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File: 275 KB, 788x695, e4638ea840c5b9d2afe8b0c85440e582ac4da63f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9569266 No.9569266 [Reply] [Original]

New discussion thread to replace: >>9559931

The place for thoughts, your complaints, thanking the uploaders, impatientness, tech questions, and try to be light on the requests.
Basically anything that isn't an upload goes here.

Try and keep the upload thread clean and easy to search.

Current upload thread: >>9568216

>> No.9569281

I'll have the split PDF in five minutes or so for the guys who are waiting.

>> No.9569300

Here it is.
Split to png. Thanks again to RR4 for the upload.

>> No.9569331 [DELETED] 


Now I know how /jp/ feels about sage, you don't have to explain it to me.

But why are you saging this thread? Can you give me a logical explanation?

>> No.9569336 [DELETED] 

Do you know what sage is used for and what it does?

>> No.9569341

Again, rr4 refers to something done during the archival process - it's a 4% recovery record. Stop being a retard please.

>> No.9569346

Let's say you go around every booth and buy one of everything, how much would that average around?

>> No.9569342


>> No.9569348 [DELETED] 

But it's also a significant part of his tripcode, if you didn't notice. I was just too lazy to type/copy-paste everything. Do you complain when people say "!bar" too because it's a place where you buy beer?

>> No.9569357


Yes, I do.

>> No.9569360

Why would anyone say that?

>> No.9569363

If you feel your post to a thread isn't really contributing anything (it's off the main topic, etc) you may not want your post to bump the thread. Here on /jp/ the board moves very slowly, so sages are not the kiss of death that they are on /b/ or /a/ or the like. Topics only get bumped when something interesting is happening in them. It's polite.

>> No.9569369

I would complain if they said "bar uploaded this" because it is deceptive terminology, though not nearly as much as this rr4 stuff. If you want to suck tripfag cock, at least ctrl+c with their entire namefield highlighted rather than just part of it.

>> No.9569376 [DELETED] 

Sage isn't a ``kiss of death'' anywhere, retards spoonfeeding retards etc.

>> No.9569382

Hmmm, and to add: I don't think this particular user is looking for you to suck his dick, because he doesn't bother to have a 'name' portion of the namefield - we call Zun!bar Zun!bar, the tripfag you're referring to doesn't have an easy way to refer to him, which is probably intentional and you don't need to draw undue attention to him just to shitpost and cause off-topic discussions like this one.

>> No.9569386


Yes, I am already well aware of that and I did not need that explained to me because I already understood that fully.

You could not apply that same logic to these two posts though;


Sometimes I think people just use sage to fit in, and believe all kinds of stupid shit about it. Rather then taking it for what it is, just a way to not bump a thread.

>> No.9569391

The thread was newly-made and that specific file was only relevant to a couple people who were already monitoring this thread anyway. There was no point in bumping the whole thing because of it.

>> No.9569397

Can you not do this? Take it somewhere else.

>> No.9569396

Sometimes I think you need to shut the fuck up about this. Reported.

>> No.9569399

The five minute update wasn't anything contributory, and the link came 6 minutes after the creation of the thread. There was zero need to bump with those posts. We don't just use the top page on this board, it's ok for decent threads to be on the second page.

>> No.9569400


Reported for announcing a report.

It's like you don't even read the rules.

>> No.9569409

Just a guess, but erm... a hundred thousand dollars maybe?

>> No.9569422


What was the point of not bumping the thread though? Oh ya, there was absolutely no point.


There was zero need to not bump with those posts though. It would have been better to bump than to not bump.

>> No.9569432

> But why are you saging this thread? Can you give me a logical explanation?
There's no logical explanation needed.If the poster feels that he doesn't need to bump the thread, he's free to do it. If this thread is not on the first page, that's fine too. This is a slow board, people also knows how to use extensions, and there's a catalog.

>> No.9569437

If there were 40000 circles and each had 1000 yen to sell (a very very conservative estimate), around half a million dollars. So yeah, at least some 700 grand if you are really serious about this and you do manage to grab everything without any auctions later and no extra expenditures involving people to queue on lines etc.

>> No.9569442

Bumping a thread on a slow board is done to bring peoples' attention to new content. That is the reason for not bumping threads excessively. If you still don't understand, you probably never will.

>> No.9569448
File: 17 KB, 225x37, takanashi-toriko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi can anyone write this out for me, i would greatly appreciate it... she is the new vocalist on the new alstroemeria records album

i did her first name: トリコ

Takanashi Toriko

>> No.9569458 [DELETED] 

Get an IME.

>> No.9569469


>> No.9569475


>> No.9569482

whoever is updating the spreadsheets, you are a fucking god, thank you

>> No.9569492
File: 53 KB, 255x255, Chen pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like I said, I already fully 100% understand why someone would use sage.

I just think a lot of people here use it illogically, and for what seems to be no other reason then out of habit, or just to fit in. When you're contributing to a thread you approve of, you shouldn't be saging, that shit's illogical.

>bring peoples' attention to new content

Hmmm, I think I remember some new content.

>> No.9569496

Shut the fuck up about this already.

>> No.9569518
File: 37 KB, 493x545, 1343819351919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe you should stop replying to me so I have nothing left to reply to then, fucking moron.

>> No.9569513

Ok sir, we understand that you don't get it and have different values which don't fit in with the board culture of the board which you are currently browsing. Discussion of board features is not on topic for /jp/ or for the thread you are contributing to though, so please just drop the issue.

>> No.9569520

Does "I'll contribute something in some minutes" sound like contributing to you? No? I didn't think so.

>> No.9569528


Look, it's not illogical to use sage.
In any case it should be illogical not to use it.
If not bumping the thread was the default state of every post, then only people who really think a bump is necessary are gonna use it.

>> No.9569534

Man, what a fantastic thread. It's even better seeing how well it fits into the current state of the board!

>> No.9569543

Fuck off to /q/ you already, you whores. If somebody wants to bump the thread for everything and issue lectures about how you're doing it wrong, let him do it. Stop talking about this garbage.

Fucking rude sage.

>> No.9569566

Thanks guys

Thank you all so much.

>> No.9569570 [DELETED] 

Your welcome

>> No.9569584 [DELETED] 

No no no, I perfectly understand what sage is and why someone would use it.

I just think a lot of people on /jp/ have been indoctrinated on the usage of it, to the point where they believe it has ulterior uses, which are in fact just illogical and redundant. Where we have people contributing to a comiket thread, yet at the same time saging, allowing threads like; >>9569291

this to surpass you.

>> No.9569586


>> No.9569596

At this point your namefield has made it so obvious that you're trolling that everyone is reporting you and not taking your bait. Just stop please.

>> No.9569608


So what?
/jp/ is slow as fuck, so even if everyone in the thread used sage it would still last 2 days without going 404.

>> No.9569604
File: 263 KB, 481x645, 1328135670462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9569605 [DELETED] 

>not taking his bait
>yet you replied to him

>> No.9569611

Just nokosage while the retarded comiket offboarders are still around

>> No.9569612

Let's have a what you liked/disliked albums discussion.

Nothing so far has came close to Melodic Battle for me, it's a perfect album. A few songs on Foxtail-Grass Studio's album were nice and RelaxTime lived up to its name and was very pleasant and relaxing.

>> No.9569619 [DELETED] 


I'm not trolling. All I asked for was a logical explanation why you would contribute to this thread and sage at the same time.

So far the only answer I got back was that there was no point to bump it.

Well, that's a pretty damn retarded reason. There is no reason to contribute and sage either, in fact that is no way better than saging and allowing threads like those mentioned in my other post to surpass you.

>> No.9569629

I've really liked kors k's solo CD, Diverse System's Selentia, sharpnel's new album and cubegrams' NOT 4 on the floor. battle.mp3 was also pretty nice. CROW'SCLAW, ALiCE'S EMOTiON and HARDCORE TANO*C were unexpectedly bad in my opinion.

>> No.9569632

You're implying that for a thread to be good it must be on the front page.
This is a flawed concept on a slow board like /jp/.
You know nothing please leave.

>> No.9569645 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 600x900, Little Cirnos typed this post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I'm not implying that. Please indicate where I implied or insinuated I believed that?

>> No.9569654

Because when somebody bumps the upload thread everybody squeals with delight that something new and exciting has been uploaded. Crushing their hopes is cruel.

The split PDF doesn't really constitute one of these new and exciting things. That's all there is to it.

But really, who fucking cares? If you want to discuss why people use sage so much on /jp/ make a thread in /q/ about it.

>> No.9569666

of everything so far, tamusic, love solfege, unlucky morpheus, and the tachyon cd. i am usually to favorite cytokine, but this summer, only one song of both gold & silver stands out.

i have yet to listen to alstroemeria, also a favorite. but i think it will not disappoint.

>> No.9569673

I've enjoyed ZYTOKINE, ens, alstroemeria, and sharpnel so far. I really like ZYTOKINE's whole parallel album thing, and unlike last time they're both good. The new alstroemeria vocalist has an adorable voice.
HS6 was as shitty as 5 though. I wonder what's going on with them?

>> No.9569679

Waiting for

>> No.9569688

Was uploaded a while ago. >>9568268

>> No.9569699

Another thread at the mercy of /jp/'s aspergers.

I liked FRAN×POP and Perfect Pretty Phantom from ふぉれすとぴれお. SoundOnline's mini album was great, but I just want them to release a full album already. Crimson Tempest, Voices and 夏凛 were also great. But the non-Touhou album from 豚乙女 was pretty disappointing, though.

>> No.9569716

Track 5 of that Cytokine album is going to be great. I want Nhato to release another solo album... Oh, but he's got a track in AD:Trance2, too, and if that album is half as good as the first one it's already godly.

>> No.9569723

>Another thread at the mercy of /jp/'s aspergers.
It’s quite a sight to behold, isn’t it?
I’m a thread and a half behind. Damned.

>> No.9569772

As for what I'm looking forward to, en;dolphin, sketch up, C.H.S, MINAMOTRANCE, the other ENS, sound sepher, A1, pastyle, syrufit, xi-on, and diverse system. Very nice Comiket! Too bad there's no word from MA.S ATTACK, Demetori, or Shibayan.

