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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9524737 No.9524737 [Reply] [Original]

I have only been a NEET for a year and I feel like my whole body has deteriorated. I can't walk without excruciating pain in my knees and everything in generally harder to do. It's like my muscles totally gave in on me. Breathing got difficult as well, even though I am lighter than I was before.

Is this implied? I never, ever see anybody talking about this. I'm scared as HELL ...

>> No.9524738

then stop it.

>> No.9524743

No one said that NEETs can't leave their chair you stupid fuck. Start exercising.

>> No.9524746

What does not being in education, employment, or training have to do with your health?

>> No.9524753

Okay OP.
You'll need 3 things.
Protein, an exercise mat and a stationary cycle.
Give it a month and you'll feel much better.

>> No.9524755

Thank you for replying to this thread which is otaku culture related, keep up the good work.

>> No.9524754

>Start exercising.
Where would I get motivation? Sometimes, I don't get out of bed the whole day because I would much rather be hungry than make an effort to do something.

>> No.9524756

This isn't going to catch. Just give up.

>> No.9524758

You too.

>> No.9524759

You definitely slim down when you're NEET.

>> No.9524761

Been a neet for ~2 years, I'm still capable of physical labor.

>> No.9524762

It can go the other way too. Some people don't like being a NEET, so they eat compulsively to relieve stress.

>> No.9524764

Keep it up.

>> No.9524765

You too.

>> No.9524766

If you don't like it, then why not do something about it? I didn't like school, so I stopped going. I didn't like working, so I stopped. Simple.

>> No.9524771

I don't see where I said that I don't like being a NEET. It was just a conversation point where I brought up a generic example so that the other person could understand what I was trying to say. Has nothing to do with me.

>> No.9524772

Time to take your zoloft, son.

>> No.9524777

I don't want to off myself ahead of time, thanks.

>> No.9524783

I used "you" as a generic identifier for any given person who doesn't like being NEET. I didn't actually mean you. It's like when someone says something general like, "Guys love cars," and then some asshole just has to open his hole and complain that he doesn't like cars.

>> No.9524792

Oh, I see. Still, your statement seems to be redundant because the supposed person who doesn't like being a NEET is only a concept in this instance. There's nobody that could answer. The question you asked just now can only by hypothetical as far as this thread goes.

>> No.9524798

Look pal, this is getting ridiculous. You brought up the whole hypothetical "NEET who doesn't like being NEET" so I asked what would prevent someone from doing something they want, since it seems like common sense. If you want to nitpick about insignificant things I'm not your guy.

>> No.9524803

How is that common sense, homo? Who are you even asking?

>> No.9524812

How is it not common sense? Isn't that the most direct and simple way to get things done? The person I'm asking is anyone here who is browsing who might be in that situation. Surely they must be here on /jp/, right? Especially if it's such a common thing that it popped into your mind for absolutely no reason, right? If you're going to just insult me then please, just stop replying.

>> No.9524820

Holy sh*t, you are seriously so fuggin dumb. I was talking about common sense in terms of the logic in asking that question following on what we were talking about. What you said had absolutely nothing to do with me. It was so out of place.

And chill out, I'm not insulting you or anything, I'm just trying to figure out why you said what you said.

>> No.9524845

What the fuck is with all these self censorship?
This is a 18+ board. Keep your candy and rainbow language in your elementary school.

Who give a shit. This isnt your blog.
Go see a doctor stupid.
Is this a medical board? No. This is /jp/.

>> No.9524850

We don't like that kind of language here.

>> No.9524851

What the h*ck dude ...

>> No.9524853

You called me a homo. Why would you insult anyone like that for no reason? I could swing this the opposite way and say your initial comment had nothing to do with me as well, since it doesn't.

>> No.9524859

I think it's that new type of compliment where ''homo`` means that you and the person that called you a homo are one and the same mixture. Like brothers. Like kyoudai. Real.

>> No.9524862

There are no images attached to the replies in this thread.

>> No.9524867
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>> No.9524868

Why did you say that dude, now people are going to start posting images .............

>> No.9524869



>> No.9524874

Why are you including the OP in this?

>> No.9524881

>I think it's that new type of compliment where ''homo`` means that you and the person that called you a homo are one and the same mixture. Like brothers. Like kyoudai. Real.

