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File: 100 KB, 700x525, 1344707781747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9559872 No.9559872 [Reply] [Original]

>Arc with miniskirt kills the point of stockings entirely as they were meant to be hidden by the skirt, not to mention long skirts such as hers were meant to attribute to the whole out of place alien aspect, stand out from the crowd thing she had going on.
>Not to mention that the clothes kill her purity vibe.
>No more long eyelashes that made you look at hew face and nowhere else.
>Alluring factor gone.

>Why would the Tsukihime dress like a fucking schoolgirl?

>Ciel looks barely fucking recognisable
>Her new hair boasts a Sempai vibe, but not a single implication of an organised individual
>Akia's colour contrast ruined

Evey day until a petition is made against this shit.

>> No.9559883

I do not support you.

>> No.9559895

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9559897 [DELETED] 

>bawwwww where's the Tsukihime remake?
>bawwwww the Tsukihime remake sucks

>> No.9559905

Not to turn it into a shitstorm, but this would have been a much nicer thread if tou would have just posted it in the exact same way, but without the quote text.

I am not going to ask you who are quoting, cause some people have found that to be an "Epic memeXD" now, but I am sure you can question your use of the quote function anyway.

But ignoring Ciel your points are spot on.

>> No.9559914
File: 57 KB, 640x480, s308-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you miss the fact she doesn't ascribe any significance to physical acts of love and has no inhibitions regarding them?

>> No.9559915

Akiha's color contrast is now more subtle, but I guess you're too dense to appreciate subtle

Just pretend she woke up and wanted to wear a different color people change clothes

>> No.9559916

never happy...

>> No.9559932

True, but when she's involved in the subject in question it's a completely diffrent matter.

That and if she was enough to turn Roa into a galabanding Tom and jerry imbecile then that's what I'd call pure.

I might have been, lest this was going to be a remake and not the fucking DONTE of my Beloved VN.

>> No.9559937

Damn, old art really was ugly.

>> No.9559988

So she's only casual regarding sex with people she doesn't care about?

And what makes you think tht Roa didn't fall for her simply due to sex-appeal rather than "purity"?

>> No.9559995

Ciel Senpai will always be beautiful. I see she bought herself some trendier glasses though, I think it's cute. If you really think about it, maybe she was insecure about her old ones.

>> No.9560041

No, Roa Fell for her because she was just that damned beautiful when he came across her in that field.

Long flowing hair, and a eloquent dress, not to mention Roa rarely had contact with other people due to his machine like nature.

Effectively he saw Arc as the very representation of the eternity he search for just because she looked s pure/beautiful.

>> No.9560051

They all look great.

Zuck my dick.

>> No.9560083

Indeed. He fell in love with her because of her beauty, not a nebulous quality such as purity.

Too bad he was so tsundere towards her. She'd have put out almost immediately if Roa had just asked for it and he wouldn't have had to bother with his immortality scheme.

>> No.9560099
File: 34 KB, 549x470, le fuck you face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remakes are never a good idea

>> No.9560103

Fuck off Reddit.

>> No.9560117

Tell that the original poster, quoting statements for no reason. There's probably a subreddit for that shit.

>> No.9560125

i want reddit to get out

>> No.9560137 [DELETED] 

I want you to suck my cock

>> No.9560153

>>Why would the Tsukihime dress like a fucking schoolgirl?

Why would King Arthur be a girl?

>> No.9560189

>>Why would the Tsukihime dress like a fucking schoolgirl?
To fit in. Her fashion is supposed to be a generation or two out of date though.

>> No.9560192
File: 49 KB, 656x515, Souka-WTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Tsukihime is a schoolgirl.

>> No.9560218
File: 397 KB, 778x320, ciels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really don't get people claiming that Ciel is barely recognizable.
She is very similar, the only real change is that her hair is slightly straighter and that the glasses are smaller.

>> No.9560235

Souka is very cute, but that Tsukihime isn't the Tsukihime.
Credits to you for mentioning her though.

>> No.9560239

She kinda looks like a dude now

>> No.9560247

Yeah, she's actually good looking.

