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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 573 KB, 350x750, cheer leader sanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9535581 No.9535581 [Reply] [Original]

Is /jp/ religious?

I hope not; I expect more from /jp/ then to prescribe to the normals ideologue.

>> No.9535584

Iconoclastic, profane, unconventional. /jp/ is all of these things.

>> No.9535585

I'm a Christian Qabbalist.

>> No.9535588

/jp/ is full of intelligent people so that means /jp/ is full of atheists

>> No.9535594

I'm agnostic, borderline agnostic theist.

I think there's a high probability of the existence of deities or supernatural entities.

>> No.9535596

Who the heck are you to barge into a board you know nothing about and be a blasphemer?! Lurk the board before comitting such a damnig act a second time!

>> No.9535599

no one on /jp/ is fortunate enough in life to believe in religion

>> No.9535600


B-but anon, believing that it's impossible for deities to exist, is just as much as a faith based belief as believing in a religion.

A truly intelligent person would claim that it is impossible for humans to know either way.

>> No.9535603

Watashi wa Christian Otaku des

>> No.9535605

Don't you belong on reddit with your edgy teen friends?

>> No.9535614

I'm a morman !

>> No.9535619


No. proof of absence =/= absence of proof

>> No.9535623
File: 13 KB, 150x200, Avatar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Deist.

>> No.9535631

But that's an argument against orthodox atheism, isn't it?

>> No.9535633


Let's settle this once and for all

Atheism vs Theism is BELIEF

Gnostism vs Agnosticism is KNOWLEDGE

Agnostic Atheism is the belief that no gods exist but doesn't know for certain. He still leaves the possibility open but believes there is none.

Gnostic Atheist is the belief that no gods exist and they KNOW there isn't one. This is basically /r/atheism.

Agnostic Theist is the belief that a god exist but they don't know for certain.

Gnostic Theist is the belief that gods exist and they KNOW for certain he exists. There is no proof of a god so these people are dummies.

>> No.9535635

>I hope not
Please don't assert your expectations before we have an opportunity to even formulate our opinion. You are pressuring us into responding a certain way. This is basically just a guilt-trip for people who are not very self-confident and seek refuge in God.
I for one don't want to voice my personal outlook in matters supernatural now. I feel like if I cannot be unostrasiced with a religious belief, then I cannot be honest and true to myself when denying the same - even if that is true.

>> No.9535643


That's exactly my point, you're believing in something isn't proven.

You're believing it is impossible for deities to exist, which is a faith based belief. Just like religion.

Why would you claim you believe it's impossible for deities to exist, when you could be claiming it's impossible for humans to know whether or not deities exist?

>> No.9535645

Agnostic atheist reporting in. But I don't really care that much about what other people think. Some of my friends are religious, some aren't.

>> No.9535666


>Agnostic Theist is the belief that a god exist but they don't know for certain.

No it's not.

An agnostic thiest, is someone who believes deities DO exist, but no one has identified those deities or really knows anything about them. IE. All those people who say they believe in a "higher power" but not any religion, are agnostic theists.

>> No.9535664

I cannot prove nor disprove the existence of the supernatural.
Thus, I don't deal with the issue.

>> No.9535668


You can't prove something that is not demonstrable or observable.

The only certain fact that you can say 100% true is that you are existing right now. Regardless of what kind of reality or delusion you are experiencing, you are existing.

>> No.9535671
File: 90 KB, 512x328, WAKIMIKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or in todays terms NEETism

>> No.9535672
File: 435 KB, 600x848, sanae cheerleader5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I question your filename, OP.

>> No.9535681



Theism is about god, not pagan wiccan stuff

>> No.9535685


Was that relevant to my post in anyway?

>> No.9535699


>> No.9535703


Deity is a synonym for "god" basically.

Also, from that link; >belief in the existence of a god or GODS

>> No.9535705
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>> No.9535710

I'm a muslim.

>> No.9535716


I said "a god". Not THE god or "God". It's saying that at least ONE god exists.

>> No.9535725

You can't be agnostic theist for the capricious Abrahamic God will butt-fuck you at the slightest doubt of faith. Isn't there a quote where he wants to you to believe in him like children.

Agnostic Deism is do-able.

>> No.9535735

Yeah because only Abrahamic religions exist right?

>> No.9535741

Nope, there are better things to do. I mean sure I believe in God, but it's nothing that I would really focus my thoughts and beliefs on.

>> No.9535737

It's funny because people often can't recognize intelligence and think that the person is just trying too much. Sure, high school kids love showing off but it gets hilarious when people don't even bother to understand what's actually being said. They just read the general mood and start gurgling something about edginess or nerds.