Christ, seriously? I don't like that one bit.

>> No.9524887

Why? I'm always flattered/

>> No.9524886

Why do you assume that a NEET is always doing what he wants?

Most NEETs simply don't do what they can't do. Then they develop interests around the things they can do.

All this truNEET stuff is making you delusional.

>> No.9524893

>Most NEETs simply don't do what they can't do.

Most NEETs aren't truNEET.

>> No.9524897
File: 173 KB, 500x500, 1334251775307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two type of NEET.
The first chose to be NEET because he doesnt like school or working.

The second kind of NEET which is YOUR KIND, the fucking pathetic depressed loser kind, the one where he gets laid off and cant get a job, too stupid to go school and actually whine about his worthless life while crying and blogging on /jp/. Not happy? then go end your life.

>> No.9524899

>Why do you assume that a NEET is always doing what he wants?

Why would anyone, NEET or not, willingly be doing something they dislike? As far as I'm concerned, being NEET is a choice.

>> No.9524900

Stop bullying him.

>> No.9524906

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.9524907

Here we go, thread over.

>> No.9524910

Keep on telling yourself that. I'll be over here chuckling a bit.

>> No.9524909

Disregard that, keep bullying him.

>> No.9524916

Explain to me again why you hate the second kind.

>> No.9524917

>One seems genuinely happy
If you are going to advertise your truNEETdom, can't you at least write stuff more compelling?

>> No.9524914

>being NEET is a choice.

In the traditional sense, sure. In the context of /jp/, people just don't have money even for the bare minimum survival. Tell me, if you were to give an unlimited amount of money to all the shut-ins on this board, how many do you think would stay in their basement and shitpost on /jp/ all day? Maybe they'd prefer to do that, but perhaps in a better house with a better computer. Then, maybe, he would want to go see the planet he was born on before he dies. Go to Japan, maybe?

Not a choice, in a sense.

>> No.9524918

epic as HELL dude

i shit on my floor like 6 times and i was GENINUIENLY contnet :)

>> No.9524925

I apologize for provocating that.

>> No.9524930

Want to hear something scary? I made 40 of 50 of the posts in this thread.

>> No.9524934

I like how being truNEET involves not being a depressed loser but also involves being too scared to use your own bathroom.

>> No.9524939

School is free.
If you want a job you just go for interview.
It is not hard.
It is not my fault you guys are too stupid to go school or to get a job or too poor because you cant beat the system.

If you cant play the game, then just suicide and restart your pathetic life again. There are better place eslewhere to complain and whine about your pathetic life, /jp/ is not your blog.

>> No.9524940

Do you even lift?

>> No.9524941

That usually has to do with convenience. Generally, the less effort, the better. Piss bottles are a godsend.

>> No.9524949

>School is free.
I don't live in Tazmily Village.

>If you want a job you just go for interview.
Yeah, okay homo.

>It is not hard.
Don't even talk.

>It is not my fault you guys are too stupid to go school or to get a job or too poor because you cant beat the system.
Shut the HELL up.

>> No.9524952

What's stopping those people from doing those things without magical money being given to them?

>> No.9524957

Money. You can't go to Japan unless you have money, for instance.

>> No.9524963

Who the fuck wants to go to Shitan?

>> No.9524968

I only piss in my bedroom when I'm going to sleep and during the hours I consider sleep hours. I don't want to walk into a bright bathroom (we have a skylight in there) have the sunlight possibly cause me to feel more awake than I'd like. Plus it's just that much further.

>> No.9524969

It's just an example.

>> No.9524974

Yeah That's not even really an answer to my request.

>School is free.
Where the fuck do you live?

>If you want a job you just go for interview.
No, you don't "just go for and interview"

>It is not hard.
>you cant beat the system.
Please, Anon-sama teach me how to beat "the system".

>> No.9524979

I dont understand your point.
Are these people supposed to be depressed because they are poor? Why dont they just work for the money or beg for them from their parents?
It is kind of stupid if they chose to be a NEET but then they have to whine about being poor.
Being NEET is a choice.

>> No.9524981
File: 123 KB, 409x397, 1343948588246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if I were given unlimited money, I think I would just keep on living the way I do now. I feel safe and happy in my home. I don't want anything else.