>> No.9560252

Thinner face, smaller glasses, the hair is a lot less blue, the eyes are smaller.

If I showed you the remade one without telling you where she's from, you wouldn't know she's Ciel.

But this isn't a bad thing, old Ciel looked like shit and the new one is actually cute.

>> No.9560254 [DELETED] 

XBAWXhueg megane is stupid.
I like the changes

>> No.9560264
File: 97 KB, 312x400, Souka_KT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be tough being called "Moon Princess". Everyone must think her family are hippies. No wonder she ended up becoming a butch lesbian.

>> No.9560266

That's ok, OP. You'll soon outgrow your "everything new is bad" phase at some point in your life.

>> No.9560292 [DELETED] 

No he won't.
That's one of the signs of autism.

>> No.9560293
File: 136 KB, 300x571, srslychill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 hours in mspaint.

>> No.9560297 [DELETED] 


>> No.9560300

When will they announce the new Sacchin?

>> No.9560313

When Nasu designs a DAA Satsujinki

>> No.9560325
File: 162 KB, 640x480, yume_e01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bc dressing like this in modern times would be normal

>> No.9560330

No more giraffe neck?

>> No.9560342
File: 29 KB, 460x564, giraffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for an internet petition demanding the restoration of Akiha's neck.

>> No.9560349

No, but the whole long dres sthing was like a staple for her, and It only ever changed during Parody moments.

Besides, have they forgotten about Red Arc, and how tattered and good that long dress looks?


>> No.9560350
File: 71 KB, 880x480, aki_t01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giraffe neck
Akiha's creme de la creme

>> No.9560363
File: 135 KB, 646x532, 1189802976195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9560476

Akiha is cute, Ciel is so much better than the old design, Arcueid seems less adult but the short skirt is what bother me the most, I just can't think of her without that long skirt.

>> No.9560508

Is it just me or does it look like Arc might actually be wearing pants?

>> No.9560504

my problem with arcueid's new design is simple.

she was a great character without the need to use any sort of sexual gimmick. One sided with Arc because of how Arc is not because how short her skirt is.

>> No.9560522

You didn't think her turtleneck and long skirt were sexual gimmicks?

>> No.9560553
File: 40 KB, 645x511, arcueidisinfrontofme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I take Tsukihime seriously if Arcueid doesn't stare at me looking like a psycopath?

>> No.9560626

miniskirt arc looks 100x better

>> No.9560649

>akiha's neck
i never noticed

>> No.9560756
File: 105 KB, 444x512, ROA ROA FIGHT THE POWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ain't dead until morn.

>> No.9560807

who cares about schoolgirl look, WHERE ARE MY GODDAMN HAIR INTAKES TYPE MOON

>> No.9561086 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1318971603404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arc with miniskirt

>> No.9561101

I only noticed that the person there might be a tranny.

>> No.9561412

Whelp, it's morn.

Better go.

and don't forget:

Ever day.

Until you do something about it.

>> No.9562284

WTF is that? A beta version?

>> No.9562503
File: 374 KB, 823x1200, Lunar Legend Tsukihime v05 c38 - 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really can't imagine arc not looking like a slut in that shirt skirt.

Hell, long skirt was a big part of her charm

>> No.9563735
File: 1.48 MB, 975x1425, ce47f8cbca0e29f8af96cb0bd1880250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that shade of blue in her hair, it's very nice.
Are there any other announcements for when this will be released? Still waiting for that mahoyohahoyo translation too.

>> No.9563753

Not a type-shit fan but I feel it's mean to do that to Ciel fans they could have at least kept the part in her hair.(The other girls have been barely touched so only autists complain)

>> No.9563812

The whole Appeal of Arc was the fact that she was so modest, in a sense.

Her clothes really added to that. Hugely, actually. The wardrobe change is just...not cool.

>> No.9563809

How is a part in her hair more important than an entire outfit and hair intakes?

>> No.9563821

Ciel senpai will always be Ciel senpai to me, hair change or not.

