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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9530581 No.9530581 [Reply] [Original]

What cute disabilities does /jp/ have?

I have debilitating migraines so I get to NEET it up all day.

I'm seeing a Biofeedback specialist this week.

>> No.9530592

are you planning on getting autismbux with the migraines? can you?

>> No.9530611
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I'm pretty sure you can.
I can't get a job or a driver's license right now so it could happen in the future.

Right now my family's support is enough to get by.

>> No.9530606

If its on the list of disabilities, yeah, you can get neet bux for it

>> No.9530624

I'm colorblind.

>> No.9530626

I have type 1 diabetes.

>> No.9530645

I have AIDs

>> No.9530648


Are you an alcoholic? The few times I've had any kind of headache is the sharp pain kind and the only way to take it down is sleeping, since the pain doesn't allow me I have to drink untill I pass out.

>> No.9530649

I don't know what it's called, but I drop things clumsily all the time on accident. I just lose feeling in my hands at seemingly random times.

>> No.9530650

My left foot was missing some muscles or something at birth, I have a permanent limp

>> No.9530659

I kind of stupid which may or may not be cute depending on the situation.

>> No.9530667

Inability to do non fun activity like work or cramming study materials for exams.

>> No.9530672

Autism, asthma, and low blood sugar.

The last one sucks, becuase I really couldn't afford food in the first place, and starving was already unpleasant enough without all the extra loveliness added to it.

>> No.9530678
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I have abortive medications that make me dizzy and pass out.

I get them every other day so I spend a lot of time laying down in my dark room.

>> No.9530694
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back problems
knee problems
brain problems

>> No.9530727

Schizophrenia. My dad has it too; he killed my brother already. I hope I don't hear those voices.

>> No.9530724

A bit of social anxiety when I have to be with people for a long time or I have to socialize. Even if I hang out with people that I'm comfortable with, I'll either completely shut down or get really awkward. I'm also prone to stress, too competitive, insecure at times, want to be a good guy when deep down I'm usually an asshole, have recently gotten bored of women(not gay), a bit conceited and narcisistic

>> No.9530770

i have a terminal case of autism

>> No.9530962
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i am ULTRA CLUMSY wwww

>> No.9530969

are you

>> No.9530973

e-autism. kawaii as ****

>> No.9530976

no wwww

>> No.9530980

You think this faggot could type that well?

>> No.9530983

Plain and boring, I have literally no chronic or permanent medical condition


>> No.9530990


>> No.9530994

>not now, i have a headache!

That's not cute.

>> No.9530997

please respond

>> No.9531002

Damn, I have a headache from drinking too much grey goose earlier.... Never really get headaches, but when I do, they suck dick, like right now.

>> No.9531020

I probably have asperger's or some form of autism, but I'm not going to bother getting a diagnosis.

>> No.9531033

Asthma, crippling social phobia, mild stupidity, tendencies to allow myself to fall prey to unwarranted rage, imperfect vision in my right eye, random neck pains, constricted nasal passages, greasy as fuck skin, pathetic-tier laziness and an overall creepy factor

>> No.9533090

Mfw I am the only one on /jp/ who doesn't receive disability.

My god.

>> No.9533102

Learning disability, social anxiety, clinical depression, hypomania, PTSD.

Have yet to actually apply for autism bucks though.

>> No.9533110

Practically blind in one eye due to birth defect.

Nevus on my face and chest.

>> No.9533114

dumb as HELL

not a disability, sadly

>> No.9533154

I drop shit right after I buy it, breaking it permanently. If I focus REALLY HARD on holding it I can actually do it. Am I becoming braindead or some shit?

>> No.9533157


You know what that means

you don't belong here.

>> No.9533200

I'm bad at playing Touhou
been playing since December 2011 and I still haven't beaten one
well I finished one on easy with 1 continue but I don't think it counts
maybe it's a disability idk

>> No.9533270

I know that feel. Touhou is some rough shit. I'm really bad at vidya. Part of why I play is the pursuit of perfection, but lately I've taken up other interests so I'm kind of worried that gaming will become a past time and I'll be socially deserted from people who I can relate to.


>> No.9533312

Lurk more.

>> No.9533382

My anxiety is so terrible that any time I try to focus on one thing for more than five minutes, my heart rate goes up to the point where it's hard to breathe. So I just jump back and forth from thing to thing and take it easy.