>> No.9524983

Then find a way to get money. The traditional way of getting money is from a job that you do work at.

>> No.9524987

Pretty much this, though I'd definitely spend a lot more money on things for myself.

>> No.9524993

I feel I should say that I quite honestly enjoy my life as it is right now as well. If I got a bunch of money nothing would change.

>> No.9525001
File: 1.30 MB, 1933x2379, IMG_20120308_220404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I live, primary and secondary school is free and compulsory.
What kind of shitty 3rd world country are you in?

You dont even need a fucking degree to get 880yen/hour job. Cant handle being a NEET dont be one.

>> No.9525003

>depressed because they are poor
That wasn't my original point. We are talking about how NEETs don't have a choice in their environmental circumstances.

>Why dont they just work for the money or beg for them from their parents?
What the h*ck.

>It is kind of stupid if they chose to be a NEET but then they have to whine about being poor.
Not choice.

>> No.9525011

You guys enjoy living with your parents? Me and my mom's boyfriend are ready to kill each other, so I can't exactly take it easy. I would move out if I had unlimited money.

>> No.9525013

>Thinking NEET has any other core meaning outside of not in work or education.

>> No.9525014

Relatives tell me there are programs that will pay for your college education if you can keep your grades at a certain point. I never looked into it though because I'm not going to college.

>> No.9525034

I enjoy it. I get a place to sleep, internet, money for food. Don't really need much more than that for me.

>> No.9525039

>We are talking about how NEETs don't have a choice in their environmental circumstances.
Not my fault if those pathetic faggots are too stupid to go school or to find a job. I never understood why people continue doing things that make them depressed. If you are depressed being a NEET then dont be one. It is not like you need to be a NEET to lurk /jp/. Just put on your NEET badge when you lurk /jp/.

>> No.9525041

I one day wish I can move out and get a family and plow my wife in her ass in front of the kids.

>> No.9525045

It's free the first time around here.

If you fuck up, don't try or drop out, you can't go back for free.

tell me about this way to beat " the system"

>> No.9525046

True. I should learn to ignore the fact that people barge into my room and scream at me for being useless and threaten to kick me out every day. I'm jealous of how lenient your guardians are. I wish I had those kinds of parents. Then I wouldn't need anything.

>> No.9525051

>If you are depressed being a NEET then dont be one.

Woah careful there, that's not a natural thought process.

>> No.9525056

Chop off your legs and get disability fund.

>> No.9525058

How does a NEET afford to buy console games for this generation? Or figs? I never understood that. Do your parents just give you money on top of providing you with food and shelter?

>> No.9525066

Playing video games is for idiots, go do something else. Go away.

>> No.9525072

not truNEET

>> No.9525073

My parents go easy on me because I'm an aspie.

>> No.9525068


They're not depressed because they are a NEET, circumstances in their life that has brought them depression usually leads them into becoming a NEET.

>> No.9525071

The only thing I collect is manga.

>> No.9525074

Please stop bullying me.

Where do you get the money?

>> No.9525078


No one gives a shit about your circlejerking terms that started out as a dumb joke.

>> No.9525080

Stop trying to argue with him. Don't you see how pointless that is?

>> No.9525085

Those faggots need to get the fuck out of /jp/ and stay in >>>/adv/ and >>>/r9k/ where they belong.

>> No.9525086


You are aware that this board was primarily made for touhou and VN, right?

>> No.9525087

>Where do you get the money?
Unemployment benefits. Around €300 per month + rent.

>> No.9525099

Those are superior, he was talking about those console things like the Xbox, definitely children's toys.

>> No.9525096

that doesn't fix depression or being NEET at all

>> No.9525101

I am starting to think everyone in /jp/ lives in some made up countries. Do you like in Scandinavia or something?

>> No.9525109


All videogames are TV toys, trying to make a distinction based on format is just silly.

>> No.9525107

Germany, actually. But I'd love to live in Scandinavia if I could speak one of the languages involved.

>> No.9525111

I don't want to sound stuck up or anything, but the way console gaming is going does nothing for me. I don't care if I can video chat with friends while getting achievements in an FPS while posting on Facebook. I want fun games. If I do feel like playing a console game, it's usually something on the PS2 or an older console, so I can emulate it. If it's a PC game I can just download it or I'll save up and buy it.