>> No.9569767
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 34247-1343209354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Love it.

Doesn't seem to have a proper rip around yet sadly.

>> No.9569774
File: 165 KB, 505x505, 213424353454353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did you guys like the Suwako game?

It was my favorite out of all the games released, very fun patterns to both look at and jump over.

>> No.9569817

Thank you, sir. And what about Syrufit?

>> No.9569825
File: 447 KB, 1415x717, ハートオブクラウンPC 特設サイト_1344836834968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game supposed to be out during C82 or am I waiting for nothing?

>> No.9569828

Not him, but I can't find it and I'm not just looking in the upload threads.

>> No.9569869 [DELETED] 

Requesting [同人音楽] love solfege - 蓋然性進化論Ⅰ lossy version

>> No.9569871

Same, uknow.

>> No.9569901

Check the archive it's in Upload 1.5.

>> No.9569918


Goodness, there are already people trolling the touhou rhythm game.

>> No.9569931

Thanks, it's not uploaded to mediafire so I missed it.

>> No.9569989

Anything on Amateras Record's remix album?

>> No.9569998

Oh gosh, that Anzuchang full-color doujinshi is very very good. Best one from C82 until now in my opinion.

>> No.9570045

I much prefer the Shinobu one. I didn't find the style and coloring of this very erotic at all. The bit where Anzu's brains were electrocuted was funny though.

>> No.9570159
File: 6 KB, 63x159, 1097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /jp/ bother with artbooks at these comiket conventions? Particularly curious for tanu's artbook, for those who don't know, he's the one doing promotional images for Tari Tari.


Just curious if anyone managed to grab it.

>> No.9570174


So cute I could die.

>> No.9570184

He seems like a cool dude. Maybe we should stop linking to his posts calling him cute, you might scare him away.

>> No.9570226

Can anyone confirm if 『girlcelly』 [120824] [KISS] カスタムメイド3D 2012夏プラグインDISC [Comiket 82] includes the content for ××な彼女のつくりかた 2 as well? Or is it just for CM3D? Getting the DLC for XX2 might just be as easy as going to the site, clicking the DLC button, and then clicking the banner, which gives you the "UpdateFromCD.zip" file. Can't tell, since it's taking a while to download.

>> No.9570237

Though I really don't think it's as simple as that, because it's only 68KB.

>> No.9570332

I wish touhou would die so people would upload non-touhou games. And I don't mean that shitty game about Twins.

>> No.9570338

When was that Remilia game that was similar to Youmu Ys coming out?

>> No.9570372

hey, how does one get edit rights for the google docs?

cant contribute at all

>> No.9570431

So has anyone figured out how to get homura combat working? Still crashing to desktop.

>> No.9570504

>Let's say you go around every booth and buy one of everything, how much would that average around?

There are over 25,000 vendors split across the 3 days of comiket. Let's say only 1/5 of the vendors are there on day 3 so you have 5,000 vendors selling something. Ignoring that vendors have multiple items, we have 5,000 items for you to buy. If you took 5 seconds to walk up to vendor, pick an item, pay exact change for it so it takes no extra time to get change back, that would be 5,000 x 5 seconds --> 25,000 seconds --> 416 minutes --> 7 hours. Comiket is open 10AM to 5PM but many vendors close shop by 3 PM which means you cannot simply use a linear walking path because the most popular vendors selling out are probably the ones closing earliest.

Thus, you will NEVER have enough time to visit all of the vendors on ANY of the three days of Comiket. Now, 5 seconds is obviously way too fast, but that was to make a point that if you don't plan a priority path to each vendor you want to visit, and order that path so you don't end up walking back and forth in the crowds wasting more time, and re-order that path yet again to add back-and-forth walking to take into consideration of certain items selling out sooner than others, you now see that you can only visit a tiny number of booths. It is so sad to force yourself to walk by a lot of booths because you are going to run out of time after waiting in line for each of the items you want.

>> No.9570521

Any news for Type-Moon doujins ? Specially with Saber

>> No.9570543

Is the text showing up for anyone on ゆっくりボウルDX?

I'm on japanese locale and time and I got the 1.01 patch, not sure what to do about it. The log file says GetGlyphOutline failed or something.

>> No.9570575

Works fine for me. I don't have any patch though.

>> No.9570595
File: 197 KB, 1279x720, Comiket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's say you go around every booth and ....

You must be from a place that has never had vast conventions.

One of the iDOLM@STER booths this year broke comiket records in the length of its waiting line for the super popular iM@S doujinshi which was selling for approx $20 US dollars (conversion rate). The waiting line broke comiket records at being over 10,000. That means that one doujin sold $200,000 (probably more) for the author in that one day.

>> No.9570608

Gimme dat 小峠舞, ohh yeah baby.

>> No.9570620

Hopefully, Asanagi's latest "Victim Girls" doujin sold at least that many.

>> No.9570625

Fatalpulse probably makes more money from his doujins than he does from his regular day job.

>> No.9570659

Has this doujin been uploaded anywhere?

>> No.9570684
File: 326 KB, 900x1200, 28591975_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone upload/see shining colors 4 on share/pd/whatever?

i could see some uploaders just skipping it because it's not touhou or something they were looking for.

>> No.9570689

Any news on Astebreed yet? Surely, considering it seems to only be selling at 100 yen, someone must've bought it by now....

>> No.9570708

So when Touhou 14 will be announced?

>> No.9570712

>i could see some uploaders just skipping it because it's not touhou or something they were looking for.

Yeah, it's kinda of a problem when the uploads make it look more like another Reisetai, but beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.9570735

i have missed the post..

when i test, i have download from my own link.
it is working for me.

but i have also move the game to top level desktop in "new folder". sometimes there is issue with long filename, extend beyond what game is capable of read. it is common to see this error when extracting rar archive with many tag. the tag pile on, on, on, on.. soon the name will run off the screen.

so , example:
>c:\users\username\desktop\[C82][同人游戏][橙汁] きゅぴシュ~DANGEROUS!! (試し版)(rr4)\[C82][同人游戏][橙汁] きゅぴシュ~DANGEROUS!! (試し版)(rr4)\game-folder-itself-with-long-name\game.exe
like that, it will become too long the game to read

please try moving to new folder.
so it will read

simply like that, my game does not flash.
the upload itself is not corrupt.

>> No.9570791

So how did those guys who rip and share stuff with us get the stuff? Did they buy everything? Or did they stalk the people who bought stuffs and ask for rips/scans?

I wish they make a list of things they already had... I can wait for months just to get the albums I like, but not knowing which ones will be leaked bothers me alot.

>> No.9570955

Anybody have http://vgmdb.net/album/34470 ?

>> No.9570974

I have no idea how it works, but I'd assume there are people who go buy things and are nice enough to then upload whatever they've bought.

>> No.9570998

What about

>> No.9571005

Still no サリー

What the fuck man

>> No.9571009

So I feel stupid for not realizing how many wall circles give stuff to Toranoana to resell the day after.
Floor 7 of the Akihabara store felt like I was in hell waiting for shit again with the weak AC and sweaty dudes everywhere.

>> No.9571011

Satori Battle Network/Hartmann.EXE? anybody? ;_;

>> No.9571018

http://vgmdb.net/album/34454 where?

>> No.9571019

1st two are out

No pizuya's cell yet either.

>> No.9571025

Thank you!

>> No.9571028

Even worse when you only download lossless

>> No.9571030


Alright, looks like they are seperate. Did anyone manage to get ××な彼女のつくりかた2 2012夏プラグインDISC ? Or can they point me in the right direction for a torrent? Google is trying to steer me as far away from helpful links as possible.

I'd check PD, but every time I try and download from it, it refuses to download. My unity size is over 40 gigs, so I don't know what's wrong with it. Also it wants to have port issues every few minutes, even though I've confirmed time and time again that the port is open.

>> No.9571073
File: 303 KB, 342x342, 0021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally waiting warmly for EastNewSound Limited Dimension

>> No.9571090

No news on Lenfried yet?

>> No.9571136
File: 9 KB, 250x281, 34470-1344169510[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for picrelated♥♥♥

>> No.9571150
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, mk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn the thing is a lot bigger than I thought, uploading it to MF is going to be painful.

>> No.9571162

I have to say I'm completely blown away by DiGiTAL WiNG's latest album. I hope that stand-alone tracks will be released at one point in the future.

>> No.9571164

Not the same guy, but had the same problem. It works now. Thanks.

>> No.9571169

Any notable music come out of C82 this year?

>> No.9571226


>> No.9571234

I don't get why people want anything higher than V2 if they don't want FLAC for archiving. It's a waste of space.

>> No.9571236

Nope, on my computer the log file said memory leak.

>> No.9571239

meanwhile, something from R9 starts showing up as well...

at least R9 isnt dead, yet.

>> No.9571249
File: 1.25 MB, 2448x1836, day4loot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont waste your time if you are rich.
Day4 of comiket is the best.
NO QUEUE, fully air conditioned, no sweaty fatties, good doujinshi display prominently, everything is displayed in order so you can avoid stuff that you dont want, you dont have to talk a long walk from the train station all the way into big sight which might take maybe 30mins with all the traffic.

Just bring a credit card and swiped it. If I have to guess, you would need a few millions yen if you want to buy everything. Just avoid getting CD, books are cheap.

>> No.9571268

>good music

>> No.9571296

Damn, I really like this game too. Put in many hours into it after hearing about it. Hope there is a fix soon.

>> No.9571333

What good non-vocal albums should I look into?

>> No.9571352

Eh, no lossless of Tachyon yet?
Is the 320k the only version available?

>> No.9571357

What's up with the ridiculously slow pace of ero doujinshi scans so far?

>> No.9571359

I assume Doujinshi scans kick into gear once comiket is over.

>> No.9571371

What do you mean? It's about the same as always.

>> No.9571469

wow, utterly disappointed.
alstroemeria's last album (before this) was the closest thing to a fully-flawless release i'd heard from them, since 2005. I was so looking forwards to this one, but fuck it's like.. shit-tier dubstep without the dub.

didn't even have a decent buildup in the first song, and as of 5 tracks in, it just sounds like utter garbage. track 4 had a decent vocalist, but the rest of it, i dunno. the sound is all over the place.

