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9517012 No.9517012[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ my parents just left for a holiday, I'm left on my own and it's just me and my cat. You guys are literally the only people I have to talk to for a few weeks and I'm really, really scared. I know this is just a blog post but well, I love you guys.

>> No.9517020

I love you too anon, but these posts don't contribute a whole lot the the front page of the board.

>> No.9517019

Hey you yes you! Listen to me I have a tale of what happened to /jp/! Yes, that /jp/
There once was a story of a poster who was a respected member of his anonymous community. He was diligent at keeping the peace with his fellow
Anons. Suddenly, one day he couldn't handle the influx of off topic posting. This off topic drove anon mad! He then decided to use his quick wit and irony he made defamatory remarks and wud tell ppl 2 suk dik rofl thn he shitposted so hard nerds flt it in their colons xDdd he ended da day makin an epic new memes

>> No.9517021

How long are they gonna be gone anon?

>> No.9517029

Just let it drop off, I don't want to bump it and if any discussion happens then it can happen off the front page. If I could have made it off the front page I would have but I just needed to talk to someone now my parents are gone.

Two weeks.

>> No.9517039

kill the cat and eat it for survival

>> No.9517041

Are you worried someone's gonna like break into your house?

>> No.9517042

Well then I suppose that's okay then.
I'd be willing to listen, I'm not going anywhere for several hours.

Is this the first time you've been alone for an extended period of time?

>> No.9517045

I'd be careful about that, especially if there's no cars in the driveway.

Or maybe it's different if you don't live in a shitty area.

>> No.9517069

I love my cat though.

Extremely worried, the house has been broken into before and the burglars were prepared to use one of the knifes in the kitchen to attack anyone who was in the house, luckily at the time no one was home when that happened. I'm really scared about that.

The first time for this length of time yes, but even before when I was left alone I was never really alone, we lived in a different place when I was left alone and my parents were friends with the caretaker of the apartment block and every so often he would just check on me.

We don't have a drive way, but I'm going to leave the lights on in rooms which can be seen from the outside, my dad also bought a little light which actually simulates what a TV would look like through curtains, so I'll use that in a different room.

>> No.9517072

I love you too, Anon-kun. I'll be here for you!

>> No.9517090

I love when that happens,
this is the best time of your neet life, enjoy it while you can

>> No.9517097

Remember to lock the doors at night, also I've found that carrying a blunt object around with me makes me feel safer. Like I have an oar next to my desk right now in case someone comes at me.

Also, maybe carry around a fire extinguisher so you can spray it at someone if they attack you.

>> No.9517113

The doors and windows wont ever open, they'll be locked 24/7. I'm just worried that I don't know, people may just force their way in somehow. I don't know about any blunt objects, but I guess I could carry a knife around with me.

>> No.9517121

Just make sure that you keep everything locked up, I think you'll be just fine anon-sama.
Since you're not being checked up on this time, make sure you take care of yourself too. Shower at least once every couple of days, buy food if you have to, and please don't only eat microwaveable food, it won't kill you to make some rice and meat at least a few times.

>> No.9517125

I'd also have a phone nearby in case you need to call the police or something.

>> No.9517158

I have to be honest here and say I'm really not good with taking care of myself, I don't want to go into details since some is pretty embarrassing but I don't know if I'll take care of myself for the couple of weeks, I took a bath last night though. I stocked up on takeaway food beforehand, my mum cooked me plenty of meals and they are in the freezer, together I think I should be okay without having to try to cook. I don't know how to cook and there's a high chance I could cause a fire and I don't want to risk something like that when I'm alone.

As strange as it sounds, I'm well, kind of more afraid at the thought of having to try and use the phone than I am of getting burgled.

>> No.9517159

I don't have much to say, but good luck Anon!

>> No.9517189

>I'm really not good with taking care of myself
That's not a good quality to have anon-sama, you'll need to if you want to keep your mind in check too, since it seems like you're nervous about being alone for a long time.

Being a NEET doesn't mean you don't try to take care of yourself at the same time. Just bathe every couple days, try to eat a variety of foods on top of whatever snacks you have as well and you'll do alright.

>> No.9517198
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Last year, my parents went to miami for 2 weeks on a 3rd honeymoon.

They called my aunt to stay with me and babysit me.

I am 25 years old. I felt offended.

>> No.9517221

This thread succeeded at making me paranoid of a burglary.

Thanks a lot /jp/.

>> No.9517234
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Just leave the lights on in multiple rooms and carry around a knife like you mentioned.

Also, go get a handle of liquor and get hammered, and talk to people on omegle when you get lonely. Or /jp/ while trashed.

>> No.9517227
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Stay strong OP, and know that we will always be by your side. Through thick and thin, /jp/ will be here to comfort you!

>> No.9517236

I'm getting a gun. Fuck that.

I live in Florida so I can get it easily.

>> No.9517247

Finger your butt while you have the chance.

>> No.9517249

>You guys are literally the only people I have to talk to
What about your cat?
At any rate you'll be fine, OP! Just stay armed and cozy and you'll have nothing to worry about.

>> No.9517260

But cats are not people dummy.

>> No.9517271
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You seem cute. I suppose my parents would do the same if they left for two full weeks.

>> No.9517281

How will you deal with the crushing depression?

>> No.9517283

It's not a good quality to have, but I've felt like this all my life, taking care of myself, washing especially has been hard. Whenever I wash everything feels horrible afterwards, my skin itches and everything I wear itches and I have to usually be naked or near to naked for a day or so before I can wear clothes without itching. It's just hard for me, because of that I tend to neglect certain areas of my life.