>> No.9535740


He's saying that if you do believe in the Abrahamic God, then you can't be an Agnostic Theist FOR THAT GOD.

I read things too fast too, so ill politely tell you to reread his post.

>> No.9535755


The pom-poms look really off.

>> No.9535759

HELL yeah! Islamic master race

>> No.9535762

I'm the same as these guy.

>> No.9535772

I don't believe in God but I want all atheists to die. I'm willing to sacrifice myself.

>> No.9535777
File: 289 KB, 850x1000, sanae cheerleader4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, she's got backups.

>> No.9535788
File: 29 KB, 419x248, 1341549602187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agnostic theist. To me it's more fun to think about and ponder rather than just simply dismissing.

That's really all the basis I have for it.

>> No.9535801

I believe that we exist in a simulated reality of some kind, where a small subset of humanity owns a more advanced intelligence than the rest. I call this more-advanced-intelligence subset "Players", and the members of humanity who do not belong to that set are known to me as "NPCs".

I have a few theories on this subject:
The first, the "Narcissism" theory, states that "players" are no different from "NPCs" save for their own grandiose self-perception. I prefer this theory, even if I don't believe it.
The second, the "Conservation" theory, states that either processing power or energy is conserved through reducing the complexity of the AI present in most members of humanity, or actual energy is conserved, also reducing the complexity of the AI.
The second, the "Second reality" theory, states that this simulated reality serves some supplementary purpose to a real reality. In this theory, "Players" are actual humans and "NPCs" are relatively simple AI.

I hold this belief because it effectively explains numerous mathematical phenomena. An advantage to this is that my own take on the "simulated reality" skeptical hypothesis is compatible with most other skeptical hypotheses. Because I do not explicitly define what a simulated reality is, any scenario where our universe itself does not exist in a tangible manner is also compatible with my beliefs.

I am not religious, however. I find the proposition that there exists some in-universe deity who simultaneously was able to create the universe around it, absurd.

>> No.9535813

I gotta say /jp/, I'm glad we have atleast gotten to the point where we're just arguing the semantics of non-belief instead of trying to prove how people can be eaten by whales or snakes can talk, or any of the innumerable inanities that the old-time religions still, in this day and age, take seriously and that just a few years ago were main issues on almost every internet forum.

It gives me hope not only for /jp/, but for the entire human race.

A still more glorious dawn awaits

>> No.9535818
File: 23 KB, 190x153, chenpls3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9535820

only formally, just to appease my mom
don't really go to church or anything

>> No.9535843

chen pls

>> No.9535854

doesn't /jp/ worship marisa?

>> No.9535859

>I'm glad we have atleast gotten to the point where
This board fluctuates. If you really want quality you'll have to seek out secluded circlejerk clubs.

>> No.9535860
File: 245 KB, 500x666, blushing marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, but we know she doesn't actually exist

>> No.9535903
File: 99 KB, 1280x528, Peter Kills His Best Friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can all agree at least on the fact that there are no fairies.

>> No.9535905

This thread makes my head hurt ):

>> No.9535907
File: 315 KB, 842x779, you-crossed-the-line_o_366824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you dude.

>> No.9535915
File: 16 KB, 122x136, crying sanaer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i wake up to this reality every day

>> No.9535936
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Depends on who you ask!

>> No.9535946
File: 36 KB, 549x805, epic touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey as much as I would love to make Marisa my beloved companion in life, she isn't real.

And if she was, then who, out of all the people on /jp/ can we decide who would be with her?

There's just not enough Touhou's to go around. We have a scarcity problem.

Unless we make new Touhous, pic is Mona Prismriver my Wife.

>> No.9535961

Haha, the computer's getting a bit daring with the false information it feeds me these days.

>> No.9536028

I don't believe that a deity or deities exist, but I don't make my disbelief known or leave out the possibility that they COULD exist. As >>9535600 said, it's impossible to know.

It's better to avoid talking about religion with people as the conversation will simply devolve into shitflinging 95% of the time. Besides, most hardcore theists' faith will not sway no matter how much you try to convince them; there's really no point in discussing it with them because they need to reach the conclusion to change their beliefs on their own. I try to tolerate everyone's beliefs no matter how stupid I think they are for them, and this includes atheists.

That said, I did pretend to be religious to maintain a relationship a while back. Fun fact, sexually deprived christian girls are into some weird kinky shit in bed.

>> No.9536029

Wouldn't the people who created your "simulated reality" be Gods?

>> No.9536050


>> No.9536055

But they created an entire universe.

>> No.9536060


>> No.9536066

Yep. A simulated one.