>> No.9525114

Look. I dont know what is your problem?
Are you trying to achieve financial independent or do you NOT want to be a NEET?
Just how stupid are you? There are plenty of way to get money.
1) born into a rich family and leech off rich parent
2) prostitute yourself
3) buy insurance get into an accident that wont kill you
4) fake mental illness
5) unemployment benefits
6) induce physical disability
7) buy lottery
8) find a sugar daddy or sugar mommy
Pick your poison. I guess there are no helping idiots that cant even think about how to make themselves happy. Seek help. Go see a shrink.

>> No.9525115

2hu games and VNs are video games for those who aren't primates. That's the difference.

>> No.9525127

>1) born into a rich family and leech off rich parent

Awesome tip dude.

>> No.9525130

I should say though that the last game-related expense was at the beginning of the year. I bought a Playstation 3 controller with bluetooth dongle.

>> No.9525132


herp durp chronic depression and extreme anxiety issues are so easy to fix baka xD

>> No.9525141

Those aren't even real diseases. Try living in a shitty country and having actual problems for a change.

>> No.9525144

Maybe if you thought about his advice instead of fitting as many memes into your post as you could, you'd see that it really is that simple. What's bothering you? Why is it bothering you? Can you think of a way to fix it? Of course not, that's why you're complaining here.

>> No.9525152

Anyone who is replying seriously to anything in this thread is an idiot, there is just so much obvious trolling that if you can't see it, you need to portal to Gensokyo.

>> No.9525162

>that doesn't fix depression or being NEET at all
>Look. I dont know what is your problem?
Holy shit can you not read posts?
It's really fucking obvious what the hypothetical problem I gave you was.

>> No.9525164

>there is just so much obvious trolling
Here's more now!

>> No.9525174 [DELETED] 

Not who you are talking to, but I personally am actually incapable of answering these questions, because I haven't really felt anything for decades.
I only noticed one year ago, that what other people knew as sorrow was a completely foreign concept to me.

>> No.9525176

I am not your fucking shrink.
The fuck if I know why you are depressed.
Do you want a girlfriend?
Do you want a job?
Do you want a money?
You want all 3?

>> No.9525178

The problem seems to be that you want money but you do not want put in the steps necessary to find employment and you do not want to collect disability.

Well, okay, you're fucked.

>> No.9525181

I also have a problem with people who overuse the word "escapement". Just because I like doing something doesn't mean I'm escaping consequences by doing it. I just like doing it. A game is just a game. A TV show is just a TV show. They're all forms of entertainment and I choose to be entertained by them.

>> No.9525211
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If you enjoy something that isn't a social activity, they will always call it an escape...

>> No.9525225

>a money?
I laughed.

The Idea was that you were suposed to tell me how to actually get a job.
e.g. getting through the interview etc.
In a way a depressed shut-in could do it.

I'll give you another hypothetical problem.

What process would you suggest a socially inept depressed person should take to get a gf?
It has to be helpful to him, no "Just ask a girl out"

>> No.9525243

>What process would you suggest a socially inept depressed person should take to get a gf?

Really, just ask her.

>> No.9525263


>> No.9525268

>how to actually get a job.
Do you have a degree?
No. Get a job that doesnt require you to have one.
Oh you cant get out of your own room? If you cant do that then why are you even depressed over not having a job? Live off your benefits.

>It has to be helpful to him, no "Just ask a girl out"
This is the best fucking advice you dumbshit.
Ask her out for a coffee. Take her phone and use her phone to miss call your own phone and etc.
Are you fucking retarded? If you want to be a normalfag then be one. Why the hell are you a NEET in the first place?

>> No.9525274


>> No.9525276

>If you want to be a normalfag then be one. Why the hell are you a NEET in the first place?

Right, as an observer to this whole shit flinging fest, I'm stepping in. Do you even know what NEET means? I'm praying, hoping that you can't be that stupid and think NEETs can't be normal.

>> No.9525280

Are you seriously asking this? Join volunteer organizations or some sort of social group (hobby groups are probably the easiest) if you need practice with ordinary social interaction. If that's too crushing for you then do grocery shopping for the house and practice talking to the cashiers (if it's that bad you should probably just apply for free money). Now that you know how to talk with people, apply to jobs. Do mock interviews with your parents, they'll be fucking overjoyed that you're giving up the NEET life. The first ten or twenty interviews might go to shit anyway. That's fine. My mother applied to at least a hundred jobs before she got her first position as a waitress.