>> No.9571474

Really? Feels much slower than usual.

>> No.9571478

What was their last album?

I agree, this one is shit.

>> No.9571485

Think about it. You've just come home from comiket with enough ero doujinshi to last you the year. What's the first thing you do, fap to them or scan them and upload?

>> No.9571489

The one with the Sanae cover. Abandoned Dancehall I think. It is not the one with muthafucker.
I agree with that anon above.
Definitely my fav Alstrometria album since garnet star.

>> No.9571511


>> No.9571544


If you had checked his soundcloud you would have known it was shit and not had to download it.

Personally I liked killed dancehall more than haunted dancehall. Killed did have a smidgen of dubstep in it, but it seemed to be refrained just enough inside it's elecro goodness. There were two shit tracks in the middle of it though. That said, he hasn't really done anything good since he stopped doing the awesome trance stuff and went off into shitty generic vocal land. This brostep trash (he tagged it brostep on his SC) is a new low though.

>> No.9571564

It's just that this winter(I'm too brain damaged to remember before that) once shit started appearing, I couldn't even keep up, even if it was slower at first.

This summer it's nothing like that.

Oh well.

>> No.9571566

Why do good circles always ruin their stuff with vocals? CROW'SCLAW, Alstroemeria...

>> No.9571567

because taste and opinions

>> No.9571583

No Shibayan or Fromadistance, what a shame. Hopefully we'll get something out of them during winter Comiket.

>> No.9571594

I don't mind the downloading part, i'm just disappointed this' the direction he & some of the other electronic circles are trending towards. Cytokine's last few releases, for example, really have none of that punch that it had 2-3 years ago. it sounds more & more like generic club electronica. Yet to listen to syrufit, poplica - I guess there's still some hope left.

I don't think I'd mind vocals so much if they mirrored the vocal tracks with their offvocal counterparts. that's not specific to either of those two groups, though.

>> No.9571599

Shibayan has a track on syrufit's new cd.

>> No.9571601

Well, at least that's something. Just need to wait for it to pop up.

>> No.9571608

Did you listen to Nhato's solo album Etude? It's not C82, but it's reasonably recent, too (Nhato did some tracks for some circles, including one for KILLED DANCEHALL, and one for the new Syrufit that wasn't yet uploaded).

>> No.9571611

Apparently Blaze Out from ENS is out in ALAC. Anyone have a link?

>> No.9571619

Why do people hate vocals? Even though I prefer vocal to instrumental, I like both of them (as long as they are good, of course)...

P.S: Fucking captchas just keep jumping...

>> No.9571623

Shibayan mix and arranged all the tracks in 10th avenue cafe. Not electronic thoug.

>> No.9571627

I don't really know, I find vocals distracting and annoying. It's like they subordinate the instruments to them.

>> No.9571633

Because they arent good.
99% of touhou male vocalists are thrash. And those girls that can sing well usually get picked up by record labels(chata, ichigo & etc) or get sucked into IOSYS.

>> No.9571658
File: 17 KB, 421x399, YuiBor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike vocals when they don't really add anything to the song and at worst, detract from the arrangement.

Tachyon is an excellent vocal album, for instance. While (I feel) the latest Zytokine ventures have been the same trudging through forgettable arrangements with sub-par vocalists. It irritates me that Plus or Minus is still Linjin's peak after 4 years, because he might be able to pull off great vocal arrangements if he got his hands on say, Nagi Yanagi or 3L.

>> No.9571665

>majority of touhou male vocalists are thrash

there, I fixed that for you, 99% is too much.

>> No.9571675

Is this the last Monster Hunter doujin released by him ?
Unfortunately mostly electronic and j-core artists are getting too much influence from western brostep which is causing more and more music style difference from past years..I haven't listen to Alstromeria album neither soundcloud crossfade, but with so many negative comments it made me feel out of it, their last album was good !!

>> No.9571676


No word on this one yet?

>> No.9571685


what about aki? I always thought her voice was fucking amazing. Sends chills down my spine.

>> No.9571691

>Is this the last Monster Hunter doujin released by him ?
Huh what? I dont remember hearing anything about udon-ya quitting.

Male vocals arent moe, they look disgusting, they arent high pitch or hyper & they are pure thrash. They do not represent 2hus.

>> No.9571703

Still no sign of a fixed Rose Guns, huh?

>> No.9571704

I mean "last" by his latest work, he didn't quit yet for sure. Sorry for any misunderstanding

>> No.9571718
File: 11 KB, 200x200, トマト組/Skyscraper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how many more Touhou Jazz albums is there to be expected?
I'm still holding out for Skyscraper.

>> No.9571723

>Male vocals arent moe, they look disgusting, they arent high pitch or hyper & they are pure thrash. They do not represent 2hus.
>moe, high pitch or hyper, do not represent 2hus.

Holy Fuck I hate these shits so much, I even hate those fanmade animes to death just because they were trying to force "voices" into characters.

Also, I listen to musics because I simply Ilke them, they have nothing to do with the characters

>> No.9571726

aki's fine technically, but I don't feel there's anything especially remarkable about her. Maybe she'd benefit from doing vocal work in different genres, because sometimes I think she can make some songs feel very same-y, more so because she so often pairs up with Linjin.

>> No.9571737
File: 12 KB, 250x284, 34543-1344474085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting warmly for tumeneco, and hopefully miskyworks as well

>> No.9571799

Overall the album was shit, yes. Fourth track has some moe vocals, fifth one's a little catchy, but that's about it... except for those last two tracks. They're really lovely imo, last one is nice and chill, reminds me of the necro fantasia remix from abandoned dancehall.

>> No.9571814

I'm waiting for my Melonbooks shipment with the TUMENECO album, among other things. Unless someone else gets it before me, expect it later this week.

>> No.9571932


New Tumeneco? Kickass. I had to look for the crossfade moment I saw your post, and found it here:


Sounds fuckin wonderful. No suprises there, Genmu was awesome.

>> No.9572011

New xi-on is pretty decent.

>> No.9572017

A lot better than 11th, I'm loving it

>> No.9572037

New ALR was great, lol at people who complain about it because 1rst track is Dubstep.
Waiting for Syrufit

>> No.9572056

I'm not used to the Comiket customs here on /jp/, how long does it usually take for most higher profile stuff to be uploaded?

>> No.9572058
File: 62 KB, 450x395, 1344768706569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the rest of those DOKIDOKI cds?
I found another 5 here, http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/9200335/#q9201812 , but it seems like there are 8 more that I'm missing: http://cooth.org/eg/dokidoki.php/

>> No.9572084

Still think that the worst ALR album is Haunted Dancehall.
Don't get why so much peoples complain about the new ALR, decent vocal and great instrumental, yes there's some Dubstep elements but what's wrong with that ?

>> No.9572091

What characters do you have so far?

>> No.9572106

Depends on what you consider higher profile and when the people who actually bought stuff upload them to Share.

In other words, don't ask questions that only prescients could know the answer to.

>> No.9572160 [DELETED] 

The current Marisa one, then Nitori, Shikieiki, Komachi and Shikieiki+Komachi

>> No.9572168

The current Marisa one, then Nitori, Shikieiki,Komachi and Shikieiki+Komachi

>> No.9572176

thanks much anon!

Hell yes Genmu was awesome, and this sounds great as well.

>> No.9572189

Anyone have any luck with this? I know it's not as popular as CM3D or Illusion games, but still, someone has to have bought and uploaded one of the 2,500 sold at comiket.

>> No.9572195

Greetings, newfriend. You will be glad to hear the community has a torrent composed of a lossless collection of almost everything Touhou Music. Earl Grey's DOKIDOKI series is right there too. Just five seconds with Google and you'll find the torrent.

>> No.9572199
File: 171 KB, 957x572, tachyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The xfades was great.
The real album, actually not so good.
It is like the xfades has all the good part while the album is filled with 50% filler and stuff that isnt that good.
I think I only like track2 and track11.

>> No.9572202

I think Yuyuko was released last Comiket. You might find it if you look in the threads or in the mediafire.

>> No.9572203

It's awesome !

>> No.9572207
File: 744 KB, 1280x960, suwapyon2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So about that Suwapyon game thing, does anyone have any idea on how to fight the TLB? Only thing I haven't tried is 1cc the last difficulty...

>> No.9572225

>1.15 TB
Tell him to get a new hard drive as well.

>> No.9572232

Wait, what? Haunted Dancehall was fantastic, especially the first 5 tracks.

>> No.9572233

New to the internet?
Cant do selective downloading?

>> No.9572258
File: 331 KB, 1024x688, GHost92_20120726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this in the C82 video of games and wondering if it was released in c82. It looked fun.

>> No.9572282


im hoping that will be uploaded too...

>> No.9572308

I'm probably the only one on jp who thinks that, but Alstroemeria has been getting better and better

>> No.9572327

So homura combat blaze has been crashing for everyone, correct? Is there no fix? ;_;

>> No.9572338

Have you listened to Double Counterpoint? Or The Third Ensemble? Minoshima has had much, much worse days than that.

Especially since Haunted Dancehall is probably my *favorite* Alstroemeria Records album.

Anyway, THE WORLD DESTINATION was pretty great. Minoshima is continuing to develop this new electro house sound of his, and it's working well. The more I listen to it, the more I like it. It feels refined to me, more so than some of his previous (electro house era, not prog house or techno era) work.

Camelia's track is great too. One thing I noticed about it though, is that it sounds like the vocal part was written for vocaloid, not human. Which makes sense, because Camelia primarily does vocaloid albums. I think it worked.

>> No.9572349

I'm sorry, what? Did you just imply that Double Counterpoint isn't one of Alstroemeria's best?

>> No.9572354 [DELETED] 

I liked how everything was before the new rules.

Sure there were "Shitposts", but most of the real /jp/ avoided them. We could share doujins back then and now any >/jp/
Threads are deleted which doesn't make sense to me.
Plus since the mod put up those examples of what is appropriate to post on /jp/ we receive a mass majority of thread topics that are of the examples every two pages: train threads every two pages and visuals novels too.

