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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9516854 No.9516854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's up with Japan's collective boner for young protagonists/the school setting in their media? Does it suck being an adult in Japan?

>> No.9516857

Ask /a/


>> No.9516858

Because it's aimed at otakus or a younger audience

>> No.9516860

Everyone loves their escapist fantasies.
Primary school apparently sucks in Japan, it's nice to imagine that you can do something spectacular.

>> No.9516861


All of it?

>> No.9516870


Including the tentacle rape power point novels

>> No.9516873

Because school sucks in Japan.

>> No.9516874


Does everything suck in Japan?

>> No.9516875

From what I understand their lives is pretty much their jobs when they get in real life. I assume college lives are all busy and no fun too.

>> No.9516886


Sure, but cultural things have reasons. They didn't get that way magically.

>> No.9516881

It's pretty much the easiest setting to relate to while also being perfect for escapism.

>> No.9516882

nah just ur mom LOL

>> No.9516883

Cultural thing, like how America has a raging hard on for guns and killing things with them.

>> No.9516891


Probably always mentally trying to re-capture their formative years. I can relate.

>> No.9516895


High school is where kids basically decide their futures, so thats when all the crazy adventures happen in VNs and stuff.

>> No.9516903
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>They didn't get that way magically.

>> No.9516905
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"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."

-George Washington

If you don't like this country, get out.

>> No.9516908


Yeah! Lets go shoot some guns, son!

>> No.9516918

I'd actually love to go shooting with /jp/
It's a fun and engaging hobby!

>> No.9516919

>i'm a biiig man look at me mom i have a gun so now i am invincible and if anyone tells me what to do or offends me i can murder them! or even fantasize about post civilization warfare yay!

>> No.9516921

Nerds suck shit at school, just like they do in the west. There's always at least one sperglord who gets ignored and/or bullied to HELL and back. It has a lot to do with the idea of reliving school like it is supposed to be lived.

>> No.9516936

Adolescence is a period of change and discovery, it's the time when you come to grips with reality and in turn it shapes you and your personality for the rest of your life. That's what the author wants to focus on by using this specific setting.
And no, it's not just a Japanese thing, pretty much every writer in the world uses the same context for these kind of stories. Why do you think stories like The Catcher in the Rye employ teenagers as protagonists?

>> No.9516952
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"The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country..."

-James Madison

Get out of /jp/ spineless liberal greentexting subhumans, this is a patriotic AMERICAN board.

>> No.9516979

>well regulated militia
read; not just any arm chair action hero. you haven't even read and considered the implications of the thing your entire argument relies on.

"The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country..."

-James Madison 1789
that was 250 odd years ago, how can you possibly think it is still an appropriate thing to base policy on. i mean, did they even HAVE automatic weapons then?

>> No.9516999

Gun violence would cease if we simply banned getting shot.

>> No.9517002
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>> No.9517003


Why does it matter? If someone shoots you you're dead.

>> No.9517010

The fact that OP even had to ask me wonder why he isn't blazing in da club with other guidos.

>> No.9517017

we're talking about potency of the actual weapons. if you compare a shitty prototype musket to any assault rifle, they could barely be considered in the same league of weapon.

there would be no mass shootings if reloading took a minute.

>> No.9517022

>>>well regulated militia
>read; not just any arm chair action hero. you haven't even read and considered the implications of the thing your entire argument relies on.

Typical anti-gun retard who calls other people ignorant while being ignorant himself. Militia is a defined term in the US Code:

> (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

>> No.9517023

Why does it bother you if someone has a gun or not?
I just don't understand the logic behind wanting to ban all weapons and the only people who are armed are those who are controlled by a governor who gets elected through business connections.

Why can't you just leave people alone? Those who go crazy and murder people, won't really care if guns are legal or not, since they're already planning something that would put them away for life.

>> No.9517040

"People should not be able to own things I do not like."

-Anonymous 8/4/2012

>> No.9517044

> The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

read: anybody.
>well regulated

i fear you are taking my dislike of guns as a personal attack on you, which it isn't. i just can't fathom why there can't be rational debate on whether civilians need guns or not.

>> No.9517056

Just because they don't need a gun doesn't mean they should not be allowed to own any guns.

>> No.9517054

>i just can't fathom why there can't be rational debate on whether civilians need guns or not.