>> No.9525283

>Ask her out for a coffee. Take her phone and use her phone to miss call your own phone and etc.

For those who don't have a phone: just set a date and hope she goes through with it.

>> No.9525288

what girl?

>> No.9525294

One who you're attracted to.

>> No.9525296

Did you actually read the thread? The arguments started because "BAWWWW I AM SAD NEET"
Cant handle being a NEET then dont be one.
/jp/ cant help retards that want to do normalfag stuff and quit NEETdom.
/jp/ is pro NEET culture. We NEET by choice. Pathetics fuck that long for normalfag activities pls go to >>>/r9k/.

>> No.9525306

Do most NEETS exercise? I don't. Can I get some sort of disease?

>> No.9525317

I don't think you can get a disease from just not exercising. I'd be dead if that were the case.

>> No.9525368

Actually, not having physical activities deteriorates the immune system, making you more vulnerable to disease and infection.
Does not make you sick but increases risk.

>> No.9525385

They don't know any though.

Great this is well done and fairly clear.

Now do you know how a depressed person thinks?

>> No.9525389

I don't doubt that, but I haven't been sick in years. Probably because I don't get close enough to people or something.

>> No.9525391

If you're too unmotivated to do something don't blog about how much your life sucks because you didn't do it. Well, actually, no, go ahead, there are places for that, like /r9k/ and your blog, but don't do it here.

>> No.9525419

I don't know anyone in real life besides my family. I don't attend classes, and no job. I don't go out much. However, if for some reason I felt the need to try to get a girlfriend and I saw an attractive girl (maybe at a store or food place, really the only places I go to) I'd ask her right away if she'd like to get a coffee with me in the near future. It's not really such a big deal. How else are you going to meet new people anyway?

>> No.9525724

I was more questioning people who seem to hate neets who are like this. technically though there's no place for them

>> No.9525776

Way to spread misinformation.
I just opened adv and r9k just to check if they talk about these kind of "problems".
>>>/adv/ has
-long distance relationship help
-girlfriend help
-how to study online for free

>>>/r9k/ has
-never talk to girl before help
-suicide thread

Please learn to 4chan.

>> No.9526000

shitty thread 0/10 would not autorefresh
op, get some fucking exercise

>> No.9527915

>Sometimes, I don't get out of bed the whole day because I would much rather be hungry than make an effort to do something.


>> No.9527970

If any of you guys have jobs any tips on helping me get a decent one?

>> No.9527979

First just take anything, don't delude yourself with this "decent" bullshit.

>> No.9528015

If you're selling your soul, get a fair deal.
Personally, I feel there ARE no 'decent' jobs, so fuck working. But opinions and all.

>> No.9530029

Taking in over 1k calories a day is how you get fat... 3-4 sodas is terrible, drink some fucking juice. Only eat snacks and shit man. Reason why I'm probably 120 pounds, 5'7 is because I eat chunky clam chowder once a day and nothing else besides orange/apple/white grape/grape/kiwi strawberry/cran berry/watermelon kiwi/tropical punch/blueberry/ juice all day long.

>> No.9530148

NEET for 6 years and I can still do moderate physical labor.

It probably helps that I go for walks and do yard work for my mom.

>> No.9535234

I don't understand why I am fat. Here's example of what I eat every day:

Pop tarts - part of a balanced breakfast
Diet Coke - 0 calories, better taste than water

CHICKEN sandwich from Burger King - Doc says red meat is bad
Diet Coke - see above
NO FRIES - because I try to be healthy

Usually a bag of pretzels or two, break room has them for sale at cost.
Diet Coke

Dinner: USually home made:
Pork chops - pan fried with some Ms Dash and some butter to keep them from sticking
Mashed potatoes
Corn - sometimes canned, sometimes frozen
Pillbury rolls

And then after dinner I SOMETIMES have some ice cream or a couple of cookies on the couch, but not always.

So you can see I eat pretty healthy, but I guess it's just genetic that I carry around an extra 25-30lb.

But anyway, the media blows this way out of proportion. Everyone knows BMI is bullshiat anyway, and diabetes is genetic.

