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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9529796 No.9529796 [Reply] [Original]

m♡♡t's news post bought a tear to my eyes.

I am going to believe
I am going to believe that 4chan can be saved
I am going to believe that /jp/ can be saved

The good old days are coming back
It's only a matter of time

>> No.9529798

He said the same thing four years ago.

>> No.9529801

I hope not. I hope this place stays shitty as fuck! I quite enjoy it here.

>> No.9529804


I hope a meteor falls on your home.

>> No.9529811

Imagine the cool powers he'd receive from such an event.

>> No.9529816
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moot is a Jew.

>> No.9529817

Agreed. I'm sick of sagefuckers killing every thread lately.

>> No.9529818

>The good old days are coming back
I hope another great depression happens and all the dumbasses, blacks, and women lose internet access so that the number of those with internet access is halved. Only then will the good old days come back.

>> No.9529813

A good start would be getting rid of sagers on /jp/

>> No.9529823

look, it's fucking nothing!

>> No.9529819

Vote Moetron for janitor!

>> No.9529820

That's racis

>> No.9529821


>> No.9529822


the good old days when people were banned for saying stupid things

>> No.9529825

Fuck no. You're a funny guy.

>> No.9529827

Give all of /jp/ janitor powers and exult in glorious nirvana.

>> No.9529831

I think each OP should have control over their own threads.

>> No.9529846

I'm going to write out a big spergy heartfelt janitor application. Hopefully I can get in and start deleting the daily shit threads.

>> No.9529855

I hope we get a Janitor that enforces Global Rule 6.

>> No.9529863

I would delete all bullies

>> No.9529870

Moe!TRON would make a great janitor. You all know this is the unfettered truth deep, deep inside your hearts.

>> No.9529896

i want fukune to be the janitor :)

>> No.9529909

Fuck off Moetron/Tokiko.

>> No.9529923

Well, I guess I'll share this meta wall of text. Anyway, in my opinion, /jp/ has a pretty insular "board culture", meaning neither do we want outsiders here nor do we want to browse other boards. What that means is that the board needs light-handed moderation, so that people can post about things they like here, instead of shitting on other threads or making ironic bad posts to ward off their boredom. Deletion should be restricted only to the most extreme cases of off-topic material (Porn, Anime, /adv/ style blogging, /soc/ style attention whoring/hook-up, /q/ style meta/whining), spam and illegal content. Besides the core content of the board (Touhou, VNs, Doujin material), borderline stuff like non-doujin soft Japanese games, tea, figures, kigurumi, idols, etc, should all be accepted, although of course within reasonable limits (a couple threads of each are fine, but one full page is too much). NEET threads are a special case: these have a big potential to become bad but as long as they're watched closely they should be okay. If borderline threads remain on topic, they can only add to the board, and not remove from it. 'Shitposting' is very subjective, but, as long as all threads stay on topic, shouldn't be too prevalent, even if said topic isn't directly related to the core themes of the board.

>> No.9529926

If I was janitor, I would delete all the shitposts.

>> No.9529927

Stop calling me Tokiko, you fucking niggers. Just because I appreciate Tokiko's work does not mean I am Tokiko.

>> No.9529942

Chances are that either you'd abuse power and overstep your boundaries, meaning you get fired and everything goes back to the way it was, or you'd delete too little and end up only fueling their anger, making the situation worse.

>> No.9529949

I wonder what happened with all those janitor applications the last time around he opened them up.

>> No.9529966

Some people became Janitors, probably, and a few are likely mods now, too. But the signal-to-noise ratio must have been fucking low.

>> No.9532186 [DELETED] 


>> No.9532234

If I was janitor, I'd delete fucking everything. /jp/ would be in flames until the mods do something (Hah!)

>> No.9532251

I'm tempted to try become a Janitor and try to make /jp/ a better place. I would pretty much follow the ideals that. >>9529923 is going with, and not just go onto /jp/ every once in a while to delete 4-6 pages of threads and pat myself on the back.
Should i go for it /jp/?

