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9590035 No.9590035 [Reply] [Original]

I hope this is the right board to talk about this but...

So has anybody heard anything recent about this game? Anything, I'd be happy to know. I heard this game as going to get a US release but something about the content was heavily criticized and that it may remove some scenes if it ever gets translated. I really like Sei Shoujo's work and I hope to play this nukige and understand what's going on.

Any other Sei Shoujo fans here?

>> No.9590047
File: 273 KB, 1024x768, 7008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently there are two female characters the protagonist can choose? One is the chick on the left and the other one is some brown hair girl with glasses, which isn't in the image.

>> No.9590049

it's a vn, you can fuck everything that moves

>> No.9590051

will it be translated into Japanese, or is it English only

>> No.9590057

Why do you want to know? Pervert!

>> No.9590060
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Well for the endings I mean. There are two main girls, but yeah the main protag can fuck (or in this case be fucked by) the other females of the game.

What I enjoy about Sei Shoujo's games is the femdom. I think I got a sub thing going on.

>> No.9590065


It's already out in Japan. Waiting for an English release.

>> No.9590069

Too much for me, lewdness was more like it.

>> No.9590082

I guess nukiges aren't well receieved on /jp/?

>> No.9590098

I really liked Starless although I never touched any of the scat or beastiality. My favorite girl is Marika so I guess I'm still a pervert.

>> No.9590096

/jp/ isn't exactly known for its speed, anon. Give it some time.

>> No.9590111
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 1326790527175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Who is Marika? Have you played this game before? Could you give me a summary please? There are so many things I can't fathom from the h-scenes alone.

>> No.9590120

I can't wait for the English translation. I will jack it for weeks straight. I will be so fucking hot knowing the plot.

>> No.9590219


me too man. Anyone know if we are waiting on a Jlist english release or an independent translator to release an english patch?

>> No.9590346

Man you didn't even try using google to get your answers, huh OP? Starless came out a while back and is getting an official translation courtesy of JAST. There hasn't been any updates on it in a long time other than they're still translating it. It's unknown whether any content will be cut. I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't released until this time 2013.

On another note, Empress's latest game came out a couple of months ago called Lewdness.

>> No.9590375

Ugh, Lewdness is so tame and vanilla in comparison to Starless. I hope the criticism isn't making Empress back off for good

>> No.9590420

Can we make this thread into Nukige for English-only peasants General?

Lately I've been feeling like wasting more of my life on drawn-out masturbation rituals, but I was never a nukige guy before.

I played Kamidori for a while, but I'm not autistic enough to deal with the ridiculously tedious gameplay anymore, so I dropped it.

What are your favorites?

>> No.9590423

I forgot to add that Starless got a hentai release and the first episode is out and already subbed, but it's pretty shitty. It seems like Sei Shoujo will never reach the popularity he had with Bible Black or even Discipline.

It is more tame but I actually like it more because it has more yuri plus a female protagonist. Not to say that Starless is bad, the femdom in it is amazing.

>> No.9590459

why is there anal in the vns but no fucking anal in bible black and in Discipline hentais, bible black origin is the only one with a lot of anal and its the best one.

>> No.9590818
File: 129 KB, 800x600, ev_sal_h10_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Starless a lot, i'm currently reading Please Rape Me.

>> No.9590830

>Please Rape Me
What's it about?

>> No.9590832
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I know STARLESS was released in Japan last year in May, but I wasn't sure if JAST was actually translating it or not since they have other games to translate first. You think it may be released by 2013? Well, at least it's something to look forward to.

I didn't know Lewdness came out. I don't suppose there is an English patch this early for it?


From what I've seen in the galleries, Lewdness does seem quite vanilla when compared to STARLESS. At least there isn't a male protagonist femdom relationship going on. However, I'd still love to play it since Sei Shojo draws gorgeous girls and costumes.


I didn't know STARLESS was released as a hentai video! I have to go find it. I hope it isn't too bad, since the CG looked pretty hardcore.

