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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9549067 No.9549067 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about Japan's Big 3 /jp/?

>> No.9549087

When you say Japan, you mean Pixiv?

>> No.9549095

I think Vocaloid is massive shit.

>> No.9549088

Bleach and Naruto are masterpieces.
Wan Piss is shit.

>> No.9549135

so is touhou

>> No.9549138

Hi!!! nokosage </O.o\>

>> No.9549152

When you say Pixiv, you mean Pixiv a couple years ago?

Shit is Fujoshi/general these days.

(thought it brought a bunch of good non-fanart artists, so it's not like I'm complaining)

>> No.9549159
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Don't even know who girl on left is.

Does that make me less pathetic or more pathetic?

>> No.9549173

I like One Piece and Bleach

>> No.9549179

More, especially since I know you've been here for a long time.

>> No.9549185


Good, because Idolm@ster sucks anyway.

>> No.9549187
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>> No.9549198


In terms of looks


In terms of personality

I like Vocaloid and Toho but I ignore Idolm@s (Except Iori and that tall blonde guy)

>> No.9549211


Miku has no personality.

>> No.9549214

Your opinion = shit.
Reimu >>>> Haruka > Pile of bullshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Miku.

>> No.9549225

>In terms of personality I like Vocaloid
I'm almost sure you frequent facebook and speak Spanish fluently.

>> No.9549238

In the manga and diva games she does (She is almost always potrayed as sweet and innocent anyways)

Fuck off tardo

>> No.9549239

haruka = reimu > miku.
miku is way too generic.

>> No.9549265

Bet you think Sonico is a bigger personality than a bipolar tibetan monk.

>> No.9549291 [DELETED] 

Don't even know the one on the left so she can't be that "big"

>> No.9549314

If you don't her, it means you are ignorant, not that she isn't big.

>> No.9549371
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>> No.9549390 [DELETED] 

Don't be butthurt fanboi

>> No.9549396

``Taco" here. Are we that easy to spot?

>> No.9549423

>In the manga and diva games she does (She is almost always potrayed as sweet and innocent anyways)

They aren't even canon.

Miku is a blank slate in terms of personality.

>> No.9549435
File: 216 KB, 746x599, 1339803623449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the left girl?

>> No.9549441

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.9549448

I think Miku should be replaced with Monster Hunter. Miku isn't a game. Idolm@ster is the only good one, but Bamco are fags worse than EA, Touhou is consistent, but pumps out too many games.

I'm sad IM@s isn't as welcome in /jp/ anymore since the new anime.

>> No.9549457
File: 374 KB, 600x800, chirnopuddi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognise Reimu and Miku, but not the other girl.

>> No.9549491

It's a shame that iM@s is console-only for the present time; there are so many anon here unaware of a great source for cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.9549501

It's not console only, it's an arcade game.

>> No.9549524

Is that old version even still in arcades?

>> No.9549530

>I'm sad IM@s isn't as welcome in /jp/ anymore since the new anime.
Idolmaster is perfectly welcome, if you want to talk about the games.

>> No.9549538

Nonowa & co > yukkuri > whatever shit vocaloid spat out > Puchimasu

>> No.9549558
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Okay so reading about IdolM@aster, it is like an rpg/Monster Rancher game!?

I always just thought it was a off shoot of DDR/Rhythm games.

I might interested in a girl raising game if it has such depth.

>> No.9549561

I have the sinking feeling that the people in this thread aren't trolling when they say they don't recognize Haruka.

>> No.9549567

It's an RPG where you play rhythm games to grind and different rhythm games for the battles.

>> No.9549573

It is a rythym game of sorts. The training and concert parts involve rythym games. Your assessment is more or less correct in that it's a raising game. Better than /v/'s anyway, who were calling it a dating sim when I was there earlier looking for any news about non-shit games. (Spoilers: there aren't any)

>> No.9549580

Those people are probably members of the vocaloid ghetto.

Also Haruka is a really unremarkable looking character.

>> No.9549593

>the vocaloid ghetto.
The worst fanbase ever known. Brutally stupid.

>> No.9549599

If being brutally stupid was the only quality of the worst fanbase, I'd gladly say vocaloid fans were the worst. Sadly, they're not even the worst on /jp/.

>> No.9549625

>on /jp/.
There. All around the world, they're hipsters, spics and underage otaCOOL.

>> No.9549632

Who are the worst?

>> No.9549648

Why do you guys hate vocaloid now,,,?

I mean the fans ARE horrible but have you ever visited a touhou fansite or forum?(Or even looked at the comments on videos?)

>> No.9549695

Either Ran-fans, those guys who frequent the regularly spammed threads (like flanfly), or the Milky-Yuris posters IMO.

That's like saying /jp/ ever generally liked (singing) idols or kig.

>> No.9549703

Back in 2010 we could have a thread that at least reached 70 replies now

>> No.9549713

We are lucky to reach 20 replies thats not an image dump

>> No.9549726

Not who you were replying to, but I'd venture to say MLP.

My quick opinion on the franchises, though.

iM@S - Not much of an opinion. I'm not fluent in Japanese so the games aren't exactly something I can get into. The girls can be cute, but I feel no attachment to them due to not playing the games.

Touhou - Fun games with a massive following that produces a lot of content. The fanbase, like any other, can be obnoxious, but overall I like Touhou despite not playing the games as heavily as I used to.

Vocaloid - The software is a nice concept, but the popular ones (especially Miku) are typically outdated in comparison to the current state of the technology and used for songs that their voice just doesn't fit. Some of the newer (read: non-Crypton since they're still milking the old-yet-still-popular Vocaloids) ones show promise, though.

