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9570101 No.9570101 [Reply] [Original]

Revolver Ocelot was working FOR The Patriots, to enact the S3 system. What about that is hard to understand?

>> No.9570176

Who are the patriots?

>> No.9570180

The patriots being called the La Li Lu Le Lo was a metaphor for their theoretical existence that was, for all intents and purposes, not officially recognised.

Though the Japanese alphabet is based around vowels with other letters pre-fixed (ra, ka, etc), there isn't a La Li Lu Le Lo. Conceptually however, it did exist, but for technical purposes, it didn't.

MGS2 was deep.

>> No.9570186


MGS3, on the other hand, was a thrill.

>> No.9570199

I still don't understand MGS2

>> No.9570200

With darkness and silence through the night.

>> No.9570209


Because it was a game too deep and ahead of its time, it flew over everyone's heads. Things were taken too much at face value. People just wanted to play another game as Solid Snake, Kojima wanted to make a work of art.

>> No.9570217

What's not to get?

>> No.9570288

Ocelot was a bitch, it felt good punching the shit out of him in mgs4

>> No.9570339

MGS2 sucked compared to 1, and 3 anyways.

4 was absolutely digusting. How can kojima be so inconsistent? Why did it get so many 10s?

>> No.9570386

MGS2 and MGS4 were actually the best MGS games.

>> No.9570435

3 wouldnt be so bad if it wasn't for the whole survival system

>> No.9570522

How can nanomachines explain Vamp's ability to run on water and swim in an unswimable pool?

>> No.9570538

blah blah blah blah PATRIOTS blah blah blah blah NANOMACHINES.

>> No.9571092

mgs3 > mgs1 / mgs4 > mgs2

It's the law.

>> No.9571099
File: 40 KB, 135x196, AIColonel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGS2 was easily the most ambitious and interesting of the series-but 1 was the most fun, had the coolest bosses, etc.

3 was pretty cool, but fuck the eating everything and going into a menu to pull bullets out of my ass for 5 minutes.

4 was the worst-mostly because it only had about 2 actual levels in it. The only good boss fights were also ocelot and the metal gear skirmish.

>> No.9571121

worst steins;gayte ending

>> No.9571140
File: 359 KB, 1383x1180, snatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could at least discuss a /jp/-related Hideo Kojima game, nerds.

>> No.9571369
File: 1.02 MB, 1400x2007, Metal Gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9572817
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, [mudabone] Arakawa Under the Bridge x2 - Episode 13 [BD 720p H264-AAC] [EE0CBF82].mkv_snapshot_06.03_[2012.07.29_06.41.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9572827

1 was good, 2 was AWFUL, 3 was AMAZING, and 4 was a movie.

How can people not like MGS3?

>> No.9572829

I fucking loved MGS3. And I really feel like every MGS was unique by itself, although I heavily disliked MGS4 because lol no gameplay.

>> No.9572834

>3 was pretty cool, but fuck the eating everything and going into a menu to pull bullets out of my ass for 5 minutes.
You don't need to eat everything, and you only need to heal a lot if you're terrible.

>> No.9572850

2 was the best

>> No.9572856

MGS2 has better gameplay than 3, but 3 has the better story.

Naturally, the gaming community will say MGS2 is shit and 3 is the best game ever.

>> No.9572859
File: 83 KB, 960x720, [CoalGirls] Metal Gear Solid OVA 03(x264 720p)(3EC61B3A).mkv_snapshot_07.20_[2012.05.26_14.54.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to pretend that the games ended after mgs2 and mgs3 was an ambivalently canon spin-off

>> No.9572869

Two was a clusterfuck of trolling creators, samey rooms and bridges, nonsensical plot, and cut content.
Especially that last bit; the game was rushed out the door like no other game I've ever seen. If MGS2 had actually been finished, it would have been a different story. Probably.

>> No.9572875

>MGS2 has better gameplay
You're fucking joking, right?