A gun ban would take away guns from innocent civilians so that only criminals have guns. Great plan.


>> No.9517073
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>> No.9517076

I like how this thread goes from school girl life in anime to weapons.

>> No.9517086

I like how you feel that you have to point it out because probably nobody noticed

>> No.9517085

yeah, worked in aurora didn't it?

given their sole purpose is to be lethal just wanting one shouldn't qualify you to get one.

and nobody has bothered qualifying how they consider themselves an organised and well managed militia group.

and i didn't know /k/ browsed here.

>> No.9517119

>yeah, worked in aurora didn't it?

Aurora theatre does not allow guns inside yet he still got them inside. The gun ban didn't work in the theatre so it would not work on a larger scale either. I'm glad we agree.

>> No.9517127

Guns are used for sport and hunting as well.

Should we ban bows and arrows or knives too? Just go full UK so that only those ages 18 and up can buy a water gun.

A lot of people buy swords for reasons I don't even know, seems they're only good for killing too. Should we ban that?

>> No.9517134
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How does being wrong feel?

>> No.9517171

that's a very nice cherry you have there

he purchased them legally too, at least you saved him the effort of looking for one!

congratulations by the way, a tonne of people have died for the 'principle of the thing'. since australia's ban on guns post-port arthur massacre, want to know how many mass shootings there have been?


>> No.9517184

> since australia's ban on guns post-port arthur massacre, want to know how many mass shootings there have been?

Guns are heavily regulated in Norway but that didn't stop Andew Breivek from killing 69 people. Guess I just tore apart your gun control fantasies, sorry.

>> No.9517182

no, arrows and knives are not efficient weapons.

>> No.9517191

I don't understand where this thought process even comes from.
Do you think loli manga should be against the law too, or smoking?

You can't just ban things you don't like. Its even sillier to expect that just by writing rules on paper that people will follow them, if anything that will make them even angrier and instability will rise.

But then again, I don't think anyone who seriously wants gun bans is out for the good of the people. Logically, you'd know that a criminal will find a way regardless. It's just a way to flex their dicks, that they can tell you what to do. Its just something so silly.

>> No.9517223

loli porno and cigs used in lethal bank robbery, hundreds killed. people dismayed.

try to make more sense.

and by banning them you make them less accessible in general and make controlling them easier.

he planned that for years and everyone ignored it.

>> No.9517241

>lethal bank robbery
>hundreds killed

>> No.9517245

He committed a massacre much more horrific than Aurora in a country where guns are heavily regulated.

Face it, you're wrong.

>> No.9517252

i was trying to be funny, the point is both of the things you mentioned AREN'T WEAPONS YOU FUCKING MORON.

>> No.9517262

Everyone should drive a 4 door sedan that doesn't go over 70mph.

You're just a civilian. You don't NEED a sports car.

>> No.9517276

well i decided to give it a quick check. there is only one prominent shooting case in norway ever.

here's America's history
>at least 56

are you sure i'm wrong?

>> No.9517282

I can totally agree with that, cars are much worse than guns

>> No.9517293
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yeah, sports cars shoot things too. now you're just being a huge nigger. fuck you. give me a hug.

>> No.9517298

America has 60 times the population of Norway. Think before you post.

>> No.9517312

Armed civilians make totalitarian coup d'état more difficult.

>> No.9517319
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>> No.9517320

Coups d'état don't happen unless the US wants them to

>> No.9517331

but guns have been legal the whole time right? why didn't guns prevent any of those massacres like they're supposed to?

>> No.9517330

People aren't fucking drones. Stop treating everyone like they're beneath you, and pretending you're doing everything for their "best interest" by leaving them completely defenseless in systems that have been proven time and time again to be corrupt.

The police will most definitely not be there to save you. My uncle retired from the NYPD not long ago. Do you know what he told me? They would sit and wait before going out to answer calls. They'd rather be safe themselves instead of risking their lives like you'd expect, to save your unarmed self.
It's good that you depend on others and develop a strong sense of community and all that jazz, but you shouldn't be so damn naive.

I'm certain this is in fact a fucking troll, since you're not bothering to address the fact that a criminal will become armed if he really wants to, as opposed to a law abiding citizen. You're not taking many other points and analogies into consideration, and just pussyfooting around like a dumb sack of shit trying to be funny.

