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9531136 No.9531136 [Reply] [Original]

just a reminder, utsuho of the void ch 5 is out!

>> No.9532500
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>> No.9532903


Thank you!

>> No.9533156


So Orin is a vengeful spirit, Kanako and Satori are dead, and all of the underground is still obliterated? Despite how dark everything was, I was hoping for a better ending. I know Youmu's okay, but still...

>> No.9533178

You're not quite right about Orin.

>I was hoping for a better ending.
All thing considered, things turned out as well as you could have expected them to.

>> No.9533245 [DELETED] 


It could have still ended with "well they actually didn't die". Orin said that she was waiting in Chireiden, and Chireiden got destroyed in the explosion, yet she was perfectly unharmed. Koishi was right next to Okuu when she blew up the underground, and I know Koishi is stupidly powerful, but she was COMPLETELY unscathed. With Kanako being a God and Satori being pretty damn strong in her own right, them surviving wouldn't be at all unreasonable.

And what DID happen to Orin, anyway? Didn't an explosion erupt from Okuu's chest while she was clutching onto Orin? I couldn't figure out what Orin was up to.

>> No.9533258

Spoiler tags?

>> No.9533273


It could have still ended with "well they actually didn't die". Orin said that she was waiting in Chireiden, and Chireiden got destroyed in the explosion, yet she was perfectly unharmed. Koishi was right next to Okuu when she blew up the underground, and I know Koishi is stupidly powerful, but she was COMPLETELY unscathed. With Kanako being a God and Satori being pretty damn strong in her own right, them surviving wouldn't be at all unreasonable.

And what DID happen to Orin, anyway? Didn't an explosion erupt from Okuu's chest while she was clutching onto Orin? I couldn't figure out what Orin was up to.

>> No.9533305

Kanako and Satori ate it because they were at ground zero, immediately next to the reactors. Orin was waiting in a distant house that was leveled by the shock wave and Koishi might have had time to defend, but those two were pretty much sitting on a nuclear bomb when they got hit by a second nuclear bomb. Though I didn't realize they were truly dead until the end, either.

Orin went mad. Vengeful spirits helped. She wasn't really scheming anything.

>> No.9533366


That makes sense. Damn, though, while I knew that this was a darker and more dramatic take on the events, I didn't think they'd end so sadly.

It actually really annoys me. The story wouldn't be any worse if they had survived. There's no deep meaning or message conveyed by their deaths, it was just an arbitrary decision by author that could have just as easily gone the other way. I hate it when things end on a sad note without good justification. If you can have things end brighter without ruining anything, why not make things end brighter?

>> No.9533395

The story would be cheapened if it turned out that it was all a misunderstanding and everyone lived happily ever after. There are stories with good ends, bad ends, and bittersweet ends, that's just how it is.

And it was story-critical, anyway, particularly for Sanae and Koshi.

>> No.9533401

Because Some people like to see touhous or characters die just for the sake of realism I guess.
I long time ago I read a book called Tyrants and Kings where side characters died all the time for no goddamn reason and when everything already seemed like a happy ending.It really made me sad and I had to cry at some points

>> No.9533508


This isn't The Crucible, where the fact that the characters die at the end is crucial to the message the story is trying to convey. If the other characters believed Satori and Kanako to be dead and fought as hard as they would have if Satori and Kanako WERE dead, what's the loss of having them survive? I don't see how the story would be "cheapened"; it would just make it so I wouldn't feel that sadness at the end of the story. Sadness isn't fun.

>> No.9533555

Because that would have made the life-and-death struggles completely unnecessary, since everything was just the result of a stupid misunderstanding. "This all could have been avoided if somebody had just had the good sense to check! What silly people we were being."

The loss is that it becomes difficult to take the story seriously.

>> No.9533677


They could have survived without things becoming as silly as you're describing them. Sanae was fighting to get to Kanako, and Okuu was her biggest and only lead. It's not as if Okuu was in a state that allowed Sanae to just politely ask her about it. Sanae knew that something bad had happened to Kanako and was doing her damnedest to get to her. Sanae managing to get to Kanako in time to save her would have made it a happy ending, without making anything Sanae had done meaningless or insignificant.

When Okuu returned to Orin by herself, Orin jumped to the conclusion that both Koishi and Satori were dead. Was the story worse when it turned out that Koishi was completely unscathed? If Koishi had found Satori alive but didn't search for or find Kanako, would any of the events until the last two pages of the comic have changed? I thought that Satori WAS alive until those last two pages; I can't see how things are in any way better for her being dead.

As for Okuu's own actions, she had good reason to think that Satori and Koishi were dead, she just destroyed the entirety of the underground, and her best friend just abandoned her. Being so emotionally distraught and desperate, it would have been weird for her to suddenly think, "Oh hey, maybe they're alive, maybe I can just go search for them before this whole thing gets blown out of proportion more than it already has."

I just really can't see how it was necessary for either Kanako or Satori to die.

>> No.9533769

It wouldn't have been as silly as I made it out to be, you're right. The story could have been written with the ending you wanted. I still think it would have lost impact; as it stands, the last two or three pages were some of the most poignant pages of doujin I've read. Since I'm not a person who thinks happy endings are inherently better than sad ones I can't agree with you.

It did explain a lot of things. Why did Koishi open her eye? It's pretty obvious that she could have demolished Sanae with her eye closed. She used the rings out of kindness. Why did Sanae go into full-on murder mode? The ending answers all of these questions at once.

>> No.9533870


Eh, to me it just felt... Clichéd? I don't think that's the right word. It felt sad for the sake of being sad.

>Why did Koishi open her eye? It's pretty obvious that she could have demolished Sanae with her eye closed.

I honestly have no idea.

>She used the rings out of kindness.

...I don't get it.

Anyway, I'm horribly biased. Any story that is happy for the sake of being happy is doing itself good things, to me. I still have the right to cross my arms and pout when I don't like something, though, not that you ever disputed that.

>> No.9534004

>I honestly have no idea.
It's because she's taking her sister's place.

>...I don't get it.
I mean she didn't need to use Recollection to save Utsuho.

I think the author wrote the story to be about a tragedy and how people start to move on. I guess on some level that's a story that's sad just for the sake of being sad. Well, different people have different tastes, that's just how it is.

>> No.9534113

Just read through this from chapter 1 after I saw this thread.

Is there more planned? SA always has some pretty good doujins.

>> No.9534122

I believe he's done, he released these books one after the other but his next work is something different.