>> No.9572887

I've played all of the MGS games and honestly MGS2 has the best story for me. After playing through MGS3 again I really felt like something was missing in the game, but since MGS3 has a completely diferent point from MGS2, It's hard to compare. I feel like all of them are unique. Hell, I still fucking love MGS's gameplay and I'd take it over all of the others. Call me crazy, but MGS really marked me.

>> No.9572899

>MGS2 has the best story for me
I'm curious how you could think this. Care to explain?

>> No.9572908

Are there official statements about this, or that's just your thinking?

Anyway, I liked MGS2 the most, probably. I don't know if i liked it so hard because ti was DEEP and I was excited by the sole fact that it was DEEP. If I replay by now I could dislike it due to strange/nonsensical plot or stupid things.
I am scared of replaying sometimes.

>> No.9572923

2: tranq everything in your way
3: CQC slam everything in your way

>> No.9572943
File: 70 KB, 520x854, girly boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does everything mgs1 does in a clever way. everything else is perfectly executed. the ending is probably the best of any game ever made (except maybe portal 2)

mgs3 is a dropoff point because nothing exciting happens and everything is left in loose ends

mgs4 goes without saying

>> No.9572949

Oh yeah, there's plenty. I think most of the evidence was in the special edition release and MGS2 Game Plan.

>> No.9572956

>everything else is perfectly executed. the ending is probably the best of any game ever made
...ok, you have got to be joking. I want to be civil, but come on.

>> No.9572965

agree about the ending. Portal 2 is better (I mean, Portal 2 is better than any other games out there, all times), but the MGS2 ending blew me away, to the point that I stopped caring about minor plot points.

>> No.9572966

Because if you really think about it, it talks about themes that are never paid attention on the other MGS games. You know, about our society, about how the world works, about all of those fucking metaphors between raiden, being the player, and the world. For me, that fucking game represented something much greater, and call me what you want, but I'd be willing to say that Raiden was anti-hero, and Solidus only meant good things for his country. And in MGS4, as you may know, the patriots are the villains. So yeeah.

>> No.9572979

MGS2's story might have been good IF it wasn't handled so outrageously poorly.
But it was, so it's terrible.

>> No.9573058
File: 3 KB, 256x240, 1336251777788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't need to be civil with me

not when i'm being shielded by facts

>> No.9573151

>HQ, please respond!

>> No.9573262

I'm replaying MGS4 now

It's pretty bad

>> No.9573287


You NEED to read this


Stupid Kojima (and Konami)

>> No.9573303


(spoilers in image)

>> No.9573311
File: 474 KB, 1136x3152, mgs4spoiler0368139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9573323

Snake didn't die dipshit
He went into retirement

>> No.9573329


I fuckin hate that stupid Naomi

>> No.9573339

What does Kojima have to do with Assassins Creed?

>> No.9573335


For how long?

Is going to die soon in every case

>> No.9573359


He was involved in some way with that shit

>> No.9573373
File: 209 KB, 634x347, COMPUTER_GEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9573382

Weird, I thought there was an entire board for video games.

>> No.9573405

Do I have too? Convince me.

>> No.9573432

Dat ending, jesus chirst.
Major Zero is the man behind everything. Major "James Bond is the biggest thing out of Brittan sence the Mayflower!" Zero, who is now a vegetable in a wheelchair, is the greatest threat to the world ever.
Did Kojima get David Cage to write that ending or what?

>> No.9573433

what do you think?

>> No.9573567

It's funny because most of the people who write articles for HCG101 are anything but hardcore.

The best one was when some guy was saying that Cave's games are unreasonably diffcult, as evidenced by Mushi Futari 1.5 Original (one of their easier and simplest games).

>> No.9573573 [DELETED] 

I like the 2D metal gears and MGS1.

The other ones weren't that memorable to me. Probably because they were mostly more movie than game.

