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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9516877 No.9516877 [Reply] [Original]

So, how many of you are actually aiming to move to japan?
I mean not just travel, but live and work there.
If you don't plan to move to there, would you do it if you could actually live there without working? Or you wouldn't just because you are too satisfied with your country?

>> No.9516892
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I don't plan on moving to Japan anytime in my life.
A lot of people talk down about my country a lot, but I like it here and I think that it's a fine place to live. Japan puts out a lot of material and things that I can't see or get anywhere else and I'm content with staying put and being a consumer.

>> No.9516888

moving myself out of bed is enough work

>> No.9516914
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You will never fit into Japan as a foreigner. Unless you have great social skills and/or charisma to make it work for you, which /jp/ probably doesn't have.

Why would anyone want to live in Japan?

>> No.9516926

Are you touhoufangirl?

>> No.9516930

Where is the cheapest place to live that isn't a shithole?

>> No.9516935

Once I finish my degree, stop working my shitty minimum wage job and get one that pays well, I'll see from there. That may take a while since I can only manage classes part time. I really want to live there but if money allows it, I would like to visit Japan first and see how it is there before permanently living there.

>> No.9516941

Japan is just like the shithole you're living in now. It isn't some magical land. If you have a fetish for asian women you can easily fuck one right here in America..

>> No.9516949

I want to go there to see if I enjoy being able to buy things more easily. That is the only reason I want to visit right now. I suppose visiting historical sites and eating food would be nice, but that's nice anywhere in the world.

I kind of liked Korea but my Korean is worse than my Japanese.

>> No.9516954

There's no need to fit into Japan. Only if you actually want to have japanese friends.
But you can live there without friends.

>> No.9516976

>It isn't some magical land
But Japan seems to be a nice place.

You can get things related to you hobby easier there.
And also don't have to worry about getting mugged and raped.

>> No.9516991

sounds like a waste of money.

>> No.9517032
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Please don't relate my favourite touhou to that shitty shitpost.

>> No.9520187


>> No.9520209

I probably could if I wanted to since I still have citizenship and relatives living there to help me out but Japanese summer sucks ass and I'm not very good at reading kanji past a basic level.

Also I'm shit at academics so I probably couldn't even go to school there.

>> No.9520281

fuggn weeaboos

>> No.9520348

I'm planning to live there after I finish my studies. As a background job I would like to teach languages.

>> No.9520359

I wouldn't mind moving to a new country in general, so I would if given the chance. They have a low crime rate and they will at least pretend to be nice and only make fun of you behind you back, which is good enough for me. However, it seems like immigration into any decent country is a difficult thing to do with Japan being one of the harder countries to get into.

>> No.9520361

Japan is a very nice place to spend a vacation in, not one to live in unless you're already japanese.

>> No.9520374


>> No.9520417

I would love too, but I know I never will. I'm not particularly intelligent and I seriously struggle with languages. I'll no doubt go there on holiday a lot but I don't think there is room in Japan for someone like me.

>> No.9520428

This is the board for shut ins you stupid piece of weeaboo shit.
Get out get out get out get out

>> No.9520451

What are the fake Otakus doing here?
Move your ass to your company and work for us while I sit at home on my computer.

>> No.9520508

Because go find out for yourself fucking weeb.

>> No.9520511

>And also don't have to worry about getting mugged and raped.

Avoiding rape is rather easy. Scream that you are a recovering drug addict and have AIDS, that you don't want to take the sin of infecting them upon yourself, beg Jesus to hold in the blight within you, etc.
Avoiding getting mugged is easy too. Make someone else go outside for errands and stuff, hole up in your basement and make sure you have a couple of guns to shoot invaders off. Can't have guns? Then stock up on bottles of piss. No sane small-time robber would go against a twiggie nerd that screams like a banshee and showers everything with his urine.

>> No.9520716

>would you do it if you could actually live there without working?
Oh god jesus buddha vishnu satan fuck make it happen, yes.

The largest city hub possible, so I don't have to walk far to get food, and the broadband there is fucking amazing. Who needs to learn the language if I don't plan on talking to anybody anyway?
