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File: 14 KB, 472x310, water melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9599378 No.9599378 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Japanese in love with Watermelon?

>> No.9599383

Same reason they're in love with niggers.

>> No.9599385

Why aren't you in love with Watermelon?

>> No.9599386

I don't remember watermelons having huge black dicks.

>> No.9599387

About everyone loves water melons

>> No.9599392

Can't you learn to appreciate things, OP?

>> No.9599393

Who doesn't like watermelons? They're pretty tasty, and really refreshing on those hot summer days.

>> No.9599394
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>> No.9599396

They're either too sweet, or have no taste. 5/10.

>> No.9599397

Go back to /mu/

>> No.9599401

please dont bully me.... ;_;

>> No.9599402 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 500x531, 110504_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will get one one day
dont even think Ive seen a real one before

>> No.9599403

Why is it the girl with big boobs who always brings the watermelon?

>> No.9599407


Wow, what a loser.
Anyone who is anyone has tried watermelon.
Shit's cheap, too.

>> No.9599406

she always bring two watermelon :)

>> No.9599411


Probably from the shame of admitting that he had never tried watermelon.

>> No.9599409


HAHAHA that Loser moetron deleted his post. What a dirtbag.

>> No.9599418

OP here. I've always hated watermelon. Sue me.

>> No.9599421

moetron can't be from england, there are loads of grocery stores that have watermelons displayed outside.

>> No.9599427


It's entirely possible.
I haven't eaten any fruit in about 5 years and I live about 100m from an enormous fruit and vegetable shop.

>> No.9599432

This is the only watermelon I like.

>> No.9599434

Watermelon makes my mouth and throat itch and swell.

>> No.9599436


Kiwi fruit does that to me.

>> No.9599440

I get it from bananas as well. I can still be cute with a fruit allergy, right?

>> No.9599442

To me, watermelon is alright, but makes my throat itchy for some reason. Same with bananas and grapes.

>> No.9599447


Health problems can be cute I suppose.
People still like Patchouli even though she is virtually a cripple.

>> No.9599455


>>9599427 here, fruit is for fruits.

>> No.9599453

Fruit allergies exist?
I feel so bad for you. Fruit is pretty much why I still eat food and breathe.

>> No.9599463

You live a sad and pathetic life.
Fruitless lives are lifeless lives.

>> No.9599467

melons a shit

>> No.9599469


I just can't be bothered with it.
You buy apples only to find one in ten of them tastes like shit, they sell bananas pretty much green and you have to wait a week before they taste any good.
Shit's inconvenient.

>> No.9599473


Oh, and pretty much all other fruits are annoying as shit to eat:
Oranges put juice everywhere;
Mandarins are full of string;
Nectarines ditto oranges;
Kiwi fruit >>9599436 and taste bad;
Watermelon's are too big;
Coconuts are like the gods playing a cruel joke, fuck they're hard to eat;
I could go on.

>> No.9599477



>> No.9599487

I've found berries to be the "perfect" fruit. No allergies, easy to eat, and tasty. Strawberries are my favorite.

>> No.9599492


Okay, I'll deign to admit that I like berries.
Even cherries a little, although I ate so many of those while picking them back in my youth that I have something of a taste aversion to them.

>> No.9599499

Blueberries are the best。

>> No.9599502

Cherries also make my throat/mouth swell. Never liked the taste or the pits anyway.

>> No.9599505

Moe is US EST.
Can I come over and bring you a watermelon?

>> No.9599507

34 posts and no black jokes? I thought /jp/ was filled with /pol/ scum.

(first reply doesn't count because he didn't do it right)

>> No.9599509


Raspberries are lovely too.
They can put red marks on your hand though, and they are expensive.
Perhaps I should break my half decade fruit fast.


You can play machine guns with the seeds.
I swear I ate multiple kilograms of cherries in single days, they used to let you eat as many as you wanted.
It was like chemical warfare in the bathroom after I used it.

>> No.9599515

Maybe you can finally fill me in, please. Generally, how do blueberries taste? Tart or sweet? In a package of blueberries most will be more tart than sweet except for one or two. Are those few sweet berries flukes?

