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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 205x120, Bilibili-logo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9557542 No.9557542 [Reply] [Original]

I didnt know there existed a chinese knockoff of nico nico douga:


kind of reminds me of how 4chan is copy of futaba

>> No.9557551

Well, there's a chinese version of every large internet site. Guess they feel closer culturally, plus I bet it's easier to just deal with the national interpretations rather than avoid the censorship limits from the Great Firewall

>> No.9557602

4chan initally copied 2ch which spun off futaba which was based off 4chan and then everything came full circle.

>> No.9557651

>4chan initally copied 2ch
I don't think so.

>> No.9557668

pretty much what this guy said.

Youtube -> Tudou, Youku, Sina Video
Facebook -> Renren (formerly Xiaonei)
Google -> Baidu
Megaupload -> 115.com
Twitter -> Weibo

Having all Chinese people stick to domestic websites makes the government's job of information censorship much easier. Also, it's pretty much a "national pride" thing to use domestic websites over international ones; many Chinese choose not to use US websites because it's "unpatriotic". Though, we see a similar phenomenon with Russians preferring Vkontakte (a Facebook clone) over Facebook, and Japanese preferring Niconico and Mixi over baka gaijin equivalents.

>> No.9557686

Mainland Chinese Futaba imageboard clone: http://h.acfun.tv/

Taiwanese Futaba imageboard clone: http://www.komica.org/

How often does /jp/ visit these?

>> No.9557690
File: 51 KB, 339x298, BEGGIN, BEEEGGGIN YOOOOUUUUUUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan initally copied 2ch
>2ch which spun off futaba
>which was based off 4chan

>> No.9557692
File: 197 KB, 999x1000, marisagetout_huayi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is BFF with both of them.

>> No.9557699

they seem really slow to me though, even slower than 2010 /jp/. A decent discussion takes 2 weeks to get to the point where on /jp/ you have a 5-hour thread.

Futaba is much faster than those two Chinese-language clones.

>> No.9557703

What websites do South Koreans use to discuss Japanese anime?

Is there a Korean niconico and Korean imageboard?

>> No.9557705

I remember what I assume was the random board on the Taiwanese one being decently fast, I think. I don't know Chinese, but it was linked here.

>> No.9557706


Huh? But tons of Japanese use Youtube. They aren't uploading any MADs or anything like that though. Mostly it's from-life stuff, like their kids dressing up as Kamen Rider, or random videos of trains.

>> No.9557719

you mean /00/ - Random?


>> No.9557725

They are the hipster Japanese. Whilst the majority of Japanese use their own social blogging shit (livedoor, whatever), a small handful (that's growing in number) is using Facebook because it's "cool" and "hip" to copy gaijins. The hipster Japanese who like to check out foreign things, such as western culture, use Youtube to connect with the outside world, but that's not the majority of Japanese, who frankly don't care about the outside world.

>> No.9557726

Yes, that one.

>> No.9557731

There is a new movement in Japan if you havent heard.
LINE is killing both mixi and facebook.
It is the next big thing. I sure hope it doesnt spread to the rest of the world. I cant stand all these social network.

>> No.9557745

Japs don't like Facebook because they have different "internet culture" - they prefer anonymity, and don't like plastering their real names all over the web. Hence why 2ch is so popular, and why 70% of useful (non-vandalism) edits on Japanese Wikipedia are actually made by anon IPs (on the English Wikipedia, most edits are by users, and most IPs are vandals). But then there are the 20-year old whores who seek attention, and use Facebook because KAKKOII DESU NE.

Though, more Japanese are using international/western websites than Chinese, because many of these sites are blocked in China because of censorship. Only those with the technological know-how to bypass the Chinese firewall (which isn't that difficult, by the way... most middleschoolers are aware of programs such as freegate) are able to use foreign sites. Rather than being hipsters, most Chinese people using foreign websites tend to be government skeptics, those seeking freedom/democracy, and whistleblowers.

>> No.9557762

Being more open minded should be a good thing, but I don't know whether this is positive or not.

>> No.9557875

maybe I'm just prejudiced against Facebook users in general.

>> No.9557908

I visit both. I mainly post on the mainland one. Acfun itself is a site like Bilibili by the way.
What they do is take videos from streaming sites and put a nico nico style wwwwww scrolling comments on them. Very weeaboo of course.