Who I feel sorry for is Arcueid fans.

>> No.9563822

Stop pretending anyone actually misses Arc's ridiculous old hair.

>> No.9563852

I miss it.

>> No.9563858

Shut the fuck up!

>> No.9564093

Fuck you, buddy.

>> No.9564304

You guys missed the most important question:
When will this get translated?

>> No.9565886

Bump, and don't forget to get off your asses to make the petition

>> No.9566204

Ciel is now most likeable than Arc
best looking girl of Fate/Twilight is a catholic terrorist french Buffy
how much are butthurt Arcfags now?

>> No.9566232

>how much are butthurt Arcfags now?
Read the whole thread for your answer.

>> No.9566255

But Ciel has always been more likeable than Arc. Not much has changed at all, if you're able to see things objectively.

>> No.9566314

...the strange part is that now I'm starting to like even her old style.

>> No.9566397

Ciel was always likable for me, her redesign haven't changed her whole impression, so it is fine. Akiha is fine too...
But why would they do so with Arc? No, seriously, everyone liked her for style that she had, it is not that generic in mordern anime\vn industry as well, yet they have changed it completely...
Really, if I could, I'd create some voting\complaining pool and throw it at TM. It is probably too late now however.
And I'd rather have Tsukihime 2 than this remake also.

>> No.9566437

I'm really baffled at the Arc redesign. not for the result, as tastes etc, but for the reason behind it. was it necessary? a wardrobe change maybe, okay, but that looks almost a different character.
And she's one of the TM top rankers...I can't understand...

>> No.9566878

>And I'd rather have Tsukihime 2 than this remake also.
Tsukihime never needed a remake in my opinion. The game was fine, even with the original audio. I wouldn't have minded having voice though, which the remake is fixing I assume?

>> No.9566945

No no no no no.
I want to imagine their voices how I want them to be, not have them ruined by some cunt with a squealy voice.

>> No.9567010
File: 21 KB, 480x480, XXX_X49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like how some people say that Arc's long skirt is strange

when Akiha herself also wears a long skirt in her casual clothes

>> No.9567053

Actually, Akia technically has a similar upbringing like Arc, so Long skirts though normal to her are still abnormal when in the presence of the general public.

>> No.9567059

Thankfully you're in the minority.

>> No.9567077

The only character I care about is Akiha who looks a thousand times better.

Actually, do you shit heads even remember what the old tsukihime designs looked like? They were awful. The redesigns are an improvement. You just don't like it because they're different.

>> No.9567084

Sadly Nasu also is part of it

>> No.9567111

Tsukihime needs no voice

>> No.9567103

No character in tsukihime should have a miniskirt, that's a shit.
The characters are supposed to be classy.

>> No.9567123

Ciel and that Twintailed brunette wear miniskirts

Who could forget SION?

>> No.9567174

I don't understand why anyone would say this about any visual novel. Everything is better with voices.

>> No.9567181

Don't argue with these people. They are autists. They don't like change. Everything should be the way they experienced it the first time.

They will complain about any redesign and basically any other decision they can think of.

The rest of us will enjoy this for what it is

>> No.9567183

Ciel a shit

>> No.9567185

I like being able to imagine what the characters sound like, although I don't really care if it's voiced, since the voices can usually be turned off.

>> No.9567194

arc tries to imitate the time period and surroundings she enters so that she doesn't stand out too much, doesn't she?

it's not too farfeched to think she looked around the world in general, saw that an overwhelming number of women dress like that and did so as well, thinking it's the current custom or something.

then she went after roa with nero tailing her, arrived in japan and stood out because of the outfit, but being as carefree as she is, she thought oh well, it's good enough.

>> No.9567218 [DELETED] 

Why are you faggots so focused on assuming people don't like the designs because of one reason?
Holy fuck, you can totally reverse that shit and say they you're liking because it's new.

>> No.9567227

Why are you faggots so focused on assuming people don't like the designs because of one reason?
Holy fuck, you can totally reverse that shit and say that you're liking because it's different.

Fuckin' opinions.