>> No.9549734

>The software is a nice concept, but the popular ones (especially Miku) are typically outdated in comparison to the current state of the technology and used for songs that their voice just doesn't fit. Some of the newer (read: non-Crypton since they're still milking the old-yet-still-popular Vocaloids) ones show promise, though.

Crypton is updating all of them to V3 now and preparing to release a few new ones that they have have been planning for 2-3 years now....

>> No.9549744

Why does everyone hate vocaloid? Not to be a butthurt fanboy and all, plus I really like Touhou more but, don't hate Miku or the other vocaloids. Hate the fans because I'll tell you the vocaloid fanbase is shit. They do nothing for the company and think using MMD is godly. But aside from that, dont hate Miku hate the fanbase.

>> No.9549747

There are two animes and one or two ova and one PSP game is translated for idolmaster. There are also translations of basically all the VNish parts on youtube.

>> No.9549748

Hey man, no need to be mean to the Milky Home's

>> No.9549750
File: 89 KB, 476x216, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Vocaloid but the fanbase is horrible. I'd say it's as bad as bronies.

>> No.9549794
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Sonic, nobody tops the Sonic fanbase.

>> No.9549811

Ah, I stand corrected then. I never kept up with Vocaloid much, anyway, because I'm not especially a fan of it. That's good, then.

I never watched the anime because I figured, like most adaptations from one medium to another, it would lose a large portion of its appeal. I also tried the translated PSP game and figured it wasn't for me since one of the mini-games seemed to be some sort of timed lyric matching thing. I'm rather slow with reading kana still, so I gave up there.

>> No.9549819

This is only the western fans they hate anything with a story *The adventure series) and love those crappy side scrollers.

What's worse is that sega listens to them more than japanese fans.

>> No.9549846

In term of looks, Haruka is by far the ugliest.

>> No.9549864

There's nothing to like about it. It's a piece of software with a cute girl stamped on it. It's like M$'s bootleg windows 7 girl.

There are artists who use it to make music and songs, some of who actually have talent, but as a character in itself, outside of just art, I don't see how you can like it. People who treat vocaloid like an actual thing, with it own songs and stuff are aggravating. I think in principle if it was like Touhou fanon where Miku was whoever you wanted her to be, that's fine, but everything about it is just so...

That and people focus on it like it's the first one, and only one. It's fine if it was just the "Game 3 is the first in the series" syndrome alone, but they mostly ignore the newer ones too to only focus on that one. What's so special about it? How did a previously not cared about program with a generic animu girl whose only defining feature was stealing the leek meme from Orihime become such an underage b& festival?

Also it sounds annoying. Really annoying. Up there with lolicore annoying.

>> No.9549945

Who has more girls, expanded imas universe (mobas) or Touhou?

Touhou has the amount of fangames over the other two
Imas has it's bizzare memes and anime over the other two
Vocaloid probably has the largest quantity of music.

The funny thing is all 3 are arguably largely liked for their music. Anything that takes a place alongside them probably has to have good music too. If you took the music away, Touhou would still have aspects beyond a waifu simulator so I guess Touhou is the best. Vocaloid is the worst because it has the most men in it.

>> No.9549960

>Vocaloid is the worst because it has the most men in it.

Unintentional whore implication?

>> No.9549964

No, just fujoshi pandering.

>> No.9550007

Miku is kinda seen as the moe face of technological advancement (Lots of hologram,virtual reality,robotics stuff has used her as an example or test character) and she has a unique voice that humans can't copy,

>Also it sounds annoying. Really annoying. Up there with lolicore annoying.

You proabaly won't but I suggest you listen to these songs

Birthday song for Miku




Freely Tommorow


Eazy Dance


Also not Miku but honarable mention

Meiko singing a classical opera song

>> No.9550079

>she has a unique voice that humans can't copy,
But, isn't she just a digitized human voice?

Also the first singing girl from Star Driver sounds like her.

>> No.9550501

This question is a little bit 'out there' but I remember in a game, anime or manga there was a parody of iDOLM@STER called 'i dollar master' or something...it's just popped into my head and I can't remember where it's from, if anyone happens to know please tell me.

>> No.9550517


Oh wait never mind, episode 20 of hayate no gotoku 'ai-dollar-m@ster'

>> No.9551183

iM@S has no armpits.

>> No.9551326

A few of the costumes show a generous amount of armpit.

>> No.9551808

Do people really mainly listen to vocaloid songs through youtube? How can you do that? You miss too much stuff if you aren't discovering them through nicodouga.

>> No.9552217

General Miku fans probably don't even know what Nico is.

They also listen to fan dubs of Miku songs in their own language.

>> No.9555058

Not by far, but definitely lacking compared to the other two.

>> No.9555075

It's the most stupid thing I've ever heard.
Cascada beats any gay robot to the ground.
Megadeth can beat the shitty Vocaloid metal to the ground.
Oh for god's sake.

>> No.9555095

See >>9549239

>> No.9555100

>and she has a unique voice that humans can't copy,
Check out this fanboy.

>> No.9555105

>Meiko singing a classical opera song

>> No.9555141

I wasn't being a fanboy I was stating facts Vocaloids transition notes differently than humans and they can sing at ranges that most don't try to get to.

I also find this thread funny because Haruka's voice actress has already done work for a non public Vocaloid (it was used inside a Yamaha robot) and the Chinese Vocaloid have been compared to Toho characters.

>> No.9560008

While Comiket's in full swing, are there any Vocaloid releases people are looking forward to? I haven't really had time to look at the schedule of releases.
