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9592573 No.9592573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

summer is almost over... again


>> No.9592588

This is a good thing.

>> No.9592598

Yes, indeed it is. The heat of both the sun and my PC kills me.

>> No.9592602

Why? You don't hate school?

>> No.9592609

why cant it be summer all year long?

>> No.9592606

You seem lost.

>> No.9592608

No one forces you to go to college.

Or are you still in high school?

>> No.9592615

...you lost me.
I hate the heat.

>> No.9592628

I should have gotten a tan.

>> No.9592631

can't be a NEET for the summer anymore :(

>> No.9592653

Thank god summer is fucking unbearable in every measure.

No more heat, no more scorching sun, less people outside.

>> No.9592782

And the last time I was happy is a far a year more...
I gave up living already...why don't I have the courage
to kill myself? damn...I'll keep hoping for a accident or sickness then...

>> No.9592784

hahah stupid kids go back to school
dumb kids

>> No.9592787

Don't bully young jpsies.

>> No.9592807

I haven't done shit in a year. I worked a job for a few weeks before being fired and I moved 3 times.

Things are getting old, it doesn't even feel like 12 months have passed.

>> No.9592830
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Last night when I was playing my DS in bed a really big insect landed on the touchscreen. I flattened it with big disgust and tried to throw it on the table, it was pretty dark.
Next day it turns out I slept right next to that thing!

>> No.9592831

But, it's winter here...

Why can't I join in the fun /jp/?

>> No.9592833
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I'll be going back to high school, But then again, I'll be motivated to start taking Japanese. I can't stand the heat. At least in the cold you have the option to to warm up.

>> No.9592836
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You will not be missed. Summer really is the worst time of year.

>> No.9592841

And my dumb ass thought Arizona would be a good idea....
Fuck Phoenix, fuck Tucson, I'm outta here.

>> No.9592842

My life started bad, and despite all my efforts it became even worse...I hope you'll not end up like me, hoping to don't wake up when you go to sleep.
drugs, internet, alcohol...nothing works anymore.
oh god, I want to die so fucking badly.

>> No.9592852

Insects are the worst thing about summer.

Excluding spiderbros. I let them hang around because they eat other insects.

>> No.9592854
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But the air is dryer in those places right? I live in Ohio and its always so humid and the air feels sticky in the summer. Its miserable and I hate it. I love fall here though.

>> No.9592859

Yesterday was the hottest day this summer for me. Can't wait for this shit to be over.

>> No.9592860






>> No.9592867

Don't kill yourself, anon. Why can't you enjoy life?

>> No.9592865

better buy a gun quick before obama outlaws it

>> No.9592869

If I had the answer to that question ... haaaaチaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.9592875

Just relax. Kick back and do something you love to do.

>> No.9592877

I'm gonna do it at the end of august probably
I find myself a nice spot to jump from

>> No.9592878

It's impossible.

>> No.9592882

But I can't ....... how do I take anything easy when homeless ....... uuu

>> No.9592884

Here's the thing-- I'm from high desert, so hot and dry , I can do. What I can't do is handle 115 F that night provides absolutely NO respite from. Temps drop quick in the high altitude. Not so here.
I'm going back to the coast, fuck this bullshit. High 80's and balmy? Let's do that.
The desert is no place for the homeless.

>> No.9592888
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Move to the woods, become a wise hermit. Become one with nature. You will become legend.

>> No.9592885

Don't jump. There's a high possibility you survive and I'm sure you don't want the pain. Try to think of a painless and failsafe way of killing yourself.

>> No.9592890

Sick as HELL galaxy version trips

>> No.9592898

Dude, I take it easy every day. 's not so bad.

>> No.9592901

Are you homeless?

>> No.9592916


>> No.9592913

your life is shit today
was shit yesterday
and will be shit tomorrow
any day a little deeper into pathetic shame
you will die alone and worthless
do it now
do it
sleep forever
do it
do it
they're waiting for you in Gensokyo
do it

>> No.9592921

no, I won't survive, its more that 30 meters and there's sharp rocks at the bottom

>> No.9592926

Yep. I used to have a van, but it wasn't meant to be.

>> No.9592928

How do you cope with the fact that your laptop will not provide you with access to some really swell media

>> No.9592939

So how and where do you live? Just on the street? How is that even possible?

>> No.9592940

Well, I broke my laptop screen in a drunken stupor in spring, then the SFPD confiscated it, so I'm restricted to my iPod...
I can still read doujin just fine, though VNs are impossible now... Touhou as well, but Cave fills that void for me now.
When I had my laptop, I disn't miss out on anything. What would I miss?

>> No.9592941

I know who you were trying to quote, no need to fix your mistake

>> No.9592943

But you'll feel horrible pain while dying. The chance to die instantly from jumping is extremely small.

>> No.9592945

I don't know, like really SICk games

>> No.9592951

Can't wait for that autumn depression to kick in

>> No.9592955
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Autumn is better in nearly every way. I can't wait for this heat to be over.

>> No.9592975

It's totally possible. Why would it be impossible?

>> No.9592977

What do you eat? How do you gain money? Begging?

>> No.9592981
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My parents have the heat on in the middle of august because they think they are cold.
I don't believe a NEET can beat the heat.

>> No.9592983

Homeless feeds, food banks, and food stamps. I can sell the food stamps or buy food with them.

>> No.9592985

Don't you want to change your life? It seems bad...

>> No.9592987

Spiders are not insects, faggot.

>> No.9592988

ha I knew you niggers dont even need those food stamps, you already get all the free spaghetti and chicken parmesan dinners you want from churches

>> No.9592989

I know what arachnids are, cockjuggler.

>> No.9592994


Where do you sleep?

