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File: 432 KB, 1280x720, SatoriSacrificesHerselfSoTheyMayEat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9581271 No.9581271 [Reply] [Original]

Guess I'll start a new thread for this game.

Hard puzzle game starring Satori and company.


Previous thread, >>9560937.

Share ponderous thoughts on the suicidal lengths Satori goes to simply gift sweets to her sister and pets or ask for tips and hints on puzzles where you cannot figure out the suicidal lengths Satori needs to go through.

There's a pretty damn annoying graphical glitch depending on your hardware, but the game's still playable if you have it.

>> No.9581423

Is this like final fantasy tactics?
please respond /v/

>> No.9581506
File: 350 KB, 1280x720, 00030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I've gotten every single excellent clear now.

The only change I noticed is Satori's head appearing next to my save file.

I got Koishi and Orin's upon beating the first 100 levels and Utsuho's after clearing all 120.

>> No.9581569


It's like Chu Chu Rocket


There are 120 levels? I got stuck on 13 I think. That's crazy.

>> No.9581604
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help on this. I don't see how it is even possible unless you make all your moves without making even the slightest of pauses.

>> No.9581644

If Koishi sees an arrow pointing in the opposite direction she is facing, then she will turn straight around.

>> No.9581649

First let her walk to the right, then grab the arrow on the left and let her walk back. The rest should be easy.

>> No.9581652

I really like the final "boss" music.

>> No.9581696
File: 504 KB, 1286x745, さとりの情操教育9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, first one to start, last one to finish, it seems. Well, most of the levels after 100 have been taking me 30 minutes to an hour to figure out, and some had me ripping my hair out in frustration after hours of experimenting, like 116 and 118. I didn't really look at 119 in depth but I can tell that it's going to take a few hours as well. Normal clears are enough of a challenge but excellent clears are well beyond me. Since my mind isn't working anymore, I'll try and finish these last 3 levels tomorrow, but the game was pretty fun and cute, in general. I like the little dances that everyone does in the game.

>> No.9581718

119 isn't as hard as it looks.
You don't need the cake.

I can ALMOST get 118, but getting Orin to the goal stumps me. I think I'm supposed to drop a bomb on another bomb in that rocky hallway, then drop an arrow in there, but I don't have anywhere close enough time to do it before Orin walks in and takes out the floor.

>> No.9581754 [DELETED] 

Here's a tip.

There are three ways to set off a bomb, bouncing it with a trampoline, having somebody kick it, or anything dropping on it.

That third way is what you're looking for here.

Hint: those bombable rocks can be walked on.

Another hint: Satori can jihad herself if it means the happiness of her family.
Also, you guys, excellent clearing isn't that much harder than regular clearing. It's simply figuring out efficiency for the most part and playing well enough to execute that efficiency.

115 for example, to excellent clear it, you need to not bother with the cake at all. It was especially timed for the excellent clear. You'll see what I mean if you ever excellent clear it.

117 is an example of extremely simplifying it. I actually attempted to circle Koishi around so she ended up on the outer edge of the SE wall and making her eat the pepper, and putting the sign down right behind her as she reached the end. Turns out I only really needed to throw two things the entire level and hold down X.

>> No.9581759

Here's a tip.

There are three ways to set off a bomb, bouncing it with a trampoline, having somebody kick it, or anything dropping on it.

That third way is what you're looking for here.

Hint: those bombable rocks can be walked on.

Another hint: Satori can jihad herself if it means the happiness of her family.

Also, you guys, excellent clearing isn't that much harder than regular clearing. It's simply figuring out efficiency for the most part and playing well enough to execute that efficiency.

115 for example, to excellent clear it, you need to not bother with the cake at all. It was especially timed for the excellent clear. You'll see what I mean if you ever excellent clear it.

117 is an example of extremely simplifying it. I actually attempted to circle Koishi around so she ended up on the outer edge of the SE wall and making her eat the pepper, and putting the sign down right behind her as she reached the end. Turns out I only really needed to throw two things the entire level and hold down X.

>> No.9581811

And of course, I get it as immediately after I post that. I love these combined "Eureka!" and "How am I this stupid!?" moments.

>> No.9581879

I cleared sixteen levels and then deleted my save file. English-only idiots should not be let near such dangerous equipment.

Oh well, I know how to do them so it's no big deal.

