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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 80 KB, 1280x720, nagipassingout1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9513160 No.9513160 [Reply] [Original]

mom.dad cal the hospital...! i just fel off the side of the tub wit the plunger in my ass and it snapped n i think it riped into my intestines..im feling dizy mom..if ths is the end...i wnat u to no...that i never loves u bcecuze u gave birt to me and i fuckin hatebein alive....but i want to live at same tiem...cuse eroge and t2hu r coming ut as we speak...ths made be the end. n i dont care anywya. hte only thing i regrt is not makng my progrm that helps boyz becum girls. idndt even finish SICP but i was gon do it 2morow.

-/jp/er after injuring self while celebrating posting flanfly at exactly 2:00 AM for the first time before someone else did

>> No.9513171
File: 38 KB, 704x400, hayatemariashocked1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang on sweetie! Your father and I love you, even if you live at home, have never had a job, are homosexual or bisexual or fuck cartoon pillows or whatever! Don't say such things, you know you love your mother and father, and we love you! We're a family! Look at all this blood, what were you thinking, putting a plunger in your butthole? Don't worry, the ambulance is on it's way. What do you mean you don't care if you live or die? You just told us to call the hospital! Are you just embarrassed that your mom and dad caught you doing one of your gay things again? Oh, sorry, sorry I didn't mean to call it that. Liking things in your backside is part of what makes you special, darling-even if it's not exactly what me and your father-especially your father-wanted to be special about you.

Programming? You mean like with computers? Oh, stop talking so much, save your energy. Yes, the hospital will have people in it, what kind of question is that? THAT's what you're afraid of? Oh Christ.

H-honey, stop shaking your head-your his father, try to support him right now!

- The /jp/ers moderate, middle-class parents comforting him after his accident, despite his rude and hateful comments and feminine crying.

>> No.9513179

These copy-pasta are most likely hitting to close to home for people.

You probably just fucked someone's day up actually.

>> No.9513191
File: 49 KB, 1280x800, nagicrying1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-fuck u mom...ur the one that left the plunger out for our STUPID ISdisgusting western toilet! if we had a squat toilet u wundt need this tihing nad id never have shuved it up my butt!


mom if i die dont lok at my computr. i want u to bury it wit me. wit it on my chest mnear my heart so i can be wit my frands in gensokyo and on /jp/ 4ever.

mom wil they inject me wit stuff? im scared. it hurts soo bad but needsles hurt to oh my god im so scared. mom gte my lapotp i ned to tel ./jp/ wht is hpening!

>> No.9513202
File: 61 KB, 704x400, childnagi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The /jp/er begins to have his life play before his eyes as his body becomes colder and colder from blood loss-

He remembers his first year of school, when he was just 5 years old. He remembers all of the boys were bigger, stronger, louder and more "boyish" than him-this made the boy uncomfortable and frightened, especially when they tried to play games with him. After a while, he was ostracized and often bullied for his shyness and small stature. The girls, which he felt a sort of kinship with, laughed at him and spit on him, stole his snacks, and cut his hair with scissors at lunch. The /jp/er often went home in tears.

The next year was little different, nor was the next, nor the next, each one making him more quiet, afraid and lonely. But he didn't cry as much anymore-he was used to being pushed around, called names, having his things stolen or ruined, and though it hurt, his eyes were rather dry through it. He began wearing glasses, and spent his time reading books or playing video games. He often skipped school, and though he never cried in class anymore, he often went to sleep hugging his pillow and gently weeping.

>> No.9513212
File: 403 KB, 1280x720, nagiabitshocked1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Only a few moments have passed, as the /jp/er recalls his years in school-

Before kindergarten, the young boy had been cheerful and happy. He'd been eager to learn new things, and explore his home and backyard-imagining all the wonderful things that would happen to him as he grew older.

But, those notions faded, or rather, were crushed as he slowly grew up. He finished elementary school without a single friend, and had spent many days in school not uttering a single phrase or word. He stopped eating snacks or lunch at school-becoming smaller.

Middle school was little different, but the /jp/er discovered computers and anime, and played the longest, most time-consuming video games he could find. He thus spent his time browsing the internet and watching his favorite shows, playing RPGs and pretending he had friends that would accompany him anywhere, which helped him to escape the dreary, unpleasant nature of his school life. His mother and father were concerned for their boy, but the little /jp/er shunned them without thinking-spending his time after school locked in his room, in the dark, with headphones on, watching his monitor quietly or staring blankly at his television. He rarely ate with his mother or father at dinner, instead eating prepackaged foods in his room when they went to bed, and sleeping a few hours before school.

He went this way, never once telling anyone what he enjoyed in private. He entered high school-and grew just a bit hopeful. Just a bit. Other people liked

>> No.9513216
File: 926 KB, 1280x720, isumiasmaid1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The /jp/er is unaware that he is being lifted from the bathtub, things are becoming blurry and confusing in reality; he only understands the massive amounts of blood that are pouring past his thighs and onto the side of the bathtub and tiles on the floor.-

Other people liked video games-and maybe some of them liked anime too. High school was supposed to be more mature and interesting, right? A lot of the characters the /jp/er loved were from high school anime-they discovered truths about themselves, and made new friends, and girls would even confess their love with red cheeks.
The /jp/er finally made a friend. He was a little weird-he was a bit bigger than the /jp/er, and had dirty hair, and was kind of loud, but he was kind of nice,and said he liked Final Fantasy (Even thought that isn't the /jp/ers favorite, it's nice to find someone with somewhat similar interests)
One day in class, he mentions to his new friend that he was enjoying a show called Azumanga Daioh. Upon looking it up on the internet, his friend came in the next day during science class. He sat down, away from the /jp/er, and snickered with a few other boys. The /jp/er felt his stomach sink. The boy turned around, biting his lip. "What are you, a faggot? I can't believe you like that shit!" Everyone in the class started laughing as he told them that the /jp/er enjoyed a show about little girls and that he was probably going to grow up to rape children.
The /jp/er was crushed. He never talked to anyone else during his high school years, and was routinely pushed around, spit on, and stolen from.