>> No.9532255

You have no tripcode, no identity. It is common knowledge that only the most obnoxious tripfags even stand a chance.

>> No.9532278

I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna become a janitor!

>> No.9532290


No, you won't. Your application, no matter how much effort you put into it, will be ignored.

Only tripfags with a reputation and moots friends get in.

Don't believe the facade moot perpetuates about fairness or the lies he spouts about not giving his friends jobs.

>> No.9532291
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>signal-to-noise ratio
A more insightfully designed application process might fix that. You know, something that involves the applicant actually demonstrating he knows his shit and is able/willing to follow directions. You know, rather than just shit like establishing that he's willing to claim on a web form that he's been participating in X ways on Y sites for Z years or whatever (who cares?)

>> No.9532292


Doesn't it say there's an evaluation process or something like that?

>> No.9532293

O-oh... oh well then...

>> No.9532295

Is that better anon?

>> No.9532302

You get it, son. Now post in every thread for the next two years. It doesn't matter what you post, as long as people will recognize your name. After that, you're as good as in. Good luck.

>> No.9532310

I never got that far. The application itself should make the guy sort through an example reports queue or somesuch, and explain his actions, before the process ever gets to the point where they're trying to vet anybody.

>> No.9532320


It would be good if they at least gave you example situations and you had to explain what you would do in each one.

I guess that could be pretty hard to implement though, as it would be different depending on the board you're applying for.

>> No.9532340

The system works!

Honestly, the whole concept of choosing janitors on an anonymous board makes no sense. Most people have dynamic IPs, and I don't think moot keeps a list of the posts everyone has made, so there's no way to check if you're giving the job to some retard who just started browsing, or has been an active member for years. Hell, the people that get selected from these emails are probably the worst janitors, most people who apply are normals who only spend maybe an hour a day on 4chan, rather than the autistic sperglords who spend 16 hours a day online and would be fine with pointlessly deleting shit akin to pissing in the ocean to make it all piss.

None of the half-decent applicants will make it past the first stage, as moot will choose the tripfags (worst possible choice given they have no idea what the site is about), or the morons in IRC (still terrible, given they spend most of their days circlejerking with the mods).

Moot desperately needs more moderation and a banning system that works, not fucking janitors that spend maybe an hour a day deleting shit. We've needed more mods for years, but moot is too scared about introducing new blood to his crew of faggots from /soc/.

>> No.9532359


I thought I'd make a good janitor because I'm NEET and spend most of my day on 4chan, and am also Australian so I'm usually on at times where moderation is poor.

>> No.9532370


Australians and people from India are just trolls, scammers and spammers in my experience. Go figure you're "truNEET"

>> No.9532374


>Comparing Australians to Indians

Wow man, that's harsh.

>> No.9532403

>a banning system that works
This is impossible and you know it.

>> No.9532405
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At first I wanted a tripcode so that the ghost anons I argue with would stop bullying the other innocent Saten friends, but I guess it wouldn't hurt my chances of becoming a janitor, either.

Last time I didn't apply seriously because I figured the new janitor couldn't get worse than AoC. Whoops! I hate having responsibility, but if I don't do it, then some other Gestapo spergmeister will get the job and we will be screwed for another year or two.

But as long as we get someone who takes it relatively easy, I'll be content. When someone in the /b/ thread asked why he hasn't deleted /jp/ yet, he said

>people seem to like it. just because i don't understand them doesn't mean they deserve to have the board deleted

We need someone with that same attitude to be our janitor. Not someone who deletes light novel threads because he doesn't like them.

>> No.9532408


Isn't your trip "slut"?

>> No.9532410

What is your stand on blogging and normalfag depression threads?
Are you against them saten spammer?
I hope you get the job if you are against those shit. I rather see Saten spam instead of some loser normalfags bitching about his sad life.

>> No.9532412
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That is someone from /a/.

