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File: 62 KB, 682x393, 02-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9511881 No.9511881 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you use a keitai?

If so, what model?

>> No.9511886

needless use of foreign words is baka

and nokia e72, it is a piece of shit with a tiny screen and reading doujins on it is suicide for your eyes

>> No.9511889

There's no reason for mobile phones.

>> No.9511894
File: 18 KB, 600x350, droid-x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it, but fuck Blur.

>> No.9511908

Listening to music while in the kitchen, doing my reps, ordering pizzas.

>> No.9511927

I've had a 740sc for about two years now. Besides the fun ability to to draw crazy text art on my phone, it's not that great.

I'd really like a new android model with Wifi, or buy that used P-04b I've had my eyes on for quite some time, but I have to spend that money on food and stuff instead.

>> No.9511951

>Chime in! About yourseeeeelf
USB mp3 player / soundcard substitute / flash drive

Oh and a blackberry-type smartphone, not gonna plug the make/model on the board here -- OP, you really need to stop trying to sell us gadgets on every board all the time.

Just sayin'

>> No.9511966

>needless use of foreign words is baka
He's specifically talking about Japanese phone, baka

>> No.9511968
File: 35 KB, 507x320, 740sc_ph_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


740SC is a pretty nice looking phone (pic related)

P-04B looks pretty funky, especially with the flip-side screen thing it's got.

I also would love one o the newer android ones that have been released recently.


Not trying to sell you anything? Just wanted to see if anyone else was using a Japanese phone. Sorry?

>> No.9511979
File: 45 KB, 148x200, 133289692653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you're a baka.

>> No.9512021

740sc is a fucking shit phone.
The only reason I am using is cause thats the only prepaid phone that I can get. Wouldnt even use it if I can just buy a simcard and chuck it into my corean phone.

It was pretty funny when I think about it, Japan was at the pinnacle of phone technology but they missed the smartphone wave and now they are just riding the iphone and android wave. How they have fallen.

>> No.9512025

Relevant question: where is it possible to get fully-operational GSM 900/1800 flip mobile phone with such characteristics as a japanese one?
Western market is full of soap-shaped monoblocks with touchscreens that cause no feelings but hate.

>> No.9512047

lol, hater

>> No.9512048

Smartphones in Japan cost like $60 a month right to use anything more than 10MB of data or so a month right? I've checked Docomo, Softbank and that other one. It seems like price fixing.

Fuck that.

>> No.9512060

Softbank white plan is fucking cheap.
And you can get unlimited data as well.
When I said unlimited, it is really unlimited. No shitty data cap. But 2years contract and other bullshit.
No way I am gonna pay for contract penalty.

And yeah, no tethering. That is price that you have to pay for unlimited data.

>> No.9512068

I mean, isn't unlimited data like 4500 yen per month?

>> No.9512082

Do you really need it?
Without the data plan it is less than 1000y/month.

>> No.9512085

Is there any reason to have a smart phone without unlimited data? A 10MB/month limit may as well be 0 surely.

I've never used one so I don't know.

>> No.9512089

You can play games, read manga and listen to music without internet.
You only need data plan if you want to shitpost on /jp/ or update your fagbook/twitter.

>> No.9512090

You could simply buy an actual Japanese phone.
Or a Chinaphone.

>> No.9512099

They're just like in my japanese animes!

>> No.9512102

All phones let you listen to music, right?

So that leaves smartphone games and manga... I think I'd rather just use my DS and read physical manga.

>> No.9512112

That was true few years ago.
Smartphones have come a long way, now they are basically a mini computer.
I was like you as well thinking about how smartphone are just fashion accessory last time. Then my old phone broke, I got a new one. It makes a whole world of difference.

>> No.9512117

Overpriced gimmicks, that's all smartphones are.

>> No.9512123
File: 8 KB, 214x186, biggestfiretheyeverseen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nokia 3510
Get on my level.

>> No.9512128


Au contraire.
A guy I knew used to take pictures of problems he couldn't solve to show me them, the small text would have been illegible on a phone with a smaller screen (and fewer pixels).
Also they are good for browsing the internet in bed.

Perhaps they are gimmicky, but they are not useless.

>> No.9512124

>Smartphones have come a long way, now they are basically a mini computer.

I don't think I'd use my computer that much were it not for internet though honestly.

