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9519990 No.9519990 [Reply] [Original]

Which state do you think Japan would find to be the most moe?

I'm surprised there aren't -tan reps for each state.

My vote goes for Michigan.

>> No.9519993


>> No.9519999 [DELETED] 


>> No.9520005 [DELETED] 

Hawaii is kawaii.
Nice quads btw.

>> No.9520010

Virginia, for obvious reasons
captcha roriback fricasseed

>> No.9520021



>> No.9520030
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New York because Reni Mimura.

>> No.9520042

Alaska or Hawaii, I bet.

>> No.9520095

>My vote goes for Michigan.

Yeah, probably.

That reminds me, I still need to explore abandoned areas of Detroit. It seems rather interesting.

>> No.9520114

You actually live near Detroit? I'm probably 10-15 minutes away from the city.

>> No.9520127

About 45 minutes, yeah.

>> No.9520140
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>> No.9520147


>> No.9520162


it's just ハワイ

>> No.9520165
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>> No.9520173


>> No.9520181
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What would they think of Minnesota?

>> No.9520189
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Have to be Hawaii.

>> No.9520207
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>> No.9520224

But you could put that on at state

>> No.9520226


superior state reporting in

>> No.9520312

Reportan in

>> No.9520328

None, fuck America.

>> No.9520326
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>> No.9520336

saudi arabia plz go

>> No.9520335
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California: Drug addicts
Washington: Obama's house.
New York: Angry bullies.
Everything below New York: Southerners
Texas: Cowboys
Everything in between New York and California: Nothing but cornfields.

>> No.9520352
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>> No.9520354

The only thing I know about the U.S is that apparently California has a lot of famous people and New Mexico is the place where the guy from Malcolm in the Middle cooks meth. Japanese probably know even less.

>> No.9520370

New Hampshire since its like the loli version of Maine.

>> No.9520376

Where are you from?

>> No.9520391
File: 695 KB, 1000x1238, watanabe-akio_grisaia-no-kajitsu_matsushima-michiru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Michi-tan! Michi-tan!

>> No.9523344

no one cares about new hampshire.

>> No.9524266
File: 802 KB, 1000x1280, Idolmaster Azusa Rockies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some I can think of.

>Illinois (my state): Class president type. Very corrupt class president type. Will shake the other -tans down when they are alone in the hallway.
>Wisconsin: Cute, chubby, good-natured girl that Illinois is always dragging along.
>Indiana: completely fucking retarded girl.
>Iowa: Tsundere. Touts conservative ideals in public but secretly is a raging lesbian.
>Michigan: Poor girl who lives in a box under a bridge.
>Minnesota: Wisconsin's sister, is Iowa's secret yuri lover.
>Colorado: Big mountainous tits, intelligent but it doesn't show - somewhat absent-minded seeming (high?) Pic related.

>> No.9524276


>> No.9524285
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Can Puerto Rico be a brown loli side character?

>> No.9524292

....States? :D

>> No.9524298
File: 112 KB, 604x453, Not Sure if Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Obama's house

Obama's house is in Chicago, IL. The white house is in Washington - District of Columbia (which is not a state).

>> No.9524301

either Hawaii or California

>> No.9524303
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>> No.9524306
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>> No.9524307


Along with Guam, Virgin Islands, and such. While all the states are high-school aged. The territories are middle-schoolers. DC is Maryland's baby sister.

>> No.9524309
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>> No.9524310

I live in Ohio. There is nothing moe about it. There are a lot black people here. A lot. And where there aren't black people there are soccer Moms and corn fields. It is truly the worst.

>> No.9524311

Clearly. There's even an island named "Kauai."

>> No.9524314
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>> No.9524320

Is this a real post?

>> No.9524325



"Washington" is a state on the West Coast.
"Washington DC" or "District of Columbia" is the Capital of the United States.

>> No.9524324

Kansas for being the most plain with no redeeming qualities

>> No.9524329


Well everything he said is correct.

>> No.9524331


Except Warren Buffet and that city where Google is testing out fiber optics or some shit.

So: a farm girl who secretly likes to tinker with high tech gadgets in her garage.

Nebraska on the other hand....

>> No.9524330

Michigan has Detroit Metal City. It's not very moe.

I'd say ohio because it looks like a pair of bloomers

>> No.9524332


Florida looks like a dick. So - secret Jewish trap who works as a caretaker for old folks and occasionally wrestles gators?

>> No.9524334

Hawaii hands down.

Tons of japs go on vacation to hawaii, and they really never go anywhere else in the US. Hawaii sounds like a great place to live actually, if you can stand the heat.

>> No.9524337


I hear it is super-expensive to live there.

>> No.9524339

Washington is making a :V face, and that's kinda moe.

>> No.9524345

Looks like a dick's about to be rammed in it

>> No.9524344

Washington is very moe, it can't decide if it wants to be an agricultural state or a bustling state full of cites. I can just imagine it blushing and shaking it's head as it tries to decide what it wants to be.