Still lame. By the way, where does it show whether a clear is normal or excellent?

>> No.9581902

i love puzzle games ill check it out thanks

>> No.9582338
File: 365 KB, 1280x720, 00043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my last excellent clear too.
I was stuck at stage 20... I feel stupid for not noticing that spot.

>> No.9582348

Then again, being tired may have contributed.

>> No.9582539
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x718, ss (2012-08-15 at 09.03.50).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little help with this level pls

>> No.9582567

Hold the sign.

>> No.9583055

This is a great game. So far I've breezed through the first 20 levels. I hear there are 120. This game is bigger and funner that I was expecting. The art is great, too. The only bad thing of note is that the music gets repetitive.

>> No.9583331

what does A B C mean?

>> No.9583343

You can have up to 3 different saved games.

>> No.9583358

Is this game actually called Chu Chu Rocket ~ Komeiji Edition or does the Japanese title "古明地さとりの情操教育" mean something else?

>> No.9583372

It means "Satori Komeiji's emotional education". Courtesy of google translate.

>> No.9583393
File: 900 KB, 1286x745, さとりの情操教育10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, late as always, but I'm finally done. Level 116 was no doubt the hardest level for me.

It translates to "Komeiji Satori's Sentimental Training."

>> No.9583535

It means "Komeiji Satori's cultivation of aesthetic sensibility"

>> No.9583662

the pleasure of... No! No! I'm a horrible person!!

>> No.9583773
File: 452 KB, 1296x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tasukete, onegai

>> No.9583798

Send her in to walls and drop arrows behind her to send her down those narrow hallways. Use the cake, you'll need it.

>> No.9583822

Oh god, I remember I had a lot of trouble with that one. It took me like 20 minutes to figure out.

>> No.9583838

You mena up? But how? There are only 2 arrows.

>> No.9583850

she changes direction when bumping into a wall. This is why the cake is necessary. Even with it, Koishi will crawl to the goal with her last strength.

>> No.9583856

I didn't mean it like that.
You gotta think more about the arrows, though. What's Koishi going to do after she runs into a wall?

>> No.9583862

It's alright, I still love you anon-kun

>> No.9583866

I like it when you speed up Koishi/Orin/Okuu's wounded walk. It looks like they're headbanging their way to victory.

>> No.9583872 [DELETED] 

I know that. Basically I can send her upstairs and then It'm stuck.

>> No.9583875

Okay nevermind, I guess it's full wallbump through the corridor.

Thank you.

>> No.9584026

I hope Koishi's suffering is worth the satisfaction of completing one level, jerk.

>> No.9584074
File: 1.30 MB, 1281x720, harder times at chiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9586296
File: 411 KB, 1273x714, Squish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some very sexual faces.

Also, Could I have some help with this level? How can I wallbump her into going down the other platform?

>> No.9586304
File: 176 KB, 556x622, 8797809544576757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone have a version of the game whitout the ISO? Please, I tried all the day to opening it but I couldn´t.

>> No.9586319

All the day?
You sound like someone I know, what's your name?

Answer correctly and I'll upload the extracted version on MF.

>> No.9586332

My name is Anon and a I depend of kind people like you to enjoy Touhou.

>> No.9586334

With the first arrow.
Be quick. Having it when you first jump over to the second area helps.

>> No.9586335

I'm very disappointed in you.

>> No.9586343

Yeah, I think I've worked it out, I forgot she can wallbump on the edge of the map. I just need to remember to bring all the arrows over to the other side with me next time.

>> No.9586354 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1273x714, さとりの情操教育11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know exactly what you mean by "other platform," but I this should be enough to get your though a bit more than half of the level. Make sure you take that sign labeled as 1 with you when you follow Koishi on the spring so that you can place it there.

>> No.9586370
File: 74 KB, 429x296, 7752551353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9586377

Ah, I remember When I get her to wallbump the pillar towards the present I could just take the first spring back to grab the other arrow, as I had plenty of time.


>> No.9587194

Just 76 and 110 left. Whew...

>> No.9587696

What's the difference between A B and C?

>> No.9587811

Different saves.
You know, in case a friend or family member wants to play this game on your pc

>> No.9587815

Oh, I see.

>> No.9587870
File: 376 KB, 1283x746, ilive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is your god now?