>> No.9567248

I think she actually says that she studies the country that she's going to, not the entire world, so that doesn't really make sense.

>> No.9567280

Arc stood out because of her INHUMAN BEAUTY and Golden Hair

>> No.9567290
File: 360 KB, 719x700, 1235882055576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like being able to imagine what the characters sound like
You've clearly never played meltan.

If they don't go with MBAC voice actors I'll be angry. MBAA va changes are shit.

>> No.9567293

Arc was an nature spirit created by other such spirits over a millennium ago and taught nothing but how to kill. How the hell did she have a "similar upbringing" to Akiha?

>> No.9567299

They are voiced by the same people you dum dum.
Your inexperience with the language has caused your reaction with the different inflections used to become negative. Especially since you've been so used to the voices.

>> No.9567304
File: 58 KB, 224x762, YoungArc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought up into an aristocratic society.

Whoever dressed her had danmed good taste when she worked like a machine, I mean bitch had a castle and all sorts of shit.

>> No.9567314

I'm sure voices would mess with the atmosphere, especially in the creepier scenes.

>> No.9567316

I do play melty, and I don't mind voice in fighting games. When I'm reading, though, I would rather not be distracted by voices. Maybe that's just a habit from reading books, but it doesn't change the fact that I don't really like having to listen to voices in VNs.

>> No.9567323

Yeah, creepy atmospheric VNs just don't work with voices, not at all.

>> No.9567328

there's that magic button "mute voices" or a slider that when used, makes the voices automagically disappear.

>> No.9567338

Then you can turn them off but there is no reason to not include voices except for TM to save money

>> No.9567342

no voices

i got sick of sakura's SENPAI and shirou's screams and grunt

>> No.9567352

I already said that I don't really care as long as I can turn them off.

>> No.9567350
File: 106 KB, 409x365, 60e9d32eb82d69d5ab8521031bbada2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do not at all sound like they are the same voice actor.

Especially Aoko. I just went back through both AC and AA. They sound nothing at all alike.

>> No.9567363

>creepy atmospheric VNs
Aaaaghh, that one hurt

>> No.9567368

Yeah, like I said, that's just your inexperience. Especially since Mitsuishi Kotono has such a unique voice, I'm disappointed you'd think that.

>> No.9567381

>Hasn't played it in the dark, and gotten to the poart where THAT dreadding theme plays

>Never Replaced that track with Demoniac from the anime

Trust me, Nasu could write horror if he tried.

Remember that korean comic with the zombie with the broken neck that moved when you scrolled down?

Imagine that

as a VN.

That is fucking scary shit.

>> No.9567396

No, you piece of shit.


>> No.9567456

Look, I can agree to
>play Demoniac in the dark
>shit your pants
but Tsukihime, for how much i love it, is not even slightly scary as horror genre product. it proposes intersting alienating text sometimes, but that's it.
...speaking of, Silent Hill 2 OST works well also in creating the right atmosphere.

>> No.9567465

I'm far from the best at dealing with horror, but some parts of Tsukihime definitely felt creepy to me, and you can't deny that it's very atmospheric.

>> No.9567479

Uh, sure, for being atmospheric we're absolutely on spot. after all, that's why I always preferred it to F/SN.

>> No.9567583

I guess the environment wont be as BLUE anymore

>> No.9567791

Okay, excuse me for being slow. Was the remake actually confirmed somewhere? If not, what is OP's picture exactly?

>> No.9567802

Kyoani is turning Tsukihime into a Slice of Life anime. These are the character designs for the series.

>> No.9567814


The remake has been confirmed for years, dude. Nasu said he was making a Tsukihime Remake before Tsukihime 2.

>> No.9567815

Are you serious? Please tell me you're not ;_;

>> No.9567819

I wish I could tell you he's not.

>> No.9567822

He already made Tsukihime 2.

>> No.9567827


And Mahoutsukai no Yoru's third chapter is being written, right?

>> No.9567831

Well, at least as far as I knew, nothing ever came to show for it(until now at least). I was always under the impression is was just some rumor.