I wonder if STARLESS is going to be the peak of Sei Shoujo's work. It looks like it has a lot of potential, but I haven't played it translated so I don't know what to say. The CG images give off a lot of story though. Especially the gory parts. I really hope the criticism this game receive doesn't shut down Shoujo from making more of these hardcore games. I love this guy's work, I even have the artbook for STARLESS from Japan. I wish I could read Japanese though...

>> No.9590840

So wait, have people been playing STARLESS anyway without translation? I'm jealous.

>> No.9590863
File: 64 KB, 400x300, ev_etc_h03_02_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A virgin nerdlord who works at a video rental, he likes porn but mostly rape genre, he often masturbate at a park watching couples having sex, then he saw a girl sleeping in that park and... You know the rest.

>> No.9591063

>and... You know the rest.
How would one possibly guess that the girl in the park had the powers to magically sense any female's rape fetishes if any?
That's pretty central.

>> No.9591201
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Some /jp/ussies will get mad for that you know.

>> No.9591286


>> No.9592179

So I heard there was incest in STARLESS. Can this be confirmed?

>> No.9594130

Play LEWDNESS instead, it's written by Baldr Sky's writer.

>> No.9594658


Is there a source or citation you could show me?

>> No.9594669
File: 225 KB, 1327x400, starless and bible black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this a coincidence or is japan fucking with me?

>> No.9594713 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 292x390, eb16_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes there is incest between one servant woman and her son.

>> No.9594716

That's nice. I love to see little boys having sex.

>> No.9595073


You see, I'd never had known that unless I asked. So I guess the guy marries his mother and they live as slaves in the mansion? That's creepy. Anyway thanks. Anything else I missed or have not realized in this twisted nukige?

Oh yeah, whats the story behind that one guro scene?

>> No.9595339

It's intentional. Starless actually has a very jazzy theme song.

>> No.9596814

I haven't played the game but the amount I've fapped to the CG pack is amazing.

>> No.9596849 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 376x375, Photo Nov 25, 12 20 14 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know man. I know, so hard. That's why I wish somebody would explain the scenes more. I understand some guy goes to a mansion to be hired during the summer and that he's trapped in the mansion due to the wristband on his wrist being a remote explosive. But I don't know what else goes on.

>> No.9596859
File: 22 KB, 400x292, 1341523307386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know man. I know, so hard. That's why I wish somebody would explain the scenes more. I understand some guy goes to a mansion to be hired during the summer and that he's trapped in the mansion due to the wristband on his wrist being a remote explosive. But I don't know what else goes on.

>> No.9600581


Cool parrot

>> No.9600841


>> No.9600936

>he's trapped in the mansion due to the wristband on his wrist being a remote explosive.

I haven't played Starless since it came out, but I don't remember anything like that. He does see an ad for work and decides to go check it out. It turns out to be at a mansion with lewd rich bitches, but they're going to pay him an insane amount so he stays. There's the mother(red hair one), the older daughter(green hair one, which also has a dick), and the younger daughter(blond hair one). The maids are also there to share the abuse.

If you want the scenes explained you should just play it yourself.

>> No.9600944

Actually, can anyone remind me the name of this one VN which involves military and the setting was on a battleship.

>> No.9601858

Probably Kangoku Seikan

>> No.9602722


I have the artbook of the guy who illustrates those games.

But I don't know his name, can anyone throw me a bone?

>> No.9604173
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>> No.9604224

is it true that the dickgirl in lewdness is actually a tranny like the one in discipline? I fucking hate that shit and it seems to be becoming more popular.

>> No.9604227

It's true. Everything about him is basically female except the dick. I don't know why they just didn't make him a futa.

>> No.9604295

I play nukige with machine translation. my favorite developers are bishop and lilith. how plebian am I?

>> No.9604302

I don't even bother setting it up, I just CTRL to the porn.

>> No.9604322

Just checked the CG for Lewdness, doesn't seem as vanilla as I thought it was. Might check it out.

>> No.9605623


How do machine translations work?

So the green hair chick in STARLESS is actually a dude?

I'd still play it, it does look good. Just doesn't really have a strong essence of femdom on male in the CG though.

>> No.9605702

Is this a joke?
Yes, it's a King Crimson reference.

>> No.9610272


I can't wait for the new game to come out this winter.