>> No.9572366 [DELETED] 

Amazing thread you picked there to discuss this you fuckwit.


>> No.9572379

Do you still have a link for the Marisa one?

>> No.9572385

The announcer in JULIANA's TOHO makes me laugh, he has such awkward pronunciation...

>> No.9572389

My bad.
Deleting now.

>> No.9572409

We seem to be at odds with each other.

(Admittedly, it's been a long time since I listened to it. I may not be remembering right.)

>> No.9572407


>> No.9572412
File: 54 KB, 360x360, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, melodic battle is pretty good, haven't heard of Melodic Taste till now. I'm a sucker for orchestra though.

>> No.9572722

9572084 here.
Double Counterpoint and Third Ensemble were pretty great (still llike more DC than TE).
I just can't stand Dancehall even if I relistened to it many times because ALR is one of my favorite, along with Syrufit, electronic Japan group, I only liked tracks with Mei on vocal, the instrumental is sloppy (excepted Sky Ruins and Ancient), the mix between vocal and instru is terrible and regular vocalists performance is really disappointing, they sound bad, bored and uninterrested.
He also mixed the cirno theme with a David Guetta track.

>> No.9572731

Any good shmups this Comiket? Wasn't looking around enough lately.

>> No.9573062

sally where???? pizuya's cell where?????????????????????

>> No.9573092

Quick! More questionmarks will make your question get answered more quickly! Don't stop now!

>> No.9573094

I'm impatient.
I want white clear.

>> No.9573109

/jp/ - the touhou fanboard????????

>> No.9573129

Is there a REDALICE out?

>> No.9573142

Yes, I don't remember which particular upload thread though.

>> No.9573150

This intentional shitposting to try shitting up the thread or what?

>> No.9573156

Likely one of our many Comiket newcomers.

>> No.9573159

I'm with you, WORLD DESTINATION is probably my new favorite ALR album, following Killed Dancehall.

>Yeah, drop that, DJ!

>> No.9573170

Eh, now that I think about it, you're probably right: in terms of technical proficiency, Haunted Dancehall isn't very good. Explaining why I like it would require me to go track by track, and I don't particularly want to do that. Sorry.

Complete and 100% agreement on the vocals though.

I also think I take back what I said about Double Counterpoint: it's not great, but it's not bad. I must not have been in a good mood or something when I heard it.

Incidentally, what do you think about Shibayan?

>> No.9573186

(Oh, and I didn't even realize that was David Guetta. Thanks, that had been bothering me for a while. I don't listen to much pop at all.)

>> No.9573192
File: 60 KB, 400x412, 2500020246160-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean ALiCE'S EMOTiON, here.

>> No.9573194

(It was...not a great decision.)

>> No.9573217 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 317x209, youkalel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should really stop samefagging.

>> No.9573232

I haven't dropped my trip all day. Don't just throw around baseless accusations.

>> No.9573234

Yeah, sorry. That's I what I meant. Thank you.

>> No.9573272

Is that Takehito Harada doujin up yet?

>> No.9573327

Tumeneco finally uploaded. Fuck yeah.

Also EastNewSound BlazeOut is just fucking fantastic. The best EoSD album I've heard for a while. Hell, maybe just the best I've heard.

>> No.9573336

That GNAZO platformer with Reimu and Marisa keeps crashing whenever I change options or beat a boss. Am I alone?

>> No.9573343 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 220x175, wut1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you ever thanked anyone for the uploads? If you did, please prove me wrong by showing me the archives on foolz.

And I hope the links you provide me aren't complaints you gave to other anons.0

>> No.9573348

nevermind, the config file was set to read only somehow.

>> No.9573353


I'm sorry if you were offended and if I did accuse you of something you deliberately did not try to do, but while I am usually only lurking in /jp/, I think it's better to be more vocal after all the /q/ faggotry and knowing that the organized shitposting groups were not satisfied with the new regulations. Maybe it can prevent more people that don't take the time to read OP's post as well like you.

It was coincidental that !FIreFlyLqM was posting at around the same time as I was though.

>> No.9573356

"Ones Own Way" was great to listen, nice electronic arrangements and vocals. Just downloaded their other album, will listen after DDBY which is excellent !

>> No.9573372


This is the thread to thank people.
The other one is for uploads.
You're just messing up the board by posting on both.

>> No.9573398

is it just me or is innocent key and seventh heaven maxion slowly turning into the same circle

>> No.9573394

I may have during Reitaisai or one of the older Comikets.

>> No.9573454
File: 19 KB, 170x172, youka!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only wanted to thank the provider for uploading the material, that's all. I didn't know there was a golden rule for this.

It would be better if the compaints were in this thread along with the impatientness, tech questions and the requests. You know, keep the negative shit and the positive stuff in the appropriate thread.


The boards' already messed up, what's your point?


Ok, what about this one?

>> No.9573456
File: 1.48 MB, 740x1045, 23947526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any breakthroughs yet?
or is it the same shit all over again?

alstroemeria, alice's emotion - found nothing rivaling Shibayan

Love solfege has one good track
mamenoi is the same MANYO i've heard many times before.
Butaotome - same shit, again.
foxstudio - 東方幻想界 -永夜抄の音- was a lot better

no real Floating Cloud.

Div System's xfd isn't bad

>> No.9573461


>the board is already messed up
>I'm just gonna be part of the problem and not the solution!

>> No.9573470

Stop greentexting and end yourself already buttplunger

>> No.9573471 [DELETED] 

Don't talk to him.

>> No.9573480

>It would be better if the compaints were in this thread
It would. Even OP agrees.

>The boards' already messed up, what's your point?
That's not how you fix a messed up board.

>Ok, what about this one?
Not yet. I plan to at some point.

>> No.9573488


Think you've got a different circle there. You're thinking Tamaosen, I'm thinking Tumeneco.

>> No.9573501

I just notice now ! My mistake..

>> No.9573502

I wish I wasn't just indiscriminately downloading everything

>> No.9573520

Have any albums other than NEETs had a Desire Drive arrange on them?

>> No.9573528

Why don't you listen to the crossfades before downloading? That way I already avoid 80% of the albums.

>> No.9573548
File: 23 KB, 207x183, youkasmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It would. Even OP agrees.
Yes, and the thanks should go in the upload thread.

>That's not how you fix a messed up board.
I've been here during the events since C79 and I don't think this board can be fixed up.

>Not yet. I plan to at some point.
Well I hope you do. These people really deserve it.

>> No.9573599

>Yes, and the thanks should go in the upload thread.
I would prefer the upload thread to be mostly uploads. It's much less of a problem without that guy throwing a fit over ever thank you though.

>I've been here during the events since C79 and I don't think this board can be fixed up.
If you're only here for the events you really don't have a good idea of the state of the board at all.

>> No.9573723
File: 40 KB, 640x480, CapitalismUniversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9573641 (from upload thread #4)
>Why don't you use a decent media player for the computer? Most support conversion and transferring to iFag stuff.

We don't insure your usage on apple gear. We are not an Apple brand support center. Get apple support from your apple forums. If there is a priority, then it would be *nix, but we are PC in general and not a specific brand. Apple is also known for its stringent DRM and patent pooling tactics to prevent competition. Ever since its bailout by microsoft (remember the 200,000,000 "free" money gates gave to them out of fear that if apple died, there was no other O/S company) Apple is actually more aggressive than microsoft at patent tactics.

>> No.9573739

whoever is maintaining the spreadsheet: [橙汁] きゅぴシュ~DANGEROUS!! (試し版) is a game, not a book. line 122.

>> No.9573755

>Apple is also known for its stringent DRM and patent pooling tactics to prevent competition.

>Samsung has a clock icon for their clock app, a camera icon for their camera app, a picture of a flower for their picture app, a letter for their email app! Also, they're square, colorful, and in a grid pattern! Lets sue them for all that, and for making their ui better, because ours has stayed the same for years!

Fucking apple, man.

>> No.9573764

I'm not sure if that was actually released...didn't take a picture of the booth when I went by it but it seemed to have an apology of sorts? Sorry my memory is pretty fuzzy.
The two I really wanted, the one by the Edelweiss people and the rotate your field shooter for the 360, were both long gone before I got to them.
Nothing in Toranoana as well.

>> No.9573765
File: 9 KB, 383x114, fansfromhell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's up with the ridiculously slow pace of ero doujinshi scans so far?

Your complaint has no merit because you are wrong for both RAWs and Translated versions. Why are you such a spoiled asshole for posting such a complaint that slurs the people who work to bring free stuff to you? I wish you were in a forum I mod so I could ban you but alas, 4chan doesn't even require tripcodes with locked IDs. Here's hope the future IP6 once adopted by everyone will cause ISP to give out static IP addresses (there will be more than enough). Then banning the static IP is the same is banning you.

The first translations even appeared within 2 hours for the smallest works and the first translations of a "larger" normal-length doujin work was 8 hours after its upload, download, TL, editing, QC, and re-upload. And there were multiple instances of this speed.

We have been working even at basic clean up and leveling for downloaded raws that were speed scanned before re-releasing them. So stop your whining you spoiled brat.

>> No.9573770


Still only 3 albums (╯︵╰,)

>> No.9573775

Calm down

>> No.9573777

check it



>> No.9573830

>片霧 烈火
My goodness. Is this real, or am I dreaming?

>> No.9573826
File: 475 KB, 540x960, 635599491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a steal.

>> No.9573837


Neat. Do you have a different link? Youtube quality isn't great

>> No.9573871

Is this scanned yet?

>> No.9573884

>Dont waste your time if you are rich.
>Day4 of comiket is the best.

After one trip, you don't want to do another because if you are not a real fanboy (who actually likes that kind of fannish pain of attending all the comikets), then you just stick to buying things in the aftermarket.

Or you create your own doujin to sell and recoup your booth costs. You walk around before the event opens and swap doujins (and cash) with other booth vendors. That is real way you get things without fighting the crowd.

If you're looking for items proscribed by the corporations enforcing copyright and trademarks, then you have to buy at fan conventions such as comiket for dakimakura/sheets for works published by shogakukan, shuiesha, etc. Fairy Tail can't be found in stores for that reason as the companies stop all retail storefronts from selling legal violations of intellectual property rights.

