way people avoid social criticism for having children. Also as a legal bond so they get more money.

>> No.9601499

You wouldn't masturbate to your children.

>> No.9601503

Marriage is the foundation of the family structure. Humans aren't naturally monogamous so governments provide incentives.

>> No.9601526

Zun is a little girl like the rest of us.

>> No.9601665

> Humans aren't naturally monogamous

Wasn't there some argument that we actually are? Obviously women can only bear one man's child at a time, but isn't it easier for men to protect one woman each or something? I dunno.

>> No.9601699

Native tribes around the world tend to be polygamous.

>> No.9601719

Why aren't we?

I'll admit I'm ignorant as fuck when it comes to history, philosophy, and religion, but I never got this. Why isn't polygamy legal, at least for non-religious people? And even though it isn't, why is cheating on your spouse perfectly legal? None of this makes any sense.

>> No.9601748

But it is legal? She just won't like it and get divorced, ruining you economically but that's a different thing.

>> No.9601824

Having multiple wives and a horde of kids would be extremely expensive and time-consuming.

>For example, Augustus Caesar encouraged marriage and reproduction to force the aristocracy to divide their wealth and power among multiple heirs, but the aristocrats kept their socially monogamous, legitimate children to a minimum to ensure their legacy while having many extra-pair copulations.[56]
I'm quoting Wikipedia.

>> No.9601874

he masturbate to her wife

>> No.9601886 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9601891

Because it would destroy the family unit. In nature dads don't stick around and kids are left on their own at a young age, but obviously we don't want that seeing as how studies show that children raised in a home with a stable family are much more likely to succeed in life.

>> No.9601943

im mad a gif i like to fap to 404d in gif

>> No.9602013

Actually, its possible to get pregnant with two different men's children like with nearly all other animals, humans are no exception, google it.

>> No.9602015

>Does ZUN masturbate to touhous?
no, he's got a wife.
he has sex.

>> No.9602019

Married men masturbate just as well.

>> No.9602021

No they don't. Polygyny is largely limited to relatively advanced societies as you need the economic base to sustain warfare and thus expend extra males. Polygyny is actually quite rare in the few native hunter-gatherer tribes left.

>> No.9602030

I realize it's easy to think it's just a stereotype, but the whole "Marriage ruining sex lives" thing is true.
I mean, even if it wasn't your post would still be silly, but get your shit straight, son.

>> No.9602031

ZUN would never masturbate to his 2hus.

That's like a father masturbating to his daughter.

Please don't say anymore lewd things.

>> No.9602035
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if you dont masturbate to your wife, then you may as well be cheating

>> No.9602040

I have always been curious about this. In the same manner, do musicians listen to their own music for leisure? Or artists their own art, or writers their own writing? Do porn stars masturbate to their own porn?

>> No.9602060

Are gay people aroused by their own dicks?

>> No.9602063

>do musicians listen to their own music for leisure?
I remember asking the exact same question on /g/. Somebody said Trent Reznor had one of his songs as his ringtone.

I think you could extrapolate it to the other fields, but the porn star part is, uh, I don't think it happens.

>> No.9602071

oh snap, i never thought of this

but as a shitty lisp programmer, i can say i thoroughly enjoy playing my own touhou based text roguelikes

>> No.9602083

that would be as retarded as saying

"does faggot-kun snack on candies?"
"no, he has an apple tree"

okay my analogy is probably weak but fuck you anyway

>> No.9602085

Why isn't it legal? Religious groups made our laws.

>> No.9602099

If I'm and adoptive father and I tell my child that the new shampoo (which is actually a bottle of my sperm with some sugar) is edible? That would turn me on as fuck.

>> No.9602096

What if I'm the guy? Actually for someone like that I wouldn't need to be.

>> No.9602107

Is adultery actually _illegal_ in the US?

>> No.9602110


>> No.9602192

Polygamy is not legal because it's not sustainable in a modern, relatively peaceful and stable society. You would have too many unwed males which would result in extreme internal strife.

For example while Islam allows it, it was only widespread during the first century of the islamic conquest. Unwed males could then get females from conquerred territories or would simply die during the fightings. Nowadays even in the islamic countries allowing polygamy it is very rare and looked down upon.

On a related note what do you think will happen in China and India where there are many more men than women? It can only result lead to internal conflict or war.

>> No.9602551

They'll control the world and fuck whatever women they want.

>> No.9602634
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ZUN certainly plays favorites among his own creations, but that doesn't mean that he faps to them.

Still though I'd imagine that if there's hundreds of thousands of amazing pictures and tens of thousands of doujin of your characters, at least one of them has got to be too hot to not resist. But really it all boils down to how perverted ZUN is + how publicly comfortable he is with saying it... He might secretly fap to them all the time, he might never fap to them, he might have done it once and felt disgusted with himself, that's what I mean.

>> No.9602637

I have the believe that I don't want to make girls sad that like me. So if every girl agrees to it, then we can have a polygamic relationship. It's fucking retarded that a girl can't be together with the guy she likes and has to take some random other guy.

Of course that would imply that I ever have a girlfriend, let alone multiple girls. Which I can stand.