The only thing a total gun ban would do is leave the general populace vulnerable and at the mercy of someone else, and if they really feel like risking themselves like their damn job implies.

>> No.9517334

You are mentally retarded.

>> No.9517351

This right there.
The problem isn't solved by banning guns.
Americans just need to stop being angsty little pussies like this fag here.

>> No.9517369

i'm not worried about you or anyone else, i'm worried that the nignog down the street can buy a hand gun over the counter and shoot me in the space of 10 minutes.

and here we delve into more fantasies that come the day the government gets too corrupt (read, already) everyone will rise up and other throw it.

a longterm crackdown on guns in general can only make them harder to access be it by a criminal or a civilian.

and here's the thing, the only people who want the guns are you crazy fucks who think it is a god given right. people are sick of the constant threat but don't want to arm themselves.

>> No.9517393

So you want to ban guns because they don't do the job that you assigned to them?

>> No.9517434

Except he can buy one from a crack dealer and shoot you in five. Banning guns won't stop this. They will be bought from chinese knock-off factors and smuggled, or stolen from the military.

>> No.9517508

Being an adult sucks in every country.

>> No.9517516

1. High School is seen as the best part of life; once you get into a good high school you're virtually assured to get into at least a decent college with minimal effort so the students end up spending a huge amount of time cooped up with each other and not having much to do.
2. For much the same reasons as the above, a high school setting appeals to various people for various reasons: it appeals to little kids because teenagers are COOL, it appeals to tweens because middle school is godawful and high school is the light at the end of the tunnel, it appeals to high-schoolers because "hey we can relate to that", it appeals to college-age people because "college sucks but at least I can remember when I was kind of happy" and it has nostalgia value for anyone older.
3. It's a really, really, really easy setting for a narrative; everyone is already familiar with the "generic high school experience (TM)" and so that provides an instantly accessible setting with virtually no effort.
3-b. It allows for writers to not have to worry about trivial things like "food" and "lodging"; they're teenagers so all of that is covered and so they can just skip those and go straight for the story.

>> No.9517533

I imagine it's for stories about first love which happens to coincide with high school age.

>> No.9517534

This! I wish I could rewind time.

>> No.9517535

It's kind of interesting how lenient America's gun laws are. I guess they uphold the general atmosphere of fear well. A seemingly dangerous world promotes harsh values. Harsh values make the general populace tolerate and even support offensive wars, or "pre-emptive strikes" like they are usually called.

>> No.9517573

Putin has also been toning down democracy during the last ten years, using age-old methods. If the world looks like a peaceful place, fix it. Wars require public support.

>> No.9517595

>Does it suck being an adult
For the most part, yeah.

>> No.9517601
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Removing all guns would sure have saved these guys! My god think of it, you wouldn't have had Timothy McVeigh run in and shoot the place ... oh wait.

You anti gun nerds sure are funny. I don't own a gun, I never plan on owning a gun, but pretending that

1. Gun restrictions will stop kooks from killing lots and lots of people if they want
2. Putting the gun genie back into the bottle is at all possible. I mean fuck I can make a gun from PVC pipe and potatoes that can punch holes in the sides of cars.

People will kill people regardless of what you do to stop them. People will simply import illegal firearms. We should learn what causes people to become madmen rather than punish everyone by removing their right to firearms which will have 0 effect anyway.

>> No.9517605

That's because said harsh values were necessary when the country was formed and they've since become a part of American culture. For the majority of 'murrica's life, there have been any number of threats to the general populace all over the place; if you went west or lived in a rural/semi-rural area, a rifle meant survival; you could bag game and protect you and yours from most physical threats.

If you're going to rag on 'murrica for having an "atmosphere of fear", you might as well rag on Japan for having a culture that promotes suicide.

>> No.9517645

Well, Japan has a culture that promotes suicide. Why are 200 year old circumstances relevant today?

>> No.9517753

>Why are 200 year old circumstances relevant today?
For one, because those circumstances are still relevant to many people. Despite what some may believe, much of America is still very rural or semi-rural and guns (and proper gun use and safety practices) are dug in deep and have been for literally hundreds of years. America is a country whose national identity was founded on war, exploration and hunting - all of which are activities involving firearms. Plenty of people use firearms for constructive purposes frequently; I own my life to a firearm twice over and regularly provide for myself with one.