>> No.9573889

Why do people get so excited over new ero-doujin? Isn't there so much ero-doujin already?

It all seems the same to me now.

>> No.9573895

hey guys
my favorite band is 同人音楽, did they release anything this year?

>> No.9573905
File: 230 KB, 1296x531, 同人音楽.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me check it... holy shit, they worked a lot!

>> No.9573908


>> No.9573911

The silk-screened Strike Witch backpack is an example of item you can get only at places like Comiket. And yes, a lot of things are professional quality because people work or have access to commercial manufacturing equipment.

A friend attending a past convention sent an authentic NERV parking sticker that was made on commercial equipment. This is the same type of thin reflective security material used on those "current year" stickers you get each year when you renew your license plate registrations and stick onto your license plate. They are reflective with those little grains of reflective substances and cannot be peeled once stuck on. I've seen ID badges that were made with the same security equipment used for actual corporate employee badges. These things you don't get in stores.

>> No.9573916
File: 2.01 MB, 127x217, 1342703171699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll be very happy to hear that they've released every musical album this Comiket!

>> No.9573931

Is there anywhere that has a list of the circles that are releasing Touhou music? The upload thread is nowhere near definitive yet and quite a few of the uploads don't make the circle clear.

>> No.9573936

Read the upload thread's OP...

>> No.9573937

If you're able to navigate the C82 catalog you could look there. I had ????? everywhere, though.

>> No.9573947

Ah, completely missed that in the midst of all the mediafire links. Thanks!

>> No.9573960
File: 649 KB, 777x1087, hyoushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9573990

I came. Like the track 1


>> No.9574007

Due to copyright enforcement (a lot of stores have lists of titles for which doujins will not be allowed) by publishers, if you don't buy at convention (comiket, comitia, puniket, SCC, sunshine creation, etc), then you'll never get certain items because they cannot be sold in normal retail or online retailers because the publishers have already gotten to them.

There's lots of fairy tail items as it is popular, but how much have you seen sold at Toranoana? Detective Conan and One Piece are ultra popular works, but you also don't see the same flood of items sold at stores due to the copyright enforcement. When you see their items, they are typically uploaded scans from circles willing to gamble they could sell enough at conventions to recover their costs and get enough profit to offset their risks.

Someone once said on a 4chan post that other groups consign for others. I looked into it more and the circles don't seem to do that for the enforced titles since that can get them into trouble. I'm sure some still do, but in general it doesn't seem to be a standard practice for the enforced copyright items.

Maybe you can work up a better discussion of the problem at the LWB website since you have a group member living and working in japan.

>> No.9574013 [DELETED] 

it is annoy..
uploads becoming stuck on verify stage
will 100% upload and then forever sit there..

>> No.9574036

Decent Electronic stuff with decent vocals, kinda disappointed by his recent work, it's great but Bossa Nova isn't my cup of tea, his electronic tracks are superiors.

>> No.9574046

I love usotsukiya, did this get uploaded somewhere?

>> No.9574049

Please re-up this to MF.
I can't download it.

>> No.9574071

Not really liking the latest Alstroemeria Records album. The opening track is horrendous. Luckily it gets better after that but I'm still pretty disappointed (KILLED DANCEHALL was kinda underwhelming as well IMO).
On another note, can't wait for the new C.H.S album! The preview got me pretty excited.

>> No.9574111
File: 35 KB, 411x411, 1330821089680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe something as universally liked as syrufit, pizuya's cell or sally was not uploaded yet.

>> No.9574121
File: 81 KB, 534x535, 2900204400010_0_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wait is just killing me...

>> No.9574134
File: 87 KB, 1280x768, assassin_scope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I really love Fatal Zero Action.
They really managed to make a distinct feel to each of the playable characters, and the difficulty progression is really great too.

You do feel how you improve substantially over the course of the game, but the opposition still grows with you. Lots of skills and abilities for different times and situations, and enemies of many various types. And the game has nice details such as weak spots of the enemies for extra damage.

All in all I simply find it to be great fun. And it keeps throwing new things at you all up until the end. New skills and abilities, new enemies, and even various events.
Also, Square Accel is hilarious. You can send enemies off flying with explosives, and then run past them, turn around, and shoot them in the head while they are still airborn.

>> No.9574153

Not to be "one of those people" but can you hint me towards where I can find those? Just look for the circle on Youtube?

>> No.9574172

Has anyone uploaded the Fate/Zero or Madoka Magica CDs that were being sold at Comiket?

>> No.9574179

Doujinstyle typically has a thread for xfades and album announcements before each event, including the smaller ones.

>> No.9574206

That's great, thank you. I much rather listen through that stuff than convert everything from TTA and rename and retag and whatnot.

>> No.9574253


shibayan's song from white clear, sounds cool

>> No.9574286

Does anyone happen to have any scans of Kuroko no Basket doujins from Comiket?

>> No.9574288

How did abgrund do with her crossdressing shota and NTR doujin sales for this Comiket? Did she show up after those threats? Or had a proxy seller running her booth?

>> No.9574314
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1252387638686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like the H-doujins are taking too long to flood in this time.

I'm worried.

>> No.9574315

it is lovely one.

>> No.9574322

Nice find. I liked Nhato's, too. http://youtu.be/zk7GIBDq-Oo

>> No.9574360

So what are the standout albums so far?

>> No.9574370

Well, I really liked (C82) [DiGiTAL WiNG] JULIANA'S TOHO Vol.1

>> No.9574372

>Just a guess, but erm... a hundred thousand dollars maybe?

All the individual items sold at each day of comiket would be well beyond that value if you bought one of each. For you to come up with $100,000 shows that you no idea of real business. While many comiket vendors are amateur vendors, quite a few are seasoned professionals who do this to supplement their day jobs. Some vendors are able to pay their entire year's living expenses with just one comiket (apartment, food, transportation) which means their day job is free and clear for them. One C82 doujin artist sold over $200,000 for just one of his doujins solely at C82. I assume he paid his assistants helping him sell so he didn't make as much profit percentage-wise as a solo operation, but he made up for it in volume (his doujin was approx $20 each).

Did you know that the Anime Expo board members have five digit compensation? That's deliberately disguised by the other red herring info about compensation amounts at their site. Fan conventions are big business for both the people that put on the convention and for the vendors. Sakura Con also has a six digit compensation package for its founder (at the time it was founded, he was a comic shop owner in Tacoma).

>> No.9574376

Yeah, but how much would you need to spend to buy one of every thing?

>> No.9574387

$a fucking lot

>> No.9574407

I can't stop my cum

>> No.9574432

>Just a guess, but erm... a hundred thousand dollars maybe?

The other viewpoint is that $100,000 is far too much money. That's assuming you only buy stuff you actually want. By the time you walk to each booth, wait in line, look over the items, buy it, and move on, you will have spent way way way less than $100,000 by the time comiket closes.

>> No.9574437

>For you to come up with $100,000 shows that you no idea of real business.
Or maybe it shows you should read his question again.

>> No.9574435

He said he wanted EVERYTHING. No way 100k is enough. Of course, sane people would only buy things they like, and that would be much cheaper. but you can't assume that he is sane.

>> No.9574473

>Yeah, but how much would you need to spend to buy one of every thing?

I cannot read your mind, so your question has to be answered as it was asked. Maybe as much as one hundred million dollars by the way you asked your question. Some items are 158,000 yen each. I have seen a 4,765,000 yen item for sale. If you truly bought one of EVERY ITEM, emphasis on every, at C82, the cost would be in the many millions. Commercial vendors are seeking to sell license deals, and those are multi-million dollar type deals that MUST be included in your question.

It is not a good question to just say "how much for one of everything" because there is also a lot of trash, or of specialty items that are unique for that comiket. Would you buy one of the itasca automobiles that had a for sale sign in its window? That would use up a chunk of your budget right there.

You need to qualify your question of "how much for one of everything" because the answer, no matter what the number, is not an accurate representation of what is reasonable to buy.

You should ask "how much to buy one of each doujin whose premiere release is at C82?" or something like that. The answer to that is I don't know since I have not gone thru the entire C82 booths looking and counting up premiere releases.

>> No.9574478

>I cannot read your mind
I'm not even the original anon, but he said it clearly.
>buy one of everything

>> No.9574481

Don't forget the tip

>> No.9574497

No legit RGD yet?

>> No.9574499

>Let's say you go around every booth and buy one of everything, how much would that average around?

The commercial vendor booths showcase full sets of their video or book lines. You buy there and have it shipped to you. So, you could spend a million dollars per booth buying up every individual one piece dvd, bluray, cd, game, plushie, toiletry, etcetera. You would need to pay shipping costs too.

>> No.9574506


Many millions of US dollars as the question was asked.

>> No.9574556

>I'm not even the original anon, but he said it clearly.

I don't think the original anon's intent is the same as what the lazily-written question is asking. The anon was too lazy to craft a better question and simply tossed a poorly worded question out there.

Even if you tried to buy one of everything, you CANNOT because many things will have sold out BEFORE you get to that booth to buy it. The only booths that don't run out are the commercial vendor booths and you can spend a million dollars per booth at those buying one of everything listed for sale in company catalogs. While including those items is necessary in answering the original anon's question, I don't think that was the "intent" in anon's mind. But it would talke mind-reading to find out the actual spirit of the question.

Want better answers? Write better questions. The CORRECT answer to the question as written would require a number possibly as high as 100 million dollars or more because commercial license deals can be sold by the commercial vendor negotiation team. Since they are for sale, they should be counted in the original anon's question.

>> No.9574563

If one was hypothetically rich and stupid enough to want to purchase one of everything at Comiket, I'm sure one could hire people to assist in buying things.

>> No.9574572

The original anon should be hired to write contracts, international treaties, and official documents! He has the skills and ability to write statements that can be interpreted in many different ways by different involved parties. This would lead to exciting world events full of contest, intrigue, and high stakes gamesmanship! The original anon is so skilled at creating exciting opportunities!

>> No.9574598


Looks furry.

>> No.9574612

Well aren't you attentive. How did you come to that astounding conclusion?