>> No.9567834

Have you never heard of Kagetsu Tohya?

>> No.9567842
File: 149 KB, 1024x724, Satsujinki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kagetsu Tohya is not Tsukihime 2. Tsukihime 2 will be about the ancient vampire known as "the dark six", the DAA called Enhance, and an adult Shiki nicknamed Satsujinki.

>> No.9567845

If you think Kagetsu Tohya was Tsukihime 2 then you are mistaken.

>> No.9567852

It will be a four girl school club setup with Arc as the ditzy airhead, Ciel as the serious and studious one, Akiha as the ojousama that is secretly jealous of Arc and Ciel's big breasts and Sacchin will be the one with no presence that everyone forgets exists.

>> No.9567869

Excellent, now none will be able to deny the factual stories of Shiki killing servants.

>> No.9567875

Oh no, why is this happening? Why is the world so cruel? No, it can't be, /jp/. I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.9567883 [DELETED] 


>> No.9567906

I wish this was true.

>> No.9567921
File: 737 KB, 850x1259, sample_a148c46d4555225b0d26ee56e72acd7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original game still exists, and the remake is different. You can enjoy both or neither if you so choose.

>> No.9567931

sounds like chuuni shit

>> No.9568462
File: 168 KB, 600x600, homuv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liek Homu. That Akiha a shit though. Good thing she's not anywhere to be seen.

>> No.9568474

I'm truly conflicted about those redesigns.
I'm expecting it to be a Mahoyo deal with each character having a wardrobe and not being stuck in the same outfit.

Akiha and Ciel work pretty well, but for Arc, I know it's going to be the same upbeat semi-psycho vampire I like but that hair man, it's too flat!

I don't understand people who say "but you were complaining about the granny clothes before stop whining", those are obviously different demographics

Also Arc redesign means Neco-Arc redesign and that is not okay under any circumstances man

>> No.9570204
File: 994 KB, 500x280, 1343567471335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neco-Arc redesign

>> No.9570227

That's a hiralious thing to say when you're already posting in a Type-Moon thread.

>> No.9570716

neco arc will be wearing pants now.

>> No.9571013

Day I forgot what day of this shit i posted, but whatever, my crusade still stands.

>> No.9571023

>I'm expecting it to be a Mahoyo deal with each character having a wardrobe and not being stuck in the same outfit.
Huh, well that makes sense. They could be just showing off the new clothes rather than the classics then. I don't really mind Akiha's hairband and Ciel's rework but Arcueid's long skirt and sweater was just too iconic to can.

>> No.9571062

Arc looks like a fucking Saber clone now.

>> No.9571067

Don't go that far.
Arc isn't bland.

>> No.9571076

>Arcueid with mini skirt
What is that heresy?

>> No.9571081

is ciel going to lose her tramp stamps?

that shit was gay

>> No.9571104

I REALLY don't see what that ~CHURCH SLUT 4 LYF~ across her ass added to her character.

>> No.9571113

Is it wrong that I actually want to see that written on her ass as it's being ploughed by Mereem solomon, and Kotomine?

>> No.9572649

It showed us that she was a hardcore bitch that wears shades and rides motorcycles to kick ass,

>> No.9572657

I love it.

>> No.9572678

Is it bad that I want to have Ciel's tattoos IRL?

>> No.9572681

I liked the tramp stamps idea. if they make them good looking, I think its a great lewdness bonus to Neo-Ciel.

>> No.9572693

Ever wonder if everyone in the church has those tatoos?

I wonder where Kotmine's are.

>> No.9572699

Better commit sudoku. and I'm a Cielfag.
wait at least to see if they gave her something watchable i the remake, at least

>> No.9572714

having tattoos of native american design is a turn off for me

>> No.9572736

I think she'll end up wit jew runes or gothic painting styled stuff.

>> No.9575267

Ciel doesn't have any tattoos.

>> No.9575309

Ciel's tattoos were cheesy

>> No.9575935

what's the point of a remake if it doesn't add anything to the original

>> No.9576003

Are you from the future? You have no idea what kind of new content it might have.