>> No.9533411


>> No.9533422

I have weak stream. Some kind of prostate condition. I took Flowmax for a while until I decided fuck it, it's too humiliating.

>> No.9533431

Just carry a purse or a messenger bag or some shit like that then and put things in there.

I understand that it looks strange, but it's a viable solution to something that you probably can't chane.

>> No.9533434

I sort of have that. Sometimes i feel that i really really need to pee, but can't and its painful, other times i don't feel the need at all, and then suddenly my bladder gets full and i have to go instantly or i might have an accident

>> No.9533438

i have ptsd

>> No.9533461

Apparently I have "ADD", "Anxiety", and "Depression".
Probably not enough to get autism bucks, but I really want them. Today I have to mow my parents' lawn. This is unacceptable. I want to get away from this. I need to get away from this.

>> No.9533463

I'm an idiot, does that count as a disability?
Furthermore, is it cute?

>> No.9533475

No and yes.

>> No.9533478

only if you're slightly dumb little girl

>> No.9533492

My only wish is to be kawaii

>> No.9533504


Trying to get on SSI, or whatever. Would actually prefer to make a hell of a lot more money by working but I'm perfectly fine being a NEET, too. It is probably my true calling. It helps that I actually am seriously fucked up.

>> No.9533509

My left eye is pretty much useless.

I am also a schizoid, not really a disability it just makes me feel empty all the time.

>> No.9533510

How do you get autism bucks? I don't want to get a job and I'm probably dropping out of University this year. My dream is to sit in my room all day and not have to talk to anyone.

>> No.9533513

Which country do you live in?

>> No.9533519

We are all little girls here

>> No.9533522


>> No.9533528
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I have a huge inferiority complex.

I also want to be a girl, but that's probably that's a given.

>> No.9533533

Being a girl isn't so great. Trust me, I'm a girl ;-)

>> No.9533534

I has Graves disease, ADD and I also suffer from high blood.

>> No.9533540

why would you want to do that? being a NEET is only cute when you're in your 20's
When you hit your 30's you become 'that guy' and no longer cute
basically a less autistic CWC i suppose

>> No.9533541

You're beautiful all the time know matter what you are anon and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.9533538


I can be a cute trap instead? ;-;

>> No.9533549

As long as you've got cute panties~
(Charlotte Russe has nice ones very cheap ahuaeha)

>> No.9533570

In no specific order;

Intermittent Explosive disorder
Acute stress disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Sexual masochism
Paraphillia NOS
Seasonal affective disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder
Bipolar II disorder
Chronic fatigue disorder
Transvestic fetishism.
Gender identity disorder NOS
Impulse control disorder NOS
Oppositional defiant disorder
Major depressive disorder
Personality disorder NOS
Histrionic personality disorder
Eating disorder NOS
Conduct disorder

I've been on over 40 different psychiatric drugs.

>> No.9533580

quality satire :)
psychiatry is a myth
brain diseases am i right
how can people even call it a science

very funny post :D

>> No.9533585


i dont know what your talking about.

>> No.9533600

Asperbergers (part of the autistic spectrum, but you probably already knew that)
Debilitating dysgraphia to the point of no return
left leg is about 1 1/2 CM longer than right, same with hands
very forgetful

>> No.9533607

I'm just fat

>> No.9533606

Some Foucault bullshit.

>> No.9533608

Can I get on welfare for pedophilia?

>> No.9533611

I have schizophrenia. I hear voices and such. Disorganised speech and behaviour. Delusions from time to time. I often think the government are coming to get me because "I discovered the secrets of the universe."

I require frequent hospitalizations and they usually put me in restraints. Not the best but I'm having a wonderful day today and am enjoying my "good days" as much a possible.

>> No.9533612

Yeah but the catch is you have to live in Greece.

>> No.9533617


Sure, but there are people who don't have much of a choice. I mean, I probably DO need to be on SSI myself.

Plus, living your life is really about what you want out of it, not what somebody else wants. If you're a layabout or a leech but are happy that way, then fuck it.

>> No.9533627


Probably not.