>> No.9574621


I have some crazy detective skills.

>> No.9574629

Slow upload speed, sorry.
Reup'd for you.


>> No.9574642


When I was listening to the opening the guitar had me thinking I actually downloaded a Demetori albumy'know when they were actually nice to listen to.

Fuck its been so long since i've last heard a xi-on album and genuinely liked any track in it that wasn't just the bluesy sounding one.

>> No.9574656

Better than 11th but still not as good as his older works.

>> No.9574696

There was a 8800 Rider bedsheet made in one-sided dakimakura style (you can sew it up as a dakimakura because the main character takes care not to exceed the front side boundaries.

The trend seems to be more and more circles release "sheets" instead of dakimakura covers. At least this seems to be continuing at C82.

>> No.9574707

Sounds silly. How do they cuddle with their beds?

>> No.9574736
File: 51 KB, 600x448, Asuna & Kirito bedsheets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds silly. How do they cuddle with their beds?

You can see the example from Asuna & Kirito bedsheets how you can cuddle with Kirito as a dakimakura. See the example photo of the Kirito bedsheet made into a dakimakura shape.

Not all "dakimakura" need to be slipcases. You could wrap the bedsheet around something else for example. So, you can self-insert into Kirito every night.

>> No.9574748

Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification, I was too narrow-minded.

>> No.9574810 [DELETED] 

Back to >>9569266

>> No.9574850

Holy shit, BlazeOut just may be ENS's best album.

>> No.9574865


>> No.9574882

Another great album by Tokyo Active NEETs, oh how I love them so.

>> No.9574914

Any news on the RTS or Memories of Phantasm 2?

>> No.9574928

I typically spend about $1200 over the 3 days at Comiket each time I go on merchandise. I usually end up with a stack of doujins about a foot high, a stack of about 10 CDs/DVDs, maybe a figure or two, and a bunch of the random "set item" things that you get with some purchases (phone straps, clearfiles, bags, etc).

If you wanted everything sold over the course of all 3 days then you'd easily need 1000 times that much money and a lot more time (or people to help you) because you'd spend a few weeks worth of time standing in line. The real challenge to having what most people consider a "successful" comiket is hitting all the booths you want to and getting the items that they're selling (particularly the limited items). You will never be able to get everything under the sun, so you have to compromise and prioritize which items you really want and are worth the time.

For instance, I never stand in line for some booths (like the Tony booth) because I don't want to spend nearly 2 hours waiting on one set of items that I am not really all that excited about - I can just get the main items in Akiba for like 150 yen more than they were sold for at Comiket. I miss out on the bag and other limited crap but I don't care about that stuff in this case. The first booth I went to on day 3 was the Inkbottle booth and got dupes of everything new they were selling. Altogether I spent 7000 yen at that booth for 8 items, and the very next day buying one set of those items at K-Books would've cost me about 13,000 yen.

Just go with a plan of some sort, or you're going to miss a lot of stuff.

>> No.9574977

Ummm... not C82, but I'm still going through C81 and RTS9 and I found this. Just wanted to share it.
mineko singing a song from Buta-Otome I love.

>> No.9575011

trying to be patient waiting for Eastnewsounds's other album, syrufit, amateras and 38beets.

What do you guys think of Crow'sClaw's acoustic album, im in love with it.

>> No.9575018

I hate it.

>> No.9575064
File: 147 KB, 512x334, actuallyiquitelikeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9575088

It wasn't anything amazing, but it's nice to see them try something new for a change.

>> No.9575107

Not bad, but I like Foxtail-Grass Studio's new album much more.

>> No.9575153

Why are mediafire and other trashy free filehosting services so popular among uploaders? Surely, if they have enough money to buy things and dedication to upload them, they could spare $5 for a seedbox or something.

>> No.9575162

mediafire is actually a nice filehosting service. also, stop bitching

>> No.9575181

>complaining about free things
>complaining about them uploading to MF

You could get it off Share/PD yourself.

>> No.9575196


What's a better filehosting site than mediafire?
It's probably among the best ones.

>> No.9575207

with megaupload gone it could almost be said that mediafire is the best one available now

>> No.9575216


non jew-tierPeople use Mediafire because non- jew-tierpeople fucking like Mediafire.

Ever since they've been conceived all they've asked is for their free users to maybe let some god damn Ads pop up. That is god tier service right there and if they started a kickstarter or some shit to get some cash i'd give them all of my autism bucks.

>> No.9575312
File: 19 KB, 561x419, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A quick update on homura combat blaze.

The game still crashes but I figured out how to get the sound working and there is no error this time.

Make a new folder on your desktop or wherever. Inside that folder, put homcombat in. Install the 1.01 and 1.11 update on it. Now rename your homcombat folder to "Game.exe,ALL".
This is how your directory should look.
New Folder ---->Game.exe,ALL
Now start up the 1.50 update. When it asks you where to install the update at, just click on the New Folder. Pic related is how it should look like.

>> No.9575429

>homura combat blaze

Didn't know there was a new one, thanks

>> No.9575462

It's not really a new game, it's an expansion of it. It adds new characters, new enemies, and new environments.
In order to install it, you have to have the previous updates of it which are 1.01 and 1.11. Even then, the game is still not working.

>> No.9575520


I found this link

>> No.9575544
File: 136 KB, 484x473, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please respond

>> No.9575563

I already have the links.

This is version Homcombat 1.01


Version 1.11

And your link is 1.50.

>> No.9575598

So to anyone who's computer isn't as shitty as mine and can actuall run Fate/Zero Action...

Who are all the playable characters? Or more importantly,is Berserker or Gilgamesh playable?

>> No.9575609

>So to anyone who's computer isn't as shitty as mine
how about specs so people know?

>> No.9575637


I tried just installing 1.5 and yeah, it crashed.

Thanks for those. I might have to change the region settings or something, the characters aren't being displayed properly

>> No.9575656

http://www.mediafire.com/?86liqr9tl9paq03 (mp3)
http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=341104 (flac)

>> No.9575647


Only Saber, Rider, and Kiritsugu.

>> No.9575658

>complaining about free things
>complaining about them uploading to MF
>You could get it off Share/PD yourself.

Actually, what he said was that he wanted the uploaders to PAY for additional services to make it even easier and faster for him to download it for free.

So it is beyond a complaint. It is a post complaining that our free efforts are not good enough for him and that we should PAY MONEY TO give HIM better service.

This >>9573765 post sums up the attitude of these ungrateful "Fans From Hell" downloaders properly.

>> No.9575668

My system locale is already set to japanese and it sill doesn't work.

>> No.9575677


>> No.9575684

Is the music in the Chu Chu Rocket Komeji game original? I haven't played SA yet so I don't know

>> No.9575689

>Surely, if they have enough money to buy things ... they could spare $5 for a seedbox or something.

You really treat others badly with your gimme attitude. Because others have money to buy doujins, you state they are at fault for not providing better services to you than mediafire AND that they should spend money for a seedbox (uploading server) to upload to you.

At least you aren't taunting the uploaders with strong epithets like you did last year to Hong, yuyucow, and other uploaders on mediafire. Those users had large mediafire folders and that also wasn't good enough for you back then.

>> No.9575690

Needs more yaoi doujin

>> No.9575729

Not everyone likes the idea of fecal smell during sex

>> No.9575749
File: 59 KB, 639x478, Signal fairies a game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you play this shit?

>> No.9575790

We've done our part buying the doujin and scanning them. How about you buy the seedboxes for us.

>> No.9575811


how exactly does one go about doing that? I'd gladly pitch in $20 or whatever for one/

>> No.9575815

Run and jump. All you can do is dodge the danmaku. Can't attack or anything.
Head in any direction to find a boss. Mystia, Rumia, and Wriggle. To fight them, you step on little arrow platforms that spin around then point to the next platform in sequence. It should be obvious from there.
Then you go the one direction from the start you couldn't and find Cirno. Repeat boss fighting process.

>> No.9575835 [SPOILER] 
File: 283 KB, 847x1200, tumblr_m8ef1gdSC61r6z4wzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was directed here from the upload thread,

Has there been any news on this?

>> No.9575853

No, you're the one uploading. You already got paid for uploading from ego boosting so you should do it right.

>> No.9575865

Not any uploader and I think you should shut the fuck up because MF is just fine, great even.

>> No.9575874

Why are people answering to obvious trolling?

>> No.9575886


new tatsh album, please feel free to dl it because MF is so poor. i'm sure 10kbps from chinese hosts is much more preferable.

>> No.9575906

Not him, but it was supposed to be 10kbps? I'm actually getting some 150kbps here. Still over 10 times slower than mediafire, but still.

>> No.9575908

free connection? i can download that one via private tracker in a few minutes
ill upload it to mediafire when its done

>> No.9575926

it varies, i don't think it's supposed to be that slow, since it's baidu after all. sometimes its fast, others it's slow as balls & constantly corrupts.

>> No.9576005 [DELETED] 

How the fuck do you play this shit?

>> No.9576059

uploaded to mediafire >>9576054

>> No.9576094

>Why are people answering to obvious trolling?

Because it is not trolling. There are serious and specific viewpoints from different people.

Your post shows a terrible use of the word "troll" as a synonym for anything you don't like. Far far too many people keep misusing the "troll" term. It needs to be retired if people keep on using it to describe any viewpoint they don't like.

>> No.9576105

thank you

>> No.9576127

Oh hell yeah Syrufit is up

>> No.9576142

waiting on news of this myself,


ENS was posted, didnt see syrufit or the others - but i am eaglerly anticipating those as well. Halozy was posted though, and that along side of Blaze Out is more than enough to keep me satisified! I don't expect to see some of this stuff for a while.

I also really appreciate Crows Claw doing something a lot more chill - the last album i got from them was that one with the terrible vocals... a bit much. Like, the farthest metal i'll go is xi-on. Can't wait to hear more Sally, too. I would love news on any of these:


and am i right with this second link? They have a new project/group "つぐみ"?


