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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9541129 No.9541129 [Reply] [Original]

Which Goosebumps book was your favorite?

>> No.9541133


>> No.9541132

Western choose your own adventure goes in >>>/vg/

>> No.9541142
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it'd made me sad bcause they didnt let me choose the scare, but that ok

>> No.9541143


>> No.9541144

How retarded do you have to be to think this is board related?

>> No.9541145

I only read one, and it was about this summer camp where kids were lured in then trapped in the basement, where they were forced to wash jabba the hutt forever. It was pretty silly.

>> No.9541152

This is not /jp/ related. Take it /lit/

>> No.9541154

finally another Goosebumps otaku, hopefully this will be a regular thread now

>> No.9541160

hi OP

>> No.9541173

That's not me.

>> No.9541178

Why did you post it? Goosebumps doesn't belong in this board.

>> No.9541184

I wanted to know which Goosebumps book was /jp/'s favorite.


>> No.9541185

Why not? It's technically a visual novel.

>> No.9541186
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>> No.9541189

Just delete this thread if you're truly sorry.

>> No.9541208

I reported this


>> No.9541213

Reported for breaking global rule 7 and misusing the name field.

>> No.9541211
File: 38 KB, 682x719, saten_contemplating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a lot of them, but I can't remember anything about them. They definitely weren't very scary.

>> No.9541214

Oh no, an off-topic thread that clearly has no reason for being posted here.

I'm so mad.


>> No.9541215

/lit/ is for literature.

>> No.9541225

I misused the name field?

Not good man....
Yeah, I shouldn't have put the /lit/ link

>> No.9541227

I considered it, and almost mentioned it in my post.

Do you really want me to? This isn't a troll or a bluff or anything. If you want me to, I will.

But first, I'd like to know why. Are you really that upset that this isn't a thread you're used to? Are you just going to move onto the next thread and gripe about that one? Does this one thread out of 165 that you have already largely ruined really bother you so much? I know people joke about bullying and being hurt and whatnot, but your posts have actually made me feel pretty small and sad. A rare occurrence since I tend to have a thick skin when it comes to these things.

Again, I'll honor what I said and delete this thread if you want, I'd just appreciate a quick explanation.

>> No.9541245

/jp/ had a rough year of shitposts flooding the board. We were promised moderation and we're finally getting back on the right track with higher-ups taking care of the board now. People are on the edge right now and don't react well to offtopic threads.

>> No.9541251

Sorry to push this, but can you answer my questions? I get that the nature of this thread is tangential at best, but I want to know why you feel like this.

>> No.9541252

Maybe the should try posting in some on-topic threads instead.

>> No.9541268

Calling all Freaks.

>> No.9541264

I'm sorry Anon I didn't mean to hurt you. You don't have to delete the thread if you don't want to. But couldn't you have made it at least somewhat on topic?

>> No.9541271

That's not the guy you were replying to.

>> No.9541276

I loved the choose your own adventure books. Zapped in space was the only one I managed to get a good end in on my very first readthrough, although Trapped in Bat Wing hall was easily the best.
When I went to universal studios with my family they were doing a whole goosebumps show and my sister got called out of the audience to participate. I was so jealous

>> No.9541282

1st test of a new janitor: Would you delete this thread if you had the power?

>> No.9541283

Whatever, deleting my thread.

If anyone has anything to say, I'll check Warosu's /ghost/ I guess.

I'm done.

>> No.9541283,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ is serious business, we don't discuss crap like this! Some other, more worthwhile, thread could be on the front page instead. Like the mother incest thread, or maybe an imagedump of Reimu's armpits. Now I'll have to go all the way to page 2 for those threads.

I am joking of course. Off-topic threads in moderation are not the end of the world. But don't tell /jp/ I said that! They'll call me a ``shitposter.''