>> No.9524349

kawaii hawaii

>> No.9524350


I'd think she sits out on the docks trying to catch fish whilst sipping on Starbucks and playing with her laptop. All the while a perpetual raincloud hovers above her.

>> No.9524354


Washington so moe uguu.

Except for the shit weather, high suicide rates, and psychotic murderers.

>> No.9524360

As a Washingtonian, I would wife that.

>> No.9524362

>Shit weather
Do you even eastern washington?

>> No.9524367

Oregon-chan could be Washington-chan's cute but naive little sister who follows her around and wants to be just like her.

>> No.9524370

living in washington I want to get mad at that but, god damn. it's true

there is nothing in eastern washington

>> No.9524384


Does that mean Washington-chan is a yandere?

>> No.9524392
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There's nothing cute about South Dakota, other than our mega milk.

>> No.9524399
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>> No.9524407

She'd be the slutty farmer's daughter type character.

>> No.9524414

Thanks OP, that's a pretty good map of the us, I had trouble finding a good one. I'm not even ironic (though somehow, saying that makes it sound even more ironic).

>> No.9524416


Looks more like the man is using Kentucky as an onahole...

>> No.9524422

When I look at the map, I just see a man with a raging boner.

>> No.9524429


>Indiana: completely fucking retarded girl.

As someone who lives in Indiana I agree with this.

>> No.9524437

>Maryland: Huge bitch, constant moodswings. Pretty shit tier.

>> No.9524449
File: 172 KB, 500x600, 7b8e2efd2507e2dad53248befee9a103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minnesota would have Tsubasa Hanekawa's personality, essentially. It would be very quiet and shy, but very kind-hearted and intelligent. She would have big boobs, to symbolize her farming industry, but Wisconsin would probably be even bigger (and also slightly older). She would probably lean left politically, but recently has been taken by right-wing rhetoric and would also enjoy shopping, to symbolize the MOA. She is passive-aggressive when upset, but generally is friendly, being open to the many refugees that would flee to her borders.

Unfortunately, she has the worst accent, at least stereotypes would have you believe. Probably would look very Scandinavian and enjoy winter sports, Alaska being her rival. She should be dressed in warm clothes, possibly a sweater, and would likely have a love-hate relationship with Wisconsin, who as mentioned is her big (but shorter) sister.

>> No.9524458
File: 309 KB, 978x630, 28390352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virginia or North Carolina.

>> No.9524484

What about Chicago?

>> No.9524513


but Minnesotans have a neutral accent.

>> No.9524543

My wild guess is that nobody except Americans knows the states by name

>> No.9524557


I have a relative who speaks like that though. They're very rare in the Twin Cities, but I hear they're much more common the more north you go. You're not wrong though. I don't have that kind of accent and neither do 99.9% of the people I know. This is a thread about stereotypes though, isn't it? Why not have a little fun with them?

>> No.9524588

Why can't the japanesa say massachusetts?

>> No.9524628

sorry bud, flips already own Alaska

>> No.9524643


oh you mean like the "ey there, gee golly whatcha doooin' dontchaknow" style from the movie Fargo.

yeah that is a bad accent.

>> No.9525748
File: 36 KB, 390x420, eromanga_island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The U.S. has no hope anyway. We all know which landmass will be eternally #1 in every Japanese heart/

>> No.9525769

I'm from Indiana and it's basically the same except less black people and more corn.

>> No.9526786

As an outsider I don't think there's anything moe about the US.

The only state I like is California, they seem laid back and like they don't give a fuck. They worship celebrities and fashion a little bit too much but I think it gives them a bit of flavour and character.

Apart from that America seems far too right-wing and scary. I don't understand their obsession with religion and guns.

>> No.9526909

Guns are for protecting FREEDOM.

>> No.9528987
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People only think of SoCal and LA when they think of California. From what I've heard, the northern part is very conservative.




Illinois. We've got the biggest political characters (for better and worse) and scandals. Lincoln (though he was Kentucky born), Reagan, Obama (Hawaii born), the whole Kennedy dynasty mob tie-in thing, the Daleys, Hillary Clinton is actually an Illinois native, the whole 20s-30s era mafia thing, 3 of our 5 last Governors going to jail...

>> No.9529043

The Confederacy.

>> No.9529155

>America seems far too right-wing
>obsession with religion and guns

we aren't America, we're the United States

I want you to think about the phrase United States for a moment

USA is less like a country and more like a continent where every state is a country. it's true that the southern states are very right-wing but we as a whole elected a left-wing african american president, and a lot of states actually have very strict gun control laws and antidisestablishment initiatives

>> No.9529156

>not moe
Dude, Detroit is the most moe big city in the US.

>> No.9529180

I meant disestablishment, sorry

>> No.9529198

Nevada is the worst state. I know because I live here. It's hot and miserable down here in southern nevada. And up north nevada its cold and miserable.

>> No.9532253


Reno is great though

Lot of Asians(and mexicans ;_;)