>> No.9512136

They can do plenty of other thing as well.
Map screenshot, offline maps & etc.
I most use them for music, manga and shitposting on /jp/ when I am in the toilet.

>> No.9512140

Why would anyone on /jp/ need a mobile phone?

>> No.9512142
File: 150 KB, 804x534, sony_ericsson_t707_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to have a Sony Ericsson T707.
Now I have some LG one with a touch screen, had it for about 1.5 years.
Thinking of getting a new one soon.

>> No.9512148


>>9512128; Line 3.
>>9512136; Line 2 (arguable), Line 3.

>> No.9512149

I don't carry any kind of electronic device and I only use cash because I don't want to be tracked. I also personally believe I'm a better person than those who rely on any kind of mobile devices while outside, especially cellphones. People have serious problems if they feel they must use one of these things constantly when you're away from a computer.

>> No.9512151


Huh, that's interesting, I'd never noticed that green text carried on when text is on the same line as a post quote.

>> No.9512209

One more thing, it is the best medium to do Anki.

>> No.9512320

I'm sure it is in theory good for anki. But I installed it days after buying it, and never once got around to use it.

Part of the reason is that I have a very special deck structure on my PC and never got around to move it.

>> No.9512332

>buying it
What the fuck?
You can just download the deck if you have an account there. They are basically sync.

>> No.9512352

waiting on the samsung note2

>> No.9512408
File: 19 KB, 300x300, motorola_razr_v3_blue_z1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've had this for like almost 5 years now. I don't need a fancy phone since all I do is send unlimited texts anyways.

>> No.9512414

I have an SH-07B I don't really use. I'd get an 007SH.

>> No.9512442

My iPhone is far from a keitai but they're gaining popularity in Japan at least. I just wish we had cases as cute as they did over there.

I would have loved something like the LG Lollipop but not having a smartphone in this day and age seems silly.

>> No.9512450


>> No.9512452


>> No.9512457

Smartphone are dumb and overrated. Only a fool would sacrifice buttons in order to smudge their fingers all over the screen.

>> No.9512462

My hands are pretty clean and I have a cleaning cloth so I'm unbothered.

>> No.9512464

And just WHO are YOU quoting!?

>> No.9512467

I dont know about shitty iphone but with swype, you wouldnt need to touch type anymore.
I wouldnt want to go back to keypad typing anymore. The only thing better than swype is a keyboard.

>> No.9512468


>> No.9512476

It's a lot easier to dial and make calls and texts with a numpad, which is all I need a phone for. Everything else, I have a laptop for.

>> No.9512483

I can see that perspective but I can't take a laptop everywhere I go.

>> No.9512508
File: 1.00 MB, 1360x768, 398299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you must not have a strap that allows you to work easily on your computer at all times.

>> No.9512600
File: 144 KB, 551x551, SakuyaAutism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a Keitai, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. The keys have to have 2 or more kokugo (thats japanese for 2 languages) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii (cute)). And it would be nice if it came with matching charms. OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of aluminum, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a Keitai similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kokugo, and I want other people to notice that it is gaikoku (foreign), plus japanese letters look more kawaii).

>> No.9516931
File: 40 KB, 500x350, 100518-c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SH-07B is a nice looking phone (pic related). How's the camera?

As for the 007SH, I'd also love one, but i don't know if i would be comfortable using a hypersim. Also, it sounds as though the guy that knew how to do software unlocks has either disappeared or is no longer doing it for anyone

>> No.9517001

So how do I get and use one of them nice fancy phones in the US?

>> No.9517503

I know a couple Japanese people from Japan and they all use iphones. So disappointing.

>> No.9517511


Yeah, how disappointing that they would use more versatile and useful technology.

>> No.9517571

Smartphones can be nice for remote desktop and RSS.

>> No.9517977
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 007sh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there are a few online stores that specialise in them, or you can get them off ebay. ebay is like double the price though.

either way though, you'll pay alot for any of them. People charge a huge premium for them, especially if they are unlocked. i think only docomo ones can be unlocked at the moment. and if it isn't unlocked, you have to deal with hypersim annoyances. I've heard bad stories about hypersims and people having to CPR their handsets every day.

here's a pic of the 007SH. it's a softbank handset, so you will need to use a hypersim if you get it.

>> No.9518010

I know rite.
My japanese friend didn't even wanna eat pocky while watching narutaru with me >_<
