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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 75 KB, 1280x720, [SubDESU]_Hagure_Yuusha_no_Estetica_-_05_(1280x720_x264_AAC)_[5B6F385D].mkv_snapshot_11.41_[2012.08.08_20.44.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9542752 No.9542752 [Reply] [Original]

so are we allowed to talk about sion-tier animus now? they're a niche japanese interest, most of them are based on light novels, and the sticky says some overlap is ok.

which one from this season would you fug?

>> No.9542779

ur mom

>> No.9542785
File: 708 KB, 1500x2000, zombie374d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you just can't post anime screencaps. So not screencaps of say, the Fate/Zero anime, but any other art related to it is fine.

It does work weird though, because there is no huge difference between light novels and their anime adaptations usually. But as long as we avoid screencaps, then /jp/ now has more content to work with.

>> No.9542787

Not allowed.

>> No.9542793


is allowed, go work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.9542806

>Anime/manga is not allowed either.
No idea if that covers H-anime or not, or even if /a/ discusses it.

>> No.9542812
File: 396 KB, 1280x720, 1340497799934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9542813

I thought you were banned.

>> No.9542815

>Now then. /jp/ is not your blog, shitposting dump, travel advisor or personal translation service. NSFW is not allowed under any circumstance. Anime/manga is not allowed either.
>Anime/manga is not allowed either.

If you want to discuss anime then go to /a/, /jp/ isn't your personal Random board.

>> No.9542828

I don't really think that talking about LN that have had notorious anime adaptations that are very successful really belongs in /jp/, though (see: Index and Horizon threads. The post quality in them is a lot lower). Furthermore, since they're still fresh in the minds of /a/ posters, they really kinda belong there rather than here even if some discussion of the LN is going on.

If it's something that was adapted a while ago (ie, Marimite) or an LN without an anime then I'd say it's appropriate to discuss here.

>> No.9542830


> other art related to it is fine.

The keyword is "discussion". You seem to miss completely the point that imageboards are just BBS with image posting features. It doesn't mean imagedumpboards.

>> No.9542834
File: 5 KB, 468x96, zunbanned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9542835

>they're a niche japanese interest, most of them are based on light novels
>light novels

>> No.9542841

Just post them if you want. It's no different than before.

>> No.9542844

Congrats on the marriage!

>> No.9542846

Then discuss the light novels, there's a thread for that.
Anime goes on /a/, the sticky is clear about that.

>> No.9542865


It's not. It was edited to permit it.

>> No.9542869
File: 428 KB, 758x800, campione67ad4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Anon was using one of the fake !bar trips and got himself permabanned for CP. The mod was mistaken.

The goal is to post "good content" and relevant, high quality images fall under that category. I'm sure you know this already though d00d.

>> No.9542881


No, the mod really was not mistaken. You are covering for yourself.

>> No.9542882

>The mod was mistaken.
That's what you say.
I'll wait until you go on IRC and ask about your ban.

>> No.9542890

bullies pls go

>> No.9542894

> The goal is to post "good content" and relevant, high quality images fall under that category.

A bit like your high quality image?

That's all you can do, dumping images with one liner youtube quality comments.

>> No.9542900

How can they be so mean to you?

>> No.9542906
File: 69 KB, 508x466, 1311872223280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le perma face

>> No.9542910

Are there any cute fanservicey anime like To Love Ru?

Sorry for the broad question. I haven't watched many anime that aired after 1999 or so.

>> No.9542911
File: 11 KB, 513x187, BARTUBE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Light novel girl of the year!"
"Best girl!"
"Let's discuss how this sword girl is the best 2D girl!"
"I like her ass and tits"
"I'm adding this picture to my pixiv bookmarks!"
"Her tits are so huge!"
"This 2D girl is so sexy!"

>> No.9542915

It's tough being ZUN!bar.

>> No.9542926
File: 536 KB, 1721x1200, horizon028871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I really have any reason to lie about this kind of goofy thing.

Mod just made a simple mistake, but I think Anon is just that bored or something. Like the Youtube comment guy ITT.

>> No.9542947

>Because I really have any reason to lie about this kind of goofy thing.

But you have no reason to believe this. It went like this:
"I can post. The mod must be mistaken."
"Hey ZUN!bar, wasn't someone else not even called ZUN!bar banned?"
"You're right! It could have been him. It was a while ago, but it must have been him. Me? Banned? No, it was SUM!rabYV1VtIA from Singapore eight months ago! Everyone, quit talking crazy!"

>> No.9542954

> Because I really have any reason to lie about this kind of goofy thing.

Exactly, everybody here knows that you consider /jp/ as a Random board.
I'm amazed at how stubborn and self-entitled people can be. It's hard to believe that you are almost 30. Maybe that was a lie too?

>> No.9542953

>not even called ZUN!bar
Please check the archive.

>> No.9542961


Two of these comments are Gelbooru comments and two are real ZUN !bar replies. Can you figure out which are which?

“I want to have sex with her and smell her ass...”

“She has the nicest loli butt.”

“My favorite girl in my favorite position, YUM!!!!!”

“Wonderful boobs on this one.”

>> No.9542970
File: 115 KB, 420x288, yamaxanadu_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9542975

Isn't he already 30?

>> No.9542985

Multiple exclamation points and ellipses aren't ZUN!bar's style.

>> No.9543016


I feel like other than that it's up in the air, though.

>> No.9543021
File: 122 KB, 800x1183, horizon10666291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Anon posted a public list of tripcodes that all display !barSomething. This is what the person used when he got permabanned.

It should be the first two, because I love dat ass more than anything else.

>> No.9543028

@ALTERNATIVE: zunbar is not allowed to post any more, no
@ALTERNATIVE: report any posts you see if he's evading

>> No.9543045

>[ALTERNATIVE] &#canv.as

>> No.9543051

If you look at some of !bar's older posts you realize just how much of a histrionic shit he is. You know all the hate he gets? That's a "trial by fire" that the universe threw at him, and he passes it because he's just that much of a maverick. There's no way he's actually just a piece of shit who everyone hates.

>> No.9543054

Is that Jones' new nick?

>> No.9543107

A board without !bar. Ripe with possibilities.

>> No.9543123

Reading bar's posts on the archive is hilarious.
I've yet to see him making an on-topic contribution, board and thread-wise, pushing the discussion forward.

You can feel how he has nothing relevant to say, which is why he keeps posting one liners and dumping images.

>> No.9543138


He literally only posts for attention.