Just try telling them about how you're socially inept and a complete failure. Pretty much act like this;

god no one UNDERSTANDS me. im not some normalfag loser like every1 from hischool! one day im gona be a famous programer and make a progrm that anlzies a boy and then tels him how to be more like a girl1 so that SOciety cant tell us how to dres and act n feel n we all be liberated cus my program! im reading SICP and gona lern C because thats wht real programs start wit lol not loser c- plus plus for losers. il make my own game too it be shmups bcus thats the best kind n itl be realy deep like story about figthgn against the weflare agency for denying ur claim for autism bucks cuz udepresion and being scared of pelple IS NOT A REAL MENTAL DISORDER? FUCK U!!!!

im making tea the TRUNEET way by lose leafs i order on tea sites and i only use my japanese teapot and tea cups to drnk from bcezue western tea is for losers


>> No.9533633


>> No.9533636



How ignorant can you be? Doctors have actually diagnosed me with those diseases. You have no clue what my life has been like after finding out I have all these diseases, and all the medications I have to take for them.

When I don't take my medication I get REALLY crazy.

>> No.9533648

Maybe if you actually tell someone you are a pedo, they will institutionalize you and you can get it for just being crazy.

>> No.9533684

If you have that many disorders I doubt you're even human.

>> No.9533709


I have clinical lycanthropy too.

>> No.9533723

Back to /b/, shitposter. Only lolicons allowed here.

>> No.9533717

Unfortunately I'm stupid but not quite stupid enough to get money from the government for it.

>> No.9533737


>> No.9533762

what a dork

>> No.9533776

Oh man, that's really catching on isn't it?

>> No.9533787

Funny joke.

>> No.9533798

The meaning has clearly changed when it was taken from the Japs. Also, fuck Google, there is a difference. Lolicons are 2D exclusive.

No, really, we don't want you here. Take your mini 3DPD and go.

>> No.9533800


>> No.9533804

Are you being ironic?

>> No.9533811

>I was clearly referring to the word's anime usage, you baka gaijin!

>> No.9533813

It's hard to be what a fag you.

>> No.9533818

You really don't belong here.

Absolutely not. Actually pedophiles really don't belong here either.

>> No.9533831

3DPD is /a/ shit. Stop trying so hard to fit in.

>> No.9533843

I believe you are the one saying you know what belongs where. He's posting content wherever he feels like it. The one trying hardest to fit in with board culture is you.

>> No.9533847

>Also, fuck Google, there is a difference. Lolicons are 2D exclusive.
So it's not the Japanese definition, and it's not the commonly accepted English definition, so what exactly are we working with? Your own personal definition?

>> No.9533854


No seriously, take the "3DPD" shit to /a/, most people here really don't actually believe that.

I'd accept pedophiles who admit they're pedophiles into 4chan before people like you anyway. By the way, if you masturbate to 2D children, you're still a pedophile.

Were is that guy who always posts yaoi followed by a comment like, "I'M NOT GAY/BI, I JUST LIKE JACKING OFF TO GUYS FUCKING EACHOTHER".

>> No.9533857

>Actually pedophiles really don't belong here either

Neither do you. >>>/a/

>> No.9533859
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I have sun allergy, so basically I can't go out in the day.

>> No.9533872

He's claiming pedophilia isn't accepted on /jp/ because of his shitty /a/ memes, fartcommander.

Try to keep up.

>> No.9533877
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Asperger's, but I've pretty much gotten over it. Now people just call me eccentric.

>> No.9533885

"im attracted to childlike features in drawins lol id fuk that little loli girl in her tight puffy vulva! real kids? ew lol thats gross im no pedophile."

-Anonymous 8/1/2012

>> No.9533898

The term is from /a/; the concept is timeless.

>> No.9533949

I fucking hate pedophiles. They've done nothing but give us otaku a bad name and force the producers to make increasingly retarded garbage to suit their needs. Feel fear, you fucking freaks. One day your crimes will catch up to you; the pain you will endure will make the devil himself wince. I will cut your dick off one slice at a time and feed it to you on a fucking cracker while I leave you starving strapped to a table in the hell I've made here on earth for you.

>> No.9533971
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>> No.9533994
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social anxiety and ADD, i'm getting my autismbuxs in october

>> No.9534032

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9534040

Fuck off with your kopipe, pedophile. Besides that, they don't let your kind in the military.

>> No.9534050

..........This thread is what all of /jp/ told me not to do.

what the heck?......