>> No.9513225
File: 318 KB, 550x313, stopbraggingnagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The /jp/er is out as he is put into the back of the ambulance, and blood transfusions are begun-
The worst was gym class, when his clothes were stolen, often found in the toilet, either defecated upon or soaking in all of the boy's piss. The /jp/er once again sealed himself, retraining his eyes to become dull and unaffected whenever he was hurt. He skipped school even more. He did only what was necessary to pass his classes, sat at the farthest corner of the bus (or the closest to the younger students who didn't know him) and went straight to his room after school, to post on forums online.
This continued for the four years, until the /jp/er graduated without any distinction. His parents told them they were proud, but he knew he hadn't done anything special or impressive. All he remembered from high school was being bullied, watching anime, playing video games, and losing interest in other people.

But it was over-high school was over. Would things ever change for him?

>> No.9513240
File: 62 KB, 500x281, nagiblushingcute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The ambulance speeds off to the hospital, the /jp/ers parents following behind in their own vehicle. The /jp/er is administered painkillers as he nods into his own memories-

The /jp/er decided that college was a waste. It cost lots of money-lots of money his parents couldn't give him. And he didn't want a big loan-he didn't even want a job. All he wanted was to be left alone to enjoy the things he enjoyed, without interference. He hadn't done particularly well in school-and he hadn't developed an interest in any academic pursuits. He instead delved deeper. He began reading more manga, and reading visual novels he found translated online. He played doujin games in Japanese. Each day he would wake up in the late afternoon, indulging in his hobbies, and then going to sleep. He ate once a day, and used the bathroom perhaps twice in that period.
He was enjoying himself-but this continued for several years. He began losing interest in his hobbies-but he continued with them. He played games he felt as though he'd played before, just to kill time. He read things without reading them, and downloaded files, knowing full well he'd never bother to open them. He decided that real life girls were disgusting and evil-not that males were any better. The only good people were non-existent. They were the only ones he could have ever considered friends.

>> No.9513247
File: 82 KB, 271x268, nagiprint1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-The /jp/er is lifted onto a gurney, and rushed into an operating room. His intestines were practically destroyed, and he would need to be acted upon soon if he were to survive-

The /jp/er, of course, like any other lonely geek, spent a lot of time masturbating, and fantasizing about sexual interludes. At first, this included girls at school, and then the girls from his video games and anime, along with porn stars and women he found in videos online. He could distinctly recall the excitement and arousal he'd experience upon finding something new and erotic on the internet for the first time, or discovering a girl in a new show or video game that made him swoon.
He had grown tired of most of it-along with his other hobbies, he had no interest in reality anymore. No interest in real girls. His interest even in 2-dimensional girls was a cycle of briefly searching for a doujin, pulling out his penis, stroking, ejaculating, and then closing it before going back to /jp/ to browse. To further interest himself, he began playing with his anus-with his fingers, and long cylindrical objects from the house. He looked at homosexual doujins. He looked at traps, at shemales, at futanari-things he'd never before been interested in. He found his libido renewed, and tried to tell himself that he was living the good life-video games, anime, manga, eroge, doujins, porn-anything he wanted at his fingertips. He told himself he was happy over and over.

>> No.9513252
File: 15 KB, 400x225, nagiissmuganddisgusted1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /jp/er is awakened and instructed briefly, before being put under anesthesia-but in those brief seconds, he recalls the final stages of his short remembrance-

The /jp/er lost interest in even that. He spent more time on /jp/, simply calling people faggots, nerds, idiots or losers. He mocked anyone with any goals or aspirations that did not include taking it easy, soaking up welfare, or doing well in doujin games. He masturbated near-constantly, but never much enjoyed it. He slept 14 hours a day. Before long, the /jp/er was 26 years old, and entirely miserable-but at the same time,mostly content in his existence. He despised his parents for birthing him, and he despised society merely for being an assemblage of the people he'd learned to distrust and hate. He never felt excitement nor joy, only moderate amusement and basic-satisfaction at fulfilling some sort of near-basic bodily necessity.

This was his life. This was what he would do forever. He would die like this.

-The /jp/er is suddenly awake,and in a hospital bed, his mother and father looking down at him, their eyes wet-

>> No.9513284

>moderate, middle-class parents comforting him
fuck you jose

>> No.9513297

This is gonna be a good.
Cant easily be edited and use for other board.
Keep up the good work OP.

>> No.9513312

I mean can.

>> No.9513671

Finish the story please

>> No.9513708

I'm sad that nobody is paying attention to this when you worked so hard on it.

>> No.9515842

I like this better than that 3-line spampasta about an anon who turned into a shitposter.

>> No.9516628

This was both hilarious and sad but mostly sad.

>> No.9516896

Is this the birth of a new epic meme?