>> No.9574018
File: 242 KB, 515x567, kojima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9574261

A Jap of American weebooism
That is a nice jacket though

>> No.9574320

It's a decent website, with a /jp/-appropriate mindset and approach to STGs/doujinsoft.

Can't tell whether you're disagreeing with the site or the name. If it's the site, I'd genuinely like to know something better.

>> No.9577066

The site looks like it's been around since 1997. What do you expect? That doesn't mean it doesn't have a shit ton of information.

>> No.9577090

pick three

>> No.9577100

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9577108
File: 73 KB, 530x800, 1342429620735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's paraphrasing, rookie.

>> No.9577116

I'll paraphrase your ass bitch nerd if you try shit like that again here

>> No.9577117

He's still going to die soon afterwards. His waifu married a joke character, he's all alone.

>> No.9577121

This right HERE!

>> No.9577125
File: 15 KB, 561x318, Solidus Snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn the patriots!

>> No.9577134

MG: Ghost Babel > Canon MG series

Deal with it.

>> No.9577135
File: 87 KB, 800x1000, Solidus_Snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best president ever

>> No.9577182

how can she shit on mgs2 after admitting she isn't a gamer when all the cool shit in it is based on the layer's perception of video games?

>> No.9577248
File: 163 KB, 1024x982, 1336507696031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"...but I was really disturbed that a lot of the... Some of the earlier scene stuff I got, literally had references to Hollywood blockbusters, in the margins saying: 'Like in this movie!' But none of them were rare films, I mean it wasn't talking about Dr Strangelove, it was all just kind of bone-headed, you know, Bruckheimer kind-of.."

I dunno, she seems like she knows what she's talking about. Kojima is quite like a secondary when it comes to film.

>> No.9577256
File: 62 KB, 500x374, 1336505802795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think Portal is really well written, very beautifully written,
smart lady

>> No.9577264

Yeah, but why did the President grab Raiden's dick?

>> No.9577307

Eh, I think this person just like hearing herself talk honestly.

>> No.9577368

She's far too biased to be ranting like that. It's like she has some kind of chip on her shoulder. She also comes off as a little pretentious with her comparisons...

>> No.9577388

Because it's perfectly okay to base your deepstory on factory-driven Hollywood cash cows instead of even the MINIMUM entry-level art films?

>> No.9577420

She needs to remember that it's simply a game. You do too.

>> No.9577448

Did you even read the article?

>> No.9577463

What I mean is... why the fuck is this person or any other person excepting some grandiose story. It's has decent story for what it is a videogame. Who gives a shit if the story didn't live up to her high standards.

Also has this person ever even played any of the games she worked on once completed? You can't judge something based solely on its script. Games, film, and the like are the sum of all of their parts. I mean, how utterly gay of her.

>> No.9577467

No, no I did not, but I did skim.

>> No.9577490

Konami a shit.

>> No.9577502

Quite gay. Quite gay indeed.

>> No.9577555

>Who gives a shit if the story didn't live up to her high standards.

The fans did, and she's responding to their accusations saying that the localizer (her) had poorly translated the original script.

Way to miss the point,

>> No.9577603

ah well. do you really expect me to read all dat shit by her. site is biased with the questions asked and she has a major stick in her arse. lame interview.

>> No.9577755

Sour grapes.

>> No.9577995

Damn, video games need to stop trying to be something they're not, movies, books, comics, Television shows, and become what they're really meant to be: An Experience. Not a goddamn story with colorful characters, romance and a narrative, but something that puts you in the shoes of someone else and shows the world from their perspective, or a situation other than your own. Where you can choose your own path, your own direction, and play the game the way you want to play it. And leave stories for non-interactive forms of media, that can do it better anyway.

>> No.9578000

Shut it, nerd.

>> No.9578013


>> No.9579630

What are you complaining about, exactly? That's all video games are these days - experiences! There are only a few developers left that are still trying to make video games.