>> No.9532426

I hate depression and suicide and all that stuff. But maybe we can talk them out of it! It would be very hard deleting one of those "goodbye I'm going to Gensokyo" threads. I don't know if I could do it. Some /jp/ers need help, and /jp/ is the only place they can turn to.

>> No.9532427

It’s funny ’cause this board prides itself on surviving on welfare.

>> No.9532428
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1342371665013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy.. another janitor. Because the current one does such a great job, having two will be even better.


>> No.9532439

What /jp/ needs is vast numbers of immigrants from every normalfag board. /a/ for /a/tards, /b/ for /b/tards, /jp/ for everyone!

>> No.9532440

Hey Mediator, hey! How are you Mediator. Hello!
Mediator, I love you!

>> No.9532447

Why do so many people from /jp/ also browse /pol/?

>> No.9532458

Where do you get that from?
It's like saying /jp/ also browses /hm/ because of cock threads.

>> No.9532467

>/a/ for /a/tards, /b/ for /b/tards, /jp/ for everyone!

>> No.9532558

one way that'd work is actual accounts, but fuck that shit, nobody wants it here.

i guess if there was a way to ban people through their mac address or even motherboard serial id number, it'd kinda work. you'd have to replace your board and possibly cpu+ram to evade that kind of ban.

>> No.9532634

sup, /pol/itician.

>> No.9533000


>"please download this software so we can ban you"

>> No.9533015

Obviously that's not possible because of how the Internet and the Web work, but one option to ban particular machines (or at least individual browsers) would be Evercookies:
Even to a seasoned expert, these can be tricky to delete. For example, I don't think any browsers give you a friendly dialog box somewhere to delete your HTML5 storage in the same way you can delete cache or cookies.

Hell, they could just use a regular cookie. Until some /b/tard makes an "infographic" explaining what cookies are and how to delete them, I guarantee it would trip up 50% of the people who get banned.

>> No.9533096

>Until some /b/tard makes an "infographic" explaining what cookies are and how to delete them, I guarantee it would trip up 50% of the people who get banned.
I bet it would be more like 80%. These are the people who a couple of years ago would copy and paste code to notepad, save as a javascript file and run it, because they saw it being spammed all over the site. And they've been getting stupider ever day.

>> No.9533112

This had better not be what /pol/ posters call themselves. That's missing the whole point of board demonyms. It would be like calling yourself a /mu/sician or a /sci/entist.

>> No.9533113
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>> No.9533121
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>> No.9533122

One way to ban people is to make an account system. The account is only used to access the site, nothing else. However, when an account is made, it can't be used to make posts for 6 months or more.
This will
1) force new people to lurk before posting (as everyone should),
2) make bans more effective.

Don't ask me how the transition from the current system to the account one will work.
And I guess people will just make a shitton of accounts through proxies.

>> No.9533124



>> No.9533130

HTML5 storage? Is that somehow different from cookies?

>> No.9533145

Are those check boxes or radio buttons? Why don't they match the other form elements?

>> No.9533153

It's basically a more modern alternative to cookies, because cookies a shit:

Aimed at web applications, games, that kind of thing.

>> No.9533167

Forced anon on /b/ is utterly useless. The only people who cried about tripfags were the 2006-2007 'ANONYMOUS' offcuts who weren't a part of 4chan from the beginning.

And what does it do? Make every single poster identifiable by default. All that does is stop samefagging ever so slightly, which nobody on /b/ even cares about anyway.

It created the other result; people clinging to their ID and using it much like they would a trip, it did the complete opposite.

Really we need an anti-samefag ID on boards like /jp/ instead of ruleless shitty ones like /b/.

>> No.9533169

Oh, so this is some javascript homofaggotry.
Well then, faggots can wallow in the faggotry of their DHTML, while I stand immune to their trash.

>> No.9533198

So I take it you don't post on non-*chan image/text boards often?

>> No.9533215


I do actually, I post on textboards more than imageboards; but I am talking within the realms of 4chan. 2ch works very differently from 4chan.

>> No.9533367

The shooper felt lazy that day.

>> No.9539248 [DELETED] 

