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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9600199 No.9600199 [Reply] [Original]

Would you be interested in an otaku-themed bar in the United States?

>> No.9600210

No, Because I don't live in the United States and it'd be flooded with nerds. I'm also a bully.

>> No.9600211

I already visit Maid Kurohime's place every day.

>> No.9600209

I wish Barcade still had SF2.

>> No.9600213

That sounds pretty bad so no, not really.

>> No.9600215

Only if you name it ZUN!bar.

...well, actually, not even then, since I don't live in the US.

>> No.9600222

If this was done tastefully, nobody would visit.

>> No.9600230

What would be neat:
Character-themed decor, general cuteness about the place, a few arcade machines, good music (maybe have "denpa nights" etc.), themed drinks (e.g. those Touhou cocktails).

What would really happen:
OTACOOL bullshite, i'm-such-a-nerd-xD hipsters and girl gamers, overpriced everything.

>> No.9600254

When we get the /jp/ Manor, I'm going to turn one of the basements into a ZUN!bar. It will be filled with framed pictures of eagles against American flags, and every day we'll have a minute of silence to mourn his permaban.

>> No.9600374
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Alcohol is bad for your health.

>> No.9600427


>> No.9600447

>What would be neat:
>Character-themed decor, general cuteness about the place, a few arcade machines, good music (maybe have "denpa nights" etc.), themed drinks (e.g. those Touhou cocktails)

No it really wouldn't be.

>> No.9600451

Are we allowed to smoke trees in this place? Will it be like those vapor lounges? Cannabis and Hallucinogenics have been a bigger part of Japanese culture for longer than alcohol has.

>> No.9600476

Whatever happened to /jp/ m/a/nsion... was it a joke/meme all along...

We were going to buy a 10 bedroom house in the middle of bumfuck Pennsylvania... have a T1 connection to run PD, share, torrents all day with a big media server for everybody to use... we were going to have a small garden for sustenance... a library with figs to look at while sipping tea... watch anime together during communal dinners...


>> No.9600487


I think you're confusing /jp/ with /a/ teenager faggotry

>> No.9600495


That sounds like the most fucking amazing thing I've ever heard.

>> No.9600497


Well /jp/ mansion did originate from /a/. I wonder if THAT came from /k/ompound. I know a lot guys on /jp/ have guns.

And I know a lot of guys on /k/ are partial to anime.

>> No.9600502


The difference with /jp/ was that it was more feasible due to more autism bux.

>> No.9600507
File: 164 KB, 800x800, L7TJ4Q2JUFLDGZ6L2PXJ25WRO6MIWX5F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/a/'s userbase changed a lot since the split, it's not worth it. Kind of what happened with /b/, only the memes are different.

>> No.9600522


>/a/'s userbase changed a lot since the split

Don't you post on both boards? I think I might be confused, but anime threads were tolerated on /jp/ before. And they were of much higher calibre than /a/.

Also, it always makes me laugh when somebody accuses another of being a newfriend on /jp/ when they mention that they watch anime.

I greentext on /a/ and say WHOOOO ARE YOUUU QUOTIIINNNNNGGG on /jp/, but sometimes I get mixed up and so I have to immediately delete my post.

>> No.9600526

Nope. I would avoid that shit like a bar full of plague victims.

I probably wouldn't be able to stand being around people with my interests.

>> No.9600530

Aren't bars outside?
I think you plan might fail here

>> No.9600535


I know that idiot, the fact is that before /jp/ and /a/ split, /a/'s userbase was a lot more tolerable than it is now (and even then it was shit). /a/ and /jp/ are like fire and ice nowadays, regardless of what common interests they may share. One is very uptight, like a hygiene freak - the other one shits the bed and doesn't care.

>> No.9600536

If you stick only to recent anime, /a/ is not a bad board. I don't watch anime so I almost never go there, but the few times I go there there are a few good threads, yes.

>> No.9600548


Recent anime has just fueled the retardedness of /a/ to new heights. /a/ is bad enough not being able to actually discuss a series without it just becoming an imagedump of cute characters followed by 'which keion is waifu material /a/??'

Unfortunately, now that we're flooded with 40 series per season, most being throwaway shit it hasn't improved the quality of the discussion at all.

That's what you get from a board that can't even remember Japanese names and has to use names like 'red-chan' and 'tennis-kun', it's embarrassing to like anime and know that you share interests with those retards.

>> No.9600552


>I know that idiot

I wasn't referring to you man, why so hostile. I was making a general remark.

>One is very uptight, like a hygiene freak - the other one shits the bed and doesn't care.

Except for, apparently, the /q/fags who think Saten and cock sucking discussion isn't /jp/ related.


>if you stick only to recent anime, /a/ is not a bad board

I'd say it's a hit and miss. I can't stand those Frodo threads, especially when shit like SAO is on.

Also, /a/ butchered our fig generals. What does /jp/ need to do to reclaim it?

>> No.9600554

>Except for, apparently, the /q/fags who think Saten and cock sucking discussion isn't /jp/ related.

It's not.

>> No.9600566


Cock sucking discussion is as much /jp/ related as those fucking truNEET threads.

>> No.9600574

>tennis-kun and red-chan
Do they really do this kind of crap? Oh wow

>> No.9600575


So not related at all?

>> No.9600589

Saten is a light novel character, and light novels are allowed.

captcha: those bullyd

>> No.9600590


/q/ thinks NEET threads are related.

I'm sure everybody here is just so used to the 2011 shitposting that they can already smell the cheese as soon as they see an image of saten, flanfly, chubby, madoka a shit, tenshi, or some other daily dose shit.

>> No.9600591
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Yeah really light novel related here, chap.

>> No.9600592


Only if it's actually about the light novel, and not just character image dumps.

>> No.9600598
File: 139 KB, 416x422, 1342633559375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But what is there to talk about Saten? The reason why Saten is so popular throughout 4chan is the same reason why Sanae is drawn with huge boobs.

>> No.9600610

>But what is there to talk about Saten?

If you find yourself asking this question about any topic then you shouldn't be posting it.

>> No.9600622


Not that I'm condoning it or anything, but I was never really irritated by those slurp slurp threads... they were just kinda there.

It's not like Saten was hijacking the actual discussion threads. Even the GUST generals were going on strong until some idiot decided to go on a personal crusade against it for being /v/ related.

I think the problem is that there's this one dude who just can't take it easy anymore and starts to rage for no reason and make a huge issue out of everything.

>> No.9600627


Just read the sticky, if it doesn't fit in - it doesn't belong on /jp/. Get rid of this 'board culture' mentality.

>> No.9600632

Yes it is. Look it up, dumbass.

>> No.9600980

>What does /jp/ need to do to reclaim it?

Stop being filled with shitposts.

The first step would be to stop replying to shitposts.

Yes, I'm aware of the hypocrisy here
