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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, Chugakusei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9512065 No.9512065[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Best girl? Best girl!

>> No.9512075 [DELETED] 

what the fuck is this gay weeaboo shit?

>> No.9512168

What is that shit?
And why did I watch it till the end?

>> No.9512194
File: 44 KB, 679x261, reported.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your ban fuckshit

>> No.9512204

The leftmost one is letting off some steam.

>> No.9512232
File: 121 KB, 1440x810, 793699236960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior loli reporting in!

>> No.9512245

What is this and where can I find more?

>> No.9512261

Your samefagging is not as subtle as you think it is.

>> No.9512302

>An all male audience, when they're so young is just...
>FujoshiFandubs 1 hour ago


>> No.9512313

>FujoshiFandubs liked 2 hours ago
Vocaloid - /jp/ Theme Song ENG subs


>> No.9512322


She looks how I'd expect the average female browsing /jp/ to look.

>> No.9512334

I'm scared now. I thought my /jp/ was pure.

>> No.9512343

Now we know who starts all the cocksucking /soc/ threads.

>> No.9512351

Thanks for making me physically ill. I won't feel safe on /jp/ ever again knowing that fat women are here.

>> No.9512361

How can you look down on people when you are using google chrome?

>> No.9512366

See you faggots. Stop it with those cocksucking thread.
It was funny the first time but now it is just attracting people like them.

>> No.9512370

Are you sure that's a girl?

>> No.9512373

Can't stop watching... Is this what they meant when they said there is a little girl in each of us?

>> No.9512377

Fuck off with your idols, best girls are 2D and fine maidens who aren't idols.

>> No.9512392

did i really get banned

>> No.9512396

Those faces she makes are really embarrassing, it's almost like she actually believes she's cute or something.

>> No.9512397

She showed some huge udders. Maybe they were just a pillow? I doubt it.

>> No.9512398
File: 390 KB, 784x1022, 4346564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your average /jp/ poster.

>> No.9512399
File: 76 KB, 646x522, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9512401


Why do you idiots get angry when people make fun of you for being generally unhealthy, reclusive or whatever else, but it's totally fine when you do it to these kinds of people?

>> No.9512404

Are you upset that we found your youtube channel? I'm sure you'll have a trip soon.

>> No.9512411


You have no response to my argument, so you just baselessly accuse me of being <x> person? Why is this even relevant?

>> No.9512413

You type like a frustrated woman, it's obvious.

>> No.9512418

>reclusive or
>whatever else,
I am not unhealthy.
Why would I be angry if people say I am a recluse or whatever?
They are one the one that usually get mad since I am profiteering off their hard work.

>> No.9512426


Sure, not angry in your case - but you look down upon society for generalizing this culture negatively and just generally having a big anti-otaku circlejerk, but then you do that same thing with women.

>> No.9512428

But we don't. We are the guys who mock everybody, not the other way around.

If we get frustrated with the world it's because we have social phobias and lack experience in social situations, not because people call us names.

You are forgetting where you are - which is 4chan. We have no mercy for those undeserving of it - and we expect none. Why are you different? What are you doing here? How long have you been here? Even if you had only visited other boards before today, you should know this.

>> No.9512433


>You are forgetting where you are - which is 4chan. We have no mercy for those undeserving of it - and we expect none.

ya bro we R legun

we epic /b/ros feel no emoshun

>> No.9512436

>you look down upon society for generalizing this culture negatively
What the hell are you talking about?
We join them in laughing at those confaggots.
We look down on idiots no matter if they are normalfags or loser otakus.

>> No.9512440


Who is "we?" Did /jp/ elect a representative?

>> No.9512441

Can you nerds stop saying "we"? It really gives off /a/ hivemind vibes, we are all special snowflakes here on /jp/.

>> No.9512443
File: 18 KB, 400x301, ebichu08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone loves Ebichu

>> No.9512448

I wonder if you misunderstood on purpose or if I made a mistake in my explanation.
This is not about us being legion or anything. This is about us having fun at somebody's expense (sometimes at our own expense). This is about us not worrying about hurting your feelings when we say you look butt-ugly in your video.

>> No.9512461

When I say "we", I meant the people against /cgl/ threads.
You know what I am talking about.

>> No.9512463

"Everyone is special" is just a nice way of saying that nobody is.
Demographics work even despite individual differences.
Statistics may lie, but the numbers themselves are still true.

>> No.9512583

People used collective pronouns before /a/ was around.

>> No.9512767

>You are forgetting where you are - which is 4chan. We have no mercy for those undeserving of it - and we expect none.

This is no longer true in most boards. The moment you point out how shit something is you'll get a legion of ironic shitposters with their "stop liking what i don't like" epic reaction images and asking you why did you even bother browsing that thread. 4chan is mostly a hugbox now.

>> No.9512890

I like to think at least /jp/ is still like that. At least for occasions like this.

>> No.9513041

lel i got BURNED i trol u instead