>> No.9534075

I'm incredibly clumsy and manage to hurt myself about 4 or 5 times a day. Nothing big, just bumps and bruises, tripping, walking into stuff, etc.
m i kwai yet

>> No.9534092

Watch this nigga majires.

>> No.9534101


>> No.9534141

my dick hurts

>> No.9534152

Does it need a kiss?

>> No.9534164

They're in my system.

I didn't think my comment was bad anon.
/jp/ said I shouldn't talk about my disabilities anymore.
Then I saw this thread...

>> No.9534189
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I'm just checking up on you.

>> No.9534203

Well, this is a pretty bad thread.

>> No.9534204
File: 64 KB, 693x603, Ushiromiya_Ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm autistic, like Ange

>> No.9534219

it's because you use a tripcode, so everyone knows it's you every time and that gets irritating after a while...

>> No.9534221

I have really bad social anxiety but I don't think that technically counts as a disability.

>> No.9534236

I rated this translation as "offensive".

>> No.9534244

There is nothing cute about migraines.

>> No.9534267

I have ibs and major depressive disorder and chronic migraines and tinnitus.

>> No.9534281

Oh hey, you're back? What was your name again...

>> No.9534327

I have crying little pussy syndrome
I get my mother to do everything that involves anything outside of my room.
Shopping, working, dealing with autismbux people so I get money etc.
If it even get mentioned that I may have either someone come round or have to leave my room.
I cry like a little bitch.
I mean legit cry, tears and everything.

>> No.9534342 [DELETED] 

can I get gov't bux for social phobia?

>> No.9534355

I just had a panic attack.

>> No.9534392

We have camps for people like you.

>> No.9534390
File: 286 KB, 600x800, 5f53a84b475a747db7a23c5fd19fb0bcd1d4e5a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crohns disease, i dont think its very cute though...

>> No.9534405
File: 56 KB, 350x280, 1206240357134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find the psychiatrists you guys have been seeing, the ones who actually tell you what you have?

The last shrink I went to, every visit was something like: "so what do you want to talk about?"
"I dunno, my parents send me here. They say they're worried that I have no friends."
"So make friends. Don't you know it's important to have friends?"
"Well this is unproductive."
"Same time next week?

>> No.9534425

Do you get too tired to do stuff and have to be helped? Because that's cute in a way.

>> No.9534437

I feel for you. That's a very bad disease.

>> No.9534482

Dysfluency. Although now it's not too bad with a few years of therapy, people just interpret it as me acting tsundere.

>> No.9534505

lazy eye
pilonidel sinus
paranoid schizophrenia
social problems
allergic to cats

i really don't want to go back to university later this month

>> No.9534541

Psychiatrists aren't shrinks, stupid.

>> No.9534550

Hey me too, it's fucking awful but at least I'm getting disability benefits atm cause it's quite bad.

>> No.9534580

I'm slightly schizophrenic is it cute?

>> No.9534595


>> No.9534608

Avoidant personality disorder

>> No.9534747

what's the cutest disability?

i think schizophrenia is pretty cute, but only if it's mild schizophrenia.

>> No.9534754
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>> No.9536412

Well thank you.
I really do appreciate that.
I kind of thought so too....
....but that makes sense. Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.9536494

Bipolar Disorder

No fucks are given.

>> No.9536501
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Being fat isn't a disorder, it's just being lazy.

>> No.9536507

It's a disability. It may not be permanent, but it carries no advantage in any way.

>> No.9536585


>> No.9536688

you feel warm and cozy

>> No.9536693

I could say the same for being dead, Zyzz.

>> No.9536722 [DELETED] 

Thank your for replying to this thread which is otaku culture related, keep it up.

>> No.9536736

SSS, SJW, HypoC, NEET, crippling phobias, MO, etc

>> No.9536740 [DELETED] 

Thanks, I will. It's encouraging to hear from such appreciating people such as yourself. Once again, thanks.

>> No.9536754

Besides all my ugly birth defects, it seems likely that I have high-functioning autism, but I'm not sure.

It's also possible that I have OCD considering how much time I spend making sure everything's locked and how frequently I wash my hands out of a feeling of necessity. But again, I'm not sure as I've never seen a doctor about it.

I used to have anxiety attacks but I'm taking medication for it now.

>> No.9536764
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Did I hear Zyzz Thread?