Sorry, using google translate here.


aw shit

>> No.9576243
File: 39 KB, 332x327, 6121268635_3ce2b71f93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I lost this album from my mp3 player and did not have a backup on my harddrive, it's killing me because it's so hard to find. I'm looking for it in mp3 format...
album cover attached


i would be so grateful & appreciative if someone could search through their C80 folder or something... google is only bringing up chinese forums which require coins & stuff.

>> No.9576276

Got it, uploading now.

>> No.9576283

op here; you are so lovely, anon

>> No.9576288
File: 202 KB, 905x495, TMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, But I am still upset that their R9 album isnt out yet

I do have that album, but try searching some more, check the archive or something
I will upload the album when you give up completely

>> No.9576292

you search with chinese word, it is why
in the future, please try 同人音楽
the difference is in the last character

>> No.9576298

ah nvm me then, this guy>>9576276
is nice enough to do the upload

>> No.9576302

You'll have to put up with it being on sendspace because I'm not making an account with anybody for one file.

>> No.9576306

i did check the archives, my websearch abilities are pretty strong too; it was posted only once in 2011 on /jp/ and that mediafire link lead to a deleted file.

>> No.9576312

THANKS THANKS THANKS wow that was fast! best wishes i hope something good happens to you

>> No.9576348

could i be so greedy as to esquire on an older album, too?


it shares a catalog number with a completely different circle, and has eluded me for a long while. thanks and i'd be happy to look through my collection if anyone needs anything.


>> No.9576349

Yeah, most of the stuff from each Comiket gets deleted from mediafire in a mass copyright purge after a week or so. Sometimes, because our uploaders are gods of the universe, they reupload stuff after that happens, but they rarely mention individual album names when they do.

>> No.9576355

enquire* god im drunk and dont want to delete my post sorry.

>> No.9576376

Don't have it. It's from Touhou Kouroumu 7, if anyone has an archive of that event.

>> No.9576385

Oh man, "on the way home"/track 7 is so fantastic.

>> No.9576404

That's coming up next for me, can't wait...

>> No.9576425
File: 1.47 MB, 2333x2753, 1343823129257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got to track 5, mind blown

i greatly appreciate you checking, i dont really expect anyone to have it cause of the catalog issue. i might just end up finding and ripping it off youtube one day, i had to do that with a camphor/takuya hori album.

and again so many thanks for the effort on uploading everything /jp/

>> No.9576466

(同人音乐) kaede.org - 酣歌 vol.2 (320K)

(同人音乐)[快楽音楽堂] - The world of Guertena (320K)

(同人音乐)[vidro bunny]Grim Kruez Tale 1 ~Ideal~ (320K)

cannot connect..
these link are fresh, any who can, please

>> No.9576474

can anyone explain to me why chinese users get ahold of these albums so much faster than us

>> No.9576478


Clearly it is because they are so much closer.

>> No.9576480

Probably because more Chinanons live in Japan and go to Comiket themselves.

>> No.9576493

Personally I enjoy syrufit when it's more mellow rather than dubwubwub, like track 1, but to each their own.

>> No.9576502

so it seems like many of you are music-hoarders
what do you do with all of it? do you guys have an mp3 player to listen to it or do you only listen to music on the computer while you browse the internet or something? i would love to hear more about the life of /jp/ users when it comes to doujin music

i, as normalfag as it sounds, enjoy listening to doujin music on an mp3 player in the car or even when im studying for a class.

>> No.9576515

Most of my music is on my laptop, the most listened albums on my PSP for portability.

>> No.9576516

Ditto here.

I listen to music most when drawing or on the bus.

>> No.9576532

i mainly listen on my computer, but i put my favorite ones on my zune for when im driving

>> No.9576582


Just finished the whole album, for those autistic over tags though like me, track 3 was mistagged (or probably borked in my dl, but it was missing the whole name: 我亲爱傀儡)

Also track 7 is sung by 綾倉盟, was mistagged as syrufit only.

>> No.9576594
File: 182 KB, 1400x839, Chaos Horo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so it seems like many of you are music-hoarders what do you do with all of it?

You got to have a large doujin music hoard if you want to be able to pick out a bunch of items semi-randomly to listen to. That way, there is enough time to sort of forget hearing it before and it has a "fresher" feeling. That fresh first time feeling of hearing music is part of the charm of listening.

giant hoard -->(pick semirandomly) small hoard #1

Now I listen to the songs in small hoard #1 in either song order or random order with previously played songs removed from the remaining random list.

Once small hoard #1 is finished, I make a small hoard #2 and listen to that in the same way. Each small hoard is a copy of the songs in the big hoard. This insures I don't wear out the storage drive where the hoard is because it is to store the songs instead of being churned up playing them.

Hoard song albums are stored in RAR format with Recover Record overhead of 5%. I picked 5% as the minimum that could have recovery from small dropouts on a DVDR optical backup disc. I know it is more than enough to recover from a CDR because I tested that by making one and deliberately making one shallow radial scratch with xacto blade. Anything less than 5% cannot recover but 5% had chance of doing so. I figure natural disc rot dropouts will not be worse. Occasionally I will test the optical media which is easy. Select all archives and pick "test archive" from the rar right click menu option.

>> No.9576623
File: 439 KB, 1914x1104, music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have very much compared to others, i think. my other drives aren't plugged in, as I want to minimalize their activity, as a storage drive. this one's been filled only from the last 2-3 years or so.

>> No.9576671
File: 81 KB, 400x400, glfJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got it working? ;_;

>> No.9576805
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x1200, desire_drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i enjoy all of it, really. its nice to hear a different genre to mix it up sometimes. i think its interesting how the wub wub dubstep genre even got incorporated and reached japan to begin with, i really disliked a lot of the trend at first but hearing it with touhou has changed my perspective.


i rotate a library on my phone, about 6 gigs or so at a time and keep the rest on my pc. pretty much have music playing while doing anything thats not playing a video game, or sometimes stream to ps3 during certain rpgs and whatnot.


thanks for that. i haven't gotten used finding music by vocalists alone, but its becoming more and more relevant the more music i get.


i have literally 10% of what you've got there, and still haven't heard a large portion of what i've downloaded. i only look for certain releases, though.


ive got all my music grouped by circle, but this year ive downloaded so many new circles its gotten a little obnoxious. i'm pretty sure i have duplicate folders and albums still, since some groups get translated to english randomly (mohican sandbag, hachimitsu lemon, hastunetsu miko, etc) so its been a challenge. I dont even differentiate between touhou and non touhou anymore, since a lot of groups i like are doing non touhou releases like east new sound. its so much to keep up with i'm beginning to wonder if its worth the effort, being able to sort my library by path just makes it so much easier though.

and while i've got this wall of text that no one is going to read going, i can not tell you how happy hearing desire drive arranges makes me!

>> No.9576810

You should delete that pic. Your trip is visible.

>> No.9576822

I'm just wondering, are there any chiptune albums out this Comiket? Doesn't matter if it's Touhou or not.

>> No.9576832

I just throw everything in Foobar then set it to randomise, then just go through the playlist. I have the songs I like near the bottom on said playlist/on my MP3 player and the ones I don't like in a different playlist.

>> No.9576835



i dug up this small release, and thought it sounded pretty neat. click the girls stomach for a crossfade.


soundave is more along the lines of pendulum, if you like them at all.

>> No.9576865

0065. Syrufit - [white clear #07] on the way home
1079. CHANNORI X - [宴 -BANQUET- Vol.2 #02] Tewilight Zone

maximum love!! it is really powerful the dance fury.

>> No.9576956

Can I request something from C81?
Nobody uploaded this, and I was looking it for so long. I think can be downloaded in that shitty chinese forum:

Thanks in advance

>> No.9576973

there is no download link. the forum it is posted in is for news regarding release.

>> No.9577042

I'm not so happy with the new sally album. It's not that easy with some of the songs to find out what song they are based off and the drums get annoying, almost like untz-untz music. I liked their previous albums better when they had a more heavy rock sound, but maybe I need to give the album a bit more time before it gets to me.

>> No.9577068

Someone can grab it ?

>> No.9577071


>> No.9577131

Anyone else having issues with Mediafire today?

>> No.9577132

Worked fine a few hours ago.

>> No.9577141


some links aren't working for me, others are

just wait a bit

>> No.9577142


>> No.9577143

Yep, but it's getting better now ('dead' links are getting repaired)

>> No.9577145

Is there any "gothic" music I should look out for? Something like Suilen, Yousei, Teikoku, ALI Project, Asriel, 黒夜葬 / Kokuyasou or Kanon Wakeshima.

>> No.9577172

I wish the xfds on DS were at least sorted by genre. Listening to this endless stream of synthshit and hardcore is tiring.

>> No.9577208

How come the Sound Sepher album is not uploaded yet? It's one of the most popular circles. Also I'm waiting for the two PHOENIX Project discs, ReiMei was good, I expect Reimei 2 to be on the level.

>> No.9577227

Sure haven't heard EoSD arranged often enough yet, please give me some more of it.

>> No.9577241

I know what you mean.

>> No.9577252

okay, I hope you uploader guys are monitoring this thread. Can you upload this album for me?

[AdamKadmon] 桜風花

I have PD working but it doesnt download anything for me at moment...

tta please, thank you

>> No.9577254

Been uploaded already.

>> No.9577259

I think you mistaked their C82 album

the one I requested is from reitaisai 9

(例大祭9)(同人音楽)[AdamKadmon] 桜風花 (tta+cue).rar 同人音楽 東方 tta rar

>> No.9577266

Is [C82][東方][同人音楽] Syrufit - White Clear working for anyone? It's corrupted for me.

>> No.9577267

Why are there so many requests for old stuff? Why would you think it would show up all of a sudden now that another event's happened? At least specify that you're asking for something non-Comiket in the Comiket thread.

>> No.9577312

Syrufit album was boss

>> No.9577331

ButaOtome's touhou albuns were really meh, and I feel every Neko Kenban gets worse. I did enjoy 4, but I'd rather have paprika sticking to his older piano-only style.

I liked their Bowling album a lot, hopefully they'll make more original non-touhou stuff in the future.