>> No.9592997

Why would I? My options are this or work, and I've done the work thing. Non serviam.

>> No.9593004

Anywhere I choose. I've squatted in a 50's diner, an abandoned pool, a dog pound, abandoned houses, parks, baseball fields, alleys, all sorts of places.

>> No.9593011

have any teenagers tried to mess with you?

>> No.9593015


How are you able to consistently find these places?

>> No.9593019

Only once. I squatted a house in Sparks NV that was apparently the party spot for the locals, and one day I left my gear there and they pepper sprayed it all. By the time I returned, the potency was gone, so I only noticed a slight burning sensation. I stayed there anyway, just on principle. They probably got the worst of it for emptying a can of pepper spray in a tiny room, too.

>> No.9593024

No ome has tried to rob you or anything?

>> No.9593026

Keep your eyes open. Simple as that.

>> No.9593033

Never. But I try not to sleep in overly obvious places or at the corner of Mug Whitey St. and Kill Whitey Ave.

>> No.9593030
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Here's some love, anon. Good luck and try not to die, okay?

>> No.9593037

I admire you. I wish I could live as freely as you.

>> No.9593040

Are locals fine with you being around or does everyone give you the stink eye?

>> No.9593041

Hey, future squatter here. how do I generate electricity in a place that doesn't have it? car batteries?
I need it mainly to survive winter...taken that I'll start being homeless soon.

>> No.9593042

I shall embrace fall and winter with open arms.

>> No.9593054

Sometimes. I'm pretty mobile, so I don't often stay in one spot too long.
See, the problem here is that squats fon't often last long enough to set up power, though I did once find one with water and power still on.
Power ought to be obtained elsewhere. If you are planning on setting up a home PC, don't. Laptops are ideal. It's possible to do power via solar with deep cell batteries, but that isn't cheap.

>> No.9593061

Don't go away...

>> No.9593064

I've never left.

>> No.9593070

I have 5 bucks left for the rest of the month, what should I buy so I survive?

>> No.9593075

buy condoms pleasure old women at homes fro money.

>> No.9593082

If you're asking my advice, hold onto it and find a food bank or a homeless feed. Otherwise, sign up for food stamps ASAP and you should get some by the end of the month.
Also, invest in rice if you're buying.

>> No.9593126


And how do you obtain food stamps without a mailing address?

If you're selling it I can only assume you don't use an EBT.

>> No.9593135

So...I plan to occupy a non living quarters building, like those empty little houses near the railroads.
how do I avoid freezing to death?
also, I'm familiar with rural areas, and I'm able to hunt little animals for a living...but I'm still with the freeze to death+no light and bathroom problem. how can I solve this?
and what about health care? diet balance?
I'm also good at sneaking into other people homes, but I assume its better avoid this kind of things...

>> No.9593154

Depends on where you are, really. Lots of shelters and stuff allow you to recieve mail there, as was the case of Nevada. They handed cards out there, or they could be picked up at the welfare office. In Cali, I needed no address and they handed the card to me right there same day. Are there still places that have paper food stamps?
Standard latrine procedure a la boy scouts serves for bathroom. Gather good blankets to avoid freezing. And look into rocket stove construction for cooking.
Diet balance just isn't in the cards, really. Balance it yourself if you can. Learn some first aid and herbal remedies and you'll largely be fine.

>> No.9593177

So, there's no convenient system to warm up a place, avoiding flashy campfires?
I have to ask someone here for more info though, because probably here in europs things are different legally...

>> No.9593195

If you have no money how are you on a computer? Sorry for asking.
If I could send you money I would

>> No.9593234

Uh, I bought it when I still had money?
don't ask: I can sell it for max ten euros.
and, its not if you have money, its if you can make money.
nobody will give me a home because I have money, they want someone with a salary- something I don't have anymore.
as I don't have anymore someone to care for, or goals that give me the strenght for hoping in tomorrow.

>> No.9593240

Cover yourself up with blankets and shit, put newspaper in your clothes to keep that heat in. I remember I was sleeping under a bridge one time and found some carpet someone had left there. I wrapped myself up in that and fell asleep to the sweet sounds of 2000 pound go-karts smashing against a bridge.

Also you could try learning energy working. I haven't even practiced that shit much at all and I can raise my temperature by about 4 degrees. If you actually practiced, it would have a more significant effect I imagine. If you get into that, start drinking orange juice regularly.

>> No.9593265
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Even as a poorfag I find it weird to think people on /jp/ are in such a bad situation like homelessness...

Well, hope you guys end up okay in the end

>> No.9593293

Actually I got an idea reading about the rocket stove.
if the place is closed, you can put metal pipes connected to a combustion chamber similat to the stove one (a metal box with a fire inside will do I guess) around the room, and make compressed hot air pass in them. this should quickly rise the temperature of the habitat...the only problem is making a long lasting, hard to spot fire.

>> No.9593307

That's the ultimate loneliness, friend: when its more likely to have help from a complete stranger than from people you used to be familiar with.

>> No.9593317

Isn't that the guy from Minecraft?

>> No.9593352

No, its my uncle Jeff

>> No.9593515
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Autumn and winter are the best times of the year BY FAR.

Fuck summer. It's hot and sticky and shitty. Everyone who likes it should be shot.

>> No.9593565
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>> No.9593572
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>> No.9593600

>35C in my room
Fug that noise.

>> No.9593605
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>> No.9593644


>But, it's winter here...

Same here. Well, the last few days it rained a lot, and it wasn't too cold, but still I froze my ass for a while.

>> No.9593744

How many of you are still in high school? Christ, feels weird when the only person I can relate to in this thread is homeless.

>> No.9593840

I am a senior... in a university