>> No.9588051

this game is so booring

>> No.9588055

You're boring.

>> No.9588061

Actually, I'm pretty fun
said ur mom last nite LMAO

>> No.9588064

The game is fantastic, I'm sorry to hear about your ADD.

>> No.9588067

one thing that bothered me is that it doesn't share anything with touhou except pure aesthetics. The characters don't have special abilities or anything (at least that's my impression).

>> No.9588072

I'm sorry but there are a million better puzzle games. Sure they don't look so weeaboo, but have much better game mechanics.

>> No.9588118

Why the hell did you spoiler that?

>> No.9588363

There's a patch on tasofro's site. Fixed that graphical glitch for me.

>> No.9588454

Thank you, kind anon.

>> No.9588738

Well I don't have the graphical glitch so I'm screwed, the patch won't help me.

>> No.9588775
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, 00031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice being able to see my stats now, but what are the other ones besides time?

>> No.9588854

指導時間 - guidance time
指導回数 - number of actions during guidance
歩行距離 - walking distance
処理落ち率 - final disposal ratio (?)

>> No.9588862


>> No.9589523

A new patch that looks like it may fix the display issues some have.

>> No.9589564

What's with the spring?

>> No.9589581

That's what I was going to do first, but I failed like 10 times and then came up with the suicide solution instead.

>> No.9590272


>> No.9590344

What is your fucking problem?
No one else has had any difficulty with this except you.
It's literally just a few clicks.

>> No.9590473
File: 49 KB, 300x392, 1321977991715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the image as me, and believe.

>> No.9590520


>> No.9590894

corrupted file can´t extract

>> No.9590933
File: 1.29 MB, 1281x721, maze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've stared at 110 for hours. I just can't figure it out.

>> No.9590953

Extract? What?
Go get MagicDisk/MagicISO and mount the image. It's not hard.

>> No.9590977

Yeah, I was stuck too until somebody straight up posted the solution in the past thread since he couldn't think of a way to actually make a hint for it.

Well, I'm going to try a hint, if you're truly stuck then look at the previous thread in the archive, the solution was posted in a picture.

Hint: The arrow that points towards the southeast is only used once.

That hint still pretty much spells out the whole route thinking about it.

>> No.9591073

I tried that route before. It didn't work...but then I figured out a trick with the cake.
Now all that's left is...ugh...76. Fucking fairies. Fucking, fucking fairies. This type of obstacle does NOT belong in this game.

>> No.9591081

Is the game supposed to autosave? Every time I close it it deletes my progress.

>> No.9591113
File: 1.34 MB, 1281x721, garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind them so much if there weren't so fucking poorly programed. There have been SO MANY TIMES where Satori's either frozen in place or been stomped into the ground when a fairy walks on to any spot she's been on in the last second. Or decides to walk on to said spot. Or really just moves anywhere even a little close to her.
So OBVIOUSLY these hitbox hacking fuckers get a whole level to them.

>> No.9591117

Have you been messing around with the options?
Maybe you turned it off my accident.

Mine autosaves everytime.

>> No.9591140

Maybe, I'll check it out.

>> No.9591174

The game autosaves and there is no option to change it. The only possible reason why it would ever not autosave is if you mounted the ISO but didn't copy the contents off of it onto your hard drive.

Yeah, those bastards are annoying, but that problem lies in the fact that this game is all on a grid, so the controls and movements are delayed and stiff.

>> No.9591197

It's because I'm running through wine. I was hoping it was a setting, but I guess I'll put it on windows.

>> No.9591282
File: 545 KB, 1286x748, 76Solution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a solution for you.

It's rather simple. You just need to lead the fairies away enough.

Orin and Koishi can make it the rest of the way on their own if they have enough room.

>> No.9591294

Ah, made the line going to the NW side/Satori one tile too long. Please stop and U turn one tile before where it actually turns around.

>> No.9591298

I beat it by accident.

...I guess that's it. All 120 levels clear, and I'm not doing excellent times. Disappointing that nothing happens when you clear all the levels, but eh, the game's done enough already.
...I wonder if I should give the last world of Mariari another shot now? Urgh, I really don't want to...

>> No.9591367

It seems a lot of people have beaten this game now.

I wonder if anybody here knows how to create custom levels for the games and can explain the process well enough for others.

It'd be nice seeing what other people here can come up with.