As for the food, I think I have a variety, there's mac and cheese with bacon, chicken and broccoli, I have take away stuff like pizza and fried chicken, uh, kebab I think. So all that stuff should last me.

I'm pretty sure you're more independent than me, so I can understand that you'd get offended, for me though, I'd be happy if they did that.

Thank you.

There's no alcohol in the house and I can't handle real time chat situations so /jp/ is really my only way to communicate with people.

That's pretty lewd.

My cat wont talk back, as much as I wish he would sometimes.

>> No.9517296

By talking to my /jp/sie friend.

>> No.9517308

I actually envy people who have pets. Especially cats.

>> No.9517309

fuck you

>> No.9517323
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Then go on a bizarre adventure to the store to buy liquor and treats for yourself. You can turn this scary week into a bunch of fun!

>> No.9517336
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I love you too OP, stay strong!

>> No.9517343

Going outside for me is not really an option. The only time I can manage to go outside is if I have one of my parents with me, and even then it's very hard for me due to my anxiety.

>> No.9517340

Throw a big fancy spring break party even though it's not spring break, and then the time will fly by. Suddenly you'll get a call one day from your parents, they're coming home in an hour, and you gotta get rid of all the beach babes and trash in that amount of time. It'll be wacky.

They'll come home, say they're happy you kept the house so clean. Then you'll head to your room, sighing in relief, when your mother will say "where did this beach ball come from?" and then you'll sprint away as the audience laughs and applauds.

>> No.9517345

Just sayin but I've went months without speaking to anyone or even visiting a website like this with other people, your shit is nothing.

>> No.9517374
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Are you...actually autistic (not just /jp/ autistic)? How old are you?

>> No.9517388

No, I'm not autistic, and I'm 21.

>> No.9517390

If you want, I could talk with you via email to assuage your fears.

I really don't know why I'm offering, I must be going crazy.

>> No.9517392

Fingering your butt is lewd, but it feels really really good. You really should try it. It's best to use some lube.

>> No.9517407

If you're ever just feeling scared, especially at night, you could try singing. It doesn't matter if you're any good. I have an awful voice, but if I get nervous singing helps alleviate my fears.

>> No.9517420

Try playing some fun games. Before you notice it, the sun is rising.

>> No.9517425

These kinds of threads warm my heart.
Thank you.

>> No.9517430

I'm not sure, I don't want to sound ungrateful (I know when people start what they're saying with "I don't want to sound" they usually are going to sound the way they don't want to) but I think email is just a bit too personal for me, I don't think I could do that, I'm sorry.

I might try, though my voice is kind of quiet due to me not actually speaking that much.

I don't know, I was thinking about Civilization 5 or something to just get lost in wars between countries and hope to distract myself from the real world.

>> No.9517440

No pressure.

If you ever change your mind, just make a thread.

Just use a fake name. That's what I do.

>> No.9517457
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Make sure you'll stock yourself with enough food to have pleasant days alone, you won't enjoy them with empty stomach

>> No.9517455

Civilization is good, any kind of simulation games are nice really. RPGs are fine too, personally I like to play Pokémon, it's an instant distraction. I would avoid action games, because these make me even more aware of my surroundings, but of course you're free to do whatever you find best.

>> No.9517467

Thank you, I will remember your offer and if I do decide to take you up on it, I hope I'll be able to find you.

Well I think I'll just take things as they come, so I'll see if anything other than Civilization takes my interest, thank you for advice though.

>> No.9517473

Look out the front window at 4 am for a surprise, OP.

>> No.9517477

If you want a game that will take up a ton of your time, give Genius of Saphherios a shot.

>> No.9517485

you're so fucked dude... i've left my house on avg like 3-5 times a year for the past 6-7 years, but judging from your posts i am nowhere near as autismal as you and even i have some difficulties when i can't talk to anyone at all for a couple of weeks. i usually end up eating like once a week too since i can't cook.

>> No.9517499

Thanks, this looks really, really interesting.

>> No.9517538
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You got some 3d glasses?

>> No.9517540


>> No.9517549

Did OP just invite us to rape him?

>> No.9517556

I really wish I were that kid under her skirt.
That's a dream of mine that can never be accomplished, because I'm neither a shota nor 2D.
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.9517563

Not sure, but I would gladly have sex with OP, if invited.

>> No.9517600

I'm going to bed now guys, thank you for talking to me all and just being able to speak with people got me to relax a bit more and I'm able to even go to sleep now, thanks again guys and goodnight everyone.

>> No.9517607

Ration your food. If you're as scared of outside as I am, you're not going to want to run out of food within those weeks. Seriously. I'm actually in a similar situation right now and I'm almost out of food. It's terrifying.

>> No.9517670

I would do it uninvited.

>> No.9517714

Imagine his pathetic cries for for help as you penetrate him over and over. And the best part is he would be yours for a "few weeks"!

>> No.9517711

>That feel when I leave the house every day and I am drunk on rum while reading this thread.

Are you people even real?

>> No.9517722

No. I am part of the next-generation Anontalk spambot system that emulates sapience and cognitive functioning to bypass anti-spam measures.

Please don't tell moot. He might start spamming my master's site again with illegal attacks.

>> No.9517737

Wanna make our bodies one?

>> No.9517782

It's all an elaborate joke.

>> No.9517784

I didn't want to start my own thread and get in trouble, but can we get some omegles happening on /jp/?

I really want to talk to some jpsies.

>> No.9517804

It's going to be fine anon, we'll stay here with you.

>> No.9517805

You can pretend we're kidding if it makes you feel better.

>> No.9517861

post the cat

>> No.9517884 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.9517892

So gay.

>> No.9517929

You're gay for looking at it.