>> No.9577349

if it is corrupted, repair the archive.
RR is included for this reason.

but there is also mirror, i have upload for unrelated thing

>> No.9577439

Wow, that's pretty damn neat.
... It probably isn't going to be uploaded, huh? ;_;

>> No.9577498

Thanks for the correction. If anyone has anything else to correct, for future reference, just post in here with the word "spreadsheet" somewhere so I can Ctrl+F.

>> No.9577596

Was m1dy's new album "The Midi Anarchist" released at C82 or was it just released during the time it was on?

If it was out at C82, does anyone have it?

>> No.9577670
File: 282 KB, 728x1053, 29376473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized that Hong Meiling 門門 with his trip is uploading shit.

Today is a good day.

>> No.9577739

What the fuck were UNDEAD CORPORATION thinking when they made another "oni" album. The last one was filled with empty-plastic-pot-clanging-like sounds, flutes and crappy female vocals in japanese, and this one is no better. They should go back to screamo metalcore.

>> No.9577751

I think it's a really great album. It's nice you can actually notice it's supposed to be touhou for once.

>> No.9577758

I can't recognise the songs to be touhou that much at all compared to their previous albums. Must be because I'm so focused on how shitty the pieces are. But opinions.

>> No.9577794

That was my thought, good to see he is still around.

>> No.9577798
File: 447 KB, 1420x710, ハートオブクラウンPC 特設サイト_1344960121126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it out yet? Where the links at?

>> No.9577817

>no ghost92
>no legit RGD
>few games uploaded in general

Seems like a slow Comiket game-wise. And speaking of ghost92, was the first one from C80 ever uploaded anywhere?

>> No.9577827

I'm waiting for the XX2 summer disc from KISS to be uploaded. The CM3D disc is already up.

>> No.9577954


Fuck, my dick is gonna be explode today ;_;

>> No.9577972

I wish I wasn't dirt poor so I could afford an external hard drive to hold all of this greatness.

I can only save a little of stuff.

>> No.9577979

There is still more, I love Hong so much. He is too good to us.

>> No.9577986
File: 24 KB, 784x147, somuchspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vice versa for me, I have all this space and don't know what to do with it.

>> No.9578001


Any objection to format change?

>> No.9578002

I'm stacking music up the ass, on my shitty 200gb worth of HDs

>> No.9578102

Oh god my dick hurts, that Remilia+Flan and Suwako doujin were exactly what I want.

>> No.9578227
File: 202 KB, 400x400, jacket400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warmly waiting

>> No.9578264

Trying to get into C82 shit here.

For those of you living in places where even any hentai may set off red flags, what do you recommend, VPN, Truecrypt, or Both?

Also, is the fastest source for these uploads off of Share Ex?

>> No.9578275

I suggest that you calm down, download what you want, give no fucks and get out of /jp/.

>> No.9578289


where the fuck do you live?

>> No.9578299


>> No.9578325
File: 11 KB, 470x352, 1340591760449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warmly waiting for pastyle, AD Trance 2, notebook, sketch up, C.H.S, Sound.Ave, electro planet, Kicks for Liberation 4, pinotiki records, sound sepher, rolling contact, jerico's law, GWAVE, carrot wine, the other DDBY

>> No.9578336

Very good taste.

>> No.9578367

Hartmann.exe ;_;

>> No.9578401
File: 429 KB, 499x330, 1339794776682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this album is awesome. Every track is great, even the intro.

>> No.9578472

Oh god the first lol album is up!
If you like trance you MUST listen to it

>> No.9578484
File: 521 KB, 750x1088, 7e4cef4177a3656ae3eb35afc87b5c4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i doubt it, but it may surface much later. like months later. you'd be surprised.


this and amateras records and i'd be set for life!!!


so excited for this.

>> No.9578515
File: 14 KB, 202x280, sick drops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did everyone suddenly start incorporating dubstep into their music. So annoying.

>> No.9578521


>> No.9578524

Fuck your opinions.

>> No.9578586

Anyone know if the curled-coil or diverse system albums have been uploaded in flac/MP3 yet? Also, pretty perfect phantom is definitely 2hu music, line 60.

>> No.9578594
File: 21 KB, 300x409, 1340322299431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDBY RelaxTime is really classy

>> No.9578613

There should be lossless versions up on Audio-4u or something if the vorbis encode is here. Most stuff vorbisman uploads aren't self-rips.

>> No.9578662

Anyone have a lossless version of [まらしぃ (Marasy)] 幻想遊戯 <眠>?

>> No.9578680


>> No.9578687
File: 158 KB, 600x600, 1341855059615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9578849

Is 古明地さとりの情操教育 corrupt? I can't mount the .bin or extract the files.

>> No.9578854

see what i did there?

>> No.9578862

worked for me with DaemonTools. did you mount the cue? you don't mount the bin file itself.

>> No.9578871

The .cue won't mount, either. I just get an error in command line message.

I'll try updating DT or something.

>> No.9578875

Just get VirtualCloneDrive.

>> No.9578883

I'm not him, but that one is non-free. WinCDEmu is a good alternative that respects your freedom, because it is open-source.

>> No.9578885

Free software is shit.

>> No.9578891
File: 166 KB, 1600x1067, Richard_Stallman_by_Anders_Brenna_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9578892

Actually, it's pretty much the same thing. I like it because the interface isn't cluttered (a combo box for the drive letter and some three checkboxes), but it might lack some features that I don't use.

>> No.9578896

Turns out it just needed an update. Sorry for the stupid.

>> No.9578899

Is it still okay to use non-free software you do not pay for?

>> No.9578911
File: 382 KB, 900x923, 1336427092016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9578930

True, but that syntax is deprecated. ffmpeg was replaced by avconv as the frontend of choice.
for file in *.flac; do avconv -aq 0 -i "$file" "$(basename "$file" .flac).mp3"; done

>> No.9578945

Is Yukari Crevice any good?

>> No.9578999

It's new region for them, another is funkot.
My opinion of course

>> No.9579043

Diverse System, Kikuo SW, and Sally have v0 uploads now. Found them on DS.

>> No.9579054

Still waiting on driven de:structure 2, AD:Trance2, kicks for liberation 4, laughing out loud's other album and black onyx's album.

>> No.9579080

Lol albums has been uploaded
Yeah, this time there's no growls who sound like a dead pig, I get why Metalheads are disappointed
Just fucking deal with it

>> No.9579103

Fuck off /v/tard.

>> No.9579109

Still waiting for the new Miskyworks album.

>> No.9579130 [DELETED] 

Sometimes there are really nice xfds that because they aren't touhou will never get uploaded.

>> No.9579143

Sometimes there are really nice xfds that despite being touhou will never get uploaded. You're on /jp/, enough of the bitching about Touhou content already ffs.

>> No.9579151

oh stop it. real music is the underdog-type bitching is bullshit and you know it.

>65 touhou albums uploaded
>45 non touhou albums uploaded

given how many TH circles vastly outnumber the others at comiket, we're doing pretty well.

>> No.9579167

>Lol albums has been uploaded
I saw "TRANCE", but has lol nonstop mix #09 (the other one) been uploaded? I don't think I have seen it.

>> No.9579171 [DELETED] 

>You're on /jp/, enough of the bitching about Touhou content already ffs.

>> No.9579177

/jp/ may as well be called /th/

>> No.9579179 [DELETED] 

I wasn't even complaining about that. Stop with that paranoia.

>> No.9579186

It's like you went to /m/ and bitched about how much Gundam people were posting. Use context-appropriate expectations and don't complain about stupid shit, please.

>> No.9579194 [DELETED] 

I'm not "bitching" about anything you oversensitive retard.

>> No.9579218

Oh look, now we're in the "Realizing your original post was stupid and becoming overly defensive" stage of having your shitposting criticized.

>> No.9579229 [DELETED] 

I could say the same about you, the exact same thing.

>> No.9579234

Would the two lovebirds mind shutting up? It's annoying.

>> No.9579243
File: 276 KB, 480x459, 20120812_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news on this?

Thank you so much for your uploads man. Fucking uploaders, I'll hunt y'all down and suck your dicks, doods.

There are some glorious tracks ruined with shitty vocals, wish they included non-vocal versions.

And now 3.XGB left of music albums left, too much stuff, too little time.

>> No.9579248

I'm not going to make nice with some kid who invaded our board to take advantage of our comiket coverage and to shitpost about disliking Touhou.

>> No.9579256

Just ignore him and or hide his posts.
It's not that hard to avoid confrontations.

>> No.9579257 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 218x240, 1329696815006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't dislike Touhou at all now stop harassing me.

>> No.9579261

Why would we ignore him? You're one of the neo-jpsies who just lets our reputation of being mean to retards shitting up our board rust away.

Not denying being an immigrant here to use us for links, huh?

>> No.9579271 [DELETED] 

>Not denying being an immigrant here to use us for links, huh?
I browse /jp/ exclusively, now get fucked.

>> No.9579317

Haha you're mad

>> No.9579325


>> No.9579335

Anyone upload Selentia in mp3 320 or lossless?

>> No.9579341 [DELETED] 


>> No.9579349


>> No.9579351

Oh I completely missed the "320". Why would you want that over v0?

>> No.9579358

No, are you retarded as well as mad as hell?

>> No.9579362 [DELETED] 

Can you maybe stop shitposting in a Comiket thread?

>> No.9579368

>The place for thoughts, your complaints, thanking the uploaders, impatientness,

This is the Comiket shitpost thread. It's here so that this kind of stuff stays out of the actual Comiket thread.

>> No.9579372 [DELETED] 

Discussion, not shitposting.

>> No.9579383

I'm complaining, and so are you. We're both perfectly on topic.

>> No.9579628

I think we might need a new discussion thread.

>> No.9579647

done & done

>> No.9580559

What is the difference between v0 and 320?

>> No.9580648

v0 is just as transparent as 320, but at less file size.
Lossless is here: http://anisource.net/showprofile/e8a5ffd5601a407a049303699429da26c6dfdf1c/

>> No.9580728

Anyone got [DDBY] RelaxTime, or [Melodic Taste] Melodic Battle in lossless?

>> No.9581263

I seem to be having an issue accessing some of the mediafire links. Oh well, nothing that can't be worked out with time I suppose.

>> No.9581263,1 [INTERNAL] 