>> No.9536124
File: 109 KB, 709x980, IMG_0981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Saint IGNUcius of the Church of Emacs, I bless your computer my child.
If you love freedom, you will be loved.

>> No.9536120

A simulated universe doesn't exist, ergo it wasn't created. If it wasn't created, it has no creator.

Even if it did exist, and even if it did have a creator, "god" is not explicitly defined, therefore any creator does not necessarily qualify for that term.

>> No.9536133

Thank you for posting in this thread which is clearly otaku culture related, keep it up.

>> No.9536141

Touhou is in the OP post, all is right with the world.

>> No.9536143
File: 414 KB, 317x180, 1333652696231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in a Jewish Hospital. Blond, blue eye's. Jewish family. But I never believed in God, nor any of my family members except maybe my mother.

So I'm an atheist Jew.

>> No.9536155

Nice job.

>> No.9536147
File: 93 KB, 400x399, fr0d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the difference between a simulated universe and the "real" universe? If a group of people could make a simulated universe why is the idea of a God who created the real universe so unbelievable?

>> No.9536170

How was you being a Jew relevant?

>> No.9536173


>> No.9536185

I want to move to a secular country with a decent/good economy that doesn't listen to "social justice" morons (especially feminists) and soccer moms

>> No.9536194
File: 43 KB, 400x399, fr0d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes the people in the real world "exist" more than the people in the simulated world?

>> No.9536200

I'm sorry but the only place available is Gensokyo and you can't get there since this world is stuck in a time loop. I'd like to fix it but I honestly have no clue how.

>> No.9536204


>> No.9536208

The fact that they exist outside of a simulation

>> No.9536226

Nice otaku culture related posts, keep it up.

>> No.9536223

How can you know you exist outside a simulation? Is there an actual way to tell the difference between a simulation and the real thing?

>> No.9536228

Just because there's no way to tell the difference doesn't mean there isn't one.

>> No.9536233
File: 43 KB, 399x400, fr0d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know you don't live in a simulation right now?

>> No.9536243

There isn't any way to tell as far as I'm aware.

>> No.9536252

How does that help you in any way. Fact is, you can't tell the difference. For all you know, you might indeed exist in a simulated reality.

>> No.9536258

Great job.

>> No.9536259

The state of people in a simulation is described by matter too, though.

>> No.9536260
File: 43 KB, 399x400, fr0d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how can you consider the simulated people to "exist" less than you, if you yourself don't even if you live in a simulation as well?

>> No.9536264

Thank you for congratulating me on my posts which are clearly otaku-related. It keeps me going.

>> No.9536276

Nice job.
No problem, keep it up.

>> No.9536270

I know my posts are smart, man. You don't need to thank me for my jewels of wisdom.

>> No.9536283

I know. No need to thank me.

>> No.9536294

Catholic Christian. Admittedly not the most feverent kind, but I can be considered in some circles socially conservative. I am interested in comparative theologies and studying other faiths. A lot of atheists just have their dicks too far up their asses to be open towards any discussion, which leads to a lot of NOFUN. Also /jp/related.

>> No.9536324

/jp/ - Japan & Philosophy

>> No.9536337

Awesome otaku culture related responses, keep it up.

>> No.9536348

You respond to 3 sages with a noko post telling us to stop bumping off-topic threads? Do you have a mental defect?

>> No.9536352

thanks mate I will

>> No.9536358


But seriously, agnostic atheist. I'm of the opinion that everyone is an agnostic, no matter how fundamentalist you are, you will always have doubts.

>> No.9536359

I love otaku culture posts. Just like the one you just made, keep it up.
No problem, keep it up.

>> No.9536365


Otaku culture basically means... Culture of Otakus. Belief systems are heavily intertwined with culture; thus, religious discussions can be Otaku Culture related if it is asking Otakus.

Basically you are warp-drive autism

>> No.9536366
File: 167 KB, 765x1024, Nagatoism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9536379

I remember my first time watching Lain.

>> No.9536385

Why were the creators of this simulated reality racists?

>> No.9536397 [DELETED] 

Why do you assume a creator entity would reveal itself? Wouldn't that break the purpose of the simulation? If a creator entity reveals before yourself, you'd know that you are living inside a simulation.

>> No.9536406

If God came down to earth I'm pretty sure people wouldn't go "Hah, this is proof the world isn't real!".

>> No.9536413

That's why it keeps revealing this misleading information to me all the time so that I won't believe it even when it does show up.

>> No.9536420

fucking lollering factor

>> No.9536430

I'm an apatheist.

I don't know why I even respond to this thread.