>> No.9535369

I'm on year 5 and starting to feel the effects. Lately I've been getting a little short on breath after every meal.

>> No.9535370

Funniest thing about this post is that it's not actually that bad. Remove the excess carbs from the dinner part and replace them with some greens if you're hungry, and stick to eating those snacks no more often that 2 times a week, and you should lose most of that weight soon if you're now at a stable weight.

And 25 pounds really isn't much of an obesity problem anyway.

>> No.9535373

>And 25 pounds really isn't much of an obesity problem anyway.
Yes it is.

>> No.9535402

That's not even manboobs territory, man. It's not a weight that actually hinders you much in your daily life or affects your health on its own. Unless you're a midget or something.

The only way it's an issue is aesthetics.

>> No.9535410

>The only way it's an issue is aesthetics.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to look disgusting.

>> No.9535416

>So you can see I eat pretty healthy, but I guess it's just genetic that I carry around an extra 25-30lb.
>But anyway, the media blows this way out of proportion. Everyone knows BMI is bullshiat anyway, and diabetes is genetic.
Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. If you're fat, you eat too much.

>> No.9535426

NEETs can still go to the gym and hit the iron. That's where I meet my girlfriend.

>> No.9535437

....you did notice this is a troll post, right?
"looking disgusting" isn't something that's innate to being fat, you only think you look disgusting because the media told you.

Having an extra dozen kilograms or so isn't a big deal.

It starts looking like shit once things start sagging and the stretch marks appear, but if you're a guy you need WAY more than 25 pounds for that.

>> No.9535453

It has nothing to do with the media. I don't like fat people because they can't control themselves, so they look disgusting.

>> No.9535484

The same reason why I hate people who do drugs or who are alcoholics. Hating fat people is perfectly fine.

>> No.9535534

holy shit OP is so fucking retarded and definitely no a NEET
I hate to be a bully but


>> No.9535549

This. Their lifestyle is disgusting.

>> No.9537022 [DELETED] 


Why do you need to exercise everyday? Do you also have a sheep job in an office where you sit down all day?

Some people actually work for a living. Not all of us can move to the city with our trust-fund money and adopt some smart, hip, urban lifestyle.

Grow up.

>> No.9537036

It has nothing to do with NEET

no, wait

it does
my theory is your graphic card burned while you were asleep and you got poisoned with burned plastic
thus you're a brain damaged cripple now and thus
you deserve money from gov

>> No.9537038

> I'm scared as HELL
Stopped reading here.

Every thread on /jp/ should end with those words.

>> No.9537054

What, is it easier for you to stop reading if it's there?

>> No.9537064

Sucks for you. I eat 3-4k calories a day.

>> No.9537082

Fat people are almost as bad as trannys.

>> No.9537091


Almost so don't feel bad. It's by a huge margin.

>> No.9538384


It's genetics. I eat a healthy diet and exercise on my ab-toner 3 times a day but I'm still overweight. My neighbour eats whatever he wants and only lifts stupid weights and somehow he's in better shape. It's all genetics.

>> No.9538392

>ab toner
there's your problem. Do cardio, not bullshit telemarketing scams.
Get an exercise bike, and spend 30 minutes a day on it.

>> No.9538395

Hahaha, you crack me up.

>> No.9538409

jacking off is better exercise than an ab toner

>> No.9538725

Only a year? Ah... those were the days, when it felt stress-free. Little did I know that experiencing actual freedom makes going back into any kind of routine a stressful and hellish experience.

>> No.9538784

Deconstruction of the modern health paradigm.

>> No.9538796
File: 45 KB, 600x400, trailerparkboys12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots seriously give a shit what you look like? I can't believe I'm on /jp/.

I'd rather be a total lardass than eat crap I don't want to eat. Also, what the fuck is wrong with OP? One year of being a lazy loser and he can barely walk? Jesus Christ.

>> No.9538805
File: 597 KB, 833x1000, makotolightblush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Calling someone else's lifestyle disgusting


>> No.9538806

But anon, not everyone who eats healthy food forces themselves to do so.

>> No.9538807

"I love meta and blog threads!"
- Janitor of /jp/, 2012

>> No.9538811


Then go choke on an avocado, faggot.

>> No.9538813

Avocados are tasty, faggot.

