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954520 No.954520 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Japan still censor porn?

>> No.954524

Japan has idiots too.

>> No.954536

No politician wants to be known as 'that guy who supports porn'.

>> No.954539

because of USA.

>> No.954552

I can see forever

>> No.954561

I guess that's true...

>> No.954565

I have to ask..what's the fetish in OP's pic called? Optorectalism?

>> No.954571


>> No.954574

The government said they wanted to give their people freedom of speech, but forgot to uncensor the porn.

It never made any sense to me.

>> No.954579


thats how you get pink eye

>> No.954581

because they relize that once someone becomes used to uncensored porn nothing is exciting anymore and you end up craving the mistery associated with scrambled porn

>> No.954584

The guy who supports porn would have my vote.

>> No.954587

japanese censoring thread nº390857235986238952390586235

>> No.954601
File: 56 KB, 465x379, MarisaButtsmashRemilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.954603

It's something about Japan the rest of the world may never understand.

>> No.954615

why does america still censor curse words?

>> No.954620

Because children might hear them


>> No.954628

1. kid hears saturday morning cartoon character tell his dinosaur friend to "Fuck off you cancerous cunt"
2. Kid tells his cancerous mother to fuck off
3. NBC has $150 billion class action law suit

>> No.954641

The fact remains, adults in Japan cannot legally see a vagina uncensored on their TV or even (technically) their computer

>> No.954650

Maybe that's a problem in the legal system, then...

But then again, in the U.S., making a copy of an mp3 is good for a fine of several thousand dollars while physically taking a CD with that same thing would be charged for theft of something worth about $20 and thus a minor fine. You can thank the RIAA for that.

>> No.954670

exactly what would happen if japan uncensored their porn.

>> No.954669

So virgins won't know what a pussy looks like until they see one in real life?

>> No.954686

nope, in Japan they have dudes with black bars who go around censoring real life.

>> No.954693

the studio that released the DVD would be fined, those responsible arrested and prosecuted and in all likelihood jailed (a hentai manga dude was actually jailed not long ago because he didn't censor his work enough)

In Japan censorship is very serious business.

Yet, you will see tits and naked men with pixellated cocks in childrens manga (aimed at elementary school) and it's ok because there are pixels. Also it's a drawing. But of course if there wasn't mosaic, even if it was only sold to adults, it would be illegal.

>> No.955793

Because of Vagina Dentata

>> No.955800

They can't afford the birth rate to decline even further...

>> No.955801
File: 31 KB, 400x602, richboi wait what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.955804

aimed at elementary school kids? or are you just trolling?

>> No.956221

In the states the actor and actress has the have the same screen time, and feces also need to be censored.

So Japan isn't the only country censoring porn

>> No.956228

In the states the actor and actress has to have the same screen time, and feces also need to be censored.

So Japan isn't the only country censoring porn

>> No.956233

>the actor and actress has to have the same screen time


>> No.956234

Two girls. One cup. No censors.
