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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9518435 No.9518435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I saw a really cute loli today. She had a very nice coat. I really wanted to rape her. Is this normal?

>> No.9518436

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.9518443

>saw a really cute loli

like, outside?

>> No.9518446

No, loli do not usually wear coats in summer.

>> No.9518451

Maybe he lives in the south?

>> No.9518455

>thinks it is summer everywhere on earth

>> No.9518457

Or maybe she was a flasher loli.

>> No.9518461

No, that's not how you do it. Lolis are for tenderly loving, not raping.

>> No.9518463

Rape can be tender and loving.

>> No.9518464

I'm really disappointed when I go out any only ever see fat lolis. They aren't cute at all. Their clothes (usually jean pants and t-shirts) aren't cute either. Where do the cute lolis collect?

>> No.9518471
File: 345 KB, 980x1463, lol tsundere2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9518472
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By definition it is not.

Opie, why do you want to rape her? Why not just hug her and buy her something? I know she's really cute but her body can't accommodate you. Pls dont opie.

>> No.9518475

You've come to the right place, Mistah.

>> No.9518477

Rape doesn't need to hurt.

>> No.9518478

Be (legal) definition all sex with a person under whatever arbitrary limit of your country is rape. And besides, just because she did not agree to it does not mean it has to be harmful, or anything short of tender and loving.

>> No.9518485


I disagree with statutory rape laws and the fact that they misuse the word rape alot too.

But seriously now, there is no way a grown man is shoving his cock into a 9 year old without it being incredibly painful for her, unless his dick is microscopic or something.


>she did not agree to it
>tender and loving

>> No.9518488

I think I already covered this, but there is a difference between firm and harmful.

>> No.9518492
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>firm and harmful.

What exactly are you talking about?

>> No.9518494

You implied that if the girl does not consent it cannot be ``tender and loving.'' I am saying that that is simply not fair.

>> No.9518498

I'd really like for a little girl to one day call me 'mister'. What steps should I do to assure that this happens at least once in my lifetime, and if possible regularly? Do I need to act with class? How old do I need to be before I'm considered a 'mister'? Will it just come with time? Most importantly, has this term fallen out of fashion with today's youth?

>> No.9518499
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It can't be tender and loving if she doesn't consent you fucking psychopath.

>> No.9518501

But it will be, you are just doing it wrong. Besides, people enjoy fun things, so you can talk a little girl into it just fine.

>> No.9518512


>Sticking your dick in a prepubescent child who doesn't want you to
>Fun for her

You're crazy.

>> No.9518516

As I said, you can talk a little girl into it just fine. The whole ``rape a woman into loving you'' think is a little excessive for this situation, perhaps.

>> No.9518519

Of course it can. Today while I was making dinner my family was watching a special on a guy who wore a condom while he tenderly raped women. He also made sure their limbs were comfortable and they could breath through the duct tape. He even tidied up the place and helped his victims bathe before he left. The girls didn't seem entirely scarred by what happened.

>> No.9518526

Please answer if possible. There's quite honestly very little to live for if there's no hopes in the future of me being called this by some random little girl or neighbor.

>> No.9518527

>Southern Hemisphere

>> No.9518539

I don't know. I try not to spend too much time with children of any size, but since half my family is in the education business, I cannot avoid it entirely.
They usually know my name already though, so that's what is normally used.

>> No.9518544

Wear a name badge that says "Mister"

>> No.9518557

Maybe I can uncover my family name and hope that it's more complicated and hard to pronounce than the shortened version my ancestors were given at Ellis Island.

Then after they stutter trying to pronounce it, I calmly tell them, "Just mister is fine."

>> No.9518700
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>> No.9518708

extremely sick. please delete this thread and go down to the police station. pedos deserve to have all kinds of excruciatingly painful things done to them irrational to the proportion of their crime.

>> No.9518714

I too wish to be raped by a girl below the breeding age

>> No.9518726

I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.

>> No.9518729

This thread is hilarious for several reasons, most of them revolving around summer.

>> No.9518731

What do you mean?

>> No.9518735

Don't use 1 line copy pasta. You should be able to type up this much on your own and with your own words.

>> No.9518767


I'm just around 20 and I still have little girls and boys call me "Mein Herr" (German equivalent of "Mister) often. I think it's about the way you dress and stand. If you wear a shirt and tie often or something conservative in general young children will adress you properly, if they're not total brats that is.

>> No.9518772

I once saw a nice loli returning from school. Her slender legs in pantyhose were so beautiful I just wanted to lick them all over. Why so few artists can draw such well-shaped legs, goddamn.

>> No.9518773

I've never heard anyone ever say "Mein Herr" outside of movies.

>> No.9518783


Yeah, the phrase is dying.

>> No.9518784

Start it right now. It's a great way to make friends.

>> No.9518785

/jp/, you're my favorite board but you go too far with this pedophile thing. Not talking about 2D loli but real children. I can't tell if you're just pretending to be retarded like the old days or if our board has become some sort of pseudo safe haven for pedophiles.

>> No.9518790

Nobody says "mein Herr" anymore. Children always address me with "Sie" like in "Wollen Sie aussteigen?".

>> No.9518800


There's nothing bad about being a pedophile.

>> No.9518795


i think it's fine. let our pedobros talk about their feelings.

>> No.9518801

I agree, but the odd thread is fine. This isn't OH BOY I'D LOVE TO SUCK A COCK, it's just some Anon who still lusts for 3DPD sharing his story about IRL lolis.

>> No.9518802

Well, at least children talk to you at all.

>> No.9518804


Oh, maybe I should add that it happens often on formal events, like weddings and such. You can't expect this to happen in everyday life. That kind of speech died in the 60s.

>> No.9518807

keep loli 2d

>> No.9518820


live and let live

>> No.9518823

But summer has been going on since 2008.

>> No.9518849

Does anyone on /jp/ dress formally whenever they go outside?

>> No.9518853

I have a suit I like to wear, and I go out often enough that I consider it a special occassion for anything outside of food.

>> No.9518855

Go out rarely enough, sorry. Though I suppose I did not need to say this on /jp/.

>> No.9518856

That's cute.

>> No.9518861

I only have one set of clothes that my mom bought me few years back. And they aren't formal.

>> No.9518880

I still live with my parents and they have a pool.
My 9yo cousin came a few weeks ago, her swimsuit was so nice I wanted to do things to her.

>> No.9518911

That's really hot. Are you two close? While you probably shouldn't rape her you could take pictures (maybe even with her consent) and masturbate to them later.