>> No.9538815

Why would I choke on an avocado? I had one in my salad a few hours ago and I seemed to have eaten it with no problems.

>> No.9538816

``I'm having fun, but I should make sure that no one else does''
-janitor of neo /jp/ "NSJ", 2012

>> No.9538817

"I come to /jp/ to bitch about meta with my meta posts rather then talking about on-topic."
- Anonymous of /jp/, 2012

>> No.9538823

I don't give a shit what I look like, but I do care slightly about my health. Being overweight is probably one of the easiest problems in the world to fix. Here's a quick guide.
1. Cut all your fucking portion sizes in half.
2. Don't eat when you aren't actually feeling hungry, wait a few hours
3. Stop snacking all the time.
4. (optional) Do some exercise, there's tons of easy shit you can buy and do while watching anime or youtube videos, like riding a bike or lifting weights.

Watch in amazement as you suddenly reach a reasonable weight with basically no effort, and extend your lifespan by years.

>> No.9538822


You're kidding, right? I seriously cannot fathom someone actually enjoying an avocado.

Of all the things I've eaten, I think the avocado is the shittiest, blandest, most uninteresting thing I've ever tried. I hate everything about it, and because you like them, I hope you seriously get murdered today.

>> No.9538825

You must live a joyless life if avacados get you that upset.

>> No.9538831

I think you haven't had a decent avocado in your life. Their texture is bland, but they can be quite full of flavor and really bring out the potential in many dishes.

>> No.9538839


I've stopped giving a shit about my health, too.

I'm also not even a fatass; I just refuse to limit what I eat, because I enjoy eating

>> No.9538845


>> No.9538851

I still enjoy eating. I just eat less, because my body doesn't actually need half the fucking food I used to eat. All you're doing is doubling your food bills.

>> No.9538867


>he pays for his own food

>> No.9538872

"My off-topic posts that are breaking the rules are better then your off-topic posts that are breaking the rules"
- Great anoymous poster, 2012

>> No.9538879

``When moot created /jp/ as a shitsink for /a/, I immediately thought to myself «Awesome! My very own Anime/Random board!»''

>> No.9538880

Sweet, are we moving the shitposting into this on-topic thread now? Sounds fucking foolproof!


>> No.9538884

"I only read the part of the rules that please me, I skipped over the global rule #3 because I love meta. Please make me janitor"
- Great anoymous poster, 2012

>> No.9538887

>Cut all your fucking portion sizes in half.
But then I'll need twice as many portions.

>> No.9538890

i typd dis 1 up for da last tread but it got deleted (OMG DAT NSJ LOL) so i repost here

``Some janitors choose to do a small amount of work throughout the day. But I chose something different. I chose the impossible. To moderate for 5 minutes a day, cramming in as much deletion of threads as possible. What's that? What about the other 23 hours and 55 minutes when the board is flooded with shitposts? Hey, I'm not a miracle worker!''

>> No.9538893
File: 12 KB, 400x300, img1e2801fazikdzj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

``Threads like this one are exactly what makes /jp/ so awesome for me. Thanks NSJ!"

>> No.9538896

That's alright, because they're half the size you can eat twice as much.

>> No.9538901

If everybody were having fun here, I'd leave.
- Anonymous

>> No.9538911

"Lol what is rule #3, rule #7 and rule #9? Hey fuck you, that post is against the rules"
-Great anonymous poster who makes better off-topic posts then yours, also, anyone who disagress with makes anime threads, 2012

>> No.9538927

"My off-topic is better than yours"
- u

>> No.9539022

"Who cares about otaku culture when you can complain and metapost about it all over /jp/ for the other users who come here for otaku culture to see, I love metaposts, I love complaining about the moderation team, I love complaining in general, I love complaining about off-topic while I post off-topic replies."
-Anonymous poster who thinks that he is better then any other lowly shitposter, 2012

>> No.9543379 [DELETED] 


>> No.9543454

``great misuse of the quote feature guys"

>> No.9544766

According to the new rules, this might be the last NEET topic on /jp/, ever. Enjoy it while you can!

>> No.9544785

This isn't your blog retard.

>> No.9544857

I read through this whole thread and laughed my balls off.
Keep it up /jp/, I love you.

>> No.9544889

Mods, please lock this off-topic shitpost thread, thank you