>> No.9576686

Ciel is hot as hell! no lewd fanart from pixiv?!

>> No.9576695

>thinking anyone wanted new designs for the heroines

Fuck you Nasu suck my thick juicy cock.

>> No.9576704

Ciel looks better.

>> No.9576710

Arcueid looks nice...

>> No.9576711

They all look better. You people are the equivalent of the retards on /v/ that insist "retro" games had better graphics than current gen ones. Tsukihime's art was fucking terrible.

>> No.9576713

The art was terrible, but the character designs didn't need to be changed so drastically.

>> No.9576716

I'm comparing the new art to Melty Blood's, not Tuskihime

>> No.9576715

Higurashi and Umineko had horrible art but it didn't stop them from being great games. The art adds to the charm.

>> No.9576719

Good art adds more to the charm.

>> No.9576726

Pal I'm normally aganist this kind of thing, but I see
only improvements here. and if currybutt ends up being the most liked of the new wave I'm not surprised.
sorry if I trolled you for years cielfags, I repent from my sins and enter you ranks

>> No.9576979

>great at something

>> No.9577033

I think Arc looks kinda cute in a miniskirt. Stop being so prude /jp/ get with the new and slutty times.

>> No.9577036

I like Arc's new look, she looks playful and flirty now instead of looking like the girl that reshelves books at the library.

>> No.9577037

new arc a shit

>> No.9577041

bullshit, new arc is awesome

>> No.9577050

>not great

>> No.9577056

New Arc is shit exactly as old Arc was shit.

>> No.9577059


Except for the goddamn skirt.

>> No.9577063

like the new art, but the old hairstyles were a trademark for who they were and they just don't feel like themselves in the new design

>> No.9577160

So tell me, how many of you faggots even bought (i.e. paid money) for the original game? No one? So who gives a fuck what you think.


>> No.9577166

>implying you did

>> No.9577958

get a load of this guy

>> No.9577976

>paid money
Tsukihime is an expensive collector item now you silly.
You cant even buy it even if you want to unless you sell your kidney.

>> No.9577997

NGC is the hottest Tsukihime.

>> No.9578015

It's not like the original Tsukihime costed any money when it was first released

>> No.9578424

w h a t

>> No.9579149

I cannot wait for the shitstorm that will ensue when we see the new Hisui and Kohaku.

>> No.9579181

According to people who saw the PV, they supposedly haven't been changed much.

>> No.9579211

It's an old doujin title. There were never many copies to begin with.
I bet the number of times that thing has been traded over various second hand shops exceed the number of original copies.

>> No.9579286

> the PV
Wait - were they showing this at their Comiket booth?
Fuck. I knew I should have gone there.

>> No.9579329

No, this was at their anniversary event. I don't know if it was shown at Comiket.

>> No.9579344

It wasn't at the comiket booth.

>> No.9580493
File: 248 KB, 530x1024, a5e00ddd6c7737febd99e85ae5f008f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her tattoos and muscles are fucking glorious.

>> No.9581680

Those aren't tatoos...did you guys read the VN?

>> No.9581693

okay Magic Tattoos

>> No.9583350
File: 182 KB, 640x629, takeuchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Takeuchi: Maybe it's because I'm always working on galgame, but I'm somewhat opposed to changing a female lead's outfit. I feel a character's clothe is also part of his or her design, which is why Arcueid from 「Tsukihime」 has been wearing the same outfit for the past 10 years (laughs).

> Ishii: This makes sense if you really think about it, (laughs) but I also can't really picture Arcueid wearing anything else.

From an excerpt of an interview in TYPE-MOON Ace 3, talks on Canaan.

>> No.9583380

Interesting. So why.

>> No.9583404


Or paint...

>> No.9584938

It might be Nasu's fetish, with the support of some kind of marketer having some kind of graphs saying that works with such characters carries more appearl, and Takeuchi finally giving in or something.
Or, it could be anything else, we don't really know.

>> No.9584961

“Somewhat” opposed

People change their minds. I'm sure he didn't kick or scream