>> No.9599519

quality shitposting
would read again/10

>> No.9599521

You must be eating shitty blueberries. The ones I eat are mostly big and sweet. I don't mind the tart taste, though.

>> No.9599524

it's only those subhuman yuro slavs who insult blacks. watermelon is great and even the most racist guy in the south eats it.

>> No.9599530
File: 127 KB, 800x600, 74195369[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT : faglords who don't know about pies and jam whining about fruits.
Pic related, both combined, linzer tochte

>> No.9599536

I wouldn't doubt these blueberries being shitty.

>> No.9599540

Never cared for (culinary) fruit pies. The only pie I make is pumpkin pie. Only a few months until pumpkins are in stores. Your post got me really excited for autumn, thanks.

>> No.9599547

>Never cared for (culinary) fruit pies
Ok, that made me laugh.

Though it implies you care for non culinary fruit pies and it scares my anal virginity.

>> No.9599562

Odd wording on my end. I meant fruit in a culinary sense. Pumpkins are a technically a fruit, but most people consider them a vegetable same as tomatoes. Same how corn is a grain yet is considered a vegetable by most people.

>> No.9599570

I don't like pies

>> No.9599575

>really excited for autumn
Same here. I absolutely love autumn. The air is fresh and cool, the trees are a beautiful golden color, and winter is just around the corner. It's such a wonderful time. The food is also probably the best throughout the year.

>> No.9599578

Nothing wrong with liking watermelons. Putting salt on watermelones, however, is wrong.

>> No.9599581

I also meant it to mean like pies that have custard and pudding in them, just not fruit. I'm overthinking this and beginning to feel embarrassed.

>> No.9599584
File: 30 KB, 500x329, August-19-2011-00-37-41-U9unF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.9599589

why is ur mum in love with my dick?? #0WN3D

>> No.9599591 [DELETED] 

I like Watermelon ice bar.

>> No.9599596
File: 77 KB, 480x640, Captain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Watermelon ice bar.

>> No.9599598

Putting on a little bit makes it taste pretty damn nice in my opinion. It's kind of hard to get the right amount though, too much salt makes it taste nasty.

>> No.9599601
File: 322 KB, 500x750, 77047098c86b7cdbd132e67787cd73ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salt brings out the water and sweetness within a watermelon.

>> No.9599626

Jap sweets aren't very sweet so they get a lot of pleasure from the natural sugar in fruits like Watermelons. As an American bombarded with loads of sugar and corn syrup constantly I can no longer enjoy such bland fruits.

>> No.9599645

Only if you put too much on. A very small and tiny bit of salt really helps bring out some amazing flavours.

>> No.9599659

My face and tongue swell when I eat pineapple. It's fucking annoying, pineapple is easily one of my favourite fruits. Not worth going to the hospital each time I eat it though.

>> No.9599688

funny, I hate pineapple, but it's one of the few fruit I'm not allergic to.

>> No.9599708

Then jam in some insulin and stop being a baby

>> No.9599914
File: 857 KB, 1647x1345, Pitaya_cross_section_ed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who dragon fruit here? I didn't even know this existed until my mom brought one home last week. Reminds me of those screaming egg things from berserk.

>> No.9599938


What does it taste like?

>> No.9599981

Like a bland kiwi, not sure if that's the normal taste or not. It looks cool, but not really interested enough to pay the 3.99/lb it sells for to find out if that's how others taste.

>> No.9599984


Ah, disappointing.
At least it looks cool.

>> No.9600301

Your mom must be a furry for buying that

>> No.9600314
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 1344904993151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9600349

I am surprisingly aroused

>> No.9600521

>Why are Japanese in love with Watermelon?
Everybody loves watermelons.

>> No.9600539

Is this porn?

>> No.9600543



>> No.9600567

Watermelon is an approved traditional cold food to cool down in summer in Asia, ask your local Chinese immigrant mother.

>> No.9600585


I would still watch it

>> No.9600630

Because it tastes really good.