>> No.9536787


OCD survivor here. Had extreme OCD since elementary school and throughout entire highschool
OCD is when you do the same thing many times in a row in exactly the same way
for example

move pen from chair to table 400 times every time moving your hand in exactly the same motion, and put it in exactly same position at exactly same angle-and once you reach the "prefect" motion, position, and angle few dozen times more just to make sure you perfected it. sometimes you are also forbidden from looking anywhere else each time you move it and from thinking anything else then single specific thought

of course, you don't count to 400-you count to 4. then to 4. then to 4. then to 4 again. And you keep doing it 4 times until you reach perfection. "400" was just a random example of how many 4 time circles it takes, sometimes it takes less, sometimes more.

well, each such OCD attack can take from few minutes to few hours-it depends on situation and your own willpower

>> No.9536803

The government may provide you a home (sometimes you get your own padded room!) and adequate food, so in a sense, yes.

>> No.9536850

Female /jp/er here. In addition to severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and panic attacks, I (used to) suffer from hallucinations and extreme paranoia. Additionally I am meganekko, and can't see shit without my glasses, to the point of legal blindness without them. I have a boyfriend who can cuddle me when I am upset and pet my head and tell me I am a good girl. I sit at his feet and sleep like a little kitten, or hide under his desk and suck his cock while he goes about his work.

Unlike the rest of you, I have come to realize there is life beyond my bedroom. For someone with OCD, worrying and impulses are like addictions...the threat is always there, but I have learned to subdue them with medication and therapy. I used to hide all the time, yeah, just not as much anymore.

>> No.9536867

>Female /jp/er here


>but I have learned to subdue them with medication


>> No.9536874

Fuck you you can't handle my moe.

>> No.9536882


Yeah, I kind of glazed over the whole pandering to /jp/ then crushing their dreams part.

>> No.9536883

I just want to cuddle on someone's lap and get my head petted. It's been so long since I've gotten even a hug...

>> No.9536891
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I walk funny and kawaii. I also have a very bad posture in general.

>> No.9536909

>>9536850 here, I would give you a hug, >>9536883. I know a lot of male /jp/ers in real life and have fun teasing their poor cocks with zettai ryouiki and natural clumsiness-induced pantsu shots (normally I wear classic blue striped or lace white ones. The clumsiness comes along with my need for glasses; I have terrible depth perception as well) among other things.

>> No.9536918


derp, formatting

>> No.9536930

I learned to subdue them wth my own willpower! Be envious!

Now I don't have this problem anymore. It crawled somewhere and stays hidden. And every time it even tries to crawl back from there I shot it on sight. In fact, I sometimes shoot something else just in case it's OCD in disguise

>> No.9536944
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>> No.9536953

Well, that's all fine and good, I congratulate you. :) Though part of strength is knowing when to ask for help, I think. And as the weaker sex, I suppose I needed it (along with HOT DICKINGS) to get started.

>> No.9536959

I know, I get plenty of sympathy online when I mention my issues and tribulations. It's not the same when you can't actually get a hug at the end of the day.

My cute disability is severe clinical depression and mild social anxiety. Wear glasses, but I can see fine enough without them. They're mostly for avoiding headaches from focusing too hard for long periods. Guess you could consider the somewhat foreign accent cute too, but it can be very frustrating to repeat everything you say because people just can't understand you.

>> No.9536968

You could always become a trap!

>> No.9536972

such a

would fuq!

>> No.9536980

Her face is too fat. That's not me. :<

>> No.9536983

Would you like to sit under my desk and suck my cock?

>> No.9537001


>> No.9537002

I know my bf would not be very happy about that, but otherwise, yeah the act would be wonderful! Normally I am a very aggressive, very assertive person, but I love nothing more than being a sweet submissive little girl. If you like tears, cum on my glasses--that is one of my compulsions: cleaning them. But I still want to do a good job, so I don't mind how I am used. Part of my mentality is wanting to please everyone to the point of my own well-being suffering.

>> No.9537005

Too hairy for that. Bone structure is not cute either, so it has never been an option.
It does look fun to crossdress, but I would I only feel grotesque in a cute dress.

>> No.9537011

I would help shave you! We could turn you into a beautifuls lady :3

>> No.9537025

You have to do it in cat ears and a leash.

>> No.9537028

Would not mind that! As long as I don't have to wear anything else!!

>> No.9537041

Just a cat tail buttplug.
